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Force and Laws of Motion

Grade 9 Physics
Force - Introduction
01 Newton’s Laws of Motion

04 02

Conservation of Momentum Momentum

What are we going to learn in this chapter?



• A push or pull on a body is called force.

• Forces are used in our everyday actions like pushing, pulling, lifting, stretching, twisting and
Effects of Force
A force cannot be seen. A force can be judged only by the effects which it can produce in various

bodies (or objects) around us. A force can produce the following effects:

• A force can move a stationary body

• A force can stop a moving body.

• A force can change the speed of a moving body.

• A force can change the direction of a moving body.

• A force can change the shape (and size) of a body.

We can now define force as follows:

A force is an influence which tends to set a stationary body in

motion or stop a moving body; or which tends to change the speed

and direction of a moving body; or which tends to change the shape

(and size) of a body.


• Forces are of two types: Balanced forces and unbalanced forces.

If the resultant of all the forces acting on a body is zero, the forces are called balanced forces.
• The four forces acting on the box are:
• 1.Force of our push
• 2.force of friction (which opposes the push and
does not allow the box to move)
• 3.Force of gravity
(which pulls the box downwards)
• 4.Force of reaction
(exerted by the ground on the box upwards which balances the force of gravity)

• If a number of balanced forces act on a stationary body, the body

continues to remain in its stationary position. Similarly, if a number of

balanced forces act on a body in uniform motion, the body continues to

be in its state of uniform motion.

• Though balanced forces cannot produce motion in a stationary body or

stop a moving body, they can, however, change the shape of a body.

• If the resultant of all the forces acting on a body is not zero, the forces are
called unbalanced forces. When unbalanced forces act on a body, they
produce a change in its state of rest or uniform motion.
• Unbalanced forces can move a stationary body or they can stop a moving
• An unbalanced force can also stop a moving body.
• Please note that when we talk of a force acting on a body, it usually means
an unbalanced force.

Newton has given three laws to describe the motion of bodies.

These laws are known as Newton’s laws of motion.

• A body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will continue
in motion in a straight line with a uniform speed unless it is
compelled by an external force to change its state of rest or of
uniform motion.
• Inertia is that property of a body due to which it resists a change in
its state of rest or of uniform motion.
• In fact, mass is a measure of the inertia of a body. If a body has more
mass, it has more inertia.
Some everyday observations which are based on the
property of inertia of a body.

• When a hanging carpet is beaten with a stick, the dust particles start
coming out of it.
• When a tree (having a flexible stem) is shaken vigorously, its fruits and
leaves fall down.
• When a car or bus starts suddenly, the passengers fall backwards
• When a running car or bus stops suddenly, the passengers are jerked
• When a car or bus turns a corner sharply, we tend to fall sideways.
• Newton’s first law of motion gives us a definition of force that a

force is something which changes or tends to change the state

of rest or of uniform motion of a body.

• Force is a vector quantity having magnitude as well as


• The momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass and

• Thus, Momentum = mass x velocity

P = momentum
m = mass of the body
and v = velocity (or speed) of the body
• Momentum is a vector quantity. Mass is measured in kilograms (kg) and

velocity is measured in metres per second (m/s), so the SI unit of

momentum is kilogram metres per second which is written as kg.m/s or

kg. m s-1

• It is clear that If a body is at rest, its velocity is zero and hence its

momentum is also zero.

• In fact, momentum is considered to be a measure of the quantity of

motion of a moving body.

• A karate player can break a pile of
tiles or a slab of ice with a single blow
of his hand.
• Though a cricket
ball is not very
heavy when it is
thrown with a high
speed (or high
velocity), it
acquires a very
large momentum
and sometimes
hurts the batsman.
• A car or bus may not be running
at a high speed (or high velocity)
but because of its high mass, it
has a very high momentum
which may hurt the person
coming in its way.
• Road accidents at high speeds
are very much worse than
accidents at low speeds.
Sample Problem
• What is the momentum of a man of mass 75 kg when he walks with a
uniform velocity of 2 m/s?
Newton’s Second Law of Motion
• The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the
applied force, and takes place in the direction in which the force acts.

change in momentum
Force ∝
time taken
𝑚𝑣 −𝑚𝑢
𝑚(𝑣 −𝑢)
F∝𝑚 × 𝑎
F = k ×𝑚 × 𝑎
• The value of constant k in SI units is 1, so the above equation becomes:
Force = mass x acceleration
• Thus, Newton’s second law of motion gives us a relationship between
‘force’ and ‘acceleration’
• Newton’s second law of motion also gives us a method of measuring the
force in terms of mass and acceleration.
• The equation “F = m x a” as:

• The acceleration produced in a body is directly proportional to the force

acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. Since the
acceleration produced is inversely proportional to the mass of a body,
therefore, if the mass of a body is doubled, its acceleration will be halved.
And if the mass is halved then acceleration will get doubled (provided the
force remains the same)
• The SI unit of force is newton which is denoted by N. A newton is that
force which when acting on a body of mass 1 kg produces an acceleration
of 1 m/s2 in it.

• Newton’s second law gives us a relationship between the force applied to

a body and the acceleration produced in the body.
• If a minus sign comes with the force, it will indicate that
the force is acting in a opposite to that in which
the body is moving.

• Some of the observation’s of our daily life:

1. Catching a Cricket Ball

2. The Case of a High Jumper

3. The Use of Seat Belts in Cars

Sample problem
1. What force would be needed to produce an acceleration of 4 m/s2 in a
ball of mass 6 kg?

2.What is the acceleration produced by a force of 12 newtons exerted on an

object of mass 3 kg?

3.Calculate the force required to impart to a car a velocity of 30 m/s in 10

seconds starting from rest. The mass of a car is 1500 kg.
4. The speed-time graph of a car is given alongside. The car
weighs 1000 kg.
(i) What is the distance travelled by the car in the first
two seconds ?
(ii)What is the braking force applied at the end of 5
seconds to bring the car to a stop within one second ?
Sample problem
5. A truck starts from rest and rolls down a hill with constant acceleration. It
travels a distance of 400 m in 20 s. Find its acceleration. Find the force
acting on it if its mass is 7 metric tones.

6. A force of 5 newtons gives a mass m1 an acceleration of 8 m/s2, and a

mass m2 an acceleration of 24 m/s2. What acceleration would it give if both
the masses are tied together ?

7.Which would require a greater force accelerating a 10 g mass at 5 m/s2 or

a 20 g mass at 2 m/s2 ?

• When a boy exerts a force on the wall, the wall exerts an equal and

opposite force on the boy.

• Whenever one body exerts a force on another body, the second body

exerts an equal and opposite force on the first body.

• To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

• Action and Reaction Act on Two Different Bodies.

Some Examples to Illustrate Newton’s Third Law of
How do we walk

• Though action and reaction forces are equal in magnitude but they do not

produce equal acceleration in the two bodies on which they act.

• So, the acceleration produced will be more in the body having less mass

whereas the acceleration produced will be less in the body having more

Some Examples to Illustrate Newton’s Third Law of

Why the Gun Recoils

• When a bullet is fired from a gun, the force sending the bullet forward is
equal to the force sending the gun backward. But due to the high mass of
the gun, it moves only a little distance backward and gives a backward
Some Examples to Illustrate Newton’s Third Law of

The Flying of Jet Aero planes and Rockets

• Jet aero planes utilise the principle of action and reaction.
• The rockets also work on the principle of action and reaction.
Some Examples to Illustrate Newton’s Third Law of

The Case of a Boat and the Ship

• When a man jumps out of a boat to the bank of the river (or lake), the

boat moves backwards, away from him.

• When a boatman wants to take the boat away from the bank of the river,

he sits in the boat and pushes the river bank with his oar.
Some Examples to Illustrate Newton’s Third Law of

The Case of Hose pipe

• The backward movement of the hose pipe is due to the backward reaction
of water rushing through it in the forward direction at a great speed.
Some Examples to Illustrate Newton’s Third Law of

The Case of Horse Pulling a Cart

• To make a cart move, the horse bends forward and pushes the ground
with its feet. When the forward reaction to the backward push of the
horse is greater than the opposing frictional forces of the wheels, the cart

• In some cases the two bodies can also exert force on each other even

when they are not in contact with each other. In all such cases the forces

of action and reaction are equal and opposite.

• The forces always occur in pairs, and Newton’s third law of motion

concerns these pairs of forces.


• We know that,
Momentum = mass x velocity
• When two (or more) bodies act upon one another, their total momentum
remains constant (or conserved) provided no external forces are acting.
• Momentum is never created or destroyed.

m1u1 + m2 u2 = m1v1 + m2v2

• Now, m1u1 + m2 u2 represents the total momentum of the truck and car
before collision whereas m1v1 + m2v2 represents the total momentum of
the truck and car after collision.

This means that:

Total momentum Before collision = Total momentum after collision

• It is obvious that the total momentum of the two bodies before and after
the collision is the same. This means that the momentum of the two
bodies remains constant (or conserved). And this result proves the law of
conservation of momentum.
Applications of the Law of conservation of Momentum
1.A rocket works on the principle of conservation of momentum.
2.A jet aero plane also on the principle of conservation of momentum.

• We can also say that the rocket and jet aero planes work on the principle of momentum.
• When a bullet is fired from a gun, then the bullet has the momentum given by :
Mass of bullet x velocity of bullet. The bullet imparts an equal and opposite momentum to
the gun due to which the gun jerks backwards. The gun is said to recoil. The backward
velocity of the gun is called recoil velocity. The momentum acquired by the gun is : mass of
gun x recoil velocity of gun. According to the law of conservation of momentum :

Momentum of bullet = Momentum of gun

Or Mass of x velocity of = Mass of x Recoil velocity

Bullet bullet gun of gun

• Sample Problems 1. A bullet of mass 10 g is fired from a gun of

mass 6 kg with a velocity of 300 m/s. Calculate the recoil
velocity of the gun.

• Sample Problem 2. The car A of mass 1500 kg, travelling at 25

m/s collides with another car B of mass 1000 kg travelling at 15
m/s in the same direction. After collision the velocity of car A
becomes 20 m/s. Calculate the velocity of car B after collision.

• Sample Problem 3. A bullet of mass 10 g moving with a velocity

of 400 m/s gets embedded in a freely suspended wooden block
of mass 900 g. What is the velocity acquired by the block ?

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