Narrative Reportmugshot

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Schools Division of Sorsogon
SY. 2023-2024
Marifosque, Pilar, Sorsogon
School ID: 302230

GOLDENSHOT : " Treasured Knowledge in One Shot"



Exposure Venue:
Mugshot Cafe, Pilar, Sorsogon

Mark John S. Montales
Angelina L. Dela Cruz
Aivie F. Perdiz
Mica B. Fabia
Erika M. Mapa
Jamaica Q. Molleno
Jasmen L. Leosala
Jonash Llacer
Dincel A. Montales
Dharel L. Leosala
Table of Contents
Fearless takers humbly acknowledge the presence of Almighty God and want to express
heartfelt gratitude for his guidance as we engage in the exposure and for letting us enjoy the
moment. Fearless takers want to extend their gratitude to Sir Jordan Ray Ortiz, the operating
manager of Mugshot Café, who gave us a fresh start by welcoming us. His insights and efforts
were reflected in ourselves. His dedication to excellence has inspired us to strive for nothing less
than the best.

We also sincerely thank Ma’am Marivic B. Mojeca, our respected adviser, for her
wisdom, leadership, and constant assistance. We would also like to thank Ma’am Sheryl
Macasinag, our excellent Applied Economics and Principles of Marketing subject teacher, for
observing and guiding us during the exposure. Their commitment to promote our academic
development has served as a source of motivation and inspiration.

Fearless takers would also thank their supportive parents for allowing them to engage in
this activity. To the employees of Mugshot Café, who also give us a fresh welcome and show
professionalism by guiding us. And also our fellow 12-ABM students, who supported us and were
proud of what we accomplished. And to those people who contributed to the success of this
Business Enterprise Simulation exposure.

The Mugshot Café is a popular coffee shop located in Pilar, offering a wide range of coffee
and food items. The selected grade 12 student of Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM)
was given the opportunity to visit and learn about the operations of the café. The exposure was
designed to provide experience and practical knowledge that can be applied in future careers or
entrepreneurial endeavors.

Upon arrival, the student was warmly welcomed by the operation manager who provided
an overview of the café’s history, products, and management strategies. The student learned about
the café’s unique name and logo, which were inspired by the owner’s love for coffee. The operation
manager also shared insights into how the café adapts to changes in the environment, meets
customer demands, and survives during the pandemic.

The student was given a chance to interact with different positions in the café, including
baristas, and kitchen staff. This allowed the student to gain a better understanding of the various
roles and responsibilities involved in running a successful business. The manager also answered
questions about the business, providing valuable insights into the industry.

Throughout the experience, the student observed the café’s operations, including how the
employers prepared delicious coffee and interacted with customers. The student also participated
in serving and welcoming customers, giving them a hands-on experience of the café’s operations.

The exposure to the Mugshot Café provided a comprehensive understanding about

business industry. Overall, the experience at Mugshot Café was a great learning opportunity for
the student, and they left with a newfound appreciation for the business world.
Positive Experiences

Our work immersion at Mugshot Cafe turned out to be much more than just observing
tasks. It was a heartwarming experience filled with valuable lessons and genuine kindness. The
cafe staff readily shared their expertise, demonstrating exceptional customer service practices.
From the moment a customer enters, they are greeted with a friendly smile. Clear communication
ensures smooth interaction, and a sincere "thank you" sends them off feeling valued. This
dedication to hospitality was evident in every interaction. Beyond service, we were fortunate to
receive a hands-on coffee-making workshop.

One of the baristas patiently guided us through their entire brewing process, from the first
recipe to the last, ensuring a delicious cup. He even shared the secrets of creating beautiful latte
art designs, a simple touch that adds a delightful surprise for customers. The cafe's operation
manager truly impressed us with his professionalism and ethical approach. His leadership fosters
a positive work environment that undoubtedly contributes to the smooth operation and success of
the business.

Despite our limited experience, the staff at Mugshot Cafe instilled a sense of trust in us.
They provided opportunities for us to participate in tasks, valuing our eagerness to learn and
contribute. Their generosity extended beyond work duties, too. They surprised us with a delicious
snack, a thoughtful gesture that wasn't required but deeply appreciated. The manager's wife further
exemplified the cafe's spirit of hospitality. Despite being busy, she took the time to check in with
us, ensuring our comfort and well-being. Her genuine warmth solidified a positive impression of
the entire cafe team.

Overall, the work immersion at Mugshot Cafe was a rewarding experience. We gained
valuable knowledge about the cafe's operation and customer service philosophy. More
importantly, we witnessed firsthand the importance of genuine care and warmth in creating a
successful and welcoming business.

Mark John S. Montales

March 20, 2024, is the day of our exposure to mugshots. A wonderful place with knowledge
to fill. establishment of experience and ideas. This is how I experienced the exposure at Mugshot
Cafe. We experience and gain some knowledge about how to run a business. The positive
experience I gain is about how to run a business, what we should do if we are going to build a
business, and what we should do to make the business successful. We learned a lot of things thanks
to Sir Jordan Ray Ortiz, who guided us, and to our wonderful teachers, who helped us with this
kind of activity.

I learned that we should focus on how to make our business attract a lot of customers by
having a good relationship with them, as well as having a good relationship with our employees.
There are so many ideas that were given to us about how we were going to handle the customer,
for example, how we should greet them properly. This is all the positive experience that I have had.
For a negative experience, I think there is a lack of time because we only have one day in the

Dincel A. Montales

So yesterday was the time of our exposure, or on-the-job training (OJT), so our group,
batch 2, and I did work exposure at the Mugshot café. So, I will give my own experience based on
what I discovered, which was observed in a mugshot café. So around 9:45 am, our teachers,
Ma’am Marivic Mojeca and Ma’am Sheryl Macasinag, arrived, and an employee of Mugshot let
us in because it was already open, which I discovered inside the Mugshot café.

Everything was fine: seats, tables, view, floor, etc., and not long after, the manager, Mr.
Jordan Ortiz, was the one who handled the mugshot. He gave a little information based on their
shop, and the way I describe him is kind. He is polite and not an attitude manager. We have already
started observing, helping with the internal tasks such as cleaning, preserving food, and observing
how they do their services. The employees and staff of the café are very kind; they guide us through
the tasks so that we can experience things that we have not yet done in our lives.

Jonash Llacer
Mugshot Café gave us a fresh start as the employees, together with the operating manager,
allowed us to enter the vicinity in a professional way. Mr. Ortiz gave us some important details
about the logo and their business history. Me and my group also share our thoughts, which
enhances my communication skills with them.

My positive experience with our exposure to Mugshot Café is seeing how the employees
communicate with their customers. Watching people give their smiles. In addition, it was a positive
experience when I experienced being an employee and serving food to customers.

Dharel Leosala

“Knowing the history of a certain business from one of its owners is a great opportunity,
especially for students like us. The exposure that we experience at Mugshot Café gives us a chance
to know what’s behind that café and learn different things about business. Mr. Jordan Rey Ortiz,
an operations manager, provides us with insightful information about how Mugshot Café was
established and how they came up with such a name. He said that it was a family business started
in 2022. The first step they took was to combine their ideas and think about how they were going
to use their budget.

They also considered their personal interests and customer demands to come up with a
product, which is coffee, because their family really loves it, and the food industry was not affected
by the pandemic. They didn’t only sell normal coffee but a high-class coffee with different flavors
preferred by Pilareños. The café’s ambiance was calming and silent, which made many busy people
appreciate it. He said that they make additional products in accordance with customer demand
and feedback.

Their business faces many challenges, especially during the pandemic, but they remain
strong and look for a positive side that has led them to survive until now. The history is such an
inspiring one because they didn’t only consider their personal interests but also the preferences of
Pilareños. Despite the challenges and hard situations, they’re always looking for solutions.
Mr. Ortiz also didn’t graduate in a business course, but he still managed to learn because,
according to him, ‘one cannot be an expert in a field if one doesn’t learn about it’. That’s why he
trained very well and learned about the food industry. His learning is a big help to their business.
As he said, a manager should learn everything so that when one is absent, the manager can
perform the task.

I was amazed by his intelligence when it comes to business, though it was not his course,
but still, he became the operations manager of Mugshot Café, which is one of the hardest positions
in a business. He knows how to manage their business very well and how to treat their customers
and employees right, though, as he said, one of the hardest parts of being a manager is handling
the employees because they have different attitudes, beliefs, cultures, origins, and levels of
understanding. I learned from him that being a leader is not being a dictator; a leader must also
listen to his members.

My experience during our exposure has been very knowledgeable. He also shared some
tips with us if we ever think about establishing our own business. He said that we should plan very
well and consider different factors in order to achieve success. We are glad to experience some
work at Mugshot Café, like serving and welcoming customers. This experience inspires us students
to continue dreaming and aiming high despite the struggles that we encounter in our lives.”

Angelina L. Dela Cruz

“My experience at Mugshot Café was incredibly positive. From the moment I walked in
with my group mates, I felt relaxed and comfortable. The operating manager and the employees
were very kind and welcoming, setting the tone for the rest of our time there. The operating
manager shared some information about himself. He said that he’s the only child who is not a
teacher in their family. He started studying computers and ended up managing their family

“The manager initially asked us what we thought the logo meant, and some of us answered
that it might suggest that drinking alcohol or coffee is encouraged. The manager then went on to
explain the true meaning of the design. The operating manager’s inquiry regarding the items we
ought to think about or take on before launching a business was another satisfying experience for
“The operating manager presented a scenario where he assessed our understanding,
making the orientation look like a recitation. Would it be successful, he asked, to develop a Jollibee
in Pilar? Even if he has the resources to construct it. In light of his narrow target market and the
fact that most people would rather purchase traditional meals from the cafeteria than Jollibee, our
answer is no. Furthermore, Jollibee will not permit him to establish a branch in Pilar because of
further reasons that could harm the company’s reputation”.

“Subsequently, he added that he doesn’t let everyone enter the kitchen area since it will be
difficult for them to figure out the source of any malfunctions. Understanding that they take care
to keep the cooking area clean was a pleasant experience for me. Furthermore, the exchange of
tips to help prevent a few minor mistakes. It is a positive experience to know that he knows the
work of his employees so that he can make sure that when one of his employees gets sick or has an
emergency, he is there to take over temporarily”.

“The presence of our teachers, Ma'am Marivic B. Mojeca, who Is our adviser, and Ma’am
Sheryl Macasinag, who is our subject teacher, is also a positive experience. Their presence is
highly appreciated because they ensure that we can do what we should. They also ensured our
safety. During the orientation, they also shared their experiences as employers and employees,
where one of the difficult parts is managing employees and customers because people have
different backgrounds and personalities, which is why good companionship and acceptance are
two ways to maintain a good relationship. They liken managing a business to teaching a student,
where sometimes they have to be tough to follow”.

“After the orientation, we started our observation inside and outside the Café. We first
watched what to do to make sure the move we were going to make was right. I was the person who
opened the door and greeted the customers entering and leaving while Dharel Leosala and Dincel
Montales were the ones who gave the menu and served. Jamaica Molleno is the one who wipes the
table after a customer eats. While Angelina Dela Cruz is the employee observer”.

“I also noticed that the table cleaner is clean and the spray is fragrant, so the next customer
that uses it will not smell the smell of food on the table. The ambiance of the café is cozy because
of the traditional crafts and plants inside and outside. There is also an internet connection that
can be used by any student, teacher, or working person to browse easily for their task or to have
fun. The air conditioning and the quotes on the wall make the place beautiful. As well as a picture
area. There is also a comfort room in case customers need it. They give off a feel of home”.

“It Is also a positive experience to see that customers are satisfied with the food and drinks
they serve. It’s nice for a temporary employee like me to feel thanked by a customer and given a
nice smile. It is interesting to observe the connection between customer and employee because this
is one of the factors that will drive the success of a business”.

“Another one is that we encounter a beautiful lady in the uniform of the rural bank of Pilar.
She gave us a lively greeting in English and asked if we were the students that were going to do
the exposure. And she said, Good luck. We realized that she is the wife of a brother of the operating
manager. She showed kindness to us and to her other colleagues”.

“A few hours went by as we did the duties assigned to us until it arrived at 12:30, so we
also ordered lunch here and told the barista that we were leaving, but an employee gave us
“pancit,” and we tried to refuse, but the employee said it was prepared for us. It is well said that
you can’t say whether the food is bad or of good quality until you taste it”.

“It is proven true that Mugshot Café provides good-quality products to their customers.
Overall, Mugshot Café provided me with a positive and memorable experience”.
Aivie F. Perdiz

Our group has been given a task in mugshot so that we may observe and learn how they
conduct business. Ma’am Marivic Mojeca and Ma’am Sheryl Macasinag, our teachers, are also
there to help. We were given an orientation by Mr. Jordan Ortiz, the operational manager of
Mugshot, before we began our exposure according to him, only authorized individuals are allowed
in the kitchen area, and the employees also know their limits. My observations show that the
individuals in charge of the kitchen sanitize the area before entering, and they also clean the entire
space before opening for business to guarantee cleanliness before welcoming customers.
Additionally, I noticed that even in bad weather, they get a lot of business around noon.
One of the things I liked best about our exposure was how attentive and kind their staff was, and
they even provided us complimentary lunch. I have nothing to comment on how staff members
handle customers because the manager, who is also extremely polite, offered us some of his time
despite his urgency to attend to some important business-related problems.
Jasmen Leosala

I had a great experience at Mugshot Café. The staff were very friendly and made me feel
appreciated when I served for them and they greeted me with a smile,they were also very
approachable, which made it easy for me to ask for help.
Erika Mae M. Mapa
Negative Experiences

While my work immersion at Mugshot Café was mostly positive, there were a few moments
that challenged me. These challenges, however, turned into valuable learning experiences.

One minor incident involved the operation manager’s mother. Due to water dripping from
a faulty ice delivery, the floor became slightly slick. While, thankfully, her slip wasn’t serious. When
it came to serving food to customers, my hands would shake. Fear of dropping the plates or making
a mistake gripped me. It was a daunting task, filled with “what-ifs” and self-doubt.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about conquering personal fears. It wasn’t
just about serving food at Mugshot Café; it was about facing my own fears and emerging stronger.
While the shaky hands and initial fear were negative experiences, the ultimate takeaway—the
power of perseverance—was a positive and empowering one.

Mark John S. Montales

“The fly inside Mugshot Café was the only unpleasant thing I saw. Customers may find it
difficult to completely enjoy their meals, which could lead to discomfort. It was definitely
disappointing to find a fly in a café, which is meant to be an appealing and welcoming place”.

Aivie F Perdiz
During that time, I felt nervous as many what-ifs came into my mind. It includes my fear of
doing wrong things or failures.

Dharel Leosala


“While work immersion programs often focus on simply observing tasks, my experience at
Mugshot Café transcended expectations. It became a journey of learning, inspiration, and a
deeper understanding of the hospitality industry. The café staff went above and beyond to share
their expertise. They weren’t just completing tasks, they were demonstrating a philosophy of
exceptional customer service. From warm greetings to clear communication, every interaction
embodied genuine care for the customer’s experience. Witnessing this dedication was, in itself, a
valuable lesson. Beyond customer service, the immersion provided unique skill development
opportunities. Through a hands-on coffee-making workshop, I learned the intricacies of brewing
a delicious cup, from perfect ratios to the artistry of latte art. This newfound knowledge not only
expanded my practical skills but also sparked an appreciation for the care and creativity that goes
into a seemingly simple beverage.

The professionalism and ethics of ”he café’s operation manager offered another valuable
lesson. His leadership style fostered a positive work environment, a key factor in the smooth
operation and success of the business. This firsthand observation offered valuable insight into the
importance of effective leadership in creating a thriving workplace. Perhaps the most unexpected
benefit was the sense of trust instilled in us, despite our limited experience. The staff at Mugshot
Café actively included us in tasks, valuing our eagerness to learn and contribute. Their generosity
extended beyond professional duties, with a surprise snack that demonstrated genuine care and
hospitality. This warmth extended further when the manager’s wife took the time to personally
check in with us, ensuring our comfort and well-being. Her kindness solidified the positive
impression of the entire café team.

In conclusion, the work immersion at Mugshot Café proved to be far more rewarding than
simply observing tasks. It provided invaluable knowledge about both the technical aspects of café
operations and the importance of genuine care in customer service. The experience fostered
personal growth, inspiring me to push through self-doubt and celebrate even small victories. Most
importantly, it demonstrated the power of a positive and supportive work environment, leaving a
lasting impact on my understanding of the hospitality industry”.

Mark John S. Montales

“The benefits of our exposure to the mugshot are that I got an idea of how to set up a
business, and I also gained knowledge from the operating manager with regard to what he was
saying. What’s best of all is cooperation in a business to make it successful”.

Dharel Leosala

“ I got a lot of benefits from that event because we learned a lot of things, just like trying
things on in a shop and taking care of observing the making of orders and dealings and facial
expressions with customers. This is a big help for us as students who are ready to do business in
the future”.

Jonash Llacer

“One of the benefits of the exposure at Mugshot Café was the additional knowledge about
business. The strategies, ideas, and plans shared with us were all useful, not only for planning to
have our own business but also for becoming better leaders and individuals. This provided us with
an opportunity to explore the history of the special café in Pilar.

The exposure helped improve our understanding of business concepts, which is beneficial
for us as ABM students. It serves as inspiration as we continue our journey”.

Angelina L. Dela Cruz

“As a temporary employee of Mugshot Café, this will serve as an initial experience as an
employee where customers need to be treated special. The tips and experiences shared by the
operating manager seemed like inspiration to build a business.

I can adapt the efforts of the operating manager to make my business successful. I have
increased my knowledge of how to manage a business. It is only right that you know everything
that is happening and can happen in your business. The exposure that happened shaped my
communication skills even more. I learned that it is appropriate to show professionalism to people
you know”.

Aivie F. Perdiz

“My mugshot experience was really helpful to me as an aspiring entrepreneur because it

allowed me to do things like socialize, talk to people I had never spoken to before, and serve them
food—things I had always imagined I would never be able to do. I learn a great deal about their
industry and pick up some tips on how to run the business effectively. Similar gave me the
motivation to work harder so that I could one day own a business”.

Jasmen Leosala

“I observed how they interacted with customers, which showed me how important a good
relationship between customers and employees is. This is one of the reasons why there are many
customers in certain businesses. I also noticed how strict they were in following protocols, which
was discussed by the manager of Mugshot Café, Mr. Jordan Rey Ortiz. In our short conversation,
he emphasized the importance of his role as a manager because he is responsible for managing
and monitoring the daily operations of the business. He also mentioned that each line, image or
symbol in the logo of Mugshot Café has its own meaning that represents their business”.

Erika Mae M. Mapa


“Work immersion programs often bridge the gap between theoretical learning and
practical workplace realities. However, the experience at Mugshot Café was a transformative
experience that emphasized practical skill development, effective leadership, and confidence. The
staff at Mugshot Café demonstrated genuine care for their customers, demonstrating the power of
creating a positive experience. This knowledge will be beneficial in any professional setting.

The Immersion program also provided a unique opportunity to develop practical skills,
such as brewing coffee. The hands-on coffee-making workshop taught the importance of achieving
perfect ratios and mastering latte art, broadening the skillset and instilling appreciation for the
dedication and artistry required in many professions. This experience translates into a deeper
understanding of the importance of practical application of theoretical knowledge. Observing the
operation manager’s leadership style, his professionalism and ethical approach fostered a positive
work environment, highlighting the power of effective leadership. This firsthand observation will
influence how the student approaches future group projects and teamwork endeavors.

The most unexpected Impact was the sense of trust instilled by the Mugshot Café staff. They
actively included the students in tasks, valuing their eagerness to learn and contribute. Their
kindness extended beyond professional duties, with a surprise snack that exemplified genuine care
and hospitality. This experience reinforced the value of collaborative learning and stepping outside
one’s comfort zone to learn and grow.
The impact of the exposure was positive on our learning and experience. This will be one
of the most treasured experiences as students, to have a chance to talk with someone who has
knowledge and experience in running a business. The café’s history motivates us to work hard,
make good decisions, be leaders, face challenges, and make things possible”.

Mark John S. Montales

“The exposure in Mugshot Café was a huge opportunity to experience and observe the
daily operations of a business. Because of this experience, I gained some knowledgeable ideas on
how to run a food industry business, which I can apply to my own restaurant in the future”.

Erika Mae M. Mapa

“The impact of the exposure at Mugshot Café is to gain knowledge from that experience
and do things in the business. You will learn how to handle customers, employees, and business. It
can help a student like me to learn many things that give us an idea of what we should do if we
were going to build a business like them. We can also learn how to do SWOT in different ways. A
business with a good image can attract a lot of customers. The impact on me is to do things that
make you and your business successful at all costs”.

Dincel A. Montales

“The impact of our exposure at Mugshot Café is that I was encouraged to build a business
and use what the operating manager said as a guide. Showing good relationships with fellow
employees and with customers builds a good reputation and attracts more customers, which can
lead to more profit”.

Dharel Leosala

“So all of those have impacts on us as students, so for me, the positives that I discovered
are that I have nothing more to say because their services are good, the employees are hardworking
and respectful, especially the manager, and this is because even in the little time the manager was
able to show his cooperation in our exposure activity, and I can’t say anything about the employees
because they guided us in all the things we should experience and even gave us free snacks, In the
negative impact, I also saw something because they lacked an employer, which caused a lack of
time to do other areas like cleaning the front door because there was only one person cleaning and
serving food, so it was difficult for him”.

Jonash Llacer

“The impact of the exposure was positive on our learning and experience. This will be one
of the most treasured experiences as students, to have a chance to talk with someone who has
knowledge and experience in running a business. The café’s history motivates us to work hard,
make good decisions, be leaders, face challenges, and make things possible”.

Angelina L. Dela Cruz

“The impact of having good customer service and quality products attracts more
customers. The fact that Mugshot provided an internet connection to the customers was a huge
convenience because it helped the customers have access to the things that were needed. The good
music choice and traditional crafts create a relaxing ambiance, especially for plant lovers. Good
management of resources shows frugality, and they can avoid losses. Knowledge about the changes
within the area can help to easily adjust and make strategies to overcome them”.

Aivie F. Perdiz

“Strong customer service and high-quality goods are something of which they have to be
proud based on what they have. They also use a paying app, which is a big help to their business
because it is more convenient for other customers if they don’t have cash with them. Also, the
design of their shop is aesthetically pleasing and fully air-conditioned. That’s why they have a lot
of customers because their environment is very comfortable and relaxing”.

Jasmen Leosala

• It is recommended to add another area for potential improvement: seating capacity. As the
customer base expands, the current number of tables might not be enough.

• Adding more tables strategically could accommodate the growing demand without compromising
customer comfort.

• Additional employees at Mugshot Café are recommended since they face difficulties serving
many customers at once and preparing their orders. It would be more efficient to add one or two
people to ensure they can serve their customers faster.

• I recommend that they have a second floor because, when there are vacations, it is not possible
to only have one floor. They should have a second floor because many people attend their café.

• I recommend that they always be clean, especially with food.

• I recommend lowering the prices of their products and adding a space for the photo booth area
like before.

• The recommendation that I will give is to add more to their menu.


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