Piyasirisilp 2002

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Neurological adverse events associated with vaccination

Sucheep Piyasirisilpa and Thiravat Hemachudhab

Public tolerance to adverse reactions is minimal. Several Introduction

reporting systems have been established to monitor adverse Vaccines are generally given to healthy persons to
events following immunization. The present review summarizes prevent diseases. At present, 25 vaccines are licensed
data on neurologic complications following vaccination, and and about seven candidate vaccines have undergone
provides evidence that indicates whether they were directly phase 3 clinical trials [1 .]. Although all vaccines are
associated with the vaccines. These complications include rigorously tested before they are licensed, no vaccine is
autism (measles vaccine), multiple sclerosis (hepatitis B perfectly safe. Furthermore, adverse effects have to be
vaccine), meningoencephalitis (Japanese encephalitis vaccine), considered whether they are attributed to the vaccines or
Guillain±Barre syndrome and giant cell arteritis (influenza merely coincidences; consideration must also be given to
vaccine), and reactions after exposure to animal rabies vaccine. whether the risks outweigh the bene®ts. When any
Seizures and hypotonic/hyporesponsive episodes following suspected adverse reactions are reported with vaccines,
pertussis vaccination and potential risks associated with the following criteria are used to assess a causal
varicella vaccination, as well as vaccine-associated paralytic relationship [2 .]: strength of the association, consistency,
poliomyelitis following oral poliovirus vaccination, are also speci®city, temporal association, dose±response effect,
described. In addition, claims that complications are caused by biological plausibility, coherence, experimental evi-
adjuvants, preservatives and contaminants [i.e. macrophagic dence, and analogy to other biologic systems. Risk±
myofasciitis (aluminium), neurotoxicity (thimerosal), and new bene®t analyses determine whether a particular vaccine
variant Creutzfeldt±Jakob disease (bovine-derived materials)] is cost-effective. For instance, post-measles-vaccination
are discussed. Curr Opin Neurol 15:333±338. # 2002 Lippincott Williams & encephalopathy occurs in approximately 1 in a million
Wilkins. recipients, whereas the incidence of encephalomyelitis
after measles infection is much higher (approximately 1
per 1000) [1 .].

Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai The present review provides an update on progress in
University, Chiang Mai, and bDivision of Neurology, Department of Medicine, Faculty the adverse central nervous system events that are
of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
associated with vaccines. Only major studies that showed
Correspondence to Dr Sucheep Piyasirisilp, Division of Neurology, Department of evidence to substantiate such associations are considered
Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200, Thailand
Tel: +665 394 5482; fax: + 665 394 5481; e-mail: spiyasir@mail.med.cmu.ac.th here. Other well recognized adverse reactions are
described elsewhere [3,4 .].
Current Opinion in Neurology 2002, 15:333±338

Abbreviations Complications with currently available

BSE bovine spongiform encephalopathy vaccines
DTP diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and whole-cell pertussis vaccine
DTaP diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine Currently available vaccines have been monitored for
HBV hepatitis B virus their safety. Because vaccines are administered to
HHE hypotonic/hyporesponsive episodes
IPV inactivated poliovirus vaccine healthy persons (in particular to infants), public tolerance
MMR measles, mumps and rubella vaccine to adverse reactions is low.
OPV oral poliovirus vaccine

Measles vaccine and autism

# 2002 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
1350-7540 Autistic spectrum disorder is a complex developmental
disorder that is characterized by qualitative de®cits in
social interaction and communication, and restricted,
repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behaviours,
activities and interests [2 .]. Attention to the possible
relation between the measles, mumps and rubella
vaccine (MMR) and autistic spectrum disorder was
prompted by a case series of 12 children with chronic
enterocolitis [5]. Of those children, 10 had autistic
spectrum disorder. Eight of the 12 children were
vaccinated with MMR. Measles nucleocapsid antigen
has also been found in the intestinal wall of patients with
in¯ammatory bowel disease [6]. Furthermore, Kawashi-
334 Inflammatory diseases

ma et al. [7] detected and sequenced vaccine strains of crossover study of patients with multiple sclerosis found
measles virus in three out of nine children with autistic no increased risk for relapses after vaccination [14 . .].
enterocolitis. The relative risk for relapse associated with exposure to
any vaccination during the previous 2 months before
Nevertheless, no causal association between autistic relapse was 0.7 (95% con®dence interval 0.4±1.3), and
spectrum disorder and MMR was identi®ed in subse- that associated with exposure to HBV vaccination was
quent studies. Taylor et al. [8] studied almost 300 0.7 (95% con®dence interval 0.2±2.2).
patients with autistic spectrum disorder born since 1979
in the UK. There was no sudden increase in cases by Japanese encephalitis vaccine and neurological
year of birth following the introduction of MMR in 1988, complications
and there was no temporal association with onset of Approximately 10% of those administered Japanese
autism within 1 or 2 years after MMR vaccination. A encephalitis vaccine reported systemic reactions, such
retrospective study of MMR immunization coverage as fever, headache, malaise and rash [4 .]. Serious adverse
rates among children born during 1980±1994 in Califor- events include hypersensitivity-type reactions and neu-
nia and of autism caseloads among those children [9] rological reactions [4 .,15]. A review of postmarketing
demonstrated a lack of correlation between trends in data in Japan from 1996 to 1998 [15] revealed 17
MMR coverage and numbers of autistic spectrum neurological disorders after the administration of ap-
disorder cases. Another time trend analysis of data proximately 9.4 million doses of Japanese encephalitis
collected from children aged 12 years or younger who vaccine. Among those, 16 cases had meningitis or
had been diagnosed with autism and were born between meningoencephalitis, including ®ve probable cases of
1988 and 1999, and from boys aged 2±5 years born acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (0.2 per 100 000
between 1988 and 1993 in the UK [10 .] found no vaccinations). In Denmark, acute disseminated encepha-
correlation between the prevalence of MMR vaccination lomyelitis following Japanese encephalitis vaccination
and increased risk for autism over time. During the occurred more frequently, at approximately 1 in 50 000±
period from 1988 to 1993, the 4-year risk for diagnosed 75 000 vaccinees [16]. In contrast, no serious neurological
autism increased nearly fourfold. In contrast, the events were reported in the USA after the administration
prevalence of MMR vaccination was almost constant, of more than 813 000 doses of Japanese encephalitis
at approximately 97%. Finally, the US Institution of vaccine between 1993 and 1998 [15].
Medicine [11] concluded that the available evidence
does not support the hypothesis that MMR causes Influenza vaccine, Guillain±Barre syndrome and giant
autism. cell arteritis
The association between the swine in¯uenza vaccination
Hepatitis B vaccine and multiple sclerosis and onset of Guillain±Barre syndrome after an immuni-
Concerns regarding the safety of vaccination in patients zation campaign during the period 1976±1977 was
with multiple sclerosis have been expressed since the notable because of the high relative risks, ranging from
early 1990s. Theoretically, immune stimulation from 4.0 to 7.6 [17]. During the 1992±1993 and 1993±1994
vaccination could precipitate the onset of multiple seasons, concerns regarding vaccine-associated Guillain±
sclerosis in susceptible persons or could lead to relapses, Barre syndrome were expressed again, when the US
perhaps as a result of molecular mimicry between Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported an
vaccine antigens and human proteins. Although the increased incidence of this complication, without in-
`molecular mimicry hypothesis' is at least plausible, this dicating the number of people at risk. Hence, Lasky et
hypothesis remains controversial because infection with al. [17] undertook an investigation and found that there
wild-type hepatitis B virus (HBV) has not been was no increase in risk for Guillain±Barre syndrome
identi®ed as a risk factor for multiple sclerosis and there associated with in¯uenza vaccination (relative risk 1.7,
is no evidence that HBV protein may trigger an attack on 95% con®dence interval 1.0±2.8; P = 0.04). Interestingly,
nerve tissue [12]. another neurological complication recently claimed to be
associated with in¯uenza vaccination is giant cell arteritis
A well designed, nested, case-control study recently [18,19].
showed no association between HBV vaccination and
development of multiple sclerosis [13 . .]. The relative Animal rabies vaccine and human skin infection
risk for multiple sclerosis for women vaccinated against Oral vaccination of wild animals with feed that contains
HBV within 2 years before the index date as compared recombinant vaccinia/rabies glycoprotein virus is widely
with unvaccinated women was 0.7 (95% con®dence used to control rabies in Europe and in the USA [20 .].
interval 0.3±1.8), and that for women with exposure to Although this vaccine virus is highly attenuated, in
HBV vaccine at any time before the onset of disease was theory adverse events (including in the central nervous
0.9 (95% con®dence interval 0.5±1.6). A further case- system) may occur, particularly in immunocompromised
Neurological events and vaccination Piyasirisilp and Hemachudha 335

persons, pregnant women and patients with an exfolia- because of the induction of the anti-in¯ammatory
tive skin condition [21]. Thus far there has been only cytokine interleukin-10.
one reliable documented case of human skin infection
with vaccinia/rabies glycoprotein virus following trans- HHE is an adverse reaction that usually occurs after
dermal exposure in an immunocompetent patient [20 .]. immunization with DTP and is less common with DTaP
or HBV vaccine [23,28]. It is characterized by sudden
Improved vaccines to address complications onset of pallor, hypotonia and unresponsiveness within
Since 1990, improved vaccines have become available 48 h after immunization. The median age of onset of
for protection against pertussis, Haemophilus in¯uenzae HHE is 4 months, ranging from 1 to 107 months [23].
type b, pneumococcal disease and typhoid [4 .]. Serious Generally, it is a benign, self-limited and nonrecurrent
adverse events have been described for pertussis event. Nonetheless, a few patients with HHE developed
vaccine. autism and complex partial epilepsy that were not
known to be associated with immunization [23]. No
Pertussis vaccine and seizures and recurrence of HHE was found after subsequent admin-
hypotonic/hyporesponsive episodes istration of DTP or DTaP [23,29,30]. Therefore, the
Vaccination with diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and whole- Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices [31]
cell pertussis vaccine (DTP) has been associated with considers HHE a precaution against further pertussis
increased risks for seizures and hypotonic/hyporespon- vaccination.
sive episodes (HHEs) [22 . .,23]. In 1991 the Vaccine
Safety Datalink project ± a population-based study of New vaccines to address complications
adverse reactions after childhood immunization initiated New vaccines have become available for varicella, Lyme
by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention disease, and hepatitis A virus and rotavirus infections
± collected data from more than 600 000 children. [4 .]. Potential harms in varicella vaccination have been
Barlow et al. [22 . .] analysed this cohort to study the identi®ed.
associations between vaccinations and risks for ®rst and
subsequent seizures and neurodevelopmental disability. Varicella vaccine and potential risks
That study showed that DTP vaccination was signi®- Although varicella is a benign disease, serious complica-
cantly associated with febrile seizures only on the day tions or death may occur. Neurological complications
of vaccination (relative risk 5.7, 95% con®dence interval following varicella or zoster include myelitis, ventriculitis
2.0±16.4). This was also the case for MMR, with an and meningitis, Reye's syndrome, and large-vessel and
increased risk for febrile seizures 8±14 days after small-vessel encephalitis in immunocompetent and im-
vaccination (relative risk 2.8, 95% con®dence interval munode®cient patients, respectively [32]. Despite the
1.4±5.5). Neither DTP nor MMR was associated with fact that live-attenuated varicella vaccine has been
an increased risk for nonfebrile seizures. Children with licensed in the USA for use in healthy children since
febrile seizures after vaccination were found to be at no 1995 [33 .], there is a concern that the vaccine may not be
greater risk for subsequent seizures or neurodevelop- safe. Vazquez et al. [34 .] conducted a case-control study of
mental disorders. Those ®ndings are consistent with 330 children with potential chickenpox and 500 matched
earlier reports [24,25]. control individuals in Connecticut, and found high
effectiveness of the varicella vaccine. Adverse reactions
The newly licensed diphtheria, tetanus toxoids and included fever, mild local reactions and varicella-like rash
acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP) has been developed [33 .]. Immunization with a higher concentration of virus
to replace DTP. Acellular vaccines are composed one did not result in a greater frequency of adverse events. A
or more puri®ed proteins from Bordetella pertussis [4 .]. second dose of vaccine caused fewer reactions. No serious
After the use of millions of doses of DTaP, adverse adverse reactions were reported.
reactions, such as fever, prolonged crying and injec-
tion site reactions, were much less common [26]. In a Potential harms may occur as a result of varicella
murine model, the administration of whole-cell vaccination. First, there is a theoretical risk of transmis-
vaccine induced production of the proin¯ammatory sion of attenuated virus from vaccinees to others. At
cytokine interleukin-1b in the hippocampus and present, no epidemiological study has con®rmed any
hypothalamus [27 .]. This was not observed in the transmission of vaccine virus following varicella vaccina-
case of acellular vaccine. Seizure-like behavioural tion [33 .]. Only case reports of transmission have been
changes and increased production of interleukin-1b published [35,36]. Another theoretical risk, predicted by
were noted when active pertussis toxin and lipopoly- mathematical models, is a shift in varicella cases to an
saccharide (which are present in the whole-cell older age group, resulting in more severe disease [33 .].
vaccine) were injected in mice. However, acellular Also, increased zoster in adults may appear more often as
vaccine did not cause seizures in mice, probably a result of widespread vaccination in children. However,
336 Inflammatory diseases

there are insuf®cient data at present to support those ®ve doses of OPV. This is to boost immunity against
models. type 3 poliovirus, which is usually suboptimal in infants
in many developing countries [39].
Changes in immunization strategies to
address complications Complications caused by adjuvant,
New and improved vaccines become available, but preservative, or contaminants
vaccine recommendations and schedules have also been Not only may the antigen in the vaccine itself cause
modi®ed and changed. adverse effects, but also any substances in the vaccine
may cause complications.
Poliomyelitis vaccine and vaccine-associated paralytic
poliomyelitis Aluminium and macrophagic myofasciitis
The global poliomyelitis eradication campaign is Aluminium is widely added to vaccine formulations for
moving into its ®nal stages. Three World Health diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis A and B viruses, and
Organization regions (i.e. the Americas, Western Paci®c anthrax [4 .,40,41 . .]. Recently, macrophagic myofasciitis
and European regions) have eliminated or nearly ± a new type of in¯ammatory myopathy ± was
eliminated poliovirus [4 .]. The remaining major foci described [42]. Patients with macrophagic myofasciitis
of poliovirus transmission are in southern Asia and in had diffuse steroid-responsive arthromyalgias and
Africa [4 .]. These achievements have primarily been chronic fatigue. Some patients also had demyelinating
based on the use of oral (live-attenuated) poliovirus central nervous system disorders, such as sensorimotor
vaccine (OPV). Immunization with OPV is painless and symptoms, pyramidal signs, cerebellar signs, visual loss,
produces optimal intestinal immunity. Furthermore, the cognitive and behavioural disorders, and bladder
attenuated virus shed in faeces can immunize unvacci- dysfunction [43 .]. Deltoid muscle biopsy from those
nated persons in the community, leading to herd patients showed granular periodic acid±Schiff reagent-
immunity. However, in the polio-free countries, such as positive macrophage in®ltration intermingled with
Brazil, cases of poliomyelitis were all attributable to lymphocytes [41 . .]. Intracytoplasmic inclusions contain-
vaccine, with an estimated risk of 1 in 2.4 million for ing aluminium hydroxide were detected in macro-
the ®rst dose and 1 in 13 million for the total number phages from some patients. These macrophagic
of OPV doses [37]. Cases of vaccine-associated paralytic myofasciitis lesions were exclusively detected in the
poliomyelitis were also reported in the Dominican deltoid muscle, a common site of vaccine injection. All
Republic and in Haiti [38]. The US Centers for patients in that series had received vaccines against
Disease Control and Prevention sequenced the virus hepatitis B virus (86%), hepatitis A virus (19%) or
from those victims and found that virus reverted to the tetanus toxoid (58%) within the preceding 3±96
virulent wild-type form. This was the ®rst reliable months, leading to the hypothesis that aluminium
report that attenuated poliovirus may have reverted and hydroxide in the vaccine may induce an abnormal
spread contagiously. in¯ammatory response [41 . .]. This concept has ignited
a public debate over the safety of aluminium. However,
Because there is a risk, albeit minimal, for vaccine- aluminium may not be removed from vaccines because
associated paralytic poliomyelitis and because a highly any effort to replace aluminium with another adjuvant
improved inactivated poliovirus vaccine (IPV) has been will be costly and time consuming [40].
developed, this vaccine has begun to replace OPV. Four
doses of IPV have been recommended for routine Thimerosal and neurotoxicity
childhood immunization in the USA since January Thimerosal ± a derivative of ethylmercury that is used as
2000 [4 .]. Denmark, Israel and one province of Canada a preservative to prevent bacterial contamination ± has
have used sequential schedules of IPV followed by OPV recently been considered to be a potential neurotoxin in
[4 .]. In the USA, OPV may be used only in certain infants. Thimerosal is used in over 30 US-licensed and
circumstances, such as for mass vaccination campaigns currently marketed vaccines, including HBV vaccine
during outbreaks, for naõÈve children who will travel [44 .]. Nearly a decade ago, HBV vaccine was recom-
within 4 weeks to an endemic area, and for children of mended for all infants [45].
parents who do not accept IPV [4 .].
The relatively lower body weight of infants led to a
In developing regions, routine immunization with IPV concern that the cumulative exposure to mercury from
may not be practical because of its higher cost and the infant vaccines might exceed the toxic level. No dose
requirement for injection. Therefore, OPV is still in use, adjustment was made on the basis of birth weight [46].
particularly in areas endemic for polio. Some countries, Postvaccination mean mercury levels in preterm infants
such as Oman, combine the advantages of both OPV and were signi®cantly higher than those in term infants
IPV by adding a supplemental dose of IPV to the routine [46]. Some childhood vaccines that contain thimerosal
Neurological events and vaccination Piyasirisilp and Hemachudha 337

are single-antigen HBV vaccines, some DTaP, all DTP feldt±Jakob disease. As a precautionary measure, the
and some Haemophilus in¯uenzae type b vaccines [44 .]. Administration requested that manufacturers use bovine-
Depending on the particular vaccine formulation and derived materials from BSE-free countries from the year
schedule, an infant may receive a cumulative mercury 2001.
dose as high as 187.5 mg during the ®rst 6 months of
life, which exceeds the maximum dose recommended Conclusion
by guidelines for methylmercury intake [44 .]. Although Vaccinology is a dynamic subject. Currently available
the toxicity associated with low-dose exposure to vaccines have been improved. New vaccines have been
thimerosal is unknown, evidence indicates that the developed. Even the immunization strategy may be
toxicities of ethylmercury and methylmercury are changed once the goal is accomplished. However,
similar [44 .,46]. The toxicity of methylmercury was immunization is not without risk, and adverse events
identi®ed with the consumption of contaminated ®sh in are a further factor to consider. As more data become
Minamata, Japan [44 .]. Delays in motor function and available, elaborate analyses of relative bene®ts and risks
subtle cognitive de®cits were reported in patients will be necessary to evaluate vaccine recommendations.
exposed to methylmercury [44 .].

Although the toxicity of thimerosal is uncertain, References and recommended reading

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338 Inflammatory diseases

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