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Inventory Management System


CMCA506 Project Report - 01

Submitted to the Faculty
of the
Bennett University


<Aditya Singhal,E22CSEU0595.>
<Chinmay Siwach,E22CSEU0629.>
<Ronit Vats,E22CSEU0630.>

School Of Computer Science Engineering & Technology

2022-23, Even Semester

Greater Noida-201310, Uttar Pradesh, India


Problem Statement

Given a big or small business everyone has to maintain an inventory and that becomes a
tedious task for the management be it a small cafe whose case study inspired us to build
this in the first place or a big corporation feeding millions. This is a problem faced not
only by the food industry but many more as everyone has to maintain an inventory
which is prone to human error and could cause a lot of damage.

To develop a user friendly program capable of

maintaing and streamlining the process of maintaining
Proposed System records of the inventory and to alert the user in case of
wasteage due to abundance or loss because of lack.


User Stories (Requirements)

2.1.1. Product Backlog Items

ID User Story

As a warehouse manager, I want to add new products to the inventory system so that I can keep track
1 of our expanding product catalog.

As a salesperson, I want to check the current stock levels of a product so that I can inform customers
2 about product availability.

3 As a purchasing manager, I want to receive notifications when stock levels for critical items are low so
that I can reorder them in a timely manner.

As a customer, I want to receive real-time updates on the availability of products I'm interested in so
4 that I can make informed purchasing decisions.

5 As an inventory clerk, I want to update the stock quantity after receiving a new shipment to
ensure accurate inventory records.
As a manager, I want to generate sales reports based on historical inventory data to analyze
product trends and make informed decisions.
As a warehouse worker, I want to easily locate products in the warehouse using a barcode
scanner integrated with the inventory system.
As a supplier, I want to access a portal to view current inventory levels at my customer's
locations to help with restocking.

As a financial analyst, I want to track the value of the inventory in real-time for financial
reporting and auditing purposes.

As a store manager, I want to set automatic reordering thresholds for products to ensure we
never run out of essential items.
As a customer support representative, I want to quickly check the availability of a specific product to
10 assist customers with their inquiries.

As a warehouse supervisor, I want to assign products to specific storage locations within the
11 warehouse to optimize space utilization.
As a product manager, I want to receive alerts when products are approaching their expiration
dates to prevent selling expired goods.

As a shipping coordinator, I want to verify the accuracy of outgoing shipments by cross-referencing

13 them with the inventory system.

As a CEO, I want to monitor the overall performance of the inventory management system through
14 key performance indicators (KPIs) and dashboards.

User Stories with Acceptance Criteria
Adding New Products:
• The system must allow users to input product details including name, description,
SKU, and initial quantity.
• The newly added product should be visible in the inventory list.
Checking Stock Levels:
• Users should be able to search for a product by name or SKU.
• The system must display the current stock level of the searched product.
Low Stock Notifications:
• Users with purchasing manager roles should receive email notifications when the
stock level of a critical item falls below a defined threshold.
Real-time Availability Updates:
• Customers should see real-time stock availability on the product page.
• The system must update availability instantly after a purchase is made.
Updating Stock Quantity:
• Warehouse staff should be able to update stock quantities manually after
receiving a new shipment.
• The system should update the product's quantity on hand accordingly.
Generating Sales Reports:
• The system should allow managers to generate sales reports by date range,
product category, or location.
• Reports should include product sales data, revenue, and profit margins.
Barcode Scanner Integration:
• The barcode scanner should be able to quickly locate and identify products in the
• Scanned products should display accurate information.
Supplier Portal:
• Suppliers should be able to log in to the portal and view inventory levels for
products they supply to the company.
• Inventory data in the portal should be up-to-date.
Real-time Inventory Value:
• The system should display the total inventory value in real-time.
• Value should update when inventory quantities change.
Automatic Reordering Thresholds:
• Managers should be able to set automatic reorder points for products.
• The system should generate purchase orders when stock falls below these points.
Customer Availability Check:
• Customers should receive instant availability information when searching for a
specific product.
• Availability information must be accurate.
Storage Location Assignment:
• Warehouse supervisors should be able to assign products to specific storage
• The system should update storage location data accordingly.
Expiration Date Alerts:
• Users should receive alerts when products are within a specified timeframe of
their expiration date.
• Alerts should be triggered in advance of the expiration date.
Outgoing Shipment Verification:
• The system should allow shipping coordinators to verify outgoing shipments
against the inventory system.
• Shipment details should match the inventory records.
Performance Monitoring:
• The CEO should have access to KPIs and dashboards displaying system
performance, including response times and data accuracy.
• KPIs should be updated in real-time.

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