Unit 1 - Friends Global (HS)

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New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
1. infant (n) /ˈɪnfənt/ sơ sinh
2. toddler (n) /ˈtɒdlə(r)/ vừa biết đi
3. child (n) /tʃaɪld/ đứa trẻ
4. teens (n) /tiːnz/ thiếu niên
5. twenties (n) / ˈtwentiz/ đôi mươi
6. adult (n) /ˈædʌlt/ người lớn
7. middle – aged (adj) /ˌmɪdl ˈeɪdʒd/ tuổi trung niên
8. elderly (adj) /ˈeldəli/ người già
9. centenarian (n) /ˌsentɪˈneəriən/ người sống trăm tuổi
10. born (v) /bɔːn/ sinh ra
11. emigrate (v) /ˈemɪɡreɪt/ di cư
12. divorced (adj) /dɪˈvɔːst/ ly hôn
13. engaged (adj) /ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd/ đính hôn
14. married (adj) /ˈmærid/ kết hôn
15. inherit (v) /ɪnˈherɪt/ thừa kế
16. retire (v) /rɪˈtaɪə(r)/ về hưu
17. aggressive (adj) /əˈɡresɪv/ hung hăng
18. arrogant (adj) /ˈærəɡənt/ kiêu ngạo
19. miserable (adj) /ˈmɪzrəbl/ khốn khổ
20. nostalgic (adj) /nɒˈstældʒɪk/ hoài niệm, luyến tiếc quá khứ
21. pessimistic (adj) /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/ bi quan
22. sarcastic (adj) /sɑːˈkæstɪk/ mỉa mai
23. urgent (adj) /ˈɜːdʒənt/ khẩn cấp
24. bitter (adj) /ˈbɪtə(r)/ gay gắt
25. calm (adj) /kɑːm/ bình tĩnh
26. complimentary (adj) /ˌkɒmplɪˈmentri/ ca ngợi, khen tặng, biếu
27. enthusiastic (adj) /ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk/ nhiệt tình
28. optimistic (adj) /ˌɒptɪˈmɪstɪk/ lạc quan
29. sympathetic (adj) /ˌsɪmpəˈθetɪk/ thông cảm, đồng cảm
30. grateful (adj) /ˈɡreɪtfl/ biết ơn
31. admire (v) /ədˈmaɪə(r)/ ngưỡng mộ
32. tolerate (v) /ˈtɒləreɪt/ chịu đựng

Phrasal verb/ Collocations/ Phrases

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 1

Cụm từ/ Cụm động từ Nghĩa

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 2

1. live up to xứng đáng
2. fit in with phù hợp với
3. get on with có mối quan hệ với
4. catch up with bắt gặp
5. go through with vượt qua
6. put up with chịu đựng
7. run out of hết/ cạn kiệt
8. look up tra cứu
9. look up to ngưỡng mộ, kính trọng
10. get away đi nghỉ dưỡng
11. get away with bỏ trốn
12. make up dựng chuyện
13. make up for bù đắp cho
14. go back quay lại
15. go back on thất hứa
16. be brought up (by) được nuôi lớn bởi
17. become a grandparent trở thành ông bà
18. buy a house or flat mua một căn nhà hoặc căn hộ
19. get your first job có công việc đầu tiên
20. go to university đi học đại học
21. learn to drive học cách chạy ô tô
22. have a change of career có sự thay đổi nghề nghiệp
23. leave school tốt nghiệp
24. leave home rời khỏi nhà
25. split up chia tay
26. settle down ổn định, lập nghiệp
27. pass away qua đời
28. start a business khởi nghiệp
29. start school bắt đầu đi học
30. fall in love phải lòng ai đó
31. grow up lớn lên
32. move (house) chuyển nhà
33. start a family lập gia đình


1. Past tense contrast (Past simple, Past continuous and Past perfect)

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 3

Công thức Công thức
(+) S + V2/ed (+) S + was/ were + V-ing
(-) S + didn’t + Vn.m (-) S + was/ were + not + V-ing
(?) Did + S + Vn.m (?) Was/ Were + S + V-ing?
Cách dùng Cách dùng
- Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra và chấm dứt hoàn - Hành động diễn ra tại thời điểm xác định trong
toàn trong quá khứ. quá khứ
My mother left this city 2 years ago. I was watching TV at 9 o'clock last night.
- Diễn đạt các hành động xảy ra liên tiếp trong quá
She came home, switched on the computer and
checked her e-mails.
Dấu hiệu Dấu hiệu
last night/ year/ month, yesterday, ago (2 years - at this time last night, at this moment last year, at
ago), in + năm trong QK (in 1999) 8 p.m last night, while,...
Past simple and past continuous with “When” and “While”
- Hành động đang xảy ra thì có hành động khác xen vào
S1 + QKTD + when + S2 + QKÐ
E.g: I was watching TV when she came home.
When + S1 + QKÐ, S2 + QKTD
E.g: When she came home, I was watching television.
Dùng “while” hoặc “when” để chỉ - Những hành động xảy ra song song
mối liên hệ giữa 2 hành động xảy ra S1 + QKTD + while + S2 + QKTD
trong quá khứ. E.g: She was doing her homework while I was preparing
While + S1 + QKTD, S2 + QKTD
E.g: While they were running, we were walking.
- Thói quen xấu với trạng từ “always”
E.g: He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.
Công thức Kết hợp thì
(+) S + had + V3/ed + Before + S + VQKĐ, S + VQKHT
(-) S + had not + V3/ed + By the time + S + VQKĐ, S + VQKHT
(?) Had + S + V3/ed? + After + S + VQKHT, S + VQKĐ.
Cách dùng
- Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trước 1 hành đông
khác trong quá khứ (hành động xảy ra trước dùng
quá khứ hoàn thành, hành động xảy ra sau dùng
quá khứ đơn)
After he had finished work, he went home.
- Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trước 1 thời điểm
trong quá khứ.
I had gone to bed before 10 o'clock last night
Dấu hiệu

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 4

before, after, already, just, when, as soon as, by the
time, until, by the end of + time, by + time, …

2. Used to (Contrast with be/ get used to)

- “used to” được dùng để miêu tả nhũng thói quen, hành động hoặc trạng thái đã xảy ra
thường xuyên trong quá khứ và đã kết thúc, không còn ở hiện tại.
Cách dùng - “(be) used to + V-ing” quen với
- “get used to + V-ing” được dùng để diễn tả ai đó đang dần quen một vấn đề hoặc sự việc
nào đó.
(+) S + used to + V...
Cấu trúc (-) S + didn’t use to + V...
(?) Did + S + use to + V...?
- I used to listen to the radio.
- They used to go swimming together.
Ví dụ
- He didn’t use to play marbles.
- Did you use to ride a buffalo?
*** Chú ý
- Cả hai cấu trúc “(be) used to” và “get used to” đều theo sau bởi danh từ hoặc danh động từ (động từ
đuôi -ing)
- “(be) used to” và “get used to” có thể dùng ở tất cả các thì, chia động từ phù hợp cho từng thì.

3. should and ought to for advise

+ Lời khuyên, lời đề nghị, nên dùng kèm với: “I think/ I don't think/ do you think..."
I think he should do something to solve this.
You ought not to stay up so late.
+ Hỏi xin lời khuyên, ý kiến, sự hướng dẫn.
What should we do now?
+ Sự mong đợi.
He should/ ought to be home by 7 o'clock.
[I expect him to be home by 7 o'clock.]
+ Diễn tả 1 sự gần đúng /rất có thể đúng
If she left home at 9:00, she should be here any minute now.


Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 5

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. infant B. adult C. flat D. married
2. A. mended B. tasted C. picked D. needed
3. A. toddler B. divorced C. nostalgic D. optimistic
4. A. waved B. tried C. warmed D. packed
5. A. business B. aggressive C. miserable D. nostalgic
6. A. contained B. relaxed C. managed D. believed
7. A. grateful B. tolerate C. decorate D. private
8. A. invented B. referred C. deployed D. handled
9. A. communication B. opinion C. company D. occasion
10. A. behaved B. happened C. disliked D. attained
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. twenties B. infant C. adult D. toddler
2. A. emigrate B. aggressive C. arrogant D. miserable
3. A. admire B. retire C. divide D. happen
4. A. communicate B. optimistic C. sympathetic D. pessimistic
5. A. grateful B. urgent C. bitter D. alone


Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the words given.
infant adult married child
twenties teens born centenarians

1. Many _________________ have lived long and eventful lives.

2. You can't spoil a _________________ by giving it all the affection it wants.
3. When did she get _________________ ?
4. The early _________________ are often a difficult age.
5. The family were forced to flee with their _________________ son.
6. Beyond the age of 40, the difference between men and women is clear; however, the picture is
ambiguous for those in their _________________ and thirties.
7. Children quickly get bored by _________________ conversation.
8. She was _________________ on 7 February 1874.
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. Children cannot be admitted to the museum unless they are accompanied by a(n) _______.
A. toddler B. teens C. adult D. middle-aged
2. A(n) _______ is a very young child who is just learning to walk.
A. toddler B. child C. centenarian D. adult
3. A(n) _______ is someone who is a hundred years old or older.
A. infants B. centenarian C. teens D. toddler
4. In spite of all her problems, she manages to remain _______.
A. miserable B. sarcastic C. optimistic D. arrogant
5. You shouldn’t _______ people who haven’t gone to university.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 6

A. look up B. fit in C. make up D. look down on
6. Paul _______ not doing his homework. The teacher didn’t notice.
A. got away with B. ran out of C. looked up D. went back
7. For a(n) _______ of five, this is a terrifying experience.
A. elderly B. child C. teens D. centenarian
8. His sisters are grown up and his parents are _______.
A. toddler B. teens C. adult D. middle-aged
9. The programmes have been highly successful at reducing poverty rates among the _______.
A. infants B. adult C. child D. elderly
10. She was in her _______ when she met him.
A. teens B. toddler C. middle-aged D. adult
11. Newborn _______ only a few hours old can distinguish between different voices.
A. toddler B. child C. infants D. centenarian
12. One third of all children are _______ into single-parent families in America.
A. born B. divorced C. emigrate D. engaged
13. He was _______ by his grandparents.
A. grow up B. start school C. brought up D. pass away
14. The couple _______ in 2000 and are back here on holiday to see friends and relatives.
A. learned B. became C. emigrated D. divorced
15. She falls in _______ with him because of his kind nature.
A. retire B. love C. grow D. move
16. They got _______ only three years after they got married.
A. pass away B. married C. divorced D. emigrate
17. He _______ a fortune from his grandmother.
A. divorced B. inherited C. emigrated D. started
18. She wanted to start her own fashion _______.
A. family B. business C. career D. school
19. He had sat up with his granddad all night and was with him when he _______.
A. pass away B. get married C. brought up D. start a family
20. His friends were very _______ when he lost his job.
A. bitter B. pessimistic C. sympathetic D. sarcastic
21. Two pairs of _______ eyes focused on her.
A. urgent B. arrogant C. accusing D. sympathetic
22. The reviews of his latest film have been highly _______.
A. complimentary B. enthusiastic C. sympathetic D. miserable
23. Seeing those old school photographs has made me feel quite _______.
A. nostalgic B. sarcastic C. aggressive D. pessimistic
24. He was forced to _______ early because of poor health.
A. learned B. love C. emigrate D. retire
25. They’d like to see their daughter _______, get married, and have children.
A. settle down B. pass away C. fall in love D. leave school
26. He was in _______ need of medical attention.
A. urgent B. miserable C. sarcastic D. bitter
27. I am extremely _______ for the assistant the team have provided.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 7

A. enthusiastic B. sympathetic C. grateful D. complimentary
28. I wanted to go, but Helen seemed less _______.
A. optimistic B. pessimistic C. enthusiastic D. arrogant
29. My close friend, Phong, _______ a fantastic idea for the school trip.
A. came up with B. get away with C. look up to D. fit in with
30. How do you _______ him? He’s so bad-tempered.
A. put up with B. live up to C. go back D. get away
31. I _______ people who have achieved a lot in life.
A. go back on B. get away with C. look up to D. fit in with
32. Jane has _______ Jack again, so they aren’t talking to each other.
A. go back B. fallen out with C. look up D. get way
33. Nam doesn’t _______ his brothers, so he doesn’t keep in touch with them.
A. get on with B. looks up to C. goes back on D. makes up for
34. When I said ‘no’, she became rude and _______.
A. miserable B. nostalgic C. sarcastic D. aggressive
35. If he failed, it would be a(n) _______ disappointment to his parents.
A. bitter B. urgent C. arrogant D. nostalgic
36. _______ that dress in the sales?
A. Was you buying B. Did you buy C. Were you buying D. Had you bought
37. The house was quiet because everyone _______ out.
A. went B. were going C. was going D. had gone
38. I _______ at 7 o’clock today.
A. was getting up B. got up C. had got up D. get up
39. I saw you yesterday in the post office. What _______ there?
A. had you done B. did you do C. do you do D. were you doing
40. What _______ you _______ two days ago?
A. do – do B. did – did C. do – did D. did – do
41. Where _______ your family _______ on the summer holiday last year?
A. do – go B. does – go C. did – go D. did – went
42. I couldn’t open the door because I _______ my keys.
A. forgot B. were forgotten C. had forgotten D. was forgetting
43. She _______ to the doctor because she forgot her appointment.
A. didn’t go B. wasn’t going C. weren’t go D. hadn’t gone
44. They _______ the bus yesterday.
A. don’t catch B. weren’t catch C. didn’t catch D. not catch
45. My sister _______ home late last night.
A. comes B. come C. came D. was come
46. My father _______ tired when I _______ home.
A. was – got B. is – get C. was – getted D. were – got
47. A dog ran onto the ground while they _______ football.
A. played B. were playing C. had played D. playing
48. It was really hot, and the sun _______.
A. had shone B. was shining C. shone D. were shone
49. When Tien ______ some photos of the wildlife reserve, it started to rain heavily.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 8

A. has taken B. was taking C. would take D. is taking
50. Only after the manager ______ the procedure did new employees understand it.
A. had explained B. explains C. was explaining D. will explain
51. He was talking to his mother about his first day at school when his phone ______.
A. rings B. was ringing C. rang D. has rung
52. While Phong ______ a presentation, his laptop suddenly crashed.
A. has given B. was giving C. is giving D. gives
53. She had worked for 10 different enterprises before she ______ her own company.
A. established B. is establishing C. had established D. was establishing
54. I ______ an online class in Advanced Maths when the Wi-Fi got disconnected.
A. attends B. have attended C. was attending D. had attended
55. While he ______ some plants in the garden, his wife was preparing dinner.
A. waters B. is watering C. would water D. was watering
56. After he ______ in the environmental campaign, he stopped using plastic bags.
A. participates B. has participated C. had participated D. will participate
57. Hung used to go swimming during summer months when he ______ young.
A. is B. has been C. had been D. was
58. The students ______ the floor when the headmistress came in.
A. were mopping B. mop C. have mopped D. are mopping
59. Only after Nam ______ out of the exam room did he realise that he had forgotten to bring his calculator.
A. gets B. had got C. has got D. was getting
60. Not until Trang ______ the labour market was she aware of the importance of being patient.
A. enters B. has entered C. had entered D. is entering
61. Phillips accidentally ______ his mother’s favourite coffee cup yesterday morning.
A. had broken B. has broken C. breaks D. broke
62. She fully ______ the question after she had read the explanation.
A. understands B. understood C. has understood D. will understand
63. They ______ the washing machine when I returned home.
A. were repairing B. repair C. would repair D. have repaired
64. The students ______ attentively to the lecturer when a phone rang.
A. listen B. are listening C. have listened D. were listening
65. I learnt some interesting idiomatic expressions after I ______ this show.
A. had watched B. watch C. have watched D. will watch
66. I was cycling along the river bank when I ______ one of my old friends.
A. had met B. met C. have met D. would meet
67. It suddenly rained when our children ______ the kites.
A. have flown B. are flying C. fly D. were flying
68. I had read a lot about Hue before I ______ it last year.
A. visit B. have visited C. visited D. will visit
69. Nam took a gap year after he ______ his tertiary education.
A. finished B. had finished C. would finish D. has finished
70. While I was tidying up my room, my father ______ chess with his friends.
A. has played B. will play C. was playing D. is playing
71. My uncle ______ a visit to Germany in 2005.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 9

A. paid B. has paid C. pays D. is paying
72. They ______ football when the lights in the stadium ______ out.
A. was playing / go B. were playing / were going
C. was playing / went D. were playing / went
73. You are telling a lie. You ______ at that time last Sunday
A. wasn’t shopping B. weren’t shopping C. didn’t shop D. aren’t shopping
74. When we came to the stadium, the match ______.
A. already had begun B. have already begun C. had already begun D. already have begun
75. After Kate ______ two aspirins, she felt a lot better.
A. have taken B. had taken C. takes D. was taking
76. I used to __________ in Germany when I was 7.
A. to live B. live C. living D. lived
77. She’s used to ____________ late at night.
A. working B. work C. to work D. worked
78. Mr. Bean has lived in Vietnam for 4 years. He _____________ the hot climate here.
A. are used to B. gets used to C. used to D. A and B are correct
79. Mai is used to ___________ her house by herself.
A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. to clean
80. Lam didn’t ____________ do morning exercise, so now he is getting fat.
A. be used to B. used to C. use to D. get used to
81. Hung is used to ___________ many hours in front of the computer.
A. to spend B. spend C. spent D. spending
82. My father used to _________ much coffee. Now, he doesn’t.
A. drink B. to drink C. drank D. drinking
83. Tung isn’t used to __________ in those bad conditions.
A. work B. to work C. working D. worked
84. Has she __________ driving on the right left?
A. use to B. used to C. been used to D.got used to
85. My mother should be pretty used to _______ without electricity by now.
A. live B. living C. lived D. to live
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. The scheme offers an ideal opportunity for the young to get training.
A. bad B. tedious C. perfect D. boring
2. The emotion was so intense that she spent most of the film in tears.
A. feeling B. soul C. characteristic D. personality
3. He was forced to retire early because of poor health.
A. continue to work B. stop working C. go on holiday D. take a day off
4. He was brought up by his grandparents.
A. grown up B. come up C. taken up D. raised up
5. He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.
A. came into B. turn into C. came across D. made off
6. I wanted to go, but Helen seemed less enthusiastic.
A. excited B. annoyed C. irritated D. interested

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 10

7. Unless you keep your parents informed, they are likely to be more and more distrustful.
A. doubtful B. trustworthy C. strict D. lenient
8. An exchange course during secondary years will surely transform your child into a mature teenagers.
A. affect B. change C. develop D. train
9. I really admire Hellen Keller for all her efforts and determination.
A. doubt B. tolerate C. respect D. trust
10. Teenagers see the world differently and develop their own views.
A. arguments B. pictures C. sights D. opinions
Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. The increase of the epidemic in the area is very concerning.
A. worrying B. irritating C. relieving D. trusting
2. When you are pessimistic and expect the worst, your attitude is often negative.
A. optimistic B. enthusiastic C. fantastic D. realistic
3. His wife had just passed away, and he didn’t want to be around people.
A. died B. still living C. been ill D. divorced
4. Firefighters lead the children to safety.
A. security B. tranquility C. anxiety D. danger
5. You shouldn’t look down on people who haven’t gone to university.
A. make up with B. look up to C. put up with D. fall out with
6. He made some notes for his private use.
A. personal B. individual C. public D. collective
7. John has been sticking to school rules and he is never fined or punished by the teacher.
A. adjusting B. obeying C. breaking D. discussing
8. My teacher is critical of my carelessness and she has even punished me hard for it.
A. severe B. complimentary C. dissatisfied D. cautious
9. I was surprised at the profound changes my hometown had undergone over the two decades.
A. negligible B. considerable C. noticeable D. unavoidable
10. Most teachers easily get irritated by such troublesome behaviours.
A. confused B. embarrassed C. excited D. pleased
Exercise 5: Choose the correct words.
1. Joan changed from a quiet boy into a friendly and cheerful elderly/ adolescent/ toddler.
2. During adolescence/ adulthood/ middle-age, boys are sometimes very shy and lacking in self-
3. We need to reduce our enthusiasm/ sympathy/dependence on foreign machinery.
4. Jane's mother was dependent/ optimistic/ sarcastic on her for physical care.
5. The wheelchair gives him the freedom/ emigration/ emotion to go out on his own.
6. We had a(n) dependent/ free/ irritated and open discussion about the matter.
7. He became very private/ ideal/ emotional when we had to leave.
8. The dependence/ emotion/ safety was so intense that she spent most of the film in tears.
9. He made some notes for his private/ free/ critical use.
10. With seven people squashed in one small house, they don't get much dependence/ privacy/ emotion.
11. At heart he remained a(n) adolescent/ dependant/ idealist about social issues.
12. The scheme offers a(n) private/ ideal/ irritating opportunity for the young to get training.

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 11

Exercise 6: Give the correct form of word.
1. Gardening is his latest _________________. (enthusiast)
2. He is an _________________ for all kinds of pop music. (enthusiasm)
3. She greeted him _________________ with a kiss. (enthuse)
4. They all _________________ over the new baby. (enthusiastically)
5.Howard is an _________________ teacher who is always looking for new ways to (enthuse)
excite his students.
6. Many doctors insist that a _________________ part of losing weight is exercising (criticize)
on a regular basis.
7. The newspaper _________________ expressed how much he enjoyed the play but (critically)
also wrote an article downing the actors.
8. Nichol was too _________________ to believe me when I promised him that I (trust)
would pay him back in a week or two.
9. Families are about love and trust; law is the guarantor of _________________. (distrustful)
10. After watching the mother’s _________________ on television, the viewer began (emote)
to sob and cry.
11. The whiny toddler was very _________________ and cried most of the afternoon. (emotion)
12. The _________________ pool can only be used by members and isn’t open to the (privatize)
13. Valuing his _________________, Quan didn’t share anything about his personal (privately)
life while at work.
14. _________________, senior officials agreed that not many people had voted. (privacy)
15.The toddler seemed overly _________________ on her mother, crying every time (depend)
she left her even for a second.
16. A young baby has great _________________ on its parents, as it is too young to (dependent)
care for itself and will die without care.
17. The _________________ took place at St Bartholomew’s Church. (married)
18. When she first came to London, she was newly _________________ and out of (marry)
19. It is an _________________ book, the first to tell the whole truth about the war. (admire)
20. She had a deep _________________ for the work of Russian writers. (admirable)
21. Tim’s understanding and _________________ nature helped him to be (sympathy)
compassionate when his friends needed a listening ear.
22. I can _________________ with those who have lost loved ones. (sympathetic)
23. Sometimes people think that I’m not _________________, but the truth is I’m just (friend)
quiet, and don’t always feel like talking to others.
24. The villagers were really quite _________________ towards us. (friendly)
25. Our _________________ developed quickly over the weeks that followed. (friend)

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences using the past simple or the past continuous form of the verbs in
1. Sally _________________ dinner last night when someone _________________ on the door. (eat)/ (knock)
2. While I _________________ last night, Fred _________________ to visit me. (study)/ (drop by)

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3. My roommate’s parents _________________ him last night while we _________________ TV. (call)/
4. While they _________________ to China, Marco _________________ a diary. (travel)/ (keep)
5. Mrs. White _________________ past a house in Main Street when she _________________ the ground
floor on fire. (drive)/ (see)
6. We _________________ dinner when the electricity _________________ off. (have)/ (go)
7. I _________________ her while I _________________ out of the window. (see)/ (look)
8. It was difficult to see because it _________________ dark. (get)
9. I _________________ to my MP3 player, so I _________________ the phone. (listen)/ (not hear)
10. Tom _________________ his leg while he _________________ football yesterday morning. (break)/ (play)
11. The sun _________________ so we _________________ to go to the beach. (shine)/ (decide)
12. She _________________ for the train when she _________________ the accident with the young lady.
(wait)/ (see)
13. We _________________ dinner when we _________________ home. (have)/ (get)
14. David picked up the phone and _________________ his best friend. (call)
15. It was a beautiful morning. The sun _________________ and the world was bright. (shine)
16. Who _________________ you _________________ to when I saw you last night? She looked familiar.
17. I spent the afternoon listening to Rick’s songs, but I _________________ them. (not like)
18. The musicians _________________ to go on stage when it started to rain. (prepare)
19. While we were watching the concert, it _________________ raining. (stop)
20. A lot of snow _________________ yesterday, but it’s warmer today. (fall)
Exercise 8: Complete the sentences using the past simple or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets.
1. They _________________ home after they _________________ their work. (go)/ (finish)
2. My brother _________________ all the pie by the time we _________________ back. (eat)/ (get)
3. He wondered why I _________________ him before. (not / visit)
4. She said that she _________________ the Pyramids. (already / see)
5. They _________________ small cups of coffee, after they _________________ dinner. (drink)/ (finish)
6. He _________________ English before he _________________ for England. (already / learn)/ (leave)
7. Mary _________________ swimming after she _________________ home. (go)/ (come)
8. After she _________________ , she _________________ her friend Judy. (swim)/ (call)
9. I _________________ to the theatre with my friends yesterday. (go)
10. After they _________________ their breakfast, they _________________ for school. (finish)/ (leave)
11. Linda _________________ tennis after she _________________ her homework. (play)/ (do)
12. My father _________________ the flowers after he _________________ the car. (water)/ (clean)
13. After he _________________ the flowers, he _________________ dinner. (water)/ (have)
14. As Geoff was introduced to Mrs Snape, he _________________ that he _________________ her before.
(realize)/ (meet)
15. During the previous week, I _________________ to the gym every morning. (go)
16. By the time I _________________ back to the bathroom, the bath _________________. (get)/ (overflow)
17. The boy told me that he _________________ his train ticket and _________________ how he would get
home. (lose)/ (not/ know)
18. I was just about to leave when I _________________ my briefcase. (remember)
19. She _________________ into the station only to find that the train _________________. (walk)/ (leave)

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20. At the conference, scientists reported that they _________________ a cure for Malaria. (find)
21. On my last visit to Wixton I _________________ that the village _________________ much. (find)/ (not
22. In a surprise move, the Prime Minister _________________ last night. (resign)
23. Jane didn't want any dinner. She _________________ already. (eat)
24. When she _________________ into the hall, everyone _________________ cheering. (come)/ (start)
25. After they _________________ all the food, they _________________ up their bags and left. (eat)/ (pick)
Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given.
1. That fast food place used to _________________ my favourite French restaurant. (be)
2. When I first lived in a flat, I couldn’t get used to _________________ our neighbours’ music. (hear)
3. My mother has finally got used to _________________ the Internet on her phone. (have)
4. Pedro comes from Brazil, so he isn’t used to _________________ Vietnamese food. (eat)
5. Lan used to _________________ jeans all the time when she was a student. (wear)
6. They live near the palace and they’re very used to _________________ members of the royal family going
fast. (see)
7. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to _________________ in such a beautiful place. (live)
8. When we arrived in Ho Chi Minh City, we weren’t used to _________________ in so much traffic(ride)
Exercise 10: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction
1. Vicky (A) didn’t want to see the film (B) because (C) she saw (D) it before.
2. Jason had played (A) in a (B) band called Jetsam (C) before he had joined (D) Metallica.
3. Kate and (A) John knew (B) each other for years (C) before they became a couple (D).
4. She’s used (A) to write (B) in Japanese, but (C) speaking is difficult (D).
5. When we (A) met them (B) last year, they lived (C) in (D) Santiago.
6. While I studied (A) in my room, my roommates (B) were having a (C) party in (D) the other room.
7. I think (A) I hear (B) a strange sound (C) outside the door one minute (D) ago.
8. She used to painting (A) but then (B) she started working (C) on sculptures (D).
9. I really can’t get (A) used to walk (B) up so early. I’m tired (C) all the time (D).
10. Before the invention (A) of the steamboat there (B) was (C) no way to cross the (D) ocean.

Exercise 1: Listen to the recording of a conversation between two friends, Mark and Lisa, about family
conflicts and decide if the question is TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN. You will listen to this recording
Statements True False Not given
1. Mark's parents are divorced.
2. Mark's sister is studying abroad
3. Mark and his sister often argue about sharing their room.
4. Mark’s parents have different ideas about his future career.
5. Mark will not follow his father’s footstep.
Exercise 2: Listen again and choose the correct answer. You will listen the recording ONCE.
1. What is Mark’s parents status lately?
A. They get divorced B. They love each other

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C. They get along well D. They have argued
2. What is Mark’s opinion about sharing the same room with his sister?
A. He wants his own space B. He is getting affected
C. He wants to share the room D. He wants to leave that room
3. What did Mark’s parents do when he tried talking about his issue?
A. They resolved the issue B. They bought a new room
C. They listened to him D. They didn’t seem to listen
4. What do Mark’s parents also have different opinions about?
A. His dreams B. His goals C. His future career D. His note

Exercise 1: Choose the correct response. Then practice the short exchanges in pairs.
1. A: My parents don’t let me do what I want. B: a/ You should listen to them more.
b/ You should tell them you’re old enough.
2. A: My parents want me to follow in their
B: a/ Wow, they walk very fast.
b/ I think you have your own dreams of job.
3. A: Do you help with housework? B: a/ Certainly. All of us share the chores.
b/ My parents say I don’t study enough.
4. A: Is there any generation gap in your family? B: a/ No. I live in a nuclear family.
b/ No. My parents are very understanding
5. A: How can I make my own decisions? B: a/ You try to explain them to your parents.
b/ Your parents will respect your privacy.
6. A: Are there any ways to avoid conflicts and
B: a/ You should set the family rules.
arguments in the family?
b/ There are only trivial things. Don’t worry.
7. A: My parents don’t allow me to play
B: a/ You can do it when you finish homework.
computer games!
b/ You needn’t ask their permission.
8. A: My mother dressed badly and had an ugly
B: a/ She looked younger and nicer, didn’t she?
hairstyle yesterday, Dad.
b/ No. They were popular 20 years ago.
9. A: Who do you talk with when you have
B: a/ Only serious problems.
b/ My mum, of course.
10. A: Should I tell my parents before I make
B: a/ Of course. It’s a must.
important decisions?
b/ Certainly. You’re mature enough.

Exercise 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. You can use one of
these words or phrases:

should shouldn’t ought to oughtn’t to

1. It would be a good idea not to treat your exchange student as a guest.

 I don’t think you _______________________________________________________________________

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2. It would be a good idea to consider your exchange student part of the family.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
3. It would be a good idea to establish trust and friendship with your exchange student by providing a safe
and welcoming environment.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
4. I recommend that you get them involved in your family’s daily activities.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
5. In my opinion, be sure to explain to your students how to find and use things around your house.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
6. It’s a good idea for you to establish and communicate household rules and expectations as soon as the
student arrives.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
7. It would be a good idea for you to know all important contacts and numbers of the student.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
8. In my opinion, asking the student to do a lot of housework around your house is not a good idea.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3: Circle A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
1. Two parents are talking with each other about their teenage daughter:
- The husband: “_______” - The wife: "Though she was told not to, she spent all the money."
A. Are you going out with her? B. Have you read her school report?
C. Why are you so angry? D. Thanks god, she's doing very well at school.
2. Dennis and Andrew are discussing about generational topic:
- Dennis: “Have you noticed the generation gap between our parents and us?”
- Andrew: “_______ It's quite evident, especially when it comes to technology and social media.”
A. I can’t see B. Definitely! C. Yes, I do D. That’s interesting
3. Ms. Thao started her lesson by asking a lead in question:
- Ms. Thao: “Okay class! Can someone tell me what the topic of today discussion is?”
- Student: “_______”
A. I think we will talk about the generation gap C. I live in a nuclear family
B. I believe we can’t avoid daily arguments. D. What does “nuclear family” mean?
4. Minh and Tri are discussing about the generation topic:
- M. Minh: "Do you think the generation gap is narrowing over time?"
- M. Tri: "_______. There are still differences in values and perspectives, but I believe there is more
understanding and acceptance now."
A. I disagree. B. I'm not sure. C. Absolutely! D. No, I don’t know
5. Teacher Thanh is asking her students:
- Mr. Thanh: "What are some challenges that may be caused by the generation gap?"
- Student: "_______"
A. I don't know.
B. The generation gap can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
C. I prefer not to answer.
D. Can you repeat the question, please?


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Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose
the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 5.
 My family are a funny lot. Take my father’s brother, Uncle George, for (1) ________. He’s the black
sheep of the family and nobody ever mentions him unless they are asked a direct question about him. He
ran away to sea at the age of 15 and no one heard a(n) (2) ________ from him until he returned 20 years
later. During his absence, he’d had a lot of adventures but he made no money at all and his brothers had to
support him until he found himself a job. (3) _______ took a long time because he had no skills and
training in any trade apart (4) ________ seamanship. During his time, he kept getting into trouble and this
also made him unpopular with his brothers. They, on the other hand, worked hard all their lives,
supported their families and had no (5) _______ with people who seemed to have no sense of responsibility
like Uncle George. As far as I am concerned, this makes them much less interesting than him and I don’t
think it’s right that they should look for on their brother. He may be the black sheep to them but to me after
all his years of excitement and hardships at sea he seems a hero.
1. A. instance B. examples C. sure D. good
2. A. word B. news C. sentence D. information
3. A. who B. that C. which D. when
4. A. of B. in C. for D. from
5. A. sympathize B. sympathy C. sympathetic D. sympathetically
 Generation gaps play an important role in businesses. This is because to sell to different groups,
companies (1) ________ find ways to balance the needs and views of individuals from those groups.
Businesses must be aware of the changing demographics and (2)_________ of their client base, (3)_________
can affect their business cycles and bottom lines.
The term "generation gap" was first used in the 1960s. During that time, the baby boomers, those born
between 1946 and 1964, were growing apart from their parents in their (4)_________ and opinions.
Sociologists use nomenclature to refer to different generational segments. For example, members of Gen Z,
born between 1996 and 2012, are called “digital natives” (5)_________ they have lived with digital
technology their entire lives.
By contrast, older generational members are termed “digital immigrants” and tend to be less comfortable
with the personal usage of technologies. Consequently, technology companies market products differently
to each age group.
1. A. must B. should C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t
2. A. parents B. genders C. experiences D. freedom
3. A. who B. which C. that D. when
4. A. honesty B. influence C. value D. belief
5. A. so B. because C. but D. and

Exercise 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 5.

Dating Customs Around the World
Dating is rare in Afghanistan because most marriages are arranged by parents, and schools are separate
for boys and girls. The opportunities to meet are rare. Girls have a 7:00 pm curfew, while boys have an
11:00 pm curfew.

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It is against the law to date in Iran. Teens are separated until they are of marrying age, then their
families introduce them to each other and sometimes a courtship follows.
Most teens go out in large groups and don't pair off until they are 18 or 19 years old in Australia. Girls
often ask boys out and pay for the date, too. Couples often go to dinner parties, barbecues, or the beach.
Dating is usually a group event in Europe. In Spain, teens join a pandilla, a club for a group of friends
with the same interests, like cycling or hiking. Dating is done one-to-one and both girls and boys ask each
other out and split the cost of the evening's entertainment.
In Russia, dates take place at dances or at clubs where teens eat or chat with friends. As many as 30
teens may come to a cinema to attend a movie together. In small towns, teens meet in the streets downtown
or gather around a fountain.
In Japan and Korea, most high school students don't date or go to parties, but spend their time studying
instead. Dating begins in college, when only boys do the asking and pay for the dates.
1. In Muslim countries as Afghanistan and Iran, dating is _____.
A. arranged by parents B. introduced by families
C. after a courtship D. rare or prohibited
2. All of the following are true about dating in Australia EXCEPT that _____.
A. they often go out in large groups
B. only girls ask boys out and pay for the date
C. they are not often in a relationship until the age of 18 or 19
D. the most venues for dating are dinner parties, barbecues, or the beach
3. In Spain when having a date, teenagers_____.
A. with the same interests often go to a club
B. go cycling or hiking in pairs
C. boys often pay for the cost of the entertainment
D. join a pandilla to enjoy the evening's entertainment
4. In Russia, teenagers _____.
A. meet in the streets near their houses in small towns
B. gather around in order to have a fountain
C. have dating at cinemas, dances, or clubs
D. may come to a cinema when the number of them is 30
5. In Japan and Korea, _____.
A. female college students can ask boys for dating
B. most college students concentrate on studying instead of dating
C. dating is very rare for high school students
D. high school students often go to parties and share the cost

 The ‘Generation Gap’ or ‘Intergenerational Divide’ has become a ubiquitous term within the debate
surrounding workplace equality and diversity in recent years. This has become even more discerning with
the rise of a workplace that has four or sometimes five generations under one organizational ‘roof’. This
myriad of diverse characteristics and individuality creates a management issue in relation to
understanding the management of human experiences within the workplace.
Conflict rather than commonality has become a central part of the overarching narrative surrounding
intergenerational workplace division. By understanding what the ‘generation gap’ is and how it impacts

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workplace organizational culture, organizations will be able to discern avenues of possible change by
understanding how businesses can harness the power of commonality by unleashing intergenerational
equality. HR practitioners are facing a generational ‘time bomb’. By understanding the dynamics of this
change and how to better facilitate a process towards change, organizations can overcome the problems
that arise from intergenerational conflict within the workplace.
1. What is the main idea of the article?
A. The need for organizations to address intergenerational workplace division.
B. The importance of workplace diversity in organizational culture.
C. The challenges faced by HR practitioners in managing multiple generations.
D. The potential for change and improvement through intergenerational equality.
2. The word "This" in paragraph 1 refers to _________.
A. recent years B. diversity C. Generation Gap D. workplace
3. What is the meaning of the term "Generation Gap" as used in the article?
A. The difference in age between different generations.
B. The conflict and divide between different generations in the workplace.
C. The diversity and individuality within different generations.
D. The rise of multiple generations working together in organizations.
4. What is the general method that can be used to solve the intergenerational workplaces’ issue?
A. Understanding the dynamics of change. B. Overcoming conflict within the workplace.
C. Facilitating a process towards change. D. Harnessing the power of commonality.
5. The word " Conflict " in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. Disagreement B. Morality C. Unity D. Diversity

The Age of Adulthood
In the United States, 16, 18, and 21 are significant ages in a person’s life. A person can do new things at
each age to show that he or she is no longer a child. These are all part of the transition to adulthood.
After turning 16 in the United States, a person can be employed, get a driver’s license, and leave home.
Many high school students learn to drive and get part-time jobs after celebrating their 16th birthday. At 18,
people in the United States can vote in government elections and join the military, but they are prohibited
from going into nightclubs, buying alcohol like beer or wine, or gambling until they are 21.
In many Latin American countries, a young woman’s 15th birthday is important. At this age, she is no
longer considered to be a girl, but a woman. To mark this special day, families with 15-year-old daughters
have a celebration called a quinceañera. The day begins with the young woman and her family going to the
church. Later, there is a party to which many guests are invited.
In Japan, boys and girls are considered to be adults at the age of 20. At this age, they are allowed to vote
and drink alcohol. The second Monday in January is a national holiday called Coming-of-Age Day. On this
day, 20-year-olds celebrate by first going to shrine with their families. Later, they listen to speeches given
by city and school leaders. After that, many celebrate with family and friends late into the night.
In many countries, celebrations do not stop at adulthood. People like to celebrate what they consider to
important ages such as their 50th or 60th birthdays, or significant events such as the birth of their first child,
their retirement.
1. The main idea of the passage is ______.
A. the age of adulthood is too young in some places but too old in others
B. being a young person in Latin America is easier than Japan or the U.S.
C. there are special ages and celebrations around the world that show a person is becoming an adult

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D. young people in South America are more mature than their counterparts in Japan.
2. American are NOT allowed to ______ when they turn 20.
A. drive B. buy alcohol C. join the army D. vote
3. According to the passage, which of the following shows you are becoming an adult?
A. voting in an election B. throwing a party
C. celebrating your birthday D. going to church
4. All of the following are true about Coming-of-Age Day EXCEPT that ______.
A. it is celebrated with family and friends at the shrine
B. it is a national holiday
C. it is celebrated with speeches from senior citizens
D. it is for 20-year-old to celebrate
5. Many people think that ______ is a big event in their lives.
A. birthdays of their children B. the birth of their children
C. the middle of adulthood D. retirement
Exercise 3: Read the passage about parent teenager problems, and then answer the questions.
Parent Teenager Problems
Parent teenager problems are a common thing in most households. Reasons for problems between
teenagers and parents vary greatly, and each situation is different from another, but there are common
reasons for parent teenager problems.
First, a teenager is getting bad grades at school. This can cause a problem because the parents of a teen
who is not getting the best grades in school will be worried about him graduating from high school and
getting into college. Also, if a teen gets bad grades, he probably will not get any scholarships for school,
which can be a hardship on parents.
Next, a teen is hanging out with a bad crowd. A teenager who has friends that do things their parents
do not approve of can end up doing those things too, and the teen’s friends will probably not be received
well by the parents.
Then, a parent who is very strict with their teenager will probably have problems with him at some
point. It is important to be firm, but not very firm, since this may make a teenager want to rebel even more.
If you are having problems with your parents, you will probably want to fix them. Lack of
communication causes a lot of problems between parents and teenagers. It is important for both parties to
communicate. You should do things together with your parents, such as going to a movie or playing board
games or going to a family counselor.
Fixing a family problem might seem hard, but as long as everyone communicates his or her feelings,
everything should work out in the end.
1. What are the common reasons for parent teenager problems?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. What are the effects of bad grades of a teen at school?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. Why do parents worry when their teen is hanging out with a bad crowd?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
4. When does a teenager want to rebel?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
5. What are the ways to fix the problems between parents and their teens?
 ______________________________________________________________________________________

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 20

Exercise 1: Rewrite the sentences below with the same meaning
1. The thief escaped before the police arrived.
 When the police arrived, ________________________________________________________________
2. First, he booked the restaurant, and then he invited everybody.
 Before he ______________________________________________________________________________
3. I told him off. Then I realized I was wrong.
 After I ________________________________________________________________________________
4. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.
 Before ________________________________________________________________________________
5. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Maths.
 After _________________________________________________________________________________
6. She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed.
 After _________________________________________________________________________________
7. He bought a radio. First he checked the price.
 After _________________________________________________________________________________
8. She went out for a walk. Then she had a fatal accident.
 Before ________________________________________________________________________________
9. She decided to go away. First she faced the matter.
 After _________________________________________________________________________________
10. We read the book, then we wrote the assignment.
 Before ________________________________________________________________________________
11. She watched the film, then she wrote a report.
 After _________________________________________________________________________________
12. The guests left and we tidied the house.
 When _________________________________________________________________________________
13. It was my bedtime when you called me last night.
 While _________________________________________________________________________________
14. Hoa learned her lesson. The she went out for a walk.
 Before ________________________________________________________________________________
15. Fred fell off the ladder while painting a wall.
 While Fred ____________________________________________________________________________
16. David had gone home before we arrived.
 After _________________________________________________________________________________
17. We had lunch then we took a look around the shops.
 Before ________________________________________________________________________________
18. The light had gone out before we got out of the office.
 When _________________________________________________________________________________
19. After she had explained everything clearly, we started our work.
 By the time ____________________________________________________________________________
20. My father had watered all the plants in the garden by the time my mother came home.
 Before ________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences with the given words or phrases.
1. My father doesn’t drive on the left.

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 My father is not ________________________________________________________________________
2. I went to the church when I was a child.
 I _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. My sister looked so fat when she returned from Paris.
 My sister used _________________________________________________________________________
4. Dennis gave up smoking three years ago.
 Dennis used ___________________________________________________________________________
5. My brother had his hair cut short when he joined the army.
 My brother used _______________________________________________________________________
6. My parents lived in the USA when they were young.
 My parents used _______________________________________________________________________
7. Jim was my best friend, but we aren’t friends any more.
 Jim used ______________________________________________________________________________
8. Nam usually gets up early in the morning.
 Nam is ________________________________________________________________________________
9. Hung spends many hours on playing computer games.
 Hung is _______________________________________________________________________________
10. I didn’t listen to music some years ago.
 I didn’t _______________________________________________________________________________
11. They didn’t know how to drive a car, but now they drive well.
 They didn’t ____________________________________________________________________________
12. There were more cars on the roads some years ago.
 There used ____________________________________________________________________________
13. I always get up early in the morning.
 I am __________________________________________________________________________________
14. That girl eats ice cream every day.
 That girl is ____________________________________________________________________________
15. I cook the meal at 7 p.m. every weekend.
 I am __________________________________________________________________________________
16. When Pamela was 15, she didn’t usually go skiing in winter.
 Pamela didn’t _________________________________________________________________________
17. I often lived in a big city.
 I used ________________________________________________________________________________
18. My mum lived in a small village when she was a girl.
 My mum used _________________________________________________________________________
19. There are more vehicles on the roads now.
 There did not __________________________________________________________________________
20. I learn English every day.
 I am __________________________________________________________________________________
21. I often cook for myself.
 I am __________________________________________________________________________________
22. I ate a big chocolate cake a day but I stopped three years ago.
 I used ________________________________________________________________________________
23. I drink a cup of coffee in the morning.

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 I am __________________________________________________________________________________
24. Peter had a bike, now he has a car.
 Peter used _____________________________________________________________________________
25. We cycled to school two years ago.
 We used ______________________________________________________________________________
26. Mr. Michael grew tulips but he doesn’t any more.
 Mr. Michael used ______________________________________________________________________
27. My uncle was a bus driver some years ago, but now he has a desk job.
 My uncle used _________________________________________________________________________
28. I quite like classical music now, although I wasn’t keen on it when I was younger.
 I didn’t _______________________________________________________________________________
29. I had a lot of money but I lost it all when my business failed.
 I used ________________________________________________________________________________
30. Dennis gave up smoking two years ago.
 Dennis used ___________________________________________________________________________
31. When Barbara was in Italy, she stayed with an Italian family.
 Barbara used __________________________________________________________________________
32. We lived there when we were a child.
 We used ______________________________________________________________________________
33. I walked to work when I was younger.
 I used ________________________________________________________________________________
34. He had long hair but nowadays this hair is very short.
 He used _______________________________________________________________________________
35. I drink milk every day.
 I am __________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 3: Write an email to your new pen friend in Manchester, England. Use the prompts below.
- Name: Phong; age: 16; live in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
- live with my parents and my younger sister (13)
- a high school student in Grade 11, English – my foreign language, four lessons a week
- a huge fan of Manchester City FC; have many things to exchange – you’re a fan of Manchester City too
- interested in chatting with you or your friends in English using Facebook or Messenger
- send me a message and tell me a little about yourself, your family and your hobbies
- wait to hear from you
Hi! My name is ______________________________________________________________________________

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 23

--- THE END ---

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 24

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