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Department Library and information service








Periodicals are publications issued periodically or at regular (I.e daily, monthly, etc) intervals.

Examples of periodicals include;

 Scholarly or peer-reviewed journals

 Popular magazines
 Newspapers
This guide will help you identify and evaluate scholarly (also known as peer-reviewed )
journals, magazines, and trade publications –both print and online.
Scholarly, academic, and peer-reviewed journals
 Articles are written by and for faculty, researchers or scholars

 Use scholarly or technical language

 Articles tend to be long and detailed, about research in a particular academic

 Include full citations for sources
 Are publishes by academic organizations
 Notice : Book reviews and editorials are not considered scholarly articles, even
when found in scholarly journals
appearance scholarly journals usually have simple covers, clearly stating basic
information like title, volume /issue numbers, and the name of the organization or
university responsible for their publication.
Popular magazines and articles
o Articles are usually written by journalist or professional writers for a general
o Use language easily understood by general readers
o Are written for the general public (non-experts)
o May present or adapt information originally published scholarly journals
o Do not always include information about the authors
o Articles tend to be shorter than these in academic journals
Popular magazines usually have glossy, colored covers, designed to attract
attention on the newsstand. Pages are usually laid out with photos, appealing
graphics, and advertisements.

LO1 . Prepare Visible index

1.1 Periodicals are receiving to prepare visible index in accordance

with organizational policies and procedures
Tools and Equipment: Visible index cabinet, visible index card, display
case, computer and its accessories, racks, stationary, scissors, glue,
1.2 Appropriate information is recording to prepare visible index
Lo2 . Display periodicals

2.1 Periodicals to be displayed are identifying in accordance

with organizational policies and procedures

2.2 Periodicals list to be
displayed is producing
2.3 Periodicals are displaying on the appropriate location
LO3 Clip articles
 Clipping is the cutting –out of articles from a paper publication.
….Newspaper clippings are often used when people to write a report
or make a presentation on current events for school.
Clippings may also be kept by adults for future reference, or for
Sentimental reasons such an articles on a history making events.
One service of media monitoring services, which monitor the media
exposure of a client, is to collect clippings referring to a client. One
service of media monitoring services, which monitor the media
exposure of a client, is to collect clippings referring to a client.

Clipping is an article, picture, or advertisement that has been cut from a newspaper or
magazines .Clippings words are those words which are formed by clipping or removing
one or more syllables from a larger word.

3.1 Articles to be clipped are selecting and clipping are cut out

3.2 Articles to be clipped are arranging

3.3 Clipped articles are pasting
3.4 Clipped articles are compiling as clip articles

What is the impotence of clipping of clipping?

Clipping paths also play a vital role in achieving consistency in design. By using the
same techniques across multiple images, designers can ensure a cohesive look and

. feel. This is particularly important in branding and marketing. Where maintaining a

consistent visual identity crucial.

LO4 Arrange for Binding

4.1 Periodicals are Identifying for arranging for binding

4.2 List of periodicals for binding is preparing
LO5 Prepare article index

When you need to find a comprehensive set of articles on your topic, the most efficient
finding tool to use is an article index, In the context of scholarly research, an index is an
article finding tool, rather than a list of topics and pages numbers in the back of a book.
Articles indexes help you identify and finding articles on your topics. An article index
allows you to search for your topic in hundreds of journals at once, so using an index is
huge time saver when you do not have one specific journal in mind. Some indexes also
cover magazine, newspapers, book chapters, conference presentations, dissertations,
or other materials.

5.1 Articles are Selecting for indexing

5.2 Articles are sorting for indexing

Both indexing and sorting arrange rows in specified order. However, indexing changes
only the logical order and leaves the natural order intact, while sorting changes the
natural order of the rows in the new table.

Indexes are sorted so that special symbols appear first, numbers appear second, and
alphabetic characters appear last.

LO6 Provide IT based current awareness service

6.1 Users for current awareness service are identifying

6.2 Web based current awareness service is identifying
6.3 Current awareness service is performing
 Periodicals: Regular based publications but serials are not regularly published.
All periodicals are serials but all serials are not periodicals

 Of Competency: work effectively with clients

 Adapt service provision to suit a variety of client needs
 Apply bibliographical tools and skills ability to locate, evaluate and use relevant
information in a workplace setting
 Provide a basic level of assistance to clients in service provision
 Ability to follow rules and regulations and work within specified guidelines
 Sound knowledge of bibliographic and catalogue record components
 Provide personal assistance to individual library users in pursuit of information
 Ability to provide helpful assistance to clients, coaching them as necessary in the
use of the library
 Ability to provide indexing and clipping services

 Knowledge:
 Knowledge of periodicals and indexing
 IT and SDI
 Skills
 Basic library skill
 Communication Skill
 Basic computer applications skills
Give the short answer for the following question
1/ what is periodical?
2/ Describe serials and give examples
3/ explain clipping?
4/ what is indexing?
5/ what is the different b/n periodicals and serials?


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