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D Y Patil International

School, Pune

Chapter - 7
Forms of Matter: Solids, Liquids and Gases
Spellings to Remember
Q1. Define the following

1.Matter- Anything that occupies space is called matter.

Example :- Plants, animals, human beings etc.
Short questions and answers:-

2. What are the three states of matter?

Ans:- The three states of matter are solid, liquid and gas.

3. What are solids? Give two examples.

Ans:- Solids are :- 1. Hard and cannot be easily compressed.
2.They have definite shape, size and volume.
Examples:- Table, pencil
4.What are gases? Give two examples.
Ans:- Gases do not have a definite shape and volume. Gases can flow in all
directions and can be compressed.
Examples:- Oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Long questions and answers:-

5.What are natural things and man-made things? Give two examples.
Ans:- Natural things:- These things are given by nature.
examples:- sun, moon, star
Man-made things:- These things are made by human.
examples:- fan, car, house
6.Mention any two properties of solids, liquids and gases.
Ans:- The properties of solids are:
1. They do not flow.
2. They have definite shape and size.
The properties of liquids are:
1. They have definite volume.
2. They do not have definite shape and size.
The properties of gases are:
1. They do not have definite volume.
2. They do not have definite shape and size.
7.State two uses each of solids, liquids and gases.
Ans:- Uses of solids are:
1. The food we eat sugar, rice are solids.
2. Brick is a solid that is used for making buildings.
Uses of liquids are:
1. Water is the most essential liquid for living things.
2. Petrol and diesel are used as fuels in cars and buses.
Uses of gases are:
1. Oxygen is a gas and its required for breathing.
2. Plants use carbon dioxide to prepare their food.

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