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EN9WC-Ii-3.6: Use literary devices and techniques to craft poetic forms

LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Apply their knowledge of literary devices and

techniques to craft poetic forms.

Create an original poem using various literary devices and techniques to convey
a specific theme or emotion.
You are a poet and wordsmith tasked with expressing a particular feeling or idea
through the art of poetry.
Your audience consists of fellow students and your instructor, who will
appreciate creativity, originality, and a thoughtful use of literary devices.
You have been inspired by a specific emotion or theme, and you are challenged
to harness the power of language to convey it in a unique and engaging way.
Produce a poem that effectively utilizes at least three different literary devices or
techniques, such as metaphors, similes, alliteration, personification, or
symbolism. Your poem should consist of a minimum of 12 lines and should
clearly communicate the chosen theme or emotion.

Analytic Rubrics: EXPRESSIVE VERSE

1. Literary Device Mastery (20 points):
 Exceptional (9-10 points): Demonstrates an advanced understanding and
skillful use of at least three different literary devices, enriching the poem
with creativity and depth.
 Proficient (5-8 points):Effectively incorporates three literary devices,
showcasing a competent grasp and enhancing the overall poetic experience.
 Developing (1-4 points): Shows a basic attempt at incorporating literary
devices, but the execution lacks sophistication or may be inconsistent.

2. Emotion/Theme Communication (20 points):

 Captivating (9-10 points): Skillfully communicates the chosen emotion or
theme, evoking a strong and genuine response from the reader.
 Effective (5-8 points): Conveys the emotion or theme adequately, but the
impact may be inconsistent or less powerful.
 Limited (1-4 points): Struggles to effectively communicate the chosen
emotion or theme, leaving the reader unclear or unaffected.

3. Creativity and Originality (20 points):

 Innovative (9-10 points): Displays a high level of creativity, offering fresh
perspectives, and presenting original ideas or expressions.
 Imaginative (5-8 points): Shows creativity but may rely on somewhat
conventional approaches, lacking a fully original flair.
 Conventional (1-4 points): Demonstrates limited creativity, relying heavily
on conventional language and ideas.

4. Linguistic Excellence (20 points):

 Fluent (9-10 points): Maintains a harmonious rhythm, employs rhyme
judiciously, and demonstrates a command of language, enhancing the overall
poetic experience.
 Adequate (5-8 points): Shows a reasonable grasp of language but may lack
consistent rhythm or effective use of rhyme.
 Challenging (1-4 points): Struggles with maintaining rhythm, lacks rhyme,
and may contain awkward language.

5. Adherence to Guidelines (20 points):

 Adherent (9-10 points):Consistently follows the guidelines, including the
use of a minimum of 12 lines and the incorporation of the specified literary
 Partially Adherent (5-8 points): Deviates slightly from the guidelines, with
minor lapses in length or the prescribed literary devices.
 Non-Adherent (1-4 points): Fails to meet essential guidelines, such as
insufficient lines or a lack of specified literary devices.

Holistic Rubric: "Poetic Brilliance"

 Exceptional (90-100 points):
The poem is a masterpiece, showcasing an exceptional command of literary
devices, a profound communication of emotion or theme, unparalleled
creativity, linguistic excellence, and flawless adherence to guidelines.
 Proficient (70-89 points):The poem is well-crafted, effectively utilizing
literary devices to communicate emotion or theme, demonstrating creativity
and linguistic prowess, and generally adhering to guidelines.
 Developing (50-69 points):The poem shows potential, with a basic
understanding of literary devices, an attempt at conveying emotion or
theme, some creativity, and adherence to guidelines with room for
 Limited (30-49 points):The poem falls short in various aspects, lacking
sophistication in literary devices, struggling to convey emotion or theme,
and showing limited creativity. Adherence to guidelines may be inconsistent.
 Insufficient (0-29 points):The poem does not meet the basic expectations,
demonstrating a lack of understanding of literary devices, ineffective
communication of emotion or theme, minimal creativity, and significant
deviation from guidelines.

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