2 Marks

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1)What are contraceptives ? Mention two qualities of an ideal contraceptive.
2)Mention any four characteristics of ideal contraceptives.
3)Mention any two natural methods of contraception.
4)Mention any four devices used as barriers by males and females to prevent conception.
5)Mention two benefits of condoms which are used as contraceptive devices.
6)What are IUDs ? Give any two examples
7)List the complications a person suffers from untreated sexually transmitted diseases.
8)List any two preventive measures of STD.
9)Suggest any two ARTs that can help the couple to have a child where the problem is with the
female partner.
10)How is ICSI different from GIFT?


1)What is incomplete dominance? Mention an example.
2)What is codominance? Mention an example.
3)What are multiple alleles? Give an example of human trait regulated by multiple alleles
4)Differentiate polygenic inheritance and pleiotropy
5)Mention two features in Drosophila which made T H Morgan to select it for his genetical
6)What is haplo-diploid sex determination mechanism? Mention an animal which exhibits this.
7)Mention the sex determination mechanisms in grasshopper and humans.
8)What are chromosomal disorders? Mention any two symptoms of Down’s syndrome.

1)What is divergent evolution? Give an example
2)What are homologous organs? Mention an example
3)(a) Select the homologous structures from the combinations given below: (U)
(i) Tuber of potato and sweet potato
(ii) Eyes of octopus and mammals
(iii) Forelimbs of whales and bats
(iv) Thorns of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurbita
(b) State the kind of evolution they represent.
4)What is convergent evolution? Give an example.
5)Give two examples for analogous organs.
6)What is adaptive radiation? List two examples for adaptive radiation
7)Mention two examples of evolution by anthropogenic action.
8)Mention the two key concepts of Darwinian theory of evolution
9)List any four factors that affect Hardy-Weinberg's equilibrium


1)Write the scientific names of the pathogens which cause:
a).any disease in ncert
b). Any disease in ncert
2) Symptoms of diseases mentioned in ncert any 2
3) Mention any two types of innate barriers of defence with an example each.
4) Mention any two physiological barriers that provide non-specific type of defense to our body.
5) Draw a neat labeled diagram of an antibody molecule.
6) List four secondary lymphoid organs of our body
7) What are primary lymphoid organs? Mention two examples.
8) What are secondary lymphoid organs? Mention two examples.
9) What is an allergy ? Name two chemicals released by the mast cells at the time of allergy
10) What is auto-immune disease? Mention an example.
11) Distinguish between benign and malignant tumors.
12) Differentiate between active immunity and passive immunity.


1)Mention any four biological tools required for recombinant DNA technology.
2)What are restriction enzymes? Mention any two examples.
3)Name the technique involved in separation and isolation of DNA fragment. Which dye is used
to stain gel to make the DNA visible under UV light?
4)Explain the steps employed during genetic engineering to isolate the DNA fragments that are
separated by gel electrophoresis?
5)What is selectable marker? What is its role in genetic engineering?
6)With reference to rDNA technology, what do you mean by ‘insertional inactivation’ and write
the significance of it.
7)With reference to recombinant DNA technology, explain microinjection and biolistics.
8)What is biolistics? In which organisms is it generally used

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