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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________

Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________




Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 1

OBJECTIVE: Distinguish text-types according to features (Enumeration)


Enumeration text is one which presents ideas by listing or enumerating the kinds,
characteristics, classes, types, parts, ways, groups, and other information of a certain thing. It
usually starts with the statement of the general subject that is broken down into parts, classes, etc.
These parts are introduced by transition/signal words, such as the following, first, next, and so on.


Read the text below. Note how the ideas are being organized.

The Hertzsprung -Russell Diagram shows the three very different

types of stars. The first type is called the Min Sequence which includes
the sun. These stars are fueled by a nuclear fusion, converting hydrogen
into helium. The hotter they are, the brighter they become. They last for
about five billion years. The second type includes the super giants. As they
reach old age, they deplete their hydrogen supply. Their core contracts as
their outer layers expand. Eventually, they will explode becoming nebula
or supernova, then while dwarfs, neutron stars, or black holes. Third,
smaller stars consequently become white dwarfs, shrinking and depleting
their nuclear fuels, finally becoming cold, dark, black dwarfs.

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________

What is the paragraph about? What things are enumerated to show the different types of
stars? What words or phrases signal the enumeration or listing?
See how an organizer shows the structure of the paragraph.

General Subject

Type Type Type

Enumeration is a rhetorical device used for listing details, or a process of

mentioning words or phrases step by step. In fact, it is a type of amplification or division
in which a subject is further distributed into components or parts. Writers use enumeration
to elucidate a topic, to make it understandable for the readers. It also helps avoid ambiguity
in the minds of the readers.

By using enumeration, writers lay emphasis on certain ideas to elaborate them

further. In fact, enumeration easily creates an impression on the minds of the readers. The
details and listing make it easy for them to convey the real message they want to impart.
However, if there is no use of enumeration in a text, it might become difficult for the reader
to get the true meanings of ideas.

This text-type lists the kinds, characters, classes, parts, ways and groups of a thing
or subject.

This text-type use the transition/ signal words:

in many ways such as first
one second next
so on lastly finally

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. If our lesson is clear to you, then
you are now ready for more practices…. Enjoy working and learning!


DIRECTIONS: Read each text. Then complete the organizer that follows.

As a grade five pupil, Emmanuel was already self-motivated and self-directed in many
ways, He would assist his mother in some household chores and some errands. On days when there
would be no classes, he would go with his father in the farm and would pasture the carabao to the
fields. On weekdays, he would burn the midnight oil working on his assignments and studying his

(General Subject)

(way) (way) (way)

(Transition/Signal Words)


DIRECTIONS: Read the paragraph below. Answer the questions that follow.

Three Types of Parents

There are essentially three types of parents. The first type of parent acts like a consultant who
provides loving and logical guidance for his/her child. In addition, the consulting parent shares
feelings about responsibilities and helps the child explore alternatives in order to make his or her
own decisions. This allows the child to explore solutions and learn from them. The second type of
parent is called the helicopter because this parent hovers over the child constantly. The helicopter
parent tries to protect the child by making all decisions, implying that the child is not capable of
handling any responsibility. Moreover, this parent assumes the child always needs rescuing from
a hostile world. The last type of parent is the drill sergeant who commands and directs the life of
the child. This parent makes a lot of demands and tells the child how s/he should handle
responsibility. To do this, this parent sometimes makes threats and uses punishment as the teaching
method. In conclusion, it seems the best parent is the consultant although most parents probably
have characteristics of all three types to a certain degree.

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


1. What is the topic sentence?


2. What is the first main point? _____________________________

Is a transition word used to introduce this? ___________________
How many supporting details are there? _____________________

3. What is the second main point? __________________________

Is a transition word used to introduce this? ___________________
How many supporting details are there? ______________________

4. What is the third main point? ____________________________

Is a transition word used to introduce this? ___________________
How many supporting details are there? _____________________

5. Is there a concluding sentence? ___________________________


An enumeration paragraph or text lists the kinds, characters,

classes, types, parts, ways and groups of a thing or subject. Transition

or signal words that used to show enumeration are the following:

 in many ways
 such as
 first or one
 second
 next
 so on
 lastly/ finally

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Name: __________________________________ Section: ____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _______________

DIRECTIONS: Write a one- paragraph enumeration text on any of the topics below:

1. Reasons why you want to explore other planets

2. Steps that you can do so you can “explore” the moon

3. Dreams that a grade five pupil can achieve

4. How to be safe this time of pandemic


Joy in Learning English, pp.273-274, 279

Prepared by:
Master Teacher II KES

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________




Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 2

OBJECTIVE: Distinguish text-types according to features (Enumeration)


You learned that enumeration text is one which presents ideas by listing or enumerating
the kinds, characteristics, classes, types, parts, ways, groups, and other information of a certain
thing. It usually starts with the statement of the general subject that is broken down into parts,
classes, etc.
Transition or signal words that used to show enumeration are the following:
 in many ways
 such as
 first / one
 second
 next
 lastly/finally


Read the text below. Note how the ideas are being organized.

Getting High Score in the Test

If you want to get high score in the test, you have to
remember and do the following: First one, you have complete notes
to review. Second, you read your notes and highlights the
important details. Next, Review in a comfortable place with no
distractions. Lastly, the best time to review is early morning, eat a
complete and healthy meal to help your mind and body work
during the test and so on.

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


1. What is the text all about?

(The text is all about getting high score in the test.)

2. What are the ways in getting high score?

(First one, you have complete notes to review.
Second, you read your notes and highlights the important details.
Next, Review in a comfortable place with no distractions.
Lastly, the best time to review is early morning, eat a complete and healthy meal to
help your mind and body work during the test and so on.)

3. What are the transition words used in the paragraph?

(first, second, next, lastly, so on)

By using enumeration, writers lay emphasis on certain ideas to elaborate them further. In
fact, enumeration easily creates an impression on the minds of the readers. The details and listing
make it easy for them to convey the real message they want to impart. However, if there is no use
of enumeration in a text, it might become difficult for the reader to get the true meanings of ideas.
Let’s take a look on the procedures on how to cook spaghetti.


2 lbs. Spaghetti noodles
1 lb. ground pork
6 ounces luncheon meat minced
4 pieces hotdogs or beef franks
35 ounces Filipino Style Spaghetti Sauce
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 1/2 cups beef broth
1 medium onion minced
1 teaspoon minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tablespoons cooking oil

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Name: __________________________________ Section: ________________
Grade Level: ____________________________ Teacher: _______________


1. Cook the Spaghetti noodles according to package instructions. Once cooked, transfer to a
bowl. Set aside.
2. Heat the oil in a Pan.
3. Sauté the onion and garlic.
4. Once the onions become soft, add the ground pork. Cook until the color turns light brown.
5. Add the luncheon meat and hotdog. Stir and cook for 2 to 3 minutes.
6. Pour-in the Spaghetti sauce and beef broth. Stir and let boil. Cover and simmer for 30
7. Try to taste the sauce and add salt and pepper if needed.
8. Pour the Filipino Style Spaghetti sauce over the Spaghetti. Top with shredded cheese.
9. Serve. Share and enjoy!

 What are the ingredients in cooking Filipino Style Spaghetti?

 Did it use enumerations to give the instructions on how to cook Filipino Style
 How are the instructions being enumerated? (by numbers/numerals)
 So how many steps are being enumerated in the instructions?
 This example is another way of enumeration/listing. Enumeration make use also of


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. If our lesson is clear to you, then
you are now ready for more practices… Enjoy working and learning!


DIRECTIONS: Read each text. Then complete the organizer that follows.

The earth’s surface is constantly changing through slow processes that we don’t
usually see. One is erosion. This has worn away rocks and mountains over millions of years, caused
by air, water and wind, another change is caused by earthquakes that originate deep inside the
planet. More sudden and violent than erosion, an earthquake results when strains between earth’s
plates produce shock waves. And, the third process results when molten rock-forming material
called lava, escapes onto the surface through gaps in the crust. What we experience is volcanic

(General Subject)

(way) (way) (way)

(Transition/Signal Words)

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


DIRECTIONS: Read the text below. List down details that are being enumerated in the text.

The atmosphere is composed of different levels. The first level, called troposphere, is the
nearest to Earth, about 11km thick. Most clouds and weather are found in the layer. Next is the
stratosphere which is about 11-48 km above the earth’s surface. In it is the ozone layer which
absorbs the most of the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun. The mesosphere is above the
stratosphere in which the atmosphere is very rarefied and the temperature decreases with altitude.
The fourth layer is the thermosphere which starts about 55 km. The temperature is so hot that it
cannot be measured by a thermometer. Temperature may be thousands of degrees high. The second
to the last is the exosphere, the region beyond the thermosphere, Finally, the ionosphere overlaps
the other layers from above the earth. The air is ionized by the sun’s ultraviolet rays. These ionized
layers affect the transmittance and reflectance of radio waves. All in all, there are six levels of the
earth’s atmosphere.

Levels of the Earth’s Atmosphere


An enumeration paragraph or text lists the kinds, characters,

classes, types, parts, ways and groups of a thing or subject. Transition

or signal words that used to show enumeration are the following:

 in many ways
 such as
 first or one
 second
 next
 so on
 lastly/ finally

Enumeration also makes use of numbers/ numerals.

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Name: __________________________________ Section: ____________
Grade Level: _____________________________ Teacher: _______________

DIRECTIONS: Write a one- paragraph enumeration text on any of the topics below:

 Kinds of Reading Materials Found in the Library

 Planets in the Solar System

 Philippine Presidents

 How to Cook Leche Flan


Joy in Learning English, pp.274-281

Prepared by:
Master Teacher II KES

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________




Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 3

OBJECTIVE: Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language)

-Time-order (recounts)


Recounts focus on retelling events and are generally intended to inform and/or entertain.
Recounts often open with a scene being set, or other device that establishes context. They
continue by providing an account of the events that took place, usually in chronological order. At
times, the chronological structure can be reordered by using techniques such as flashbacks etc.

Main Features:

 Most often written in the past tense as text type relates events that already happened.

 Time connectives used extensively to organize chronology.

Examples: first, then, next, after that, etc.

 Details are used extensively to flesh out the barebones of the events.

What is a Recount?
A recount is a piece of text that retells past events, usually in the order in which they
occurred. Its purpose is to provide the audience with a description of what occurred and
when it occurred.
Examples of recount texts include:
 eyewitness account
 newspaper reports
 letters
 conversations
 television interviews
 speeches

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


Constructing a Recount

A recount text usually has three main sections. The first paragraph gives background information
about who, what, where and when 9called an orientation). This is followed by a series of
paragraphs that retell the events in the order in which they happened. Some recounts have a
concluding paragraph; however, this is not always necessary.

Grammatical Features of a Recount

Recounts usually include the following grammatical features:
 proper nouns to identify those involved in the text.
 Descriptive words to give details about who, what, when, where and how
 The use of past tense to retell the events
 Words that show the order of the events 9for example: first, next, then, lastly)

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Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


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Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. If our lesson is clear to you, then
you are now ready for more practices…Enjoy working and learning!


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Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


 Some paragraphs or texts are developed through logical order-time or

chronological order and a sequence-of-importance.
 In time or chronological order, the sentences are arranged in the order in
which the events they described happened. The text is called recount.
 Transition/signal words that may be used in these texts include first, next,
then, finally to name a few.

DIRECTIONS: Write a recount on “Your Best Day Ever”.
 such as
 first or one
 second
 next
 so on
 lastly/ finally

Enumeration also makes use of numbers/ numerals.


Joy in Learning English, p.288

Prepared by:
Master Teacher II KES

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________




Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 4

OBJECTIVE: Distinguish text-types according to features (structural and language)

-Time-order (sequence, process)


What are Time Order Words?
Time order words tell us the order in which events happen. They allow us to understand the
sequence of events in chronological order, from first to last. This is helpful when you're
telling a story or something that happened - whether you're writing it down or just telling it
to a friend.

Sequential order, or process writing as it is sometimes called, is when information in a
passage is organized by the order in which it occurs. This method of organizing text is generally
used for instructions or directions, but it can also be used to explain processes in nature or society,
such as how a president is elected.
Sequential organization is frequently confused with chronological order. To further confound the
issue, sometimes people refer to chronological order as chronological sequence. But there is a key
difference that distinguishes the two patterns: texts organized chronologically occur at a specific
time and setting, whereas texts describing processes or sequences do not occur at any specific time
and place. To elaborate, if I tell the story of how I came home and made cookies, that information
is organized chronologically. The story took place in my kitchen sometime in the past. Unlike
chronologically ordered texts, information organized sequentially does not occur at any specific
time but, rather, anytime.
Signal Words: after, afterwards, ago already, always, at last, at that time, at the same time, before,
during, eventually, finally, first, first of all, following, further, immediately, initially, in the first
place, in the meantime, in that moment, in that instant, last, lastly, later, now, not long after, next,
once, presently, second, secondly, sometimes, soon, soon after, subsequently, suddenly, then, to
begin with, today, until, while, PLUS: specific time indicators, such as names of days, months or
years, times of day, etc.

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Name: ____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


One afternoon, after classes, his class adviser gave him an envelope for his parents. He
immediately went home and handed the envelope to his mother. Hurriedly, his mother opened
and read the letter informing them of Emmanuel’s chance to enjoy a scholarship next school year
in one of the prestigious schools in their town. “At last the fruits a long and hard labor since you
were young are now being harvested. Now you are recognized and awarded this scholarship,” his
mother announced with joy.

What does the text present? (sequential order of events)

Are the events arranged that the readers would understand the flow of the story? How did
you know? (Yes, the events are presented in sequential order.)
What transition/signal words indicate the order of time? (after, immediately, at last, now)

A process or how-to-text gives explanations or directions. Each sentence tells the next
step in carrying out a process or in getting from one place to another. Transitional/signal words
that maybe used to show order of steps include first, second, third, then, before, during,
meanwhile, etc.



Boiling is perhaps the safest way to purify cloudy water. You will need a boiling pot, fire,
salt, a coffee filter or cloth, charcoal, and cotton. First, prefilter the cloudy water with a cotton
filter or folded cloth. Then, boil the filtered water. Add a small amount of salt to improve the taste
of the water as it is boiling. Boil for three minutes. Next, let the water cool. Meanwhile make a
cotton and charcoal filter by crushing the charcoal and putting it in the cotton as trap. This will
remove impurities and still some bad taste from the boiled water. Finally, filter the boiled water
through the cotton trap.

What is the text about? (It is about ways on how to purify cloudy water.)

What are the steps presented in this process text?

First, prefilter the cloudy water with a cotton filter or folded cloth. Then, boil the filtered
water. Add a small amount of salt to improve the taste of the water as it is boiling. Boil for
three minutes. Next, let the water cool. Meanwhile make a cotton and charcoal filter by
crushing the charcoal and putting it in the cotton as trap. This will remove impurities and
still some bad taste from the boiled water. Finally, filter the boiled water through the cotton

What words help you get the process step by step? (transition/signal words)

What do you think will happen when one or two steps are missed? (The process or
procedures would not be complete)

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. If our lesson is clear to you, then
you are now ready for more practices… Enjoy working and learning!

Practice Exercise 1

DIRECTIONS: Read the story below, paying attention to the sequence of events, from first to
last. Then, sequence the events as they happened in the story. Use numbers 1 to 8.

Terrence Learns How We See Color

Terrence was excited about his new watercolor set. He loved to draw and paint. He liked
to draw and paint race cars, airplanes, and trucks. He liked to use all kinds of colors in his pictures.
He was learning how to mix colors together to make new and interesting colors. He showed one
of his new pictures to his dad one day. His dad said, “These are such amazing colors! Do you know
how our eyes see different colors?” Terrence had never thought about that before, but he was
interested. “No, he said. “We just see them, I guess.” “Well,” said his dad. “It’s a little more
complicated than that.” “Tell me, then!” Terrence said. “Maybe it will help me learn how to mix
cool new colors.” “All right,” Terrence’s dad said. “But first you need to know about light. A light
beam is made up of smaller beams of different colors. Our eyes see these many-colored beams as
colorless. But when a light beam hits an object, our eyes see that object as a certain color. This is
because the object absorbs all of the color beams except one. The color that isn’t absorbed is the
color we see.” Terrence thought about all this for a bit. He thought he understood what his dad was
saying. “What else can you tell me about color?” he asked. “I think you’re really going to like
hearing about how the color wheel works,” his dad said. “But right now, it’s time for dinner.”

_____ Terrence showed one of his new pictures to his dad.

_____ Terrence’s dad said that when a light beam hits an object, the object absorbs all of the color
beams except one.

_____ Terrence was excited about his new watercolor set.

_____ Terence’s dad asked him if he know how our eyes see different colors.

_____ Terrence was learning to mix colors together to make new and interesting colors.

_____ The color beam that is not absorbed when a light beam hits an object is the color our
eyes see.

_____ Terrence asked his dad what else he could tell him about color.

_____ Terrence’s dad said that a light beam is made up of smaller beams of different colors.

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


DIRECTIONS: Read the text below, then answer the questions that follow.

Digestive process begins when the food enters the mouth. After the mouth chews and
swallows the food, it goes to the throat and then travels to the esophagus or swallowing tube. Next,
the esophagus, through a series of contractions called peristalsis, delivers the food to the stomach
which act as the storage tank. The stomach contains hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes
which when mix with the food, the food begins to break down into smaller molecules. Then, the
food enters the small intestine where in 90% of the food nutrients have been extracted here and
absorbed by the body. The remaining goes to the large intestine as waste product. Finally, this
waste product is excreted from the body as a solid matter called stool.

1. What is the text about?


2. How are the details arranged?


3. What are the transition/signal words used?



 Some paragraphs or texts are developed through logical order-time or

chronological order and a sequence-of-importance.
 In sequence-of-importance, the ideas are built from the least important
detail to the most important detail, or from the most important to the least
important. This is called a sequence.
 A process or how-to-text gives explanations or directions. Each sentence
tells the next step in carrying out a process or in getting from one place to
 Signal Words: after, afterwards, ago already, always, at last, at that time,
at the same time, before, during, eventually, finally, first, first of all,
following, further, immediately, initially, in the first place, in the
meantime, in that moment, in that instant, last, lastly, later, now, not long
after, next, once, presently, second, secondly, sometimes, soon, soon
after, subsequently, suddenly, then, to begin with, today, until, while,
PLUS: specific time indicators, such as names of days, months or years,
times of day, etc.

 such as
 first or one
 second
 next
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 so on
 lastly/ finally
Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________

DIRECTIONS: Read the text below, then sequence the event according to how they happened
in the story. Use numbers 1-5. Write your answers on the blanks before the numbers.
Discovery of the Philippines
The Philippines was claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer sailing
for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of Spain. They were then called Las Felipinas. By the 1830's
Spanish culture and thought had penetrated into Filipino culture to the extent that the Filipino people began thinking
about liberation from Spain. The government of Spain developed Filipino agriculture to the point that it was self-
sufficient. After some attempts at independence, and an equal number of atrocities on the part of Spain, Filipino
Nationalists began to speak out. One of the most famous of the time was Jose Rizal. He studied medicine at the
University of Santo Tomas in the Philippines and the University of Madrid. Rizal wrote two important novels that
portrayed the abuses of Spanish rule. Although the books were banned, they were smuggled into the Philippines and
widely read. On the night of his execution, on December 30, 1896, Rizal proclaimed the Philippines "the Pearl of the
Oriental Seas". His death is annually commemorated on December 30. Flag of the Philippines Rizal's execution gave
impetus to the revolution. Although the Filipino rebels, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, did not win complete independence,
the Spanish were not able to end the rebellion. In December of 1897, negotiations with Spain resulted in the Pact of
Biak-na-Bato. All of the rebels were granted amnesty and the leaders of the revolution returned in voluntary exile to
Honk Kong. While in Hong Kong, Aguinaldo and his compatriots designed what is today the Philippine national flag.

______ On December 30, 1896, Rizal proclaimed the Philippines "the Pearl of the Oriental Seas". His death is annually
commemorated on December 30. Flag of the Philippines Rizal's execution gave impetus to the revolution.

______ By the 1830's Spanish culture and thought had penetrated into Filipino culture to the extent that the Filipino
people began thinking about liberation from Spain.

______ In December of 1897, negotiations with Spain resulted in the Pact of Biak-na-Bato.

______ The Philippines was claimed in the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer
sailing for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of Spain.

______ After some attempts at independence, and an equal number of atrocities on the part of Spain, Filipino
Nationalists began to speak out. One of the most famous of the time was Jose Rizal.

Joy in Learning English; pp.286-288

Prepared by:
Master Teacher II KES

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________




Fourth Quarter/ Week 1/ Day 5

OBJECTIVE: Write paragraphs showing cause and effect.


Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the
other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction. Something happens (a cause)
that leads to an effect.

Developing an understanding of how cause and effect informs the organization of a text
enhances a student’s ability to fully comprehend what they have read.
Cause is the driving force in the text. It is the reason that things happen. In essence, cause
is the thing that makes other things happen. Effect refers to what results. It is the what happened
next in the text that results from a preceding cause.
To put it concisely, cause is the why something happened and effect is the what happened.
Cause and effect are important elements of a text that help the reader to follow a writer’s line of
thought, regardless of whether that text is fiction or nonfiction.

Follow these steps when writing a cause and-effect paragraph:

 Distinguish between cause and effect. To determine causes, ask, "Why did this
happen?" To identify effects, ask, "What happened because of this?" The following
is an example of one cause producing one effect.
 Develop your statement. State clearly whether you are discussing causes, effects, or
both. Introduce your main idea, using the terms "cause" and/or "effect."
 Find and organize supporting details. Back up your thesis with relevant and
sufficient details that are organized. You can organize details in the following
 Chronological Details are arranged in the order in which the events
 Order of importance Details are arranged from least to most important or
vice versa.
 Categorical Details are arranged by dividing the topic into parts or

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Name: ____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________

 Use appropriate transitions. To blend details smoothly in cause-and-effect essays,

use the transitional words and phrases listed below.
For causes
because, due to, on cause is, another is, since, for, first, second

For Effects
consequently, as a result, thus, resulted in, one result is, another is, therefore

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Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


Is today’s lesson clear to you? If not, go back to our discussion. If our lesson is clear to you, then
you are now ready for more practices…Enjoy working and learning!

Practice Exercise 1

DIRECTIONS: Write a cause-and-effect paragraph about “Air Pollution”.

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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________


DIRECTIONS: Write a cause-and-effect paragraph about “Online Classes”.


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Name: _____________________________ Section: ____________________
Grade Level: _______________________ Teacher: ____________________

DIRECTIONS: Write a paragraph about the cause-and-effects of COVID-19. Use the details
below and write them in correct format. Use a separate sheet for your answer.

Employing a human rights lens in this analysis helps us translate needs and social problems into rights,
focusing our attention on the broader sociopolitical structural context as the cause of the social problems.
Human rights highlight the inherent dignity and worth of all people, who are the primary rights-holders.
Governments (and other social actors, such as corporations) are the duty-bearers, and as such have the
obligation to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights. Human rights cannot be separated from the societal
contexts in which they are recognized, claimed, enforced, and fulfilled. Specifically, social rights, which
include the right to health, can become important tools for advancing people’s citizenship and enhancing
their ability to participate as active members of society. Such an understanding of social rights calls our
attention to the concept of equality, which requires that we place a greater emphasis on “solidarity” and the
We all have been affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of the pandemic and
its consequences are felt differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society.
While some try to adapt to working online, homeschooling their children and ordering food via Instacart,
others have no choice but to be exposed to the virus while keeping society functioning. Our different social
identities and the social groups we belong to determine our inclusion within society and, by extension, our
vulnerability to epidemics.
Furthermore, in order to generate equality, solidarity, and social integration, the fulfillment of social rights
is not optional. In order to fulfill social integration, social policies need to reflect a commitment to respect
and protect the most vulnerable individuals and to create the conditions for the fulfillment of economic and
social rights for all.
COVID-19 is killing people on a large scale. As of October 10, 2020, more than 7.7 million people across
every state in the United States and its four territories had tested positive for COVID-19. According to the
New York Times database, at least 213,876 people with the virus have died in the United States.[1]
However, these alarming numbers give us only half of the picture; a closer look at data by different social
identities (such as class, gender, age, race, and medical history) shows that minorities have been
disproportionally affected by the pandemic. These minorities in the United States are not having their right
to health fulfilled.



Prepared by:
Master Teacher II KES

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