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Writing a thesis is undeniably challenging.

It demands extensive research, critical analysis, and the

ability to articulate complex ideas coherently. Crafting a thesis on a topic as critical as drunk driving
requires not only academic prowess but also a deep understanding of the issue's societal implications.

Delving into the depths of drunk driving research involves navigating through a plethora of
statistics, case studies, legal frameworks, and psychological analyses. The topic requires a nuanced
approach that considers factors such as the causes and effects of drunk driving, its impact on
individuals and communities, legislative measures, prevention strategies, and the role of education
and awareness campaigns.

Moreover, formulating a thesis statement that accurately encapsulates the essence of the research
while maintaining originality and relevance can be particularly daunting. It necessitates a thorough
exploration of existing literature to identify gaps in knowledge or areas ripe for further investigation.

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significantly. ⇒ ⇔ offers a reliable solution for those grappling with the intricacies
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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on drunk driving deter you from producing a compelling
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All these physical consequences could cause your death if you drink alcohol in mass quantities.
While on the road keep your eyes open for cars that are weaving or swerving, strangely stopping or
showing bursts of speed, and look for obvious driver errors. How many people have been killed from
DUI driving in America. Yet many people drive while under the influence all the time. Police have
many ways to determine if a person has been drinking. If you stay on our website, it means that you
agree to our. But this wasn 't the first car accident he 's been in, he would always hit trees or
telephone polls and my dad would always help him out and fix his car before anyone really found
out. For this reason, the government should enforce the law for drinking and driving. One reason
drivers today are so dangerous is video games. The most common way to chemically test for alcohol
consumption is with a Breathalyzer. A few reasons why it is hard to get away with drunk driving, are
because of the checkpoints and patrols, harsh punishments, and strict laws to prevent drunk driving.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. This has the effect of
exposing teenagers and youth to a much higher risk of engaging in DUI and by extension related
accidents as compared to adults since they don’t know how tolerant their bodies are. The pressure to
prove that they are cool, attractive and tough forces these teenagers to choose between some tough
and damaging choices. For instance, in Minnesota alone, 300 people are killed from just alcohol
related accidents. If a person is found to be under the influence of alcohol, they will be arrested and
a court date will be set (1,2).According to Knox the consequences for drunk driving are harsh, yet
still thirty percent of drunk drivers arrested are repeat offenders (80). In those 18 states, universal
interlock laws saved 918 lives, a 15 percent reduction in deaths related to drunk driving. In fact, the
highest percentage of alcohol related accidents came from the 16-20 year olds (National
Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Accidents). Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch
by professional specifically for you. The majority of the injuries related to the alcohol-related crashes
are not just cuts and bruises, people got paralyzed, severely disfigured, or even the loss of a life.
Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. George L. Maddox,
Bevode C. McCall; 2008, Drinking Among Teen-agers: A Sociological Interpretation of Alcohol Use
by High-school Students, Published by Publications Division, Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies.
These unprofessional and unskilled young drivers go through the severe conditions of peer pressure,
emotional and puberty changes while being drunk (Tim 2008). Punishment may also include
revocation of one’s driving license. Studies conducted on drunk driving among teenagers reveal that
alcohol is a depressant drug which when consumed results in a slowdown of the central nervous
system. Supreme Court Decision Military Commercial Driver's License Act of GET WRITING
HELP. There is also the view that prohibition of teenage drinking in public places has resulted in
teenagers hiding and drinking in unsupervised places and maximizing such opportunities through
binge drinking which has far serious health effects. Certainly, not enough time to learn all of the
laws, ramifications of drinking and driving with peer pressure, and how one decision, at the time
seemed harmless, could lead to countless avoidable deaths. Cite This paper. Select a citation style:
Copy to Clipboard Copied. There is a mass of research evidence to show that driving performance
and reaction times are seriously affected by alcohol.
It has been reported with proven sources that the amount of alcohol consumption by the youngsters is
becoming far more common and frequent than ever before. Road carnages due to drunk driving have
led to death and paralysis of many youths who are economic powerhouse of any society that eyes
economic growth and development. All in all, revising the paper before submitting the final draft is
important because students tend to miss out small details that would make the paper look
unprofessional. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. One reason drivers today are so
dangerous is video games. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a single chance to do it
by myself. Based on the alarming statistics, it is evident that drunk driving needs a permanent
solution which includes strict jail terms for those involved in drinking while driving. In America, for
every fifty one minutes, someone is killed in a tragic drunk driving accident. Nancy Reynolds
Drinking and Driving This paper presents ideas and beliefs about drinking and driving. Supreme
Court Decision Military Commercial Driver's License Act of GET WRITING HELP. At a BAC of
above ten percent for instance one has a very poor reaction time, deteriorated motor control, poor
vision, mood changes, and over-expression. Many people driving everyday do not know that the
driver of the next to them at the red could be impaired. The fact that a person may possess a valid
driving license should not be used as a reason why drunk driving should be allowed. Our experts will
write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. Brick was
heavily drunk during a conversation with big daddy on the birthday of daddy. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. This problem of DUI not only costs lives but avoidable.
Substantial changes in the laws and policies or funding for the enforcement of the criminal offense of
driving while intoxicated (DWI) are needed for further substantial progress in reducing alcohol-
related crash injuries. Rethinking a duty on a collision course with itself. One solution is to focus
interventions on those who have a prior alcohol impaired driving arrest because they are at higher risk
of doing it again. By the time the law was passed many states had already adopted the 0.08
standards, but some states used 0.10 as the standard. But just minutes before, my son and I had
walked through the exact spot in the art room where the truck came to rest in a pile of debris. In
addition to being or using a designated driver, people can save lives by taking car keys from
intoxicated people to prevent them from being drunk drivers. The United States of America has
enacted various laws and legislations to control drunk-drinking in the country. In Kansas, a person is
required to submit a blood, breath, or urine test if an officer has reasonable suspicion to believe that
the person is under the influence of alcohol. Driving under the influence, DUI, is a class A
Misdemeanor in Tennessee and has resulted in thousands of deaths in recent years. Statistics also
show that many students have fallen victims of drunk driving. The second body paragraph continues
to justify the hypothesis.The body also needs to present logic explanations to convince the reader.
DUI is a crime and may be classified as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the
circumstances in which the crime is committed.
If teenagers, and adults for that matter, think they can get away with driving drunk they are
mistaken. In Kansas, a person is required to submit a blood, breath, or urine test if an officer has
reasonable suspicion to believe that the person is under the influence of alcohol. It also doesn’t
require a driver or passenger to determine if a person is too impaired to drive. In conclusion, these
three ways can help reduce, or eliminate the deaths caused by drunk driving. A good research paper
includes logic paragraphs expanding the research findings that justify the hypothesis. Most of the
teenage accidents are related to alcohol; alcohol causes more than 60% of all teenage car accidents.
Overall, 40 percent of the fatal alcohol-related motor vehicle crashed includes young adults below
the age of 18 years. A felony on the other hand results when DUI results in injuries. It is the utmost
duty of the driver to keep a close eye on the surroundings around so that no one should get harmed.
Substantial changes in the laws and policies or funding for the enforcement of the criminal offense of
driving while intoxicated (DWI) are needed for further substantial progress in reducing alcohol-
related crash injuries. It is a serious crime that often causes needless deaths and injuries (Mothers
Against Drunk Driving). The second body paragraph continues to justify the hypothesis.The body
also needs to present logic explanations to convince the reader. If you stay on our website, it means
that you agree to our. These accidents usually occur in the later parts of the night or early parts of the
day. Students need to know that alcohol affects their brain more than it affects adults. Research
Paper Report Case Study Assessment Discussion Board Post Other. The maximum jail term in case
of a misdemeanor is six months whereas for a felony it can extend to three years. In addition, several
enforcement methods have been proposed but never fully tested. On the flip side of the
consequences, teenagers should be educated not only on the legal ramifications but also on the moral
consequences. Margaret Jacobs, Australian Drug Foundation, Australian Drug Foundation; 2003,
Teenage Drinking: The Facts and the Issues, Published by Australian Drug Foundation, pg13. Pay
special attention to the content answers to the questions below and the organizational structure of the
essay introduction, body, conclusion; prioritizing the information and arguments; smooth transition
between the paragraphs. Statistics by FBI states that in the year alone over million drivers were
arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics How to Write an Essay on Drunk
Driving Driving involves the mind of the driver; for safe driving, drivers should make the right
decision when on road; they should follow traffic rules as required by the law. James B. Jacobs,
1989, Drunk Driving: An American Dilemma, Published by University of Chicago Press, p176. The
law is harsh on drunk drivers if they are caught and prosecuted, but many drivers are not caught. It is
illegal in every state to operate any motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. However, we
do not guarantee individual replies due to the high volume of messages. Olson found that to prevent
drunk drivers, police in some states set up sobriety checkpoints at various places to increase
surveillance of drivers (39). The United States has taken several steps to eliminate DUI driving. You
are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you
must cite it accordingly. Heavily drunk students are more prone to certain health complications.
Even though people are aware of the adverse impacts that drunk driving can bring about they just
ignore it. It is important to understand that these teens have a far more adult outlook regarding their
lives due to their life experiences, duties, and responsibilities. The Drunk Driver Drunk driving cuts
across all racial, ethnic, age, and socioeconomic categories. I had 5 days to complete my paper and
not even a single chance to do it by myself. The main reason why drunk driving among youths has
received magnanimous public attention and concern relates to high level of tragic accidents that
involve the youths. Students need to know that alcohol affects their brain more than it affects adults.
One solution is to focus interventions on those who have a prior alcohol impaired driving arrest
because they are at higher risk of doing it again. The increasing number of young drunk drivers on the
roads is because of the fact that there is no proper communication present between them and their
parents. The conclusion needs to not only rephrase the content presented during the introduction but
also connect the findings to a broader idea. The problem of drunk driving by the teenagers exists due
to several reasons, and one of the major reasons is the unawareness of their parents. Lastly, people
need to be well educated in the consequences of drunk driving and what can happen if you kill or
injury someone and the affect it will leave on them for the rest of their life, especially educating
teens. Many police and sheriff departments have a policy requiring the police officer or deputy to
apply for a search warrant for any and all refusals regardless of prior conviction or circumstances.
There is an urgent call for the United States to improve on its lenient drunk driving laws and
implement harsher laws in order to decrease the rate of fatalities which has seen minimal decrease
for some time now. It has also been reported, that alcohol affects and damages the mental capabilities
and skills of the youngsters more than it does to the mature adult brains. DUI is a crime and may be
classified as either a felony or misdemeanor depending on the circumstances in which the crime is
committed. Under the law, states that did not adopt 0.08 as the standard by 2004 faced cuts in
federal highway funding. The reason for extreme limit of drinking by the teenagers is because of the
fact that they are not allowed to have it openly and is prohibited from their parents, guardians and
school systems. This not only increased their urge to drink liquor more frequently, but they ought to
take drinking as adventure while partying and having little friends' get together. Each body
paragraph has to contain separate points, use each paragraph for each point followed by evidence to
support the hypothesis. Alcohol alters your brain, muscles, digestion process, and other disorders that
affect your health. Another way to prevent drunk driving is to have a designated driver. A well-
written introduction needs to set the tone for a research paper using a thesis statement. Brick was
heavily drunk during a conversation with big daddy on the birthday of daddy. Data were collected
during a 2-hr Friday daytime session at 60 locations and during 2-hr nighttime weekend periods at
240 locations. The most common way to chemically test for alcohol consumption is with a
Breathalyzer. The main aim of the free ride was to provide intoxicated drivers with a cheap mode of
transportation so that they are able to reach home safely along with mitigating the chance of harming
anyone else on the road. (Gieck, D, Joseph, and David M Slagle ) It is important for such programs
to be effective all over and not just in parts of the world because according to harm theory, it has
been suggested that most accidents due to the effects of alcohol happen due to secondary measures.
In conclusion, these three ways can help reduce, or eliminate the deaths caused by drunk driving. For
example, in Minnesota alone 30,000 DUIs are handed out each year. Drunk Driving in
AmericaDrinking alcohol can be traced back to the Puritans drinking in taverns, and social drinking
in Old Regime Paris (Barrows 4), but drunk driving is a modern problem that endangers everyone on
the road (Knox 87). These students live the high life, go to parties, get drunk and choose to drive
themselves. The first body paragraph should elaborate the main idea supporting the claim and
expanding the discussion.

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