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JUL 311 2018 Human Resource Management Revised Edition Dr. Marissa P. Ferrer Dr. Raymundo P, Arcega Dr. Pedrito R. Pereda 4480 MCC LIBRARY THE DEVELOPMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES OBJECTIVES: After this lesson, you should be able to: + Define Human Resource Management; + Discuss why Human Resource Management s both a science and an art; Explain and differentiate the different roles of the Human Resource Manager and his functions; + Discuss the importance of the Human Resource Manager in a business and his major contribution toward the development of the organization; and Explain the career development of a Human Resource Manager. + § th and Development of Personnel/Human Resource Management in the Growth a : Philippines . ay resource management is a relatively new field in the oT ‘iy in the early 1950s that is gradually gained acceptance and vvate business and industry. For it to gain acceptance and recognition, id to exist: ; t must be convinced that personnel management is needed in Personnel Philippines. It recognition in P three conditions nees 1, Top management n its business operations; 2. Qualified personnel administrators must be available; 3, Personnel administrators must demonstrate their capacity to contribute to the company’s objectives and goals. Top management is too often unaware of what personnel work is and what it can do to promote effective management. As a result, personnel management is usually ‘ven only minor role in business affairs. The lacks of qualified personnel executives complicate the problem. Even when management sees that a good personnel department is desirable, not enough qualified personnel management practitioners are available to run it. With the supply - demand gap for personnel administrators, many “personnel specialists” without adequate preparation have entered the field, messing up some personnel programs because of amateurism or plain lack of understanding of what personnel work is. The Personnel Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) is a nationwide organization of all the personnel managers and human resource practitioners in the country which was established to uphold the profession to the fullest. Among the activities of PMAP are: 1 Training and developing personnel administrators through seminars, lectures, workshops, meetings, national conferences, and holding tripartite conferences pertaining to personnel management and industrial relations; Participation in public hearings to voice support of, or opposition to, proposed legislation affecting business and industry; Dissemination of information to upgrade personnel management, offering technical advice through its special committees and library facilities; and 4 Establishment of a public relati informi i ions program aimed at iblic about the nature of Personnel work. nie ee on adation government instrumentali iployment, the Employees Co i Technical Education and Skills Deseloom agencies, usually consult with employer-employee relations. ities such as the Department of Labor and ion Commission, the Social Security System, evelopment Administration, and other government the association before taking a stand on matters affecting Asa results of these efforts, the status of 1 7 personnel management has been enhanced and the quality as well as the salary of personnel managers has greatly improved. Organization and Human Resources ao eee and thrive in today’s competitive environment, organization must deal ae y Me liverse changes. Traditionally, the concept of value has been considered nection of finance or accounting. Human resources are crucial to the long-term survival of the organization. Our definition of value includes not only profits but also employee growth and satisfaction, additional employment opportunities, protection of the environment and contribution to community development. ' The organization is made up of people. The main goal of any organization is to provide goods and services effectively. It is the people who are linked in a formal structure and managerial leadership. People are vital to an effective personnel management program. The development of an effective organization hinges on the proper selection, development, and utilization, rewarding, and maintaining capable people. The organization resources are stretched tightly to come up with the demand of the global environment. The allocation of these various resources wisely is imperative. An organization must work together to contribute efficiently towards the goals and objectives set by management. The effective utilization of manpower can help add and create value. The Challenges of Human Resources 1. The Challenge of the Global Community Organizations are increasingly finding out that to survive they must compete with organizations not only in the place of operation but the global business community. Companies need to compete and defend not only their local markets and customers; they must broaden their scope to encompass global markets. 2. The Stockholders Challenge The key to success in today’s business environment is to meet the investor's needs and those of the other stakeholders. These stakeholders are the customers, employees and the community where the enterprise operates, The ‘companies are challenged to reach financial objectives through meeting customers’ and employees’ needs. Satisfied customers are assets that will sustain company growth and financial stability. The Human Resources Management greatly influences cost reductions, quality management, and financial systems that are ingredients to profitability and growth. Companies shall look into diverse work forces to capitalize on sful companies practice good human resources nid reward employees, that provide high believe that their greatest assets res. Succe: that motivate al forward-looking vent ices. These companies anagement programs ray products and servi gre their work force. ge for Productivity hallenge to greater productivity, ers” with the aid of computer. internets, and expert systems, They produce highly quality anded by the world market. The introduction of these new f the employees work design, training 3. The Challenj y is increasing the ct The global technolog s became more “smarter wor technologies nee program and reward system. ‘The links of high productivity are: a. Human resources and capabilities b. New technology and opportunities Efficient work. structure_and company poli technology to interact. c cies allow employees and The organization’s competitive advantage depends on the strength of the above linkage. Organizations must deal successful value. Human Resource Management develop a well-trained and committed work force. lly with these challenges to create and maintain t must face these challenges to motivate and Contributing Growth Factors Among the factors that have contributed to the growth of personnel management in the Philippines are the following: 1. Increasing complexity of business operations oie ee saw the birth of big corporations where the volume and neyo canes and the size of the labor force demanded specialization in ma igement. The personnel specialist was called upon to formulate and carry out organization's personnel policies and programs. 2. Government regularizations and labor laws promulgated in recent years In par eae the worker's interests, especially those related to wages ions, job security, and health, the government deemed it wise '° enact rn canes 7 ae laws and government regulations. Among such laws a” ild Labor Law, the Minimum Wage Law, the Eight-hour Labo | ther labs Law, the Industri 4 and social laws which are embodied in the Labor Code of the Philippines, and its implementing Rules and Regulations that took effect on November 1, 1974. Compliance with these laws (not to mention the need to secure permits, compile statistics and make various reports to government agencies) became part of the services of a personnel department. 3. Growth of Labor Unions ‘The passage of the Industrial Peace Act of 1953, otherwise known as the Magna Carta of Labor, triggered the organization of labor unions and the strengthening of the workers’ bargaining power. Collective bargaining negotiations and the administration of union contracts may best be handled with the technical resources of a personnel department. With the passage of the new law making unfair practices a criminal offense, the responsibility of the personnel or industrial relations department becomes very important and thus makes the position of personnel managers a necessity in every company. 4, Influx of new concepts in management The employee welfare concept is not new, but its nature has changed from one of paternalism to that of employee's rights through practices that have become institutionalized. Employee benefits have become varied and far raging, making their administration a complex function. The facilities of the personnel department are here again utilized to handle such programs. Definition of Personnel/Human Resource Management Personnel or Human Resource Management may be defined as the function of management, concerned with promoting and enhancing the development of work effectiveness and advancement of the human resources in the organization. These are accomplished through proper planning, organizing, directing, coordination and controlling of activities related to procurement, development, motivation and compensation of employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise. Personnel/Human Resource Management: A Science and an Art A science is a systematic accumulation of facts, their analysis and interpretation, and their use to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion. Personnel management is a science because it involves the systematic gathering of data derived from surveys, statistics, interviews, and observations. It is an applied science because it utilizes scientific principles in analyzing and interpreting data for application in the management of the people at work. Artis proficiency in the practical application of knowledge acquired through study, experience or observation. After the required knowledge are gathered and analyzed and the possible solutions to a problem are formulated, a good executive needs to select the best from among alternative solutions. He needs to implement his choice i i the probable succes, ight time to achieve the desired result and to foresee fs; at the oink of action, and institute needed corrective measures promptly, This is cell personnel management is an art, since it involves the making of sound decisions, w s i C1 anager as a scientist and an artist are his creati, te ee aiieecd thes bee more keen as he learn from practice ang saa honing his intuition and insight in handling the various problems, employees in such a way that there is order, harmony, balance and proper timing. jj¢ also knows how to simplify complex problems. Personnel/Human Resource Manager The personnel or human resource manager, who is a member of the top executive group, is responsible for the formulation of personnel policies and programs which will serve as the foundation for an efficient personnel administration in a compan, for it to realize its goals and objectives and allow the employees to develop their individual career goals. Companies Hire a Human Resource Manager because he can: 1. Help management achieve company objectives and goals in the management of its human resources; Assist top management in formulating sound policies, programs and rules and after approval, administer them fairly and efficiently; Assist line supervisors and managers in providing employees with a satisfactory work environment and in promoting harmonious relationships with the employees and the unions; Make managers and supervisors aware of their full responsibilities in the management of human resources by providing them with technical help needed to handle employee problems; 5. Help train and develop the human resources of the company in order to equip them with the skills and knowle: dge required in accomplishing their jobs efficiently; Help promote understanding and good relationships by opening the lines of communication between management and employee thereby creating an aimosphere where workers can be happy and proud to belong to the organization; Wdentify management problems that can be resolved and opportunities that can be realized through improved effectiveness in personnel management; Assist managements and supervisors in handling labor relations, problems utilizing his knowledge and c ‘ompetence on labor laws, government regulations and court decisions on labor relations; 9, Assist the company in promoting good morale and motivation among its human resources; 10. Assist in crisis management and organizational development. Problems and Difficulties of the Personnel/Human Resource Manager An appraisal of the role and functions of the personnel managers reveals four main problems: 1. Common misconception about his role and functions There is a misconception that the personnel manager is nothing more than a simple clerk whose job is to keep employee records and to give job applicants the necessary forms to fill out. Another misconception is that he is the “power behind the throne” who has full control of the workers and who can do just about anything he wishes to make them happy and to solve all problems involving personnel. 2, Inadequate recognition by management of the proper role of the personnel manager in the organization Some top management executives are unwillingly to give the personnel manager the corresponding authority and responsibility for the job. There is hesitance on the part of business executives to let the personnel manager participate in personnel policy-making decisions. Due to inadequate recognition, some personnel managers develop some feeling of inferiority. In their desire to elevate and maintain their status, personnel men may shift from being professional to mere conformists just to get recognized. This indicates lack of self-confidence. Others prefer to leave the company, thereby causing high turnover in the profession. 3. In the area of labor relations Some employers expect the personnel manager to keep the labor unions out or if there is one, to break or bust it. The personnel manager who is a conformist becomes unstable and insecure in his position because of lack of the necessary strength of personality and knowledge of his job. 4. Jealousy of the other executives regarding the personnel manager's duty and authority. These problems can be avoided if top management defines clearly the extent and limits of authority and responsibility of the personnel manager and enjoins the line executives and supervisors to cooperate with him. 7 ‘The Past and Present Role of Human Resources To understand the improving role of personnel functions, we need to compare the ‘0 unders changes with past practices. The Traditional Personnel Image Historically, personnel managers and their departments suffered from very low perceived position due to the following factors: 1, Disrespect for the position and those who perform it; 2. The low position in the organization; 3. Lack of expertise in performing their functions. The weak position of personnel departments cause them to suffer during times of budget cutting, The function of the departmentis indirect and most often unrecognized, It is difficult to see the relationship of the undertaking comprehensive job enrichment effort and improved profits. Under this arrangement, the personnel department is one of the areas to be cut in hard times and one of the last to be increased when conditions improve. The other result of this low position has been the di! iculty of hiring qualified Personnel to enter the field. It is also due to the reluctance of some old personnel Practitioners to present to the top management advance ideas that could improve personnel systems and procedures. On the other hand, top management refuse to accept new ideas. The Changing Image of the Human Resource Functions With the advancement in technology and the higher qualifications for employment, the position of the Human Resource Department in the organization got the boast of higher recognition and importance, Organization now recognized the important role Played by human resources in the company’s profit index, Organizations are now aware that attention should b assets. That is the labor force resource department role. Com ‘1 ir a iness goals tl i supporting business operations, $ goals through enhancing and The Role of HR in the New Millennium Organization ‘The new role that the HR department performs includes out-placements, labor law compliance, record keeping, testing, compensation and some aspect of benefits administration, The HR department has to collaborate with other company executives on employment interviewing, performance management, employee discipline and efforts to improve quality and productivity. The Role Includes the Following: Recruitment and Employment Interviewing, testing, recruiting and temporary employment Labor coordination ep Training and Development * Crientation of new and temporary employees + Performance management training * Productivity enhancement 5. Wage and salary management * Job evaluation © Wage and salary survey * Executive compensation 6. Benefits Administration * Vacation and Sick leaves administration * Insurance * Stock plans + Pension plan © Retirement plan assistance programs 7. Employee Service and Recreations * Bus service * Canteens © Athletics * Housing and Relocation 8. Community Relations * Publication +. Community project and relation 9. Record management , + Employment record * Information system * Performance record 10. Health and Safety © Training * Safety inspection + Dental and Medical Services * Drug testing . Strategic management _ 2 Collaborative planning ‘© Out-sourcing manpower research © Organizational Planning Roles of the Personnel/Human Resource Manager Considering his position in the company and the scope of his functions, the personnel manager is expected to play varied roles such: 1. Supervisor i i the activities of his He plans, organizes, directs, controls and coordinates the Senet Hedelegates some of his functions to his subordinates but check | on them through follow-ups. He manages the work of the employees in his department and trains them in developing their skills for efficiency. 2. Administrative Official He or his staff conducts or directs certain personnel activities as provided or in the policies and programs entrusted to the department. He sees to it that labor laws and government regulations are properly complied with. He should also know how a policy is made and administered. oO 3. Adviser He serves as counselor, guide and confidante to management supervisors and employees. To be competent, he must keep himself informed about employee attitudes and behavior and be abreast of treads in the industrial relations field which may affect his company. 4. Coordinator He brings into action all activities, regulates and combines diverse efforts toa harmonious whole, and gets together and harmonizes the work of various Personnel in his department and the related function in other departments. 5. Negotiator He is the representative of the management in negotiating labor contracts or to attend negoti ations with unions in an advisor i ; Y capacity. As a negotiator and administrator of the labor contract, he nce e niust understand the nature, significance and methods of collective bargaining, —— 6. Educator 1 Ss Provider of Services He provides services to all employees and helps them obtain facilities with government agencies like SSS, Medicare, etc., which can make their employment more satisfying. Employee Counselor His knowledge and training in human relations and the behavioral sciences plus his familiarity with company operations, puts him in the best position to counsel employees. Promoter of Community Relations . He must be well informed of the activities and developments in the environment where the enterprise operates. He is called by the management in helping the company project favorable and positive image to the community Public Relations Man His functions require him to deal with the general public, which includes the employees, the unions, and the community. Personal Qualities of the Personnel Manager 1. = a 4, Can communicate effectively, both orally and in writing Possesses an above-average intelligence Enjoys working with people Grasps the implication of a given situation, understands individual attitudes and the problems of the employees and of the employer Aggressive, mature and capable of giving sound advice that will be in the best interest of both the employer and the employee Possesses the integrity, industry and courage to earn the respect of the employees and his employer Possesses a pleasing personality and personal warmth and should be approachable The Skills Needed by Today's HR Professionals A higher degree of professionalism is the demand of the new HR practitioners. This includes the following: 1 A higher degree of knowledge on management practices and processes. He would need this to collaborate with other line managers. 2. The HR practitioner is a service provider to other line managers. He must possess a high degree of human and public relations. A great knowledge of human psychology and social relations. Itis a great asset to effective coordination. He is a consultant on labor relations. A working knowledge of labor laws and regulations is of great advantage. As a management practitioner. A thorough knowledge of management and its relations to effective organization is a must for all HR managers to plan out strategic approaches to problems and their solutions. A community relations officer. The HR Manager develops greater linkage with government and other stakeholders. He has to coordinate with schools and other agencies for their manpower pooling and other services. Rewards and Benefits for the Personnel Manager The Personnel or Human Resource Manager's job is demanding and stressful job, However, it is financially rewarding and stable. Big companies offer competitive salaries and attractive benefits or what we call the “perks” of the job, aside from the usual benefits being enjoyed by most employees, which are mandated by the Labor Law (such as the SSS, PAGIBIG, Phil health, 13" month pay and the like). Some benefits being offered to Personnel Managers are the following: % eon Car Plan or Free use of Company Transportation — This is offered so that he can attend all his meetings on time and bé able to reach all assigned destinations given to him. Unlimited / Limited use of gasoline and free maintenance check-up. Company cellular phone — This is given to ensure that the manager can be contracted anytime especially by top management so as to have a free flow of communication. Representation Allowance Meal Allowance ~ A budget is allotted for the managers in order to maintain a good image not only for the company but also for the manager himself. Education Scholarship /| Attending Conventions and Seminars- The managers ate offered scholarships and are given the opportunity to attend conventions, seminars and meetings for them to be updated with the latest trends in their department, learn thorough knowledge, meet other colleagues, and gait experience that will enable them to develop their self-esteem and confidence. Career Advancement/Other Professional Options for the Personnel Manager The Personnel Manager, known as the “jack of all trades”, has the opportunity for other career options such as the following: 1. College Professor — He can teach business subjects such as marketing, finance, human resources and development. 2. Vice President of the Company ~ This is due to promotion after showing and performing excellently. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 4. Politician Entrepreneur 6. Businessman In addition to all these, being in this field will definitely open a lot of doors for this kind of job. Aside from all the financial and material gains one many have, itis a career intended for those people who love people and have a soft spot in taking care of their subordinates, that is — the employees. The Career Path to HR Management New college graduatés who are interested in developing their career in the area of human resources must start in the lower level of the HR functions. They need exposure in the different fields or areas of specialized HR functions. Entry Level (personnel assistant) Supervisory Level Managerial Level Career Path to Human Resource Management 1, Entrance Level - A new college graduate may start as personnel assistant in a medium-size organization. The following skills are necessary: ce d. Assisting in interviewing applicants; . Giving tests and scoring test results in personality inventory and other skills test; Assisting in employee orientation and training programs; Record keeping. 2. Supervisory Level - The promotion to a higher level depends on the ability and capability of the Personnel Assistant to acquire the skills necessary in the HR functions. The traits and skills are: a. b. & Skills in writing job descriptions, job analysis, and job evaluations. Knowledge of employee benefit programs related to vacation and sick leaves, pensions and other mutual benefits. He must have acquired the skills in interviewing applicants and counselling employees. . Skillsin testing and interpreting test results and making recommendations as to the fitness of applicants. Job evaluation and wage administration skills and relating pay to the differences in job requirements. Skills in determining training needs and develop training modules and conducting he same. Skills in basic research related to manpower planning. | 3. The Managerial Level - At this level the HR practitioner has acquired the above skills. However, at this point, the concentration of the HR is the effective management of the different areas of personnel functions. The added personnel activities include in the following: a Leadership and Conceptual Ideas Visioning Here the HR manager is part of the strategic management team that participates in organization strategies planning for improved products and services as they relate to employees’ productivity and its relation to technology enhancement programs. Analytical of the facts as basis for Decision Making Along this area, the HR manager is saddled with the analysis of the employee's the development program and finding alternative solutions to improve employee's performance level as it relates to global competitiveness. His main concern is how human resource assets could be turned into productive investments through a proper compensation aM benefits program. c, Compliance Administration and Control The changing social and work force environment needs compliance with the social and legal norms in the work place. This includes labor laws, environmental regulations, safety and security employee services including recreation and other manpower demands for a better working environment, : d._ Interpersonal Team Work The introduction of new technology in the work place brought about varied HR problems, An employee has to undergo training and development of new skills and work values. Global competitiveness, being the essence of the new mandate for industries, needs employees who are dedicated and work-oriented. Teamwork cannot be developed in a day or two. Teambuilding and organizational interventions are needed to develop greater teamwork. Teamwork adds value to more efficient manpower. The Changing Landscape in HR Management The increase in these functions has been seen and realized by management that the most important level for companies to gain competitive advantage both in domestic and foreign market is through productive and committed personnel. Top management believes that HRM practices are directly related to the companies’ success in meeting competitive challenges. The change in personnel values and orientation should match the changes in technology without which competitive advantage could hardly be possible. To compete in the global economic arena, companies need to put greater effort towards accelerating and retaining talented personnel. Employees need to be trained and developed and we need to dismantle the bureaucratic structures that limit employee's ability to innovate and be creative. The meaning of employees towards the values of Theory Y and Theory Z in the management of human resources should be encouraged. Employees should be empowered towards productive endeavor and be guided according to the need for competitive advantage if the economic development of this country is to be attained. The politics of divisiveness in the work environment must be replaced with cooperative undertakings that will contribute to work efficiency. The HRM, functioning along this area under the new directions, must give credence to more productive efforts towards properly compensated manpower resources. We need to give credit for productivity but productivity cannot be attained with a hungry stomach. These are the new challenges to HRM if employees’ contributions to the company’s profitability are to be attained. 5 Case Study 1 The New Human Resource Manager The Prime Manufacturing Company is a garment factory that employs about 1250 employees of varied skills. About 75 percent are women who are mostly in the production department. Men employees are assigned in the maintenance department and as operators of machines used in the garment production. Women are mostly in sewing department, packaging and quality control. Mr. Rod Santos was hired to head the HR department. Prior to his assignment at Prime Manufacturing Company, Rod was in a construction firm, a medium-size organization. His main concern was preparing the payroll and handling employee's records. The Human Resource Department is composed of 5 employees, a payroll clerk, a personnel assistant and two supervisors and Mr. Rod Santos as manager. The record of Rod Santos in his academic achievements is quietly satisfactory. His bachelor’s degree is in the field of Engineering. Performance in the previous employment is quite satisfactory. The construction company of his previous employment closed shop due to an economic slowdown, this cause his separation from employment. The garment business globally competitive and customer's satisfaction is of prime importance, Employee's commitments to performance standard are high priority. In the three-month span of Rod Santos’ employment, 20 percent of women employees and 12 percent of male employees resigned for unknown reasons, as there was no exit interview conducted. Production schedule was delayed and foreign customers were alarmed ’ The general manager, Mario Mabilangan, called Rod Santos regarding the problem. He noted Rod's indecisive approach to the HR problem and actions that he failed to take. He pointed out to Rod Santos that he exactly did not know what to do regarding the current situation. His subordinates began to complain to Mr. Mabilangan about Rod Santos’ indecision. Rod Santos became more withdrawn from his subordinates and other managers in the plant. He showed little interest in his job and concentrated in mental jobs concerning the department. In general he lost control of his job of managing the department, Note: Use the case analysis 'format Problem Case Facts Analysis/ Hypothesis Alternative Courses of Action Recommendation and Conclusion Professor: I. TRUE or FALSE. Write T on the space provided if the statement is correct and F if the statentent is incorrect. (10 pts) 1 Personnel or Human Resource Management is a relatively new field in the Philippines The top management is aware that there is always a need for personnel management in the company. Industrious and hardworking personnel are already suitable qualifications in becoming a personnel or human resource manager. The Personnel Management Association of the Philippines or PMAP is a national organization of all human resource practitioners which was established to uphold the profession to the fullest. The variety of operations at work and the increase in size of personnel management in the Philippines. The Industrial Peace Act of 1983 is also known as the Magna Carta of Labor. : The company program concerning employee benefits remain the same throughout the years and that makes their administration easy to handle. Personnel Management is an art because personnel managers make decisions at the right time with the objective of achieving desired results. A personnel manager should also establish good relationship between the management and employees by keeping the lines of communication open. Busting, breaking and driving the labor unions out are just one of the roles of the personnel or human resource manager. MULTIPLE CHOICE. (Roles of the Personnel/Human Resource Manager) Direction: Choose the best answer by encircling the leter of each number. (10 pts.) 1. He delegates some of his functions to his subordinates but checks on them through follow-ups, a. Supervisor c. Negotiator b. Adviser . d. Educator 2. He brings into action all activities and harmonizes the work of various personnel in his department and related functions in other departments. a, Educator c. Adviser b. Couselor . d. Coordinator 3. He conducts or administers the company’s training program and is involved in the development of each employee. a. Administrative Official c. Educator b. Provider of Service d. Adviser 4. Hesservesas a guide and confident to management supervisors and employees. He must be well-informed about employee attitudes and behavior which may affect the company. a. Supervisor c. Public Relations Man b. Adviser d. Provider of Service 5. He represents the mangement in negotiating labor contracts or attends negotiations with unions in an advisory capacity. a. Adviser ©. Negotiator b. Administrative Official d. Supervisor 6 He deals with the general public, which includes the employees, the unions and the community. a. Counselor ¢. Prompter of Community b. Provider of Service d. Public Relations Man 7. He provides services to all employees and helps them obtain facilities with goverment agencies like $S5, Philhealth that makes employment mar satisfying. a. Provider of Service c, Counselor b. Public Relations Man d. Adviser 8. Hehelps the company project a favorable and positive inage to the community. lopmentsin theenvironment, He must be well informed of the activities and devel a. Provider of Service Adviser b. Promoter of Community d. Negotiator 9. He sees to it that labor laws and government regulations are properly complied with. He should also know how a policy is made and administered. a. Supervisor c. Administrative Officer b. Coordinator d. Educator 10. He counsels employees from his knowledge and training in human relations and the behavioral sciences because of his familiarity with company operations. a. Counselor ¢. Coordinator b. Negotiator d. Supervisor

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