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Design data Minimum fracture pressure

Total depth: 9,000 ft

Lost circulation: 5,000 to 7,700 ft pfmin = ( 0.512 psi/ft × 7,700 ft ) − 500 psi (safetty factor)
Fracture gradient: 0.512 psi/ft at 7,700 ft
(equivalent to 9.85 lbm/gal) = 3,442 psi
Full circulation: 9.2 lbm/gal mud
Casing: 51⁄2 in., 17.0 lbm/ft
Hole caliper: 91⁄4 in. Hydrostatic pressure of the fluids (mud and
Static temperature: 180°F at 9,000 ft spacer) ahead of the foamed cement
165°F at 7,700 ft
Circulating temperature: ph = 0.052 × [(1,755 ft × 9.2 lbm/gal)
160°F at 7,450 ft + (745 ft × 8.6 lbm/gal)]
150°F at 6,350 ft
140°F at 5,250 ft = 1,173 psi
130°F at 4,150 ft
120°F at 3,050 ft
Spacer: 745 ft at 8.6 lbm/gal
Allowable average density of the foamed cement
Top of tail cement: 8,000 ft The allowable average density of the foamed cement in
Top of cement: 2,500 ft the annulus, ρ1, is calculated as below.
Base cement density: 14.2 lbm/gal
Base cement yield: 1.29 ft3/sk pf min − ph
ρ1 =
0.052 × h
3,442 psi − 1,173 psi
0.0052 × (7,700 ft − 2,500 ft)
= 8.4 lbm/gal (C-11)


1,755 ft
9.2 lbm/gal
drilling mud
745 ft 1,755 Top of
8.6 lbm/gal cement
spacer 2,500 ft

1,100 ft 1,413 psi

at 3,050 ft

1,100 ft 1,894 psi

at 4,150 ft

1,100 ft 2,374 psi 5,500

at 5,250 ft

1,100 ft 2,855 psi Weak

at 6,350 ft zone at
6,900 7,700 ft
1,100 ft 3,335 psi
at 7,450 ft
Tail Top of
cement tail cement
Number of stages where
Divide into intervals of 1,000 to 1,500 ft ρbs = base slurry density
Total interval is 8,000 – 2,500 ft = 5,500 ft ρfc = foamed cement density
Divide into 5 stages of 1,100 ft each ρN2 = nitrogen density.
Foamed cement yield, Yfc (ft3/sk):
Hydrostatic pressure at the midpoint of each Ybs
stage = Y fc = . (C-14)
1 − Q foam
ph = ph above stage + ph to midpoint of stage
Stage No. 1 (top) Ybs = base slurry yield (ft3/sk).
Annular volume, Vann:
ph1 = 1,173 psi
Vann = L × Sann , (C-15)
+ [(Stage number – 0.5) × 1,100 ft × ρ1 × 0.052]
= 1,173 psi + (0.5 × 1,100 ft × 8.4 lbm/gal × 0.052) where
= 1,413 psi L = length
Sann = annular capacity.
Stage No. 2 Cement requirement, C (sk):

ph2 = 1,173 psi + (1.5 × 1,100 ft × 8.4 lbm/gal × 0.052) Vann

C= . (C-16)
= 1,894 psi Y fc

Nitrogen requirement at conditions in the annulus,

Stage No. 3 RN2:
ph3 = 1,173 psi + (2.5 × 1,100 ft × 8.4 lbm/gal × 0.052)
RN 2 = Vann × Q foam . (C-17)
= 2,374 psi
The nitrogen requirement refers to the volume
Stage No. 4 required at circulating temperature and pressure. For
job-design purposes, this value must be converted to the
ph4 = 1,173 psi + (3.5 × 1,100 ft × 8.4 lbm/gal × 0.052) equivalent volume of nitrogen in standard cubic feet (at
standard temperature and pressure [STP]).
= 2,855 psi Nitrogen volume,VN2, at STP (scf):

Stage No. 5 (bottom) VN 2 = RN 2 × KN 2 . (C-18)

ph5 = 1,173 psi + (4.5 × 1,100 ft × 8.4 lbm/gal × 0.052)

Stage No. 1, ph1 = 1,413 psi
= 3,335 psi
( )
ρ N 2 = 1.724 × 10 −3 × K N 2
Nitrogen requirement for each stage based on = 1.724 × 10 −3 × 476 scf/bbl
the midpoint
= 0.8206 lbm/gal
Nitrogen density, ρN2:
The nitrogen volume factor can be calculated based
ρ N 2 = (1.724 × 10 –3 ) × K N 2 . (C-12) upon pressure and bottomhole circulating temperature
where or more easily looked up in standard tables published by
KN2 = nitrogen volume factor (scf/bbl). most cementing companies.
Foamed cement quality, Qfoam: Foamed cement quality, Qfoam:
ρ fc − ρ N 2 8.4 − 0.8206
Q foam = 1 − , (C-13) Q foam = 1 −
ρbs − ρ N 2 14.2 − 0.8206
= 0.4335.
Foamed cement yield, Yfc: Hydrostatic pressure as each stage of foamed
cement enters the annulus
1.29 ft3/sk
Y fc = Actually, hydrostatic pressure should be calculated for
1 − 0.4335 the position of each stage immediately above the weak
= 2.28 ft3/sk. formation(s). Because a job designed for constant den-
sity uses a slurry with the lowest concentration of nitro-
Annular volume, Vann: gen in the first stages, these initial stages will be signifi-
cantly more dense when they pass the weaker
Vann = 1,100 ft × 0.3017 ft3/ft
formations below. Therefore, to ensure the integrity of
= 331.9 ft3. the well, the hydrostatic pressure exerted on the weak
formations must be calculated and compared to the
Cement requirement, C (sk): fracturing pressure of these formations. To do this, the
following steps must be followed.
331.9 ft3
C= 1. Determine the volume occupied by each stage at the
2.28 ft3/sk weak zone.
= 145.6 sk. 2. Calculate its length based on the annular capacity.
Nitrogen requirement, RN2: 3. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure of the fluids in the
annulus above.
RN = 331.9 ft3 × 0.4335 4. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure of the foamed
cement stage(s).
= 143.9 ft3 . 5. Add the results of Steps 3 and 4 to obtain the total
Nitrogen volume, VN2, at STP: hydrostatic pressure.
6. Compare this value to the fracturing pressure of the
VN = 143.9 ft3 × 0.178 bbl/ft3 × 476 scf/bbl weak formation.
7. If the results indicate a risk of formation fracturing,
= 12,192 scf.
consider a constant-nitrogen-rate or a hybrid job. A
Similarly, the requirements for the other stages are hybrid job involves several stages of foamed cement
calculated, and the following table can be built. with different designed densities.
From the preceding example, this calculation is per-
formed as shown below.
Stage 1 2 3 4 5 1. Determine the volume occupied by each stage at the
Hydrostatic pressure 1,413 1,894 2,374 2,855 3,335 weak zone.
(psi) ■ For Stage No. 1, 145.6 sk or (145.6 × 1.29 ft3/sk
Nitrogen density 0.821 1.069 1.291 1.493 1.677 × 0.178 bbl/ft3) = 33.4 bbl of cement slurry are
(lbm/gal) required.
Foamed cement 0.4335 0.4417 0.4493 0.4564 0.4631 ■
The nitrogen requirement is 12,192 scf.
■ The weak zone is at 7,700 ft.
Foamed cement yield 2.28 2.31 2.34 2.37 2.40
(ft3/sk) ■ The fluids ahead of the cement are 9.2-lbm/gal mud
Annular volume (ft3) 331.9 331.9 331.9 331.9 331.9 (0.4784 psi/ft), and 745 ft of spacer at 8.6 lbm/gal
Cement requirement 145.6 143.7 141.8 140.0 138.3 (0.4472 psi/ft).
■ Assuming the foamed cement occupies 850 ft
Nitrogen per sack 83.7 112.6 140.2 166.8 192.5
(because of compression), the length of the mud
column is 7,700 – 850 (cement) – 745 (spacer) =
Nitrogen requirement 12,192 16,179 19,878 23,353 26,620 6,105 ft.
■ The hydrostatic pressure from the mud is 6,105 ft
Total cement requirement: 943.3 sk (709.4 sk for foamed stages +
233.9 sk for tail) × 0.4784 psi/ft = 2,920 psi, and the hydrostatic
pressure from the spacer is 745 ft × 0.4472 psi/ft
Total nitrogen requirement: 98,222 scf = 333 psi; thus, the total hydrostatic pressure is
2,920 + 333 = 3,253 psi.
■ Reading from the nitrogen tables, the volume occu- 6. Compare this value to the fracturing pressure of the
pied by 12,192 scf of nitrogen is 12.7 bbl at 160°F. weak formation.
Thus, the volume of the foamed cement slurry is The fracturing pressure of the weak formation is
12.7 + 33.4 = 46.1 bbl. 3,942 psi.
2. Calculate its length based on the annular capacity. Note that the pressure calculated in the previous
With an annular capacity of 0.3017 ft3/ft and 46.1 bbl step does not exceed the fracturing pressure of the
of slurry, the fill-up is weak formation but does exceed the safety margin set
in the first step. This is what would be expected based
46.1 bbl on the method for calculating the foamed cement
= 858 ft.
0.3017 ft /ft × 0.178 bbl/ft3
3 density, based on the fracturing pressure less the
safety margin. This calculation should be repeated as
If this result had not been close to the assumed each stage passes the weak formation.
foamed cement length of 850 ft (Step No. 1), the cal-
culation would be repeated using an adjusted length.
Job execution tables
3. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure of the fluids in It is helpful for control of the job to construct tables of
the annulus above. the pumping schedule containing the following informa-
The height of the mud column is 7,700 – 745 – 858 tion.
= 6,097 ft. Therefore, the hydrostatic pressure is ■ Base slurry volume
6,097 ft × 0.4784 psi/ft = 2,916.8 psi. For the spacer,
■ Nitrogen ratio
the hydrostatic pressure is 745 ft × 0.4472 psi/ft =
333.1 psi. ■ Nitrogen volume

■ Nitrogen pump rate

4. Calculate the hydrostatic pressure of the foamed
cement stage(s). ■ Foamer pump rate

ρ N = 1.724 × 10 –3 × nitrogen volume factor (scf/bbl) Job Schedule per Stage

Stage 1 2 3 4 5
= 1.724 × 10 –3 × 950 scf/bbl
Base slurry volume (bbl) 33.4 33.0 32.6 32.1 31.8
= 1.638 lbm/gal.
Nitrogen ratio 365 490 610 728 837
The foam quality can be calculated by (scf/bbl base slurry)

VN Nitrogen volume (scf) 12,192 16,179 19,878 23,353 26,620

12.7 bbl
Q foam = 2
= = 0.2755
Vbs + VN 12.7 bbl + 33.4 bbll

The previous equation for foamed cement quality

can be rearranged to calculate foamed cement den- Nitrogen and Foamer Rate
sity, Base Slurry Rate 3 4 5 6 7
ρ fc = (1 − Q foam )(ρbs − ρ N ) + ρ N
2 2
Nitrogen rate (scf/min)
= (1 – 0.2755)(14.22 – 1.638) + 1.638 = 10.74 lbm/gal. Stage No. 1 1,095 1,460 1,825 2,190 2,555

Therefore, the hydrostatic pressure from foamed Stage No. 2 1,470 1,960 2,450 2,940 3,430
cement is 10.74 lbm/gal × 0.052 psi/ft/lbm/gal × 858 ft Stage No. 3 1,830 2,440 3,050 3,660 4,270
= 479.2 psi.
Stage No. 4 2,184 2,912 3,640 4,368 5,096
5. Add the three hydrostatic pressures to obtain the
total hydrostatic pressure. Stage No. 5 2,511 3,348 4,185 5,022 5,859

2,916.8 psi + 333.1 psi + 479.2 psi = 3,729.1 psi. Foamer rate (gal/min)
All stages 1.31 1.74 2.18 2.61 3.05
Conversion Factors C-7 Acronym list
Customary Unit Multiply by To Obtain SI API American Petroleum Institute
BWOB By weight of blend
in. 2.54 (25.4) cm (mm) BWOC By weight of cement
ft 0.305 m BWOW By weight of water
ft3 0.0283 m3 ISO International Organization for Standardization
SI Système International
bbl 0.159 m3
STP Standard temperature and pressure
U.S. gal 3.785 (3.785 × 10–3) L (m3)
TVD True vertical depth
ft3/ft (capacity) 0.0929 m3/m

bbl/ft (capacity) 0.522 m3/m

gal/sk (94 lbm sack) 88.78 L/t

ft3/sk (94 lbm sack) 0.301 m3/t

lbm 0.454 kg

lbm/gal 120 kg/m3

lbm/ft (pipe weight) 1.49 kg/m

psi 6.895 (6.895 × 10–3) kPa (MPa)

psi/ft 22.7 kPa/m

°F (°F – 32)/1.8 °C

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