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New words (Từ mới)
Words Type Pronunciation Meaning
1. ankle n /ˈæŋkl/ mắt cá chân
2. calf n /kɑːf/ bắp chân
3. elbow n /ˈelbəʊ/ khuỷu tay
4. eyebrow n /ˈaɪbraʊ/ lông mày
5. eyelid n /ˈaɪlɪd/ mí mãt
6. forehead n /ˈfɔːhed/ trán
7. heel n /hiːl/ gót chân
8. hip n /hɪp/ hông
9. intestine n /ɪnˈtestɪn/ ruột
10. jaw n /dʒɔː/ hàm
11. kidney n /ˈkɪdni/ thận
12. rib n /rɪb/ xương sườn
13. scalp n /skælp/ da đầu
14. shin n /ʃɪn/ cẳng chân
15. spine n /spaɪn/ sống lưng
16. thigh n /θaɪ/ đủi
17. waist n /weɪst/ eo
18. wrist n /rɪst/ cổ tay
19. treatment n /ˈtriːtmənt/ sự điều trị
20. antibiotics n /ˌæntibaɪˈɒtɪk/ thuốc kháng sinh
21. bandage n /ˈbændɪdʒ/ bang gạ
22. dressing n /ˈdresɪŋ/ băng (quấn vết thương)
23. medicine n /ˈmedsn/ thuốc
24. painkiller n /ˈpeɪnkɪlə(r)/ thuốc giảm đau
25. concept n /ˈkɒnsept/ ý tưởng, nguyên tắc
26. contempt n /kənˈtempt/ sự khinh thường
27. crouch v /kraʊtʃ/ ngồi xổm
28. dehydrated adj /ˌdiːhaɪˈdreɪtɪd/ mất nước (trong cơ thể)
29. envious adj /ˈenviəs/ ghen tỵ
30. fragile adj /ˈfrædʒaɪl/ yêu ớt và dễ bị bệnh
31. genetics n /dʒəˈnetɪks/ di truyền học
32. measure n /ˈmeʒə(r)/ biện pháp
33. medallist n /ˈmedəlɪst/ người đạt huy chương
34. nosebleed n /ˈnəʊzbliːd/ sự chảy máu cam

Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 (Friends Global) 1

35. nostril n /ˈnɒstrəl/ lỗ mũi
36. organ n /ˈɔːɡən/ cơ quan, bộ phận (trong cơ thê)
37. practicality n /ˌpræktɪˈkæləti/ tính thực tế, thực dụng
người làm một nghề nào đó, như y học
38. practitioner n /prækˈtɪʃənə(r)/
và luật
39. radiation n /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn/ bức xạ
40. remedy v /ˈremədi/ sửa chữa, cải thiện
41. self-defence n /ˌself dɪˈfens/ sự tự vệ
42. silhouette n /ˌsɪluˈet/ bóng người/ vật gì trên nền sáng
43. sports gear n /ˈspɔːts ɡɪə(r)/ dụng cụ, thiết bị thể thao
44. sprain v /spreɪn/ làm bong gân, làm trật khớp
45. stiff adj /stɪf/ xơ cứng
46. tackle v /ˈtækl/ xử lý, giải quyết
47. tissue n /ˈtɪʃuː/ mô, tế bào
48. twist v /twɪst/ làm sai, trật khớp

Phrasal verb/ Collocations/ Phrases

Cụm từ/ Cụm động từ Nghĩa
1. commit a foul phạm lỗi (thể thao)


1. Modal verbs
CAN (có thể) CAN'T (không thể)
- Diễn tả một khả năng. - Diễn tả một sự cấm đoán.
I can speak English and French fluently. In London buses you can smoke on the upper
- Diễn tả một điều có thể xảy đến deck, but you can't smoke downstairs.
Can it be true? = Is it possible to be true? - Diễn tả một điều khó có thể xảy ra
- Diễn tả yêu cầu lịch sự He can't have missed the way.
Can you open the door, please? I explained the route carefully
COULD (có thể) (quá khứ của “can”)
- Diễn tả ai đó có khả năng hay được phép làm điều gì.
My grandfather could speak five languages.
- Diễn tả yêu cầu lịch sự (lịch sự hơn can)
Could you tell me the right time, please?
- Diễn tả 1 sự ngờ vực/ 1 lời phản kháng nhẹ nhàng/ sự chưa chắc chắn
His story could be true, but I don't think it is.
I hear someone coming. It could be John.
- Dạng phủ định couldn't có thể được dùng cho tất cả các trường hợp:
My grandfather couldn't swim.
We tried hard but we couldn't persuade them.
WILL (sẽ) MUST (phải)
- Diễn tả 1 sự mong muốn/ lời hứa/ sự quả - Diễn tả sự cần thiết, bắt buộc chủ quan đến từ cảm
quyết xúc, mong muốn của người nói.
All right, I will pay you at the rate you Students must pass an examination to study at this

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ask. (willingness) school.
I won't forget little Margaret's birthday. I - Bao hàm 1 kết luận đương nhiên/ cách giải thích duy
will send her a present. (promise) nhất hợp lý theo ý nghĩ của người nói (hắn là)
You have worked hard all day, you must be tired.
- “mustn't” (không được) diễn tả sự cấm đoán
You mustn't walk on the grass.
- Để diễn tả thể phủ định của “must” (không cần), sử
dụng “needn't”
Must I do it now? - No, you needn't.
- Diễn tả sự xin phép, cho phép - “may” dùng để chúc tụng/ nói về hi vọng
May I go out? May all your dreams come true!
I wonder if I might have a little more wine. May she rest in peace!
- Diễn tả khả năng xảy ra của 1 việc - “might” được dùng trong câu để diễn tả 1 lời
[Mức độ xay ra: might (< 50%), may (> 50%)] trách mắng có tính hờn dỗi. (Làm ơn)
I may go to Saigon. Moe is very busy, but I hope You might listen when I am talking to you.
she might join us tomorrow. - Dùng thay mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ nhượng bộ
- may/might as well” đưa ra lựa chọn tối ưu Try as he may, he won't pass the examination.
We might as well go out. (hàm ý nói chẳng mất gì (Though he tries hard.)
mà không đi chơi). Try as he might, he couldn't pass the examination.
(Though he tried hard.)

2. Future continuous and future perfect

Công thức Công thức
(+) S + will/ shall + be + Ving (+) S + will/ shall + have + V3/ed
(-) S + won’t/ shan’t + be + Ving (-) S + won’t/ shan’t + have + V3/ed
(?) Will/ Shall + S + be + Ving? (?) Will/ Shall + S + have + V3/ed?
Cách dùng Cách dùng
- Hành động đang xảy ra tại một thời điểm cụ thể - Hành động sẽ được hoàn tất trước 1 thời điểm cu
nào đó trong tương lai thể hoặc 1 hành động khác trong tương lai
This time next week I'll be lying on the beach. When you come back, she will have finished
- Hành động đang xảy ra trong một khoảng thời college.
gian cụ thể ở tương lai - Hành động xảy ra và kéo dài đến một thời điểm
Don't phone me between 7 and 8. We'll be having trong tương lai
dinner then. She will have learned English for 6 months when
- Một sự việc hoặc hành động tương lai đã được the course finishes this week.
sắp đặt từ trước.
The government will be making a statement about
the crisis later today.
- Hỏi 1 cách lịch sự về kế hoạch của người nào đó.
Will you be working this weekend?
Dấu hiệu Dấu hiệu
at this time/ at this moment/ at present + future by next time, by the end of,... before + future time

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time (at this time tomorrow/ at this moment next (before 9 a.m. tomorrow), for (6 months).
year...), at 5 p.m. tomorrow...

3. The first conditional sentence

Use: Chỉ sự việc, hành động có thể xảy ra ở hiện tại hoặc trong tương lai.
If clause Main clause
If + S + V / V (-s/es)
, S + will / shall + V
If + S + am/is/are
First conditional
If I get the scholarship, I will study in England.
If the weather is nice, I will go fishing.
If I find her address, I’ll send her an invitation.
- Ở mệnh đề chính có thể dùng can, may, must thay cho will, shall
- Ở mệnh đề chính có thể dùng dạng mệnh lệnh.
Notes If you learn hard, you will pass any examination
Lan can speak English fluently if she practices every day
Come to visit me if you have spare time.
- Mệnh đề “If”, có thể đứng trước hoặc đứng sau
If I work hard, I’ll pass my exam.
I’ll pass my exam if I work hard.
- Có thể dùng các động từ khuyết thiếu thay cho “will” ở mệnh đề chính tuỳ tình huống.
- Có thể dùng dạng “Mệnh lệnh: V+ …! / Don’t V…!” ở mệnh đề chính.
Please tell him to come to my office if you see him
- “If” có thể được thay bằng “When”

Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. ankle B. scalp C. bandage D. organ
2. A. kidney B. wrist C. frostbite D. fingernail
3. A. oxygen B. bottom C. organ D. nostril
4. A. wrinkle B. widely C. highlight D. spiky
5. A. afraid B. annoy C. ashamed D. anxious
Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the
position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. surprise B. suspect C. sadden D. annoy
2. A. anger B. propose C. tackle D. open
3. A. emotion B. suspicion C. happiness D. painkiller
4. A. political B. emotional C. sustainable D. dehydrated
5. A. intestine B. fingernail C. emotion D. contentment

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Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
1. The _______ is your backbone.
A. kidney B. thumb C. spine D. stomach
2. The _______ are bones that go around your chest and protect the organs.
A. muscles B. tissues C. ribs D. thighs
3. The _______ are used for breathing.
A. bloods B. hearts C. knees D. lungs
4. The _______ cleans your blood.
A. liver B. leg C. intestine D. wrist
5. _______ is a red liquid that travels through your body.
A. Toe B. Blood C. Spine D. Throat
6. The _______ controls your thoughts, feelings and movements.
A. skull B. rib C. brain D. intestine
7. Kevin can’t write because he’s sprained his _______.
A. tissue B. eyelid C. wrist D. scalp
8. Have you been fighting? You’ve got a black _______.
A. lung B. eye C. neck D. knee
9. The _______ sends blood around your body.
A. forehead B. calf C. heart D. jaw
10. The _______ is where food goes after you’ve eaten it.
A. shoulder B. shin C. neck D. stomach
11. The teacher didn’t bat a(n) _______ when one of the students left the room.
A. ankle B. cheek C. bottom D. eyelid
12. The _______ showed that her leg was not broken.
A. painkiller B. bandage C. X-ray D. cream
13. The doctor gave me some _______ to put on my rash.
A. bandage B. antibiotic C. course D. cream
14. The nurse came to change his _______.
A. dressing B. bandage C. cream D. X-ray
15. Take strong _______ and see your doctor for further treatment if it doesn’t settle down.
A. antibiotics B. creams C. painkillers D. bandages
16. To avoid having a(n) _______, try not to blow your nose too hard.
A. bone B. ankle C. nosebleed D. tissue
17. His _______ was sprained, and he couldn’t lift the bag.
A. head B. yourself C. bone D. wrist
18. We kept quiet in the meeting because we didn’t want to stick our _______ out.
A. brains B. necks C. elbows D. shins
19. You can believe anything my uncle says because he’s always pulling your _______.
A. leg B. nail C. thigh D. throat
20. The plant was used in traditional _______ for the treatment of stomach problems.
A. X-ray B. painkiller C. bandage D. medicine
21. You’re having flu, and your doctor may prescribe a course of _______.
A. cream B. antibiotics C. dressing D. painkiller
22. Phong bumped his head again while snorkeling and now has a big _______.

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A. bandage B. X-ray C. painkiller D. dressing
23. I hope you haven’t broken a(n) _______.
A. black eye B. bone C. wrist D. nosebleed
24. Susan fell off her bike and bruised her _______.
A. knee B. ankle C. nostril D. nail
25. When you cook with oil, take care not to burn _______.
A. yourself B. himself C. itself D. myself
26. I fell and banged my _______ on the pavement.
A. scalp B. intestine C. head D. lung
27. Ann slipped on the stairs and twisted her _______.
A. bone B. wrist C. scalp D. ankle
28. She went home because she had a_______ ache.
A. skin B. stomach C. waist D. kidney
29. There was a(n) _______ moment when the plane suddenly dropped.
A. anxious B. proud C. depressed D. nervous
30. A lot of people are _______ of snakes, but actually some are harmless.
A. surprised B. disgusted C. afraid D. depressed
31. Paul always gets _______ whenever he has to give a presentation.
A. ashamed B. nervous C. afraid D. cross
32. Everyone cries sometimes - it’s nothing to be _______ of.
A. disgusted B. afraid C. cross D. ashamed
33. She was _______ that the magazine had agreed to publish one of her stories.
A. proud B. depressed C. surprised D. nervous
34. I see people who have opportunities I don’t have, and I get _______.
A. afraid B. anxious C. envious D. cross
35. She was _______ that no one was there to greet her.
A. anxious B. surprised C. disgusted D. ashamed
36. He had a fight at school and came home with a(n) _______.
A. neck B. black eye C. nosebleed D. throat
37. Peter is recovering from _______ in his left hand.
A. bruise B. having a nosebleed C. ankle D. breaking a bone
38. I can’t really talk today. I’ve got a bad_______.
A. shoulder B. throat C. head D. shoulder
39. She was _______ at being interrupted.
A. surprised B. proud C. disgusted D. cross
40. He ate noisily and greedily. I tried hard not to be _______ by his manners.
A. cross B. envious C. afraid D. disgusted
41. He fell over on the hill and twisted his _______.
A. ankle B. hand C. leg D. stomach
42. I pulled a_______ while I was playing football this afternoon.
A. finger B. leg C. muscle D. scalp
43. I’ve never broken a_______ in my body.
A. muscle B. vein C. bone D. skin
44. I was _______ at the thought of all the hard work ahead.

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A. cross B. proud C. depressed D. envious
45. Thanh and Nam________ be in the same class, but I’m not sure.
A. can’t B. must C. could D. might
46. That________ be Jane in the shop. She’s on holiday.
A. can’t B. will C. mustn’t D. could
47. You________ be right - you often are.
A. can’t B. might C. won’t C. must
48. This________ be the best picture you’ve ever painted!
A. may B. could C. can D. can’t
49. This________ be the first time you’ve seen this film - it’s been out for ages.
A. could B. will B. mustn’t C. can’t
50 . The shop________ be closed by now, I’m not sure. What time do they close on Saturdays?
A. can’t B. could C. must D. may
51. A: What are you doing this weekend?
B: I’m not sure. We_______ go to the seafood restaurant.
A. may B. will C. won’t D. might
52. A: Will that café on High Street be open tomorrow?
B: I don’t know. It________ be.
A. will B. can’t C. won’t D. might
53. A: I’ve cooked Johnny some vegetables for tonight’s dinner.
B: Thanks, but he________ eat them.
A. might B. will C. won’t D. may
54. A: Can I try your food?
B: Be careful. It________ be too hot for you.
A. may B. won’t C. may not D. can’t
55. A: Do we need to buy any ingredients for this recipe?
B: Maybe. We________ have enough garlic. Can you check?
A. won’t B. might not C. will D. must
56. A: You know Mai is a vegetarian, don’t you?
B: OK, I________ cook meat.
A. won’t B. mustn’t C. will D. may
57. A: Are you going to that new bar before you leave town?
B: I don’t know. I hope so, but we________ have time.
A. can’t B. won’t C. will D. may not
58. A: What are your predictions for food in the future?
B: The good news is I think it________ be more healthy.
A. won’t B. will c. might not D. may not
59. If the weather _______ good, I’ll have lunch outside.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
60. If you finish work before 5:00, I _______ and pick you up.
A. would come B. will come C. come D. would have come
61. If you ________ up too late, you’ll be very tired tomorrow.
A. stay B. had stayed C. would stay D. stayed
62. If you __________more information, please telephone our main office.

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A. needed B. to need C. need D. will need
63. We_______ a good walk along the cliffs if the weather is fine.
A. will take B. take C. would take D. is taking
64. If you take fewer flights, you _______ your carbon footprint.
A. reduce B. had reduced C. will reduce D. was reducing
65. According to the weather forecast, it will be fine at the weekend. If the weather _______ fine, we
_______ on camping at the weekend.
A. is - will go B. will be - will go
C. were - would go D. was - went
66. The show Captain Bob's Adventure Children is available now. If children of all ages _______ it, they
_______ part in an airboat ride and an interactive reptile show.
A. enjoy - will take B. enjoys - take
C. enjoyed - would take D. enjoyed - took
67. If you _______ to Pak Ou Caves in Laos, you _______ thousands of Buddha images and statues which
have been deposited here over centuries.
A. go - see B. go - will see C. went – saw D. would go - saw
68. If visitors _______ their holiday in Hawaii, they _______ in typical ecotourism activities, such as whale
watching, kayaking, surfing, snorkeling, scuba diving, and boating.
A. spend - participate B. spend - will participate
C. spent - would participate D. would spend - would participate
69. Farmers have worked hard on their rice crops. If they _______ to work hard, they
good crops.
A. continue - will have B. continue – have
C. continued - would have D. continued - had
70. If pollution _______ on, the earth _______ a dangerous place to live on.
A. go - will become B. goes - will become
C. would go - would become D. would go - became
71. By 2150 the last of the ice caps _______ completely.
A. will be melting B. were melting C. melted D. will have melted
72. By 2175 the temperature on the Earth _______ to 40°C all year round.
A. will rise B. will have risen C. will be rising D. rises
73. By 2200 all marine life _______.
A. will have died B. will dye C. will be dying D. has died
74. Please don’t phone me before 7.00 because _______ at that time.
A. I’ll be sleeping B. I have slept C. I sleep D. I’ll have slept
75. If you keep spending like that, _______ all of your money before we go.
A. you spent B. you’ll have spent C. you were spending D. you’ll be spending
76. By 2040 we _______ only processed food.
A. ate B. will be eating C. eat D. will have eaten
77. By the year 2100 many people _______ on the moon.
A. will be living B. will live C. will have lived D. have lived
78. By 2150 the rainforests _______ and there won’t be enough oxygen for everyone.
A. have disappeared B. will have disappeared C. disappeared D. will be disappearing
79. By the end of this year, the twins _______ to this school for 3 years.

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A. were going B. will be going C. went D. will have been going
80. I’ll be free at 5.00 because _______ all homework by then.
A. finished B. I’ll be finishing C. I’ll have finished D. have finished
81. We can’t call Mia yet: _______ on her music project.
A. she’ll be working B. she’ll work C. she’ll have been working D. she has worked
82. My grandfather _______ in the same house for fifty years by
A. will have been living B. lived C. was living D. will be living
83. When we finally arrive, _______ over 2,000 miles. .
A. we’ll have travelled B. has travelled
C. we’ll have been travelling D. travels
84. If you want to talk to Simon, _______ in the library after lunch.
A. he is studying B. he studied C. he’ll have studied D. he’ll be studying
85. By the time I return to my country, I_______ away from home for more than three years.
A. will be B. will have been C. has been D. was
86. “When is your math exam?” “Well, this time tomorrow I_______ for it.”
A. will be sitting B. will sit C. will have been sitting D. sit
87. By December Tim_______ enough money to buy a mountain bike.
A. saves B. will save C. has saved D. will have saved
88. I_______ the homework by the time you come back.
A. will finish B. have finished C. finish D. will have finished
89. By December next year, we_______ in this house for twenty years.
A. will have lived B. have lived C. will live D. had lived
90. In general, by the second year of production, the price of a few technologies_______ significantly.
A. will decrease B. will have decreased
C. has decreased D. will have been decreased
Exercise 2: Choose the correct word.
1. I fell and hurt my thumb/ ankle and now I can’t walk.
2. I can hardly speak - my neck/ throat really hurts.
3. Tom fell on his face in the playground and cut his toe/ chin.
4. Dad fell off his horse and hurt his shoulder/ forehead. He can’t move his arm very well.
5. Bill is always falling over and hurting his throat/ knees.
6. Mary can’t play the piano because she has injured her finger/toe.
7. My brother’s broken his thumb/ throat, so he can’t play tennis today.
8. I didn’t see the shelf and I walked straight into it. I’ve cut my forehead/ elbow.
9. I have to go to the dentist’s because I have a stomachache/ toothache.
10. I have a bad chin/ cough - but the medicine tastes disgusting.
11. She had a pain in her chest/ cough and so she went to the hospital.
12. I have to stay in bed for a week to rest my cold/ back.
Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. The plants was used in traditional medicine for the treatment of stomach problems.
A. drug B. cure C. relief D. operation
2. The nurse came to change his bandage.

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A. alter B. adjust C. adapt D. stick
3. When you cook with oil, take care not to burn yourself.
A. be careless B. be careful C. be optimistic D. be pessimistic
4. Ann slipped on the stairs and twisted her ankle.
A. broke B. cut C. injured D. burnt
5. I have a bad cough, but the medicine tastes disgusting.
A. wonderful B. terrific C. interesting D. awful
6. I have to stay in bed for a week to rest my back.
A. relax B. worry C. control D. worsen
7. After months of intense training, running a 5K race felt like a walk in the park for Sarah.
A. challenging B. arduous C. effortless D. demanding
8. He paid for his dinner on the nail, handing exact change to the waiter.
A. without reservation B. without delay C. in default D. in time
9. Walking through the haunted house, the chilling screams and eerie atmosphere made my blood freeze.
A. excited B. terrified C. warmed D. soothed
10. She took the failure on the chin and remained determined to succeed.
A. embraced B. accepted C. dodged D. avoided
Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. By this time tomorrow, we will be arriving at the holiday resort.
A. departing B. coming C. leaving D. reaching
2. They felt a deep sadness when their dog died.
A. happiness B. disappointment C. laziness D. cheerfulness
3. I continued doing athletics because I got a lot of encouragement from my family.
A. support B. discouragement C. criticism D. assistance
4. The company is justly proud of its achievements.
A. landmarks B. milestones C. success D. failures
5. She was cross at the way he had treated her as though she weren’t a normal girl.
A. upset B. furious C. angry D. happy
6. Most companies these days are trying to reduce their carbon emissions.
A. nowadays B. former days C. currently D. contemporarily
7. Though he heard the loud crash, he didn't bat an eyelid and continued reading his book.
A. ignited B. reacted C. blinked D. frowned
8. The memory of that beautiful sunset on the beach will be etched on my heart forever.
A. forgotten B. remembered C. treasured D. cherished
9. Despite their differences, she found it in her heart to forgive him and give their friendship another
A. demanded B. agreed C. accepted D. refused
10. As a young aspiring actor, he moved to Hollywood to rub elbows with the industry's biggest stars.
A. isolate B. mingle C. associate D. socialize
Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with must or can’t.
1. She isn’t answering the door. She _________________ be at home.
2. Look at all those football trophies. She _________________ be a really good player.
3. He has a strong Chinese accent. He _________________ be from China.

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4. You’ve just had lunch. You _________________ be hungry.
5. They haven’t had a drink all afternoon. They _________________ be thirsty.
6. He lives in a big house. He _________________ be rich.
7. Nobody is buying her cakes. They _________________ taste very nice.
8. She’s got a lot of books. She _________________ love reading.
Exercise 6: Circle the correct option
1. You must/ mustn’t make noise in the library.
2. “May/ can I go out, sir?”
3. My father is at work now. He mustn’t / can’t be at home.
4. We must / can hurry up otherwise we will / would be late.
5. The gardener must / can’t be easy. He is doing nothing but sleeping.
6. “I don’t understand why she hasn’t”. “She may be ill… or she may / must have lost her mobile phone.”
7. You mustn’t / won’t eat the classroom. It’s against the school rules.
8. “Will / would you mind closing the window, please?”
9. “Look! Isn’t that Tony next to the bus stop?” – “It can’t / mustn’t be Tony. He is in Australia.”
10. “My books have disappeared. Anne must / should have taken them. Hurry up Tom, she might / must
not have left yet.”
11. Can / will I go out on Friday evening, dad?
12. Patrick must / can’t be very intelligent, he never studies, but he always gets the best marks in my class.
13. Can / could your brother play football well now? Yes, he can / will.
14. I’m afraid I may not / can’t have lunch with you on Monday; I’m working until 1 p. m
15. I will / would bring you some cookies if you want.
16. Jane may / must have bought a car. I saw her driving past my house this morning.
17. John didn’t answer the door. I rang the doorbell many times. He can / may have been sleeping.
18. May / Will I play a game on your computer?
19. They can’t / might not have walked here because I saw their cat outside.
20. My grandmother may/ can come to stay with us next month, but she isn’t sure.
Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with the future perfect or future continuous form of the verbs in
1. They ______________________ their essay by tomorrow. (write)
2. You ______________________ a lot of your work by the end of this month. (do)
3. By November all the leaves ______________________ . (fall)
4. I ______________________ lunch when he arrives. (make)
5. Kanna ______________________ here till Sunday. (stay)
6. Sam ______________________ by next week. (leave)
7. Be quick! The child ______________________ before you rescue it. (drown)
8. The airman ______________________ more than a thousand miles, before the end of this month. (fly)
9. If he doesn’t hurry, they ______________________ before he comes. (leave)
10. When you come in the evening, we ______________________ cricket. (play)
11. I ______________________ your book by the end of the week. (read)
12. We always have dinner at eight o’clock, so we ______________________ if you come round at nine
o’clock. (finish)
13. We ______________________ the washing by 8 o’clock. (do)
14. She ______________________ Paris by the end of next year. (visit)

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15. We’re having dinner between 8 pm and 9 pm. By 10 pm, we ______________________ dinner. (have)
16. These flowers won’t last more than a few days. By next week, they ______________________ . (die)
17. My exams are in May. By June I ______________________ my exams. (finish)
18. We ______________________ twenty miles more before we cross the frontier. (travel)
19. While I am watching the match, Naina ______________________ dinner. (prepare)
20. This time tomorrow, I ______________________ at home. (relax)
21. Snehi ______________________ for the bus for ten more minutes. (wait)
22. I ______________________ this by 6 o’clock. (finish)
23. My dad is only planning to work to the age of 55. By the age of 57, he ______________________ . (retire)
24. My aunt is only staying in my house until August. By September, she ______________________ . (move)
25. I hope he ______________________ a job by the end of the month. (find)
26. We ______________________ for you when you arrive at the station. (wait)
27. You’ll recognise her because she ______________________ a bright yellow dress. (wear)
28. They’re going away for a month on 1st March. By 7th April, they ______________________ home.
Exercise 8: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words below.
train music attend act assist

1. She’s been a flight ______________________ for ten years because she loves flying.
2. He’s only a(n) ______________________ at the moment but he should get a full-time job with the
company in two months.
3. There are three ______________________ in their family. They all played instruments when they were
four years old.
4. The farm shop is looking for a new ______________________.
5. She’s a very good ______________________ and has been in many films.
Exercise 9: Complete the sentences with appropriate nouns from the adjectives below.
homesick sad disappointed confused embarrassed excited

1. Do you suffer from ______________________ when you’re away from your family?
2. They felt a deep ______________________ when their dog died.
3. There was a lot of ______________________ over the technology project because the instructions were not
clear enough.
4. His favourite band was only playing one concert that summer, so it was a big ______________________
when it was cancelled.
5. You could see the ______________________ on the children’s faces when we told them about the holiday.
6. Imagine my ______________________ when I’m wearing a back shoe and a brown one.
Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. The film I saw last night was ______________________ (amaze). You must see it.
2. It’s ______________________ (possible) to learn all the words in a language.
3. I’ve worked very hard so I’m ______________________ (hope) that I’ll do well in the exam.
4. I continued doing athletics because I got a lot of ______________________ (encourage) from my family.
5. I was really ______________________ (surprise) when they did that. I didn’t expect it.
6. I don’t understand the ______________________ (differ) between ‘on time’ and ‘in time’.
7. Do you know who won the dancing ______________________ (compete) last night?

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8. He’s ______________________ (happy) because his team lost the match.
9. ______________________ (fortunate), it started to rain and we didn’t have an umbrella.

Exercise 11: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction
1. We stay (A) at home if (B) it snows (C) tomorrow (D).
2. If (A) we earned (B) enough money, we'll (C) buy (D) a new hi-fi system.
3. If (A) I knew (B) Linda's address, I would (C) sent (D) her a Christmas card now.
4. What (A) does Jane do (B) if she fails (C) the university entrance (D) examination?
5. My parents would buy (A) me a (B) new MP3 player if (C) I pass (D) my final exams tomorrow.
6. Be (A) quiet, or else (B) the teacher would make (C) you stand (D) at the corner of the class.
7. If she goes (A) to work late (B) again, she would be (C) fine (D).
8. My father is (A) very talented (B). He will (C) paint very well (D).
9. It is (A) going to rain (B) soon. You can (C) take (D) your umbrella, Son.
10. Henry, will (A) I (B) borrow (C) your camera tonight (D)?
11. She hasn’t eaten (A) anything (B) since yesterday. She can (C) be (D) very hungry.
12. I will have stayed (A) with (B) my aunt when (C) I go to Hanoi next summer (D).
13. I will sleep (A) until 8 o’clock (B), so (C) call me after (D) that.
14. By the end of next year (A), George (B) will be learning (C) English for (D) 7 years.
15. By the time you (A) get to the (B) theater, the play (C) has finished (D).

Exercise 1: Listen and decide whether these sentences are True (T) or False (F). You will listen to this
recording TWICE.
Statements True False
1. Regular physical activity can increase the risk of chronic diseases.
2. Nutrient-rich foods can weaken the immune system.
3. Whole grains and lean proteins can negatively impact the body's functions.
4. Smoking and excessive drinking can contribute to various types of cancers.
5. Early intervention can improve the outcome of many health issues.
Exercise 2: Listen again and choose the correct answer. You will listen again the recording ONCE.
1. Regular physical activity helps lower the risk of:
A. Diabetes B. Hypertension C. Alzheimer's disease D. Asthma
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a nutrient-rich foods?
A. vegetables B. Processed foods C. Whole grains D. Fruits
3. Engaging in stress-relief practices can contribute to better:
A. Social connections B. Financial stability
C. Physical and emotional health D. Career prospects
4. A sense of belonging in a community can reduce the risk of:
A. Mental issue B. Lung disease C. Diabetes D. All of the above

Exercise 1: Choose the correct response. Then practice the short exchanges in pairs.

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1. a/ You’re doing too much exercise It’s not good.
A: I’m having a backache B:
b/ Don’t stand on two legs all the time
2. a/ You used to do a lot of exercise so it’s OK now.
A: I’m too old to do exercise now B:
b/ You’re never too old to get fit, Grandpa.
3. A: I tripped over and now my ankle is a/ Maybe you’ve got hay fever.
swollen and bruised. b/ You’ve got a twisted ankle!
4. a/ Do some activities to bum calories.
A: I need to lose some weight. B:
b/ If I were you, I’d drink a lot of water in summer
5. A: Where are they dancing in the a/ It looks like some kind of dance class.
photo? b/ They’re in a park, or maybe in the countryside.
6. a/ Yes. They are doing pull-ups, and lifting weights.
A: Are they trying to build muscles? B:
b/ Yes. I’d say that they’re tired.
7. A: You’re spending too much time a/ I’m having eye strain now.
Online. b/ I’m too busy to do exercise
8. A: Doing sports at school can affect our a/ We should have skills in time management.
studies. Do you think so? b/ Doing sports can make us more active
a/ The doctor said I used too much antibiotics before.
A: Why is your illness serious? B: b/ The doctor said I should rest for a few days, and it’s
a/ People can experience various emotions.
10. A: Do you think emotions have a
B: b/ Yes. We feel healthy when we are happy and
physical effect on our bodies?
Exercise 2: Complete the dialogue with the doctor’s questions A-E.
A. Are you allergic to penicillin?
B. Have you had any other symptoms?
C. Have you put any drops in it?
D. Is it painful?
E. When did it start?
Doctor: Good morning. What can I do for you?
Well, I’ve got a problem with my eye.
Doctor: Oh, yes. I can see that. (1) ______________________
Three or four days ago.
Doctor: I see. (2) ______________________
Yes, it’s very sore. It hurts when I blink.
Doctor: Let me have a look at it. Yes, the eyelid is very swollen. (3) ______________________
Yes. I got some eye drops from the chemist’s, but they didn’t do anything.
Doctor: I think you need antibiotics. You’ve got an eye infection. (4) ______________________
No, I’m not. I’ve taken it before.
Doctor: OK. I’m going to describe some eye drops as well.

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Good. Thank you.
Doctor: (5) ______________________
No, I haven’t. I’ve been feeling fine.
Good. Now, I think you should come back next week. I want to make sure it’s getting better.
And you must call immediately if it gets worse.
Exercise 3: Mark the letters A, B, C, and D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the
following exchanges.
1. A: “Thank you for a lovely evening.” – B: “______”
A. Don’t mention it B. I’m glad you enjoy it
C. Yes, I’d like that D. Yes, that would be very nice
2. “Goodbye. Have a nice weekend.” – “Goodbye. “______”
A. Me too B. You’re welcome C. Not at all D. The same to you
3. “Have a good holiday, Peter!” - “_______, Mary.”
A. You too B. You will C. You do D. You have
4. John: “I’ve passed my final exam.”- Tom: “______”
A. Good luck. B. It’s nice of you to say so. C. That’s a good idea. D. Congratulations!
5. Lam: “Bye!”- Lan “______”
A. See you lately B. See you later C. Thank you D. Meet you again
6. “Why don’t you ask Helen for help? I think he is always ready.” “______”
A. Yes, please B. I hope so C. I hope not D. That is a good idea
7. A: “______” - B: “I’ve got no idea.”
A. It’s your turn B. Are you tired? C. Let’s go D. What about you?
8. Ann: “Do you think you’ll get the job?” – Mary: “______”
A. I know so B. Well, I hope so C. I think not D. Yes, that’s right

Exercise 1: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to choose
the word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 1 to 6.

You’ve probably (1) _______ “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” recently. In 1983, we (2)
________ a newsletter article looking at the popular notion of breakfast’s great importance, which had just
been called into question by two British nutritionists. They had reviewed the research on the topic and
found little evidence to support the slogan. The available studies on breakfast were small and poorly
Today, scientists are still studying breakfast’s role in (3) _________, but many more studies (and much
higher quality ones) are available. In 2021, a recent scientific statement from the American Heart
Association, published in Circulation, included a review of the body of science on breakfast and
cardiovascular health. The authors (4) _________ that planning and timing meals and snacks, such as not
skipping breakfast and allocating more calories earlier in the day, might help reduce risk of cardiovascular
(5) __________ and problems related to blood sugar control. They also noted that breakfast skippers were
less likely to meet recommendations for vitamins and minerals and had poorer diets overall compared to
breakfast eaters.

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It’s still a stretch to say breakfast is the most important meal, but eating a healthy breakfast is associated
with potential benefits. If you normally skip breakfast (as 20 to 30% of US adults do), you may want to
rethink that or make (6) _________ your food choices at other times are nutrient-rich.
Nutrition Then and Now - Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter
1. A. hearded B. hear C. heard D. heared
2. A. run B. runed C. ran D. raned
3. A. health B. healthy C. healthily D. healthier
4. A. conclude B. concluded C. concluding D. have concluded
5. A. diameter B. balance C. disease D. infection
6. A. up B. out C. sure D. off
 Consuming a healthy (1)________ throughout the life-course helps to prevent malnutrition in all its
forms as well as a range of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and conditions. However, increased
production of (2)________ foods, rapid urbanization and changing lifestyles have led to a shift in dietary
patterns. Recently, people (3) __________ more foods high in energy, fats, free sugars and salt/sodium, and
many people do not eat enough fruit, vegetables and other dietary fiber such as whole grains.
The exact make-up of a diversified, (4) ________ and healthy diet will vary depending (5) _________
individual characteristics (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle and degree of physical activity), cultural context,
locally available foods and dietary customs. (6) _________, the basic principles of what constitutes a healthy
diet remain the same.
Healthy diet (
1. A. recipe B. diet C. spread D. disease
2. A. processed B. regular C. infectious D. poisonous
3. A. consumed B. consuming C. has consumed D. have consumed
4. A. balance B. balanced C. balancer D. balancing
5. A. in B. on C. at D. of
6. A. Although B. Therefore C. However D. Besides
 Leading a long and healthy life is a common goal for many individuals. To achieve this goal, it is
important to maintain a balanced diet and engage in (1) _________ physical activity. Eating a variety of
fruits and vegetables is (2) ______ for getting essential vitamins and minerals. Regular exercise, on the other
hand, can (3) ______ mental health and physical fitness. (4)_________, it's critical to avoid harmful habits
such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Building a social network and maintaining positive
relationships can also have a beneficial impact (5)________mental health and longevity. It is also
recommended to have regular health check-ups to monitor any potential health issues. Ultimately, a
combination of a balanced diet, physical activity, social engagement, and regular health check-ups can
contribute to a long and healthy life (6) ______. It is crucial to make these lifestyle choices early and
maintain them throughout lifetime to maximize the benefits.
Source: Long-lasting healthy changes: Doable and worthwhile - Harvard Health
1. A. negative B. regular C. rare D. limited
2. A. necessary B. worthless C. harmful D. healthy
3. A. worsen B. decline C. enhance D. prevent
4. A. Furthermore B. However C. Therefore D. But
5. A. in B. for C. on D. with
6. A. expectancy B. junction C. disaster D. crossroad

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 When I saw the maths expert Alberto in action, I was surprised (1) _______ how normal he looked. I
have always (2) _______ extreme intelligence with mad scientists, so at first I hardly noticed the slightly
short-sighted young man on the stage.
I hadn’t really wanted to attend the show, but a friend had twisted my arm. She told me Mr Coto could
guess somebody’s birthday by doing a few sums, but I thought she must be pulling my (3) _______.
However, during an evening I witnessed this and several other tricks where Mr Coto had to (4)
_______long lists of numbers.
Alberto Coto is no mad scientist. He is a level-minded maths expert with a desire to help others
improve their minds. He is the current world champion in mental arithmetic but his (5) _______ have not
been widely publicised. He spends his time travelling around schools and universities, motivating
students in the field of mathematics.
If you get the chance to see Alberto Coto demonstrate his (6) _______you really must go. The man is
truly a genius.
1. A. on B. at C. in D. with
2. A. recognised B. joined C. associated D. known
3. A. hair B. finger C. leg D. nose
4. A. memorise B. concentrate C. think D. remind
5. A. achievements B. successions C. goals D. managements
6. A. knows B. knowledge C. knowing D. knew
Exercise 2: Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 1 to 6.
 What’s more important for healthy blood pressure, lowering your sodium intake or increasing calcium?
That was the focus of a 1984 newsletter article. It reviewed a study showing higher dietary calcium intake
was associated with lower risk of hypertension.
Today, hypertension research would be more likely to look at the Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension (DASH) diet, rather than specific minerals. DASH is an eating pattern that emphasizes foods
such as fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains and healthful dairy products, which are rich in
nutrients that support healthy blood pressure, including potassium, magnesium and calcium. The diet has
been consistently shown to lower blood pressure in people with hypertension.
That example shows that rather than focusing on individual nutrients in managing chronic disease risk
(like heart disease and diabetes), today we look at the dietary pattern as a whole. This means the overall
combination of foods and beverages we consume day in and day out. Individual nutrients don’t always
give the whole picture. Foods contain complex combinations of nutrients that may interact and be more
beneficial together than alone.
“In addition, foods contain thousands of phytochemicals, which may themselves have beneficial effects
on health,” says Alice H. Lichtenstein, DSc, director of Tufts’ HNRCA Cardiovascular Nutrition Laboratory
and executive editor of Tufts Health & Nutrition Letter. “Since phytochemicals are not present in the vast
majority of nutritional supplements, the only way to ensure we get enough of them is to eat whole foods
that constitute a healthy dietary pattern.”
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. The importance of lowering sodium intake for healthy blood pressure.
B. The significance of increasing calcium for healthy blood pressure.
C. The shift in focus from individual nutrients to dietary patterns in managing chronic disease risk.

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D. The benefits of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet for blood pressure.
2. The word "It" in paragraph 1 refers to _________.
A. blood pressure B. article C. sodium D. calcium
3. According to the article, what is the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet?
A. A diet focused on lowering sodium intake for healthy blood pressure.
B. A diet emphasizing the importance of increasing calcium intake.
C. An eating pattern that promotes healthy blood pressure through a combination of nutrient-rich
D. A diet that specifically targets heart disease and diabetes management.
4. How has hypertension research evolved since the 1984 newsletter article?
A. Research has focused more on individual minerals rather than the overall dietary pattern.
B. Research has shifted towards examining the impact of specific nutrients on blood pressure.
C. Research now emphasizes the importance of the DASH diet for lowering blood pressure.
D. Research has become less focused on managing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
5. The word " nutrients " in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. the essential substances B. the useful substances
C. the harmful substances D. the unusable
6. According to Alice H. Lichtenstein, what is the significance of phytochemicals in our diet?
A. Phytochemicals are essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure.
B. Phytochemicals can be found in most nutritional supplements.
C. Phytochemicals are best obtained through the consumption of whole foods.
D. Phytochemicals have no impact on our overall health and well-being.
 A healthy diet is rich in fiber, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, "good" or unsaturated fats, and
omega-3 fatty acids. These dietary components turn down inflammation, which can damage tissue, joints,
artery walls, and organs. Going easy on processed foods is another element of healthy eating. Sweets, foods
made with highly refined grains, and sugar-sweetened beverages can cause spikes in blood sugar that can
lead to early hunger. High blood sugar is linked to the development of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and
even dementia.
The Mediterranean diet meets all of the criteria for good health, and there is convincing evidence that it
is effective at warding off heart attack, stroke, and premature death. The diet is rich in olive oil, fruits,
vegetables, nuts and fish; low in red meats or processed meats; and includes a moderate amount of cheese
and wine.
Physical activity is also necessary for good health. It can greatly reduce your risk of heart disease,
stroke, type 2 diabetes, breast and colon cancer, depression, and falls. Physical activity improves sleep and
endurance. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise every week, such as brisk walking. Strength
training, important for balance, bone health, controlling blood sugar, and mobility, is recommended 2-3
times per week.
Finding ways to reduce stress is another strategy that can help you stay healthy, given the connection
between stress and a variety of disorders. There are many ways to relieve stress. Try meditation,
mindfulness, yoga, playing on weekends, and taking vacations.
Finally, establish a good relationship with a primary care physician. If something happens to your
health, a physician you know —and who knows you — is in the best position to help. He or she will also
recommend tests to check for hidden cancer or other conditions.

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Staying Healthy - Harvard Health
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. Some of the ways to have a good mentally and physically health.
B. The benefits of the Mediterranean diet in preventing heart disease and stroke.
C. The significance of physical activity in reducing the risk of various diseases.
D. The importance of stress reduction in maintaining good health.
2. The word "It" in paragraph 3 refers to _________.
A. physical B. health C. activity D. risk
3. According to the passage, what are the key components of the Mediterranean diet?
A. Fiber, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
B. Olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish.
C. Red meats, processed meats, and cheese.
D. Sweets, highly refined grains, and sugar-sweetened beverages.
4. What is the recommended amount of moderate-intensity exercise per week?
A. 30 minutes B. 60 minutes C. 90 minutes D. 150 minutes
5. The word " obesity " in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to_________.
A. a disease that makes you tired. B. a disease that makes you hungry.
C. a disease that makes you fat. D. a disease that makes you faint.
6. According to the passage, why is it important to establish a good relationship with a primary care
A. They can provide guidance on maintaining a healthy diet.
B. They can recommend exercises to reduce stress.
C. They are knowledgeable about hidden health conditions.
D. They can offer stress relief techniques like meditation and yoga.
 How long will a baby born today live? 100 years? 120 years? Scientists are studying genes that could
mean long life for us all.
There are already many, many people who have passed the landmark age of 100. In fact, there are now
so many healthy, elderly people that there’s a new term for them: the elderly. These are people over the age
of 80 who have no diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes and have never taken
medicines for these conditions.
There have been many scientific studies of communities where a healthy old age is typical. These
include places like Calabria in southern Italy and the island of Okinawa in Japan.
The small village of Molochio in Calabria has about 2,000 inhabitants. And of these, there are at least
eight centenarians. When researchers ask people like this the secret of their long life, the answer is almost
always to do with diet and is almost always the same: ‘I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.’ ‘A little bit, but of
everything.’ ‘No smoking, no drinking.’
While in the past scientists have looked at things such as diet and lifestyle for an explanation of long
life, these days they are investigating genetics. One such researcher is Eric Topol, who says, ‘There must be
genes that explain why these individuals are protected from the aging process.’
The new research into long life looks at groups of people who have a genetic connection. For example,
one group of interest lives in Ecuador. In one area of the country there are a number of people with the
same genetic condition. It’s called Laron syndrome. The condition means that they don’t grow to more than
about one metre, but it also seems to give them protection against cancer and diabetes. As a result, they live

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longer than other people in their families. Meanwhile, on the Hawaiian island of Oahu, there’s another
group of long-lived men, Japanese-Americans. They have a similar gene to the Laron syndrome group.
Back in Calabria, scientists are trying to work out exactly how much of the longevity is due to genetics
and how much to environment. By checking public records going back to the 19th century, researchers
have reconstructed the family trees of 202 nonagenarians and centenarians. They concluded that there were
genetic factors involved. And they seemed to benefit the men more than the women – a surprising result
because generally in Europe, there are five times more women centenarians than men.
So what really makes people live longer? It seems likely that it is an interaction of genes, the
environment and probably a third factor – luck.
Source: National geographic learning
1. What is the main idea of the passage?
A. how to live a long life. B. the people in the village of Molochio.
C. the diet of elderly people. D. diseases in old age.
2. Where have scientists conducted scientific studies of communities with a healthy old age?
A. Calabria in southern Italy and the island of Okinawa in Japan.
B. Ecuador and the Hawaiian island of Oahu.
C. Molochio in Calabria and the small villages of Japan.
D. The wellderly communities worldwide.
3. The phrase "landmark age" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. an important age B. an age when you get sick
C. an age when you retire D. an age when you start taking medicine
4. Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?
A. Everyone with Laron syndrome is very tall.
B. People in Europe live longer than anywhere else.
C. There are more women who live to be 100 years old in Europe than men.
D. People in Molochio never get sick.
5. What do the long-lived people of Molochio say is their secret to a long life?
A. Taking lots of medicines
B. Eating lots of fruits and vegetables, not smoking or drinking
C. Living in a small village
D. Having a certain gene
Exercise 3: Read the text, and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F).
A Beautiful Mind
This 2001 drama starring Russell Crowe was loosely based on the book of the same name about the life
of the remarkable American mathematician, John Forbes Nash. Nash has one of the most brilliant minds
ever to emerge from the United States, but during his life, he has had to battle with serious mental illness.
From an early age, Nash was interested in science, and by the age of twelve, he was already carrying
out scientific experiments alone in his room. He spent very little time with his classmates, who rejected him
because of his superior attitudes. When the Second World War broke out, other boys of his age were
imagining themselves as soldiers while Nash was inventing secret codes.
After graduating in mathematics, Nash went on to develop his games theory at Princeton University
where he did his doctorate. This theory became known as the “Nash equilibrium”, and it explains business
arrangements between competitors. The Nash equilibrium has been applied in the world of business since
the 1950s.

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From Princeton University, Nash moved to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to teach
mathematics. Here he met and married one of his students, Alicia Lopez, but it was also here that he began
to experience symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. He soon became unable to teach or do research and he
was admitted to psychiatric hospitals for treatment several times. Alicia divorced him and he spent the next
twenty years wandering around the campus at Princeton.
However, over the years his mental condition improved, until in the late 1980s, he began to make
contact with other mathematicians who realised that his new work has value. He was awarded the Nobel
Prize in Economics in 1994, and he and Alicia remarried soon afterwards. He is still at Princeton, where he
has a post in mathematics.
1. John Forbes Nash was the actor in the film A Beautiful Mind. ____________
2. Nash preferred to be on his own when he was a child. ____________
3. While he was at university, Nash developed an important business theory. ____________
4. Nash has to stop teaching because he married a student. ____________
5. He was banned from Princeton University during his periods of mental illness. ____________
6. Nash eventually became well enough to work again. ____________

Exercise 1: Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.
1. How about avoiding foods that contain a lot of fat and sugar?
 Why don’t we _________________________________________________________________________
2. Why don’t we do regular exercise to increase our fitness and energy levels?
 How about ___________________________________________________________________________
3. Why don’t we do exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
 How about ____________________________________________________________________________
4. How about taking a nutrition class to study more about foods and nutrients?
 Why don’t we _________________________________________________________________________
5. Let's challenge ourselves to a weekend camping trip.
 How about ____________________________________________________________________________
6. I suggest we volunteer at a local shelter to give back to our community and make a positive impact.
 Why don’t ____________________________________________________________________________
7. When you pursue your dreams, remember to stay focused and determined.
 Don’t forget ___________________________________________________________________________
8. It is compulsory for the young to respect the older generations.
 The young ____________________________________________________________________________
9. You are not allowed to be rude to your parents.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
10. If you wear shorts to school, you will be fined heavily.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
11. An Nghia high schools’ students are encouraged to study about generations.
 An Nghia high schools’ students _________________________________________________________
12. You are prohibited from bringing dangerous items to nursery homes.
 You___________________________________________________________________________________
13. It is obligatory for young individuals to show respect towards the older generations.
 Young individuals _____________________________________________________________________

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14. Children are not allowed to argue stubbornly with their parents.
 Children ______________________________________________________________________________
15. Because of his parents’ prejudices, he is forbidden to become a rapper.
 He ___________________________________________________________________________________
16.There is a possibility that they won’t visit us tomorrow.
 They _________________________________________________________________________________
17. Jose, I’d like you to help me with the washing-up.
 ______________________________________________________________________________________
18. They don’t allow you to take photos inside the museum.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
19. Alan allows his sister to use his bike.
 Alan’s sister ___________________________________________________________________________
20. It’s essential for her to have an international teaching certificate.
 She ___________________________________________________________________________________
21. It is forbidden for them to drink while driving.
 They _________________________________________________________________________________
22. Possibly, they won’t come to our party tonight.
 They _________________________________________________________________________________
23. You are required to wear your helmet when you ride your bike.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
24. You are not allowed to use your phone during the exam.
 You __________________________________________________________________________________
25. It is important that we must respect each other's differences and opinions.
 We ___________________________________________________________________________________
Exercise 2: Arrange the paragraphs (A-D) of an essay in the correct order (1-4), according to the outline
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Paragraph 2: Why sports are beneficial
Paragraph 3: Physical and mental benefits of playing sports
Paragraph 4: How to balance between studying and playing sports
A. Students have stress issues between workouts and study hours, so they need to manage
________ their time effectively by establishing good relationships with teachers and other students and
making good use of time in classrooms.
________ B. Playing sports is not only a fun way for students to stay active, but it can also be helpful
for academic growth.
________ C. Sports require hard work, sacrifice, and dedication. These factors help students to excel in
the classroom and on the playground.
________ D. According to researchers, most students have played multiple sports throughout high
school, and have learned to handle the study workload before entering university. Playing
sports helps students build their self-confidence, set realistic goals, and the ability to
overcome obstacles in their future life.

Exercise 3: Write an essay about the problem that teenagers don’t get enough exercise and offer
measures to solve the problem. Use the outline and the prompts below.
Paragraph 1: Introducing the facts

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-to stay healthy / children / do at least 60 minutes of exercise or activities daily
- a decline in physical activity among teenagers / now only 20% of children in our country are meeting
the recommendation.
Paragraph 2: Reasons for the problem, and the general measure
- change the way children use screen time because many children have become addicted to computers,
tablets, and mobile phones
- encourage children to use their gadgets and apps in a positive way / use trackers to limit the time
spent on the screen
Paragraph 3: The first measure
- support and encouragement from family members / a really important factor in increasing children’s
activity levels
-in other words / family members / set a good example of how to live an active life for children
Paragraph 4: The second measure
- getting outdoors / a great way to get children to see the benefits of being fit and healthy
- this / include visits to green spaces, parks, playgrounds, walks, and cycle tracks as part of your
everyday family life
- families / also find ways to be active indoors, including dancing and active video games
Paragraph 5: Concluding
- a few changes to daily routines / make all the difference
- small changes / a big impact on children’s health and well-being
To stay healthy, children should do _________________________________________________________
We should change the way children _________________________________________________________




Support and encouragement from family members is _________________________________________




Getting outdoors can be ___________________________________________________________________



To conclude, a few changes to daily routines _________________________________________________



--- THE END ---

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