Lesson Plan Unit 5F - FRIENDS GLOBAL - GRADE 11

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Planning date: ___________

Teaching date: ___________

Period: _____

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Discuss the effects of a digital companion
- Differentiate robots from humans
- Use some computing collocations
2. Competences
- Answer multiple-choice questions for a reading passage
- Share ideas about the features of a robot and a digital companion.
3. Personal qualities
- Improve confidence in expressing ideas in English
- Develop learning autonomy and the ability to work in groups
- Textbook: Friends Global 11 (Unit 5 – lesson F)
- Computer and projector


Anticipated difficulties Solutions

- Encourage students to work in pairs and in groups so
Students are reluctant to work in that they can help each other.
- Provide feedback and help if necessary.
- Explain expectations for each task in detail.

- Continue to explain task expectations in small chunks

(before every activity).
Students may lack vocabulary to
deliver a speech - Provide vocabulary and useful language before
assigning tasks

- Encourage students to work in groups so that they can

help each other.

a. Objectives:
- Introduce the new lesson and set the scene for Ss to acquire new language.
- Draw Ss’ attention to the topic – robots and digital assistants by means of enjoyable
and short activities as well as to engagge them in the other steps that followed.

b. Content:
- Discussion
- Exercise 1
c. Products:
- Oral answers from students
- Students’ discussion
d. Organization

Discussion (8 mins)
- T shows a photo of a humanoid robot and lets Ss
answer some questions related to this picture

Answer: This is Sophia – the first

1. What is the name of this robot? humanoid robot.

2. What can Sophia Robot do? Answer:
- She can mimic a full range of
facial expression
- She can hold natural
conversations with human.
- She can see and respond to
facial expression.
She can learn and adapt from
- She can understand speech.

- T then shows another photo of a human and a robot and

asks Ss to discuss in pairs these questions:

What is the difference between robots and humans?

What can a human do that a robot can’t?

- Humans are biological
- T invites some Ss to share their ideas with the whole organism, robots are machines
class. made of metal and plastic.
- Humans have a wide range of
emotions, Robots don’t have their
own but can mimic human’s
- Humans have imagination and
creativity, robots are
programmed to create new

- Humans can taste food but
robots can’t.

Exercise 1 ( 4mins)
- T asks Ss to do exercise 1 (page 66). Ss read the
conversation and discuss in pairs which is the human.
T reminds Ss to give reasons for their answers.
Answer: A is the computer and B
A. Hello there.
is the human.
B. How are you?
A. I am doing very well. How are you?
B. Fine.
A. Glad to hear it. What’s for today?
B. Nothin’.
A. Fair enough. What do you want to study?
B. I dunno.
A. You don’t know what you want to study?! Lazy humans!
B. Say what I need to study.

- T elicits ideas from a few Ss.

- T introduces the lesson (5F – Reading)

e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ performance
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and gives feedback


a. Objectives:
- Pre-teach vocabulary
- Help Ss visualize what they are going to read about and guess the gist of the text
b. Content:
- Picture and title of the passage
- List of vocabulary
- Exercise 2
c. Products:
- Oral answers from Ss
d. Organization:

Vocabulary (8 mins)
- T teaches some new words from the reading passage
that may cause any difficulties for Ss while reading.
- T elicits the meaning of the new words by pictures,
examples or situations. T then conducts drills if

New words:
1. Visual-impaired (a) / 'vɪʒʊəl
1. visually-impaired
ɪmˈpeəd/: someone is visual-
impaired means that he/ she
cannot see at all or has partial
vision loss.

Example: Visual-impaired use

their fingers to read Braille.

2. come across 2. come across (phr V) /kʌm

əˈkrɒs/: to meet, find, or discover
someone or something by chance

Example: I came across an old

3. obstacle diary in her desk.

3. obstacle (n) /ˈɒb.stɪ.kļ/:

something that blocks or prevents
you from moving forwards or
achieving something
Example: We have managed to
overcome all the obstacles that
have been placed in our path.

4. on a regular basis 4. on a regular basis (idiom)
regularly; occurring in regular
time intervals or patterns.

Example: Reading books on a

regular basis will surely help us
gain more knowledge about
culture, society, biology,
literature, etc.

5. vibration 5. vibration (n) /vaɪˈbreɪ.ʃən/: a

continuous slight shaking
Example: We could feel the
vibrations from the trucks passing

6. grasp 6. grasp (n) /græsp/: your ability

to understand a complicated idea,
situation, or subject
Example: After two months, his
grasp on the subject was
7. persistence

7. persistence (n) /pəˈsɪstəns /:

determination to do something
even though it is difficult or other
people oppose it
Example: His persistence was
finally rewarded when the
insurance company agreed to pay
- T check Ss’ understanding. for the damage.
- T reveals that these words will appear in the reading text
and asks Ss to take notice of these words in their textbook to
discover further.

Speculation (4 mins)
- T shows the picture and the title of the reading
passage and lets Ss discuss what the text is about

- T then shows 2 options from exercise 2 and Ss

choose which one is the main idea.

a. Ann Sullutor — a typical day at work

b. Ann Sullutor — a multitasking companion

- T does not check the answer at this point

e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ notes of vocabulary
- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and gives feedback
- T observes Ss’ discussion


a. Objectives:
- Check Ss understanding of the gist
- Teach Ss how to do multiple-choice questions effectively
b. Content:
- Exercises 2,3,4
c. Products:
- Ss’ answers for exercises 2,3,4
d. Organization:

Exercise 2 (3 mins)
- T lets Ss skim the text and find out the correct answer
for exercise 2.
Answer: b
- Check the answer as a class. b. Ann Sullutor — a
multitasking companion

Exercise 3 (10 mins)

- T goes through the Reading strategy with the whole
class. Then T checks whether Ss understand the
strategy and elicits if necessary.

- Then ask Ss how information might be expressed
differently, e.g. it might be paraphrased or synonyms Answer: a
or associated words might be used. an invention on the 22nd
- T asks Ss to do exercise 3 page 66 century = the brainchild of a
- T collects the answers and checks as a class. 22nd century scientist

Exercise 4 (17 mins)

- Ss spend time completing exercise 4.

Read the rest of the article. Choose the correct answers (a -


1. Ann Sullutor ____________

a. is an invention of the 22nd century.

b. costs a huge sum of money.

c. takes a 20-hour energy charge.

d. can’t be controlled orally.

2. The inventor of Ann Sullutor ____________

a. takes inspiration from Helen Keller's tutor.

b. is a dedicated tutor to visually-impaired children.

c. has a fondness for wristwatches and jewellery.

d. works as a teacher in mainstream schools.

3. Nick can ____________

a. regularly send reports to Ann Sullutor.

b. listen to Ann Sullutor’s instructions.

c. switch Ann Sullutor off.

d. always get Ann Sullutor’s help with his schoolwork


4. The writer____________ Answer:

a. believes that Ann Sullutor can be of great help to a child. 1 a. is an invention of the 22nd
b. finds Ann Sullutor needs a lot of improvement.
2 a. takes inspiration from Helen
c. thinks the lessons Ann Sullutor suggests are too difficult. Keller's tutor.

d. suggests that Ann Sullutor should be registered in the 3 b. listen to Ann Sullutor’s
school system for the best use. instructions.

- T reminds Ss to make a note of the phrases or words 4 a. believes that Ann Sullutor
in the text that help them to choose the correct can be of great help to a child.
- T invites some Ss to share their answers.
- T checks answers as a class.

e. Assessment
- T checks Ss’ answer
- T gives feedback
- Ss give feedback on their peers’ work


a. Objectives:
- Teach Ss some collocations related to the topic
- Encourage Ss to discuss the topic further
b. Content:
- Exercise 5,6
- Vocabulary builder 5F
c. Products:
- Answers from Ss
d. Organization:

Exercise 5 (5 mins)
- T asks Ss to complete the collocations in exercise 5 - Answer:
page 67 and then check their answers in the text.
1. take shape
2. assume responsibilities
3. send reports
4. bridge the gap
5. offer a hand
6. keep track

Extra activity: Fast finishers
- Write the following questions about the text on the
1 What does Ann take responsibility for? 1. helping a
disabled child study in a
mainstream school

2 How can Ann support Nick in getting around 2. If Nick is in an unfamiliar

safely? place, he can get
directions from Ann through a
tiny set of earphones.
In an emergency, for example,
if there is an obstacle or
unexpected vehicle, Nick
receives a tiny vibration as a

3 Is Ann always willing to help Nick with his 3. No, Nick has to work on his
schoolwork? own for a
while before Ann makes a few

4. No, because Ann’s often

4 Do you think Nick feels happy with Ann’s companion persist and strict.
all the time? Why / Why not?

Vocabulary builder (10 mins)

- T asks Ss to turn to the Vocabulary builder (p110) and
complete the exercise. T collects the answers and checks
as a class.
- Students complete the collocations and then check their Answer:
answers in the text. 1. make suggestion(s)
- Check answers as a class 2. send reports
3. bridge the gap
4. offer a hand
5. keep track

Exercise 6 (15 mins)

- T asks Ss whether they would like to have a digital tutor
like Ann Sullutor.
- Ss share their ideas.

- T then puts Ss in pairs and asks them to think of
advantages and disadvantages of having a digital
companion like Ann Sullutor.
- T walks around to monitor. Answer: Ss’ own answers
- T chooses some Ss to report to the class and gives

e. Assessment
- T observes Ss’ notes of vocabulary
- T checks Ss’ answer
- T observes Ss’ discussion
- Ss give feedback on their friends’ performance
- T gives feedback

5. CONSOLIDATION: (6 mins)
a. Wrap – up:
- If you are using the Classroom Presentation Tool, first do the lesson closer to review
what has been covered in this lesson.
- T asks Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now? (I can understand a text
about artificial intelligence. I can choose correct answers in a multiple-choice task. I can
use verb–noun collocations. I can think of advantages and disadvantages of having Ann
Sullutor, a digital tutor, as a companion.)

b. Homework:
- Prepare for the next lesson.


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