Sunday Service Notes. Week 10

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DATE: March 24, 2024

NAME OF THE SPEAKER: Rev. Nable (Bethany Baptist Church)


1. Introduction ( 1:1–14 )
a. Greetings from Paul and Timothy ( 1:1–2 )
How does Paul's depiction of Christ's supremacy in verses 15-20 enhance your understanding
of who Jesus is?
b. Thanksgiving and Prayer ( 1:3–14 )? In verse 14, Paul talks about redemption and
forgiveness of sins through Christ.
How does this apply to your life today?
How can you live a life "worthy of the Lord" (verse 10) in your everyday interactions
2. The Supremacy of the Son ( 1:15–23 )
3. The Suffering Apostle ( 1:24–2:5 )
How does the idea of "Christ in you, the hope of glory" impact your perspective on Christian
hope and faith?
a. Paul’s Suffering for the Church ( 1:24–29 )
How do you respond to the trials and tribulations in your life in light of Paul's attitude towards his
sufferings (verse 24)?
b. Absent in Body, Present in Spirit ( 2:1–5 )
4. Alive with Christ ( 2:6–23 )a. Warning against False Philosophy ( 2:6–15 )
b. Reject False Teachers ( 2:16–23 )
5. Rules for Holy Living ( 3:1–4:6 )
a. Put on the New Self ( 3:1–17 )b. Christian Households ( 3:18–21 )
c. Serving with Honor ( 3:22–25 )
d. Prayerful Speech and Actions ( 4:1–6 )
6. Final Greetings ( 4:7–18 )
a. Greetings from Paul’s Fellow Workers ( 4:7–14 )
b. Signature and Final Instructions ( 4:15–18 )

How will you apply what you learned from the message?
To Paul and Timothy, greetings! Understanding the importance of polite and respectful
relationships in other cultures is crucial while studying greetings. Greetings are a great way to
start a conversation, show respect, and create a good environment. When engaging with
people, it's important to keep in mind that different cultures may have particular greeting
customs and traditions. To promote healthy relationships and productive communication, always
remember to extend a warm and kind greeting to people.

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