Narrative Report

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Pangasinan State University

College of Arts and Education
Teacher Education Department
Urdaneta, Pangasinan

Narrative Report-Week 1

Desiree C. Pajela

College of Arts and Teacher Education

Professional Education-113: Teaching

Internship Michael Jame L. Grospe

March 15, 2024

Pangasinan State University
College of Arts and Education
Teacher Education Department
Urdaneta, Pangasinan

Narrative Report- Week 1: The

Exit Demonstration

The exit demo sessions were an important moment in your teaching journey, where you were

tasked with assuming the role of a student in your peers' teaching demonstrations. The outcome of the

evaluations revealed the strictness of the assessment process, with only one out of six students

successfully passing. This underscored the high standards set for the exit demo, setting the stage for a

challenging yet transformative experience.

As the exit demo sessions commenced, you found yourself immersed in the role of a student,

observing, and participating in your classmates' teaching demonstrations. The realization that only a

single student out of six managed to pass the evaluation emphasized the gravity of the assessment

criteria. Behind the scenes, your struggles extended beyond the classroom. Sleepless nights became a

common occurrence as you grappled with the weight of expectations and the fear of falling short.

Moments of overwhelm and despair were not uncommon as you navigated the demanding evaluation

process. On the day of your own exit demo, nerves were on edge, exacerbated by the presence of

esteemed evaluators such as Sir Kristian Carvajal, Sir Jame Grospe, Sir Emerson Espana and Ma’am

Joana. Despite your best efforts to maintain composure, internal battles with self-doubt and anxiety

persisted. The pressure to deliver a flawless presentation loomed large as you stepped into the

spotlight. However, amidst the apprehension and uncertainty, there were moments of clarity and

insight. The feedback provided by the evaluators proved to be invaluable, offering not only constructive

criticism but also practical strategies and techniques for improvement. Their guidance served as a

beacon of hope, reigniting your determination to excel despite the challenges.

Pangasinan State University
College of Arts and Education
Teacher Education Department
Urdaneta, Pangasinan

Reflecting on the entirety of the exit demo process, it becomes evident that it was more

than just a test of teaching skills; it was a test of resilience and perseverance. Despite the

hardships faced, you emerged stronger and more resilient, armed with valuable lessons learned through

adversity. As you continue your journey as an educator, you carry with you the knowledge that growth

often arises from confronting challenges head-on. The exit demo, though arduous, has equipped you

with the skills, mindset, and fortitude needed for continued personal and professional development.
Pangasinan State University
College of Arts and Education
Teacher Education Department
Urdaneta, Pangasinan

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