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The Correlation Among Socio-economic Status and Academic Success of

Senior High School Students in Our Lady of Fatima University


Education is the strongest weapon for creating social change by banishing ideology and

superstitions and making people sensible and reasonable. Education is the most important means

of making the people of a country or state knowledgeable and civilized, and it helps push a

country ’s economic growth through personality growth of its citizens. Various factors, such as

the socioeconomic status of the parents, the students' living area, their gender, age, the

environment of their school and classroom, and many more, have a substantial impact on a

student ’s educational performance or success. A person's education has a significant effect on

their chances for success, money, and general well-being. Education, income, and occupation are

frequently combined to establish socioeconomic status. It is typically thought of as a person's or

a group's position in the society or status (APA, 2014). Many would agree that education is one

of the major elements of our society since it is the main form of learning for the current

generation for the future. Primary and secondary schools occasionally fail to meet the high

educational standards of our society because of understaffing, overspending, or other external

pressures. However, individual students are frequently constrained by the schools they attend.

Students may as a result suffer.

The socioeconomic position of individual pupils, however, is a feature of society that

has an even greater impact on academic performance and educational success. Determining what

enhances or inhibits educational attainment is essential, for these reasons. However, the
Department of Education (DepEd) has continued with Senior High School implementation

despite the fact that the infrastructure and human resources required for its success are only just

about complete. Thus, the pioneering Senior High School students' academic performance is

actually impacted (CARILLO, 2016). It is possible for it to be influenced by social, political,

philosophical, even economic, and environmental factors. Thus, a variety of circumstances may

potentially have an impact on the goal of quality education. Socioeconomic Status (SES) affects

overall human functioning, including our physical and mental health. And educational

achievements represent performance outcome of an individual, academic achievement describes

academic outcomes that indicate the extent to which a student has achieved their learning goals.

Numerous research has been done in the field of student achievement, and these

studies identify and examine a variety of variables that have an impact on how well students

perform academically in school, college, and even at the university level. There are a number of

significant variables that affect a student's academic achievement in various settings, including

effort, prior education, student motivation, age, learning preferences, and entry qualifications.

According to a previous study by Wichita State University, socioeconomic circumstances play

an important role in how well students achieve academically (ALI, et. al. 2013). The social and

economic circumstances and realities that shape a person's personality, attitudes, and way of life

are known as socio-economic factors. A region or neighborhood can be defined either by factors

as well. The two currently have a beneficial relationship that has a solid foundation in scholarly

literature. Its brief essay on the topic looks at the numerous impacts that social status might have

on academic achievement. It is commonly known that socioeconomic status (SES) and academic

achievement are linked, and that students from higher SES classes perform better in school

because their environments are more conducive to learning and their parents place a larger value
on their education. (Ndletyana, 2014). In brief, studies have demonstrated that a lower

socioeconomic status is associated with a lower level of education, which has a knock-on effect

on academic performance. The paper begins by briefly defining academic success and

socioeconomic status. After that, the discussion shifts to the influence of socioeconomics on


The research closes by stating that because of the risk factors associated with poverty

and the lack of educational resources available to them, lower socioeconomic status has a

negative effect on academic attainment. Despite not being a full review of the study on the

subject, the overview offers enough proof to back up its claim. The purpose of this study is also

to determine the relationship between student achievement and socioeconomic status.

Additionally, it seeks to investigate how students' socioeconomic status (SES) affects their

ability to learn.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this is to determine whether if their socioeconomic status affect

their academic performance poorly or it will lead them to success. Also, to be aware of the

socioeconomic factors that many of the innovative Senior High School students at Our Lady of

Fatima University are subject to, as well as how these factors affect their academic performances

given that other institutional factors also have an impact on how their curriculum is

implemented. The study will then reflect academic life in the Senior High School.

Statement of the Problem

The question under investigation was a study of the relationship between

socioeconomic status and academic achievement among senior high school students at Our Lady

of Fatima University.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. How much does economic status affect education?

3. What is the socioeconomic situation of the respondents?

4. How well do the responders perform academically?

5. Notwithstanding government support, why do some students at Our Lady of Fatima University

(OLFU) in senior high schools constantly perform well while others keep performing


6. Is there a significant relationship between socio-economic status and academic achievement of

Senior High School students?


There is no significant difference between the socio-economic status and academic

achievement of Senior High School students.

Scope and Limitations

This research examines the relationship between Senior High School students'

Socioeconomic Status and academic performance at Our Lady of Fatima University. 20 Senior

High School students from Our Lady of Fatima University who will serve as a representative
sample of the student population will be involved in the data collecting. The study will include

both male and female Senior High School students from Our Lady of Fatima University who are

at least 17 years old to participate in this study.

Additionally, the participants in our set of surveys were senior high school students

from Our Lady of Fatima University. Only socioeconomic position and its relationship to the

academic achievement of the chosen pupils are the subjects of the study. The study somehow

doesn't, however, consider how a person's socioeconomic situation can affect their behaviors.

The researchers subsequently construct the assessment methods, where the collected data were

analyzed and evaluated.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to give relevant data and knowledge about the correlation of

socioeconomic status and academic success of Senior High Students in Our Lady of Fatima

University. Specifically, this research will be beneficial to the following individuals:

• Students – students will be benefited from this study as this may help them encourage to

perform better in their academics, as the results of this study might tell them the correlation of

socioeconomic status and academic success.

• Parents – this will give parents idea of what their socioeconomic status’s impact to their

children as they are the one’s supporting them through their academic life.

• Community/Public – this study will help the community broaden their perspective regarding

to the impact of socioeconomic status to the education of one’s life.

• Teachers – this study may possibly help the teachers to know the possible cause
of their students’ current academic condition based on their socioeconomic status, so that

perhaps they could help their students.

• Administrators – this study may possibly help the management of the school maintains open

lines of communication with the community and offers its support, information, and a setting that

is conducive to academic success for children, thereby advancing the community and raising its


• Government – this study might possibly give ideas about the correlation of socioeconomic

status and academic success to the government because at every educational status, government

investment in education has favorable social returns.

• Future Researchers – this could help future researchers because this study talks about the

correlation of socioeconomic status and academic success. Thus, the result of this study might

serve as their guide in making their research.

Statement of the Problem

The question under investigation was a study of the relationship between

socioeconomic status and academic achievement among senior high school students at Our Lady

of Fatima University.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. How much does economic status affect education?

3. What is the socioeconomic situation of the respondents?

4. How well do the responders perform academically?

5. What's the effect of the socioeconomic status on the academic achievements of the students as

perceive by the teachers?

4. Notwithstanding government support, why do some students at Our Lady of Fatima University

(OLFU) in senior high schools constantly perform well while others keep performing


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