Stages of Values Formation

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Reporters Name: Cristy Mae C.

Aboyabor Subject: MPA 122 (PVS)

Instructor: Marc Benigno Olaguir Date of Report: Oct. 14, 2023



1. Understand the importance of Filipino values.

2. Know the stages of Filipino Values Formation.
3. Appreciate how each stage of values formation differs.
4. Learn examples of each stage of values formation.
5. Realize the importance of Filipino values to self.

1. Stages of Values - Formation
a. Definition of Filipino Values
b. Stages and Definition of Values
c. Examples of Each Stages of Values
d. Filipino Values to Live By

a. Definition of Filipino Values

What is a Filipino Value?

Filipino values may be attributed into many influences. These can be from its
ancestors or influenced from its colonizers. Some values are bipolar, meaning it
can be positive or negative.

Values are intangible qualities or beliefs that are accepted and acknowledges by a
particular culture. It is the conviction that something is excellent and worthy. It
defines what is valuable and worthwhile in life. It is the preferred action and
practice. Individuals’ values serve as guiding principles. These are universal ideals
that guide people’s behavior and outcomes. Filipinos have distinct values that must
be preserved to ensure the survival of our wonderful culture and race.

Modern people appear to have forgotten many ideals in this age of the internet and
social media. Today’s kids are so busy with their cellphones and devices that they
overlook the fundamental ideals that should guide them.

b. Stages and Definition of Values Formation &

c. Examples of Each Stages of Values Formation


It is the phase wherein children comply with the values of those who assert power
on them (parents, teachers, nuns and priests).

The formation of values is vital to an individual’s socialization. Situations in which

values are developed and nurtured include home, school, workplace and other
environments that are important to the individual. Some may include obtaining
knowledge, wisdom and necessary skills and then using them in your home and
elsewhere, while many values are arguably more enduring when they are picked
up on their own.


The distinct value system of Filipinos has generally been described as rooted
primarily alliance systems, especially those based in kinship.

1. Paggalang (Respect)

In the English translation, paggalang means to be respectful or to give respect to a


Paggalang can also be shown toward elders by kissing their hands to say goodbye
and as a greeting upon arrival.

Filipinos are accustomed to using the words “po”, “opo” and “ho” when they are
conversing with older people or sometimes with those who play important or
prestigious roles in society. Using these words is customary in the Philippines and
shows respect.

2. Hiya (Shame)

Hiya controls the social behaviors and interactions of a Filipino.

It is the value that drives a Filipino to be obedient and respectful to their parents,
older siblings and other authorities.

This is also a key ingredient in the loyalty of one’s family.

3. Utang na Loob (Debt of Gratitude)

With utang na loob, there is usually a system of obligation. When this value is
applied, it imparts a sense of duty and responsibility on the younger siblings to
serve and repay the favors done to them by their elders.


During the conventional stage or youth, adolescence identify with their peers, idols
and teachers due to interpersonal communication.

The Filipino youth are those in the process of accomplishing and surpassing the
goals set out for every Filipino and those who have a powerful impact on the
nation. The Filipino youth of today are determined, ambitious and brave.

The Filipino youth today are made up of those who are “woke”, that is, those who
are aware of everything that is happening around them because of the power of
social media. The Filipino youth today are not afraid to engage and to take part at
social or political issues and are very much aware that they will be the future of our

An individual internalizes or adopts the values and norms of another group, often in
an effort not to be perceived as different. Individuals may attempt to assimilate into
another by changing their appearance, their mannerisms and the way they talk or
even their name.

1. Pakikisama (Helping Others)

The word pakikisama literally translates to “helping others.” Therefore, this trait
usually fosters general cooperation and the performance of good or helpful deeds,
which can lead to others viewing you in a favorable light.

Pakikisama means getting along with people in general. There is a general

yearning to be accepted and well-liked among Filipinos. This applies to friends,
colleagues, bosses and relatives. This desire is what steers one to perform


Changes in Adolescence, it is an idealistic sense of social justice and fairness. It is

a need to have choices and make personal decisions. It is a desire to make a
difference in the world and in the lives of others.

Those who have a strong sense of right and wrong also are most likely to become
stable, healthy adults with a clear sense of their place in this complex world we live
in. They carry these ideals into their relationships with others including friends,
romantic partners, their school and the workplace.

As part of establishing their values, adolescents may think more about what is right
and what is wrong, what their role should be in the world and what they should do
when faced with personal moral dilemmas.

1. Pagpapahalaga sa Pamilya (Prioritizing Family)

To seek employment abroad or take a job they don’t want just to earn a decent
wage to support their family. They have placed the utmost priority on meeting the
family’s basic needs and practicing pagpapahalaga sa pamilya.

This implies that a person will place high regard on their family and prioritize that
before anything else.

For example, this is why it is not uncommon for a father or a mother in a Filipino
family from the Philippines.

2. Flexibility adaptability and a positive outlook

Filipinos are usually encouraged to look at the bright side and ascribe to bahala na,
which means “whatever happens, happens.”
d. Filipino Values to Live By

The Fiipino core values influence how they behave in any situation. The Philippines
is recognized in having “collectivist” culture indicated by close family ties and
community ties in society. Filipino values are centered at preserving social
harmony, motivated mainly by the desire to be accepted within a group. This
makes a Filipino a reliable person that cans easily integrate and work with anyone,
anytime, anyhow and anywhere.

Here are some Filipino values to live by:

- Family-Oriented
It is the center of the Filipino community. We are known to have strong family ties.
Extended families are living in one residence. They will take care of old folks
instead of sending them to retirement homes. This orientation is the main reason
Filipino nurses and caregivers are in demand abroad. We won’t allow the family to
die because of the negative impact of social media on the marital relationship.

- Optimism and humor

In the face of adversity, Filipinos always look at the brighter side of life and find
good in every bad situation. We have been creative and fun-loving people even
before the Tiktok app was created. Filipinos are happy people even during the
worst of times. Laughter is our coping mechanism. However, we should not allow
fake new, sexual promiscuity, harmful pranks and vulgarity in social media to
influence our positive outlook and proper conduct.

- Respect and responsibility

Filipinos have high regard for parents, elders and persons of authority. It is through
their words, actions and reactions these things are manifested. With the advent of
social media, everyone can express their views and beliefs about people and
particular issues. These comments may be different effects on people. Some will
be elated, others insulted. Be careful, subtle and indirect to avoid trouble. Freedom
of expression and speech is not absolute. Be constructive and responsible online. It
is impossible to please everyone.

- Industry and generosity

Filipinos are known to be hardworking and resourceful. The lack of employment
does not discourage Filipinos from finding job overseas. Being a Good Samaritan
during a disaster is one of our best values. There is no truth that Filipinos are lazy
due to internet addiction and cyber activities. The internet is a new platform to show
Filipino creativity and adaptability to modern technology.

- Faith and hospitality

Filipinos are a religious and God-fearing people. They love posting religious photos
and prayers over the internet. Religion has molded Filipino moral values and
principles. Nonetheless, our hospitable and friendly attitude to welcoming visitors
has made the country a famous tourist destination and a haven for those who seek
a Filipina bride.


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