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Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: Informative Essay

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Explaining the process of photosynthesis in plants can be a topic for an

informative essay, connecting biology concepts with English writing skills.

2) History - Writing about the causes and effects of World War II can integrate
historical research with informative writing in English.

3) Mathematics - Explaining the significance of algebra in solving real-world

problems can bridge mathematical reasoning with English communication skills.


[Teaching Strategy: Brainstorming]

[Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, Markers]

Anecdote 1 - Sharing a traditional Filipino folktale that highlights the importance of

storytelling in conveying information effectively.

Anecdote 2 - Recalling a historical event from Filipino culture that emphasizes the
value of accurate information in narratives.


[Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing]

[Instructional Materials: Costumes, Props]

1) Idea - Students will role-play as historical figures and present informative
monologues about their lives.

2) Idea - Conduct a debate on a current social issue where students present

informative arguments to support their positions.


Activity 1: Research and Report

[Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning]

Materials - Laptops, Research Materials

Significance - Develops research skills and the ability to present information clearly.

Instructions -

1) Students choose a specific topic to research and write an informative essay.

2) They must include at least three reliable sources and cite them properly.

3) Rubric - Content Accuracy - 20 pts, Organization - 15 pts, Citations - 10 pts.

Assessment Questions:

1) What sources did you use to gather information for your essay?

2) How did you ensure the accuracy of the information presented?

3) Can you identify the main points of your essay?


In this stage, the teacher will explain the structure and elements of an informative
essay, highlighting the importance of a clear thesis statement, supporting evidence,
and a logical organization.


[Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning]

Task 1 - Create an infographic summarizing the key points of your informative essay.

Task 2 - Conduct a peer review session where students provide constructive

feedback on each other's essays.


[Teaching Strategy: Differentiation]

[Instructional Materials: Sample Essays, Rubrics]

Question 1 - Identify and explain the main idea of the essay you read.

Question 2 - How could the author improve the clarity of their writing in the essay?

Question 3 - Evaluate the effectiveness of the evidence provided in the essay.


[Teaching Strategy: Case Studies]

[Instructional Materials: Real-Life Examples]

Provide case studies where students analyze and write informative essays on
contemporary issues, connecting classroom learning to real-world applications.


1) Create a multimedia presentation summarizing the key points of your informative

essay and present it to the class.

2) Write a reflection on the research process for your essay, discussing challenges
faced and strategies used to overcome them.

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