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Which underlined part is pronounced differently?
1. A. thirty B. thanks C. whether D. healthy
2. A. male B. salesman C. salt D. safe
3. A. weight B. leisure C. neighbor D. wait
4. A. enough B. thought C. though D. bought
5. A. chemist B. champion C. chaotic D. orchestra

Which word is stressed differently from the others?

6. A. argument B. confidence C. employment D. telephone
7. A. attraction B. violence C. consciousness D. homelessness
8. A. engineer B. referee C. volunteer D. exercise
9. A. observation B. documentary C. satisfaction D. participant
10. A. excellent B. excited C. expensive D. exactly


Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
11. If the number of tourists continues to grow, the character of our town _______ forever.
A. changed B. has changed C. will change D. would change
12. “I will pay back the money, Gloria.” Said Ivan.
A. Ivan apologized to Gloria for borrowing her money.
B. Ivan offered to pay Gloria the money back.
C. Ivan promised to pay back Gloria’s money.
D. Ivan suggested paying back the money to Gloria.
13. I don’t like living in the city. There’s _______ traffic so it’s too polluted and noisy.
A. too many B. too much C. so D. too
14. I’m afraid the human resources manager hasn’t arrived _________. Please have a seat.
A. already B. still C. soon D. yet
15. When I was a child, I often _________ kite-flying in summer.
A. go B. goes C. went D. have gone
16. I cannot go to the disco because I’m ________ working on my new website.
A. enough busy B. busy enough C. too busy D. too busy to
17. We did not have ________ for everybody, so we bought some sandwiches.
A. cakes enough B. enough cakes C. a lot cakes D. too much cakes
18. The Fantastic Four is terrific. I _______ it three times.
A. have seen B. have been seeing C. see D. saw
19. I need to lose weight. I’m getting _______ for my jeans.
A. big too B. too big C. big enough D. enough big
20. "If I were you, I would take a break," Tom said to Daisy.
A. Tom wanted to take a break with Daisy.
B. Tom advised Daisy to take a break.
C. Tom suggested not taking a break.
D. Tom wanted to take a break, and so did Daisy.
21. He _______ in Japan for ten years and then he moved to Korea.
A. has worked B. worked C. works D. were working
22. Tony is very good at languages. He ________ speak three languages fluently.
A. has to B. may C. should D. can
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23. He was honest ______ to admit that he knew nothing about the subject.
A. enough B. so C. too D. such
24. I’ll be home for dinner unless the boss ________ me to work overtime.
A. will ask B. is asking C. asks D. asked
25. When we were at high school, we ________ wear school uniform.
A. should B. can C. had to D. had better

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.
26. For a Dinka woman, if a man is fat, it is a _______ that he is rich and powerful.
A. style B. message C. sign D. symptom
27. She doesn’t really _______ well with her colleagues since she hardly ever listens to anyone.
A. get up B. get over C. get on D. get in
28. I joined the local chess club when I was ten, so I’ve been a _________ here for six years.
A. member B. participant C. guest D. customer
29. In order to improve living standards, the government should have better social __________.
A. experiments B. volunteers C. policies D. issues
30. Lack of sleep can make people lose __________ and make more mistakes.
A. confidence B. imagination C. attraction D. concentration
31. During the package tour, the guides were only interested in _______ the tourists to buy goods.
A. persuading B. introducing C. gathering D. negotiating
32. In my research, I’m _______ ways to deal with stress in the office.
A. looking B. studying C. reporting D. making
33. The local factory suddenly closed, leaving hundreds of people _________.
A. social B. surviving C. unemployed D. trained
34. Running, like all forms of regular ______, can effectively slow or reverse the effects of aging.
A. entertainment B. exercise C. work D. movement
35. She is _______ to shrimp. Every time she eats it, her body gets red and itchy.
A. allergic B. likeable C. enjoyable D. keen
36. High temperature is usually one of the _________ of a particular illness.
A. symptoms B. effects C. displays D. problems
37. We ________ a lot of interesting things on our trip to the rainforest.
A. volunteered B. composed C. governed D. experienced
38. We have English classes for people of all ages – children, teenagers, and _________.
A. participants B. adults C. experts D. scientists
39. The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water ________.
A. shortage B. lack C. absence D. failure
40. Hindu science made great _______ in astronomy and mathematics.
A. techniques B. procedures C. advances D. tools
41. Teachers aim to help children become _______ learners.
A. demotivated B. automatic C. independent D. anonymous
42. He stressed the need for greater concentration on environmental ________.
A. productions B. issues C. properties D. distractions
43. My favorite sport is _______. I like to walk for miles and explore forests, mountains and
A. cycling B. climbing C. hiking D. camping
44. Don’t you get bored living out here in the _______ far from the downtown?
A. riverfront B. mall C. city center D. suburbs
45. Korfball is a fast, exciting game. It’s also a great way to keep ________.
A. fit B. health C. sport D. suitable
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Read the following passages and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.

Passage 1
Exercise is good for your body, but do you know that exercise is also good for your mind? A
recent research has shown that regular exercise makes our mind feel better. Doing exercise improves
our mood and gives us the confidence to encounter whatever difficulty that we meet in our life. Some
studies show that it also enhances the functioning of your brain. When we are physically active, our
body releases chemicals known as “endorphins”. These chemicals are our body’s natural painkillers
and stress reducers. They diminish anger, anxiety, and depression and produce a sense of well being.
Meanwhile, other studies have shown that even short time of moderate exercise can improve our
outlook on life and make us less anxious. Whether we take a ten-minute walk, or bicycle around the
block, we will feel the benefit both physically and emotionally.

46. What is the main idea of the passage?

A. Doing exercise is good for our heath.
B. Doing exercise has no effect on our mind.
C. We should do a lot of exercise every day.
D. Doing exercise is good for both our body and our mind.
47. Doing exercise gives us _______.
A. confidence B. difficulty C. bad mood D. stress
48. “Endorphins” can ________.
A. increase anger B. release chemicals
C. reduce pain and stress D. make us feel worse
49. When we do exercise, ________.
A. we cannot encounter our difficulty B. we get angry easily
C. we get physical and emotional benefits D. our brain becomes tired.
50. The word “They” in line 6 refers to _______.
A. exercises B. benefits C. minds D. endorphins

Passage 2
When the early settlers especially the English, arrived in the New World, the hardships and
dangers awaiting them were totally unexpected. If it had not been for some friendly Indians, the
colonists never would have survived the terrible winters. They knew nothing about planting crops,
hunting animals, building sod houses or making clothing from animal skins. Life in England had
been much simpler, and this new life was not like what the Spanish explorers had reported.
The settlers did introduce iron tools, muskets for hunting, domesticated animals, and political
ways to the Indians. In exchange, the settlers learned to build canoes for water transportation and
snowshoes and toboggans for winter traveling. The Indians also taught them to blaze trails
through the forest, to hunt large animals and trap smaller ones and to spear fish in the lakes and
The natives also introduced to the settlers typical foods such as turkey corn, squash, beans and
pumpkin. Everything possible was done in order to make their new settlement feel like the homes
they had left behind.

51. Which of the following did the new settlers teach the Indians?
A. new political ways B. new ways of fishing
C. new means of water travel D. how to trap animals
52. What can be inferred about corn, squash and pumpkin?
A. They were plentiful in England. B. They grew only in certain parts of England.
C. They were expensive in England. D. They did not exist in England.
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53. Which of the following was not introduced to the settlers by the Indians?
A. corn B. domesticated animals
C. building sod houses D. trapping animals
54. Whose earlier explorations and findings had misguided the English into believing that life in
the New World would not be so difficult?
A. Indians B other Englishmen C. Spaniards D. political leaders
55. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The settlers were well prepared for the hardships they would meet with.
B. The settlers evidently found the winters severe.
C. The Indians taught the settlers how to build canoes.
D. The settlers brought tools and weapons to the New World.

Read the following passage and choose the best word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each
The world’s most popular sport!
For centuries, people have been playing kicking games with a ball. The game of ( 56)
_______ developed from some of these early games. The English probably gave soccer (57)
_______ name and its first set of rules. In European countries, soccer is called football or
association football.
Organized soccer games began in 1863. In soccer, two teams of eleven players try to ( 58)
_______ or head the ball into their opponents’ goal. The goalkeeper, who tries to keep the ball
(59) _______ the goal, is the only player on the field who is allowed to touch the ball with his or
her (60) _______. The other players must use their feet, heads, and bodies to control the ball.
Every four years, soccer teams around the world compete for the World Cup. The World
Cup (61) _______ started in 1930. Brazil is the home of many great soccer players, (62) _______
the most famous player of all, Pele. With his fast footwork, dazzling speed, and great scoring
ability, Pele played for many years in Brazil and then later in New York. During his 22 years in
soccer, he (63) _______ 1,281 goals and held every major record for the sport. People in more
(64) _______ 140 countries around the world play soccer. It is the (65) _______ sport of most
European and Latin American countries. Soccer is definitely the world’s most popular sport!

56. A. surfing B. billiards C. soccer D. volleyball

57. A. its B. their C. it D. theirs
58. A. set B. kick C. hit D. crash
59. A. in B. to C. into D. out of
60. A. heads B. ankles C. hands D. knees
61. A. competition B. competitive C. competitor D. compete
62. A. include B. includes C. including D. included
63. A. offered B. played C. used D. scored
64. A. than B. then C. that D. though
65. A. nature B. nation C. national D. nationality

- End of Test-

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