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Struggling with the complexities of writing a thesis on the causes of alcoholism? You're not alone.

Crafting a comprehensive and well-researched thesis can be an arduous task, requiring extensive
knowledge of the subject matter, critical analysis skills, and the ability to articulate findings
effectively. From conducting thorough research to synthesizing information into a coherent
argument, the process can often feel overwhelming.

One of the biggest challenges students face is the sheer volume of research and data available on the
topic of alcoholism. Sorting through this wealth of information to identify relevant sources and
extract key insights requires time, patience, and a keen eye for detail. Moreover, analyzing the
various factors contributing to alcoholism, such as genetic predispositions, environmental influences,
and psychological factors, demands a nuanced understanding of complex concepts and theories.

Another hurdle many students encounter is structuring their thesis in a logical and compelling
manner. Organizing your ideas cohesively and presenting them in a clear, persuasive manner is
essential for engaging your audience and making a convincing argument. This involves crafting a
compelling introduction, formulating a well-defined thesis statement, and providing evidence to
support your claims throughout the paper.

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Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on the causes of alcoholism hold you back. Order from ⇒ ⇔ today and take the first step towards academic success.
If you consume the same amount of drinks fast as you do slow, it will be much higher than if you
were drink the drinks slower. This low treatment rate may be the result of a range of factors,
including limited availability of treatment, restrictions on insurance coverage for treatment of
substance abuse, or personality characteristics associated with substance abuse e. Works cited Drug
and Alcohol Services. “Alcohol and its effects.”.18 June 2012. Web. 29 October, 2013. Dryden-
Edwards Roxanne. “Alcoholism and alcohol abuse.” 2013 Web. 29 October, 2013. Marks Jay, W.
“The Relationship of Chronic Viral Hepatitis, Alcoholism, and Cirrhosis to Liver Cancer.”. 11
January 2006. Web. 29 October, 2013. These people places themselves at high risk to various
accidents due to. Besides the constant craving for alcohol, alcoholism is also characterized by an
inability to stop drinking. Patients’ gender, family history, and course of illness over time also should
be taken into account. Absences - There is abundant proof that individuals with liquor reliance and
drinking issues are on ailing leave more regularly than different representatives, with a huge expense
to workers, superintendents, and standardized savings frameworks Work mischance - In
Extraordinary Britain, up to 25% of work environment mishaps and around 60% of deadly
mischance at work may be connected to liquor. Further to treatment, proper lifestyle through
exercises and healthy diets are recommended for managing alcoholism and withdrawal related
problems. References Ambrose, M. L., Bowden, S. C., and Whelan, G. (2001).Thiamin treatment
and working memory function of alcohol-dependent people: preliminary findings. The point is that
this issue impacts not only the physical state of a person but also his or her social life and mental
health. However, despite this increased genetic risk, less than half of children with an alcoholic
parent grow up to abuse alcohol themselves. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted
it to my tutor on time. Both formal diagnosis, as listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of
Mental Disorders (APA, 1994) and informal diagnosis, if the client has had therapy in the past can
be made. - Comprehensive assessment is essential in designing a treatment plan. Among the
questions asked during such medical examinations include whether patients are interested in cutting
down their alcohol consumption or whether they feel guilty about their dependence on alcohol. This
can range from missed events such as soccer games to birthday parties. Unfortunately, these
approached have been criticized by the mainstream alcoholism treatment. A person decides to
indulge in drinking out of control or leaving it before it becomes an addiction. Having known that
alcoholics deny their drinking problems, it is imperative that friends, families, and communities take
the initiative to convince and encourage them to seek treatment since alcoholics are highly unlikely
to seek treatment by themselves. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research,
International FDP on. Thus, it is not strange that doctors may recommend diet supplements for a
recovering alcoholic to regain lost health (Xu et al., 2006). Most recommended supplements include
vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, vitamin B complex, and zinc. You may worry about the
consequences for yourself or your friend or loved one, particularly if you're underage. The general
trend of alcohol use in association with age reveals that individuals usually begin drinking in their
late teens or very early twenties, have their drinking peaks in their mid- to late twenties, and slow
their drinking down by their early thirties. Youngsters of folks with liquor dependence, for instance,
show higher rates of liquor addiction than kids who dont have folks with a liquor habit. Regardless
of the time of exposure to alcohol, what is important is the antisocial behaviors that these youth
engage in due to their abuse of alcohol. Classroom distractions have always been an ongoing battle
for generations but when the distraction becomes an addiction then even the most enjoyable portions
of a person's life will be affected. From the discussion above, it is evident that alcoholism has a long-
lasting physiological and. In current times, the production of alcohol has become such a booming
business in a society where alcohol consumption has reached its highest peak. They may experience
neglect or physical and mental abuse as a parent loses awareness of their actions due to the effects of
alcohol. We estimate fixed-effects models using data from the National Longitudinal Study of
Adolescent Health. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is
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The amount of supportavailable toyoumaybe dauntingandit’srecommendedthatyoufirstanswer. An
addict usually prefers to stay with the group it consumes alcohol with; this sidetracks the family, and
family responsibilities. Alcohol can give feelings of pleasure which encourages the brain to keep
repeating drinking. This paper will cover the difference in alcoholism in three different countries,
those countries being the Unites States, Brazil, and Japan. There would never been any children who
are becoming alcoholics at age of 15 just because their parents were doing that as well. If you have
small children, store alcohol-containing products, including cosmetics, mouthwashes and
medications, out of their reach. It can negatively impact on the health of the people who tend to
abuse it. Adolescent substance abuse: Assessment, prevention, and treatment. For alcoholics, it is
common to have a history of accidents, marital and work instability. When your blood and body are
unable to absorb the nutrients and vitamins it needs, you may fall victim to anemia, or a low red
blood count. Lifestyle changes made after a diagnosis can also be beneficial, sometimes creating
enough of a change in blood sugar levels to allow diabetics to reduce or discontinue their insulin all
together. There are many researches and studies regarding underlying reasons and roots of these
issues. Lowers the blood sugar and study shows that a low blood sugar in the brain contributes to.
This disease is so potent every vital part of the human body needed to function is debilitated. Unless
you are on a liver transplant list, and the end result is a very painful death. We’ll occasionally send
you promo and account related email. Both formal diagnosis, as listed in the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (APA, 1994) and informal diagnosis, if the client has had
therapy in the past can be made. - Comprehensive assessment is essential in designing a treatment
plan. Ethyl alcohol poisoning generally results from drinking too many alcoholic beverages,
especially in a short period of time. Even with this added risk, a commitment to eating a well-
balanced diet and getting regular physical exercise can drastically reduce their risk of becoming
diabetic. In these approaches, intravenous (IV) nutritional therapies and amino acid supplementation
that modulate brain functions are opted for. Besides the constant craving for alcohol, alcoholism is
also characterized by an inability to stop drinking. The purpose of this article as to develop
guidelines in order to minimize risks. They can easily harm their best friend, assault their best friend
or even kill without even knowing why they are doing it. It can also be seen that in some cases,
people drink alcohol as a result of genetic factors. Someone who wants to be “the life of the party”
might become a heavy drinker because he or she erroneously believes that they are more likable or
funny when intoxicated, and someone who is very shy and withdrawn might become a heavy social
drinker to reduce their discomfort and inhibition in social situations. Effects of Alcohol on human It
can take as little as one ounce of alcohol for a child to suffer from Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Also,
those who avoid social situations where drinking is common are also less likely to develop an AUD.
A rule of thumb is that the corresponding 70 cl of spirits per day without a break for three weeks
increases the risk of epileptic seizures and delirium tremens, which are both so-called withdrawal
complications. Personal lives of alcoholics are also threatened due to being under the influence of
alcohol most of the time. Therefore in spite of the bad effects that consumption of alcohol might have
on the drinker, there are also a few positive sides to drinking as well especially on diseases such as
cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
Alcoholism Research Paper Writing Help - Custom Essay Writing. Their minds are blown with
concern’s if they are enabling or helping them which causes them to be in a constant state of
confusion and stress. Seeking help for mental health disorders: Counseling and support from a
trained mental health professional reduces the desire to self-medicate with alcohol. The effects of
alcoholism can be devastating and include liver damage, pancreatitis, cancer, stroke, and heart
disease. This negatively impacts on the welfare of the children who may find it hard to fit in their
respective societies as a result of the unpleasant living conditions they would be exposed to.
However, alcoholism does impact loved ones, and its reach expands far beyond missing plans or a
dinner.”. Since alcohol is a depressant and a sedative, drinking produces emotions of pleasure. In
diagnosing alcoholism, medical doctors often require information on an alcoholic’s history in
addition to the mandatory physical examination. This low treatment rate may be the result of a range
of factors, including limited availability of treatment, restrictions on insurance coverage for treatment
of substance abuse, or personality characteristics associated with substance abuse e. In these
approaches, intravenous (IV) nutritional therapies and amino acid supplementation that modulate
brain functions are opted for. This should be considered when dealing with an intoxicated person
where we don’t get hurt feelings. “Alcoholism is often associated with selfishness because the
alcoholic cannot see the damage they are causing in the lives of those around them, nor do they care
to because it would require them to face the consequences, which would of course interfere with
their drinking. Alcoholic person cannot provide neither a money for food and cloth, neither a roof
above their head. These findings suggest that physicians and clinicians may be convinced that
patients are open to alcohol screening and would not be offended by it. Alternative names have
almost the spiritual, and alcoholism addiction papers. Carnitine, glutamine, and glutathione amino
acid supplements are also commonly recommended for their roles in reducing and managing blood
sugar fluctuations, cravings, and alcoholism-related stress. A person with alcohol poisoning who is
unconscious or can't be awakened is at risk of dying. There was nothing can compare the sounds of
laughing, giggling and joking, and clinking of beer bottles. These habits may be more common
among those who have not been diagnosed appropriately or who have been prescribed medication
that is either ineffective or results in unpleasant side effects. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for
Enhancing Research, International FDP on. All these and more are mainly influenced by genetic
order which can not be governed by set rules. Adolescent substance abuse: Assessment, prevention,
and treatment. However, ordinary consuming builds tolerance, requiring you to consume extra
alcohol to acquire the equal effects. However, the rampant misuse of the drug could make it a rather
dangerous substance not only to the users but also their families and on society. You can use essay
samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. There are many researches and studies
regarding underlying reasons and roots of these issues. The alcohol consumption by a pregnant
woman affects the child, from the time the fetus forms in the womb of the mother, later the alcoholic
ingredients mix with the blood content and slowly affects the fetus's growth of the baby, resulting in
brain disorder, impairment of brain cells, literature says that the developing baby's alcohol
concentration is comparatively higher than that of the developed human body. According to Marks
Jay, “The most common diseases associated with liver cancer are chronic viral hepatitis, alcoholism,
and cirrhosis (scarring of the liver). The general trend of alcohol use in association with age reveals
that individuals usually begin drinking in their late teens or very early twenties, have their drinking
peaks in their mid- to late twenties, and slow their drinking down by their early thirties. Some people
drink alcohol simply for the love of it as well as to relax after performing hard work. The other effect
is that if consumed to excess, alcohol can lead to undesirable consequences.

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