Range Updates With BIT - Fenwick Tree - Everything Under The Sun

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3/31/24, 2:01 PM Range updates with BIT / Fenwick Tree | Everything Under The Sun

Everything Under The Sun

A blog on CS concepts

Range updates with BIT / Fenwick Tree

December 2, 2013 by Kartik Kukreja
I described implementation of BIT/Fenwick tree in an earlier post
implementation/) as a way of maintaining cumulative frequency table, which allows operations like
updating any single element and querying sum of elements in a range [a…b] in logarithmic time. I
recently found out that this is only one of the ways of using a BIT. A BIT can in fact be operated in one
of three modes:

1. Point Updates and Range Queries

Given an array A of N numbers, we need to support adding a value v to any element A[p] and
querying the sum of numbers A[a] + A[a+1] + … + A[b], both operations in O(log N). Let ft[N+1]
denotes the underlying fenwick tree.

1 # Add v to A[p]
2 update(p, v):
3 for (; p <= N; p += p&(-p))
4 ft[p] += v
6 # Return sum A[1...b]
7 query(b):
8 sum = 0
9 for(; b > 0; b -= b&(-b))
10 sum += ft[b]
11 return sum
13 # Return sum A[a...b]
14 query(a, b):
15 return query(b) - query(a-1)
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Take a look at C++ implementation (https://github.com/kartikkukreja/blog-


2. Range Updates and Point queries

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Given an array A of N numbers, we need to support adding a value v to each element A[a…b] and
querying the value of A[p], both operations in O(log N). Let ft[N+1] denote the underlying fenwick

1 # A[] is the original array

2 # ft[] is the fenwick tree maintaining the diffs initialized with 0
4 # Add v to A[p]
5 update(p, v):
6 for (; p <= N; p += p&(-p))
7 ft[p] += v
9 # Add v to A[a...b]
10 update(a, b, v):
11 update(a, v)
12 update(b + 1, -v)
14 # Return A[b]
15 query(b):
16 sum = 0
17 for(; b > 0; b -= b&(-b))
18 sum += ft[b]
19 return sum + A[b]
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Explanation: update(p, v) will affect all p’ >= p. To limit the effect to a given range [a…b], we subtract
-v from all p’ > b by performing the operation update(b+1, -v).

See problem UPDATEIT (http://www.spoj.com/problems/UPDATEIT/) which uses this idea.

Take a look at C++ implementation (https://github.com/kartikkukreja/blog-


3. Range Updates and Range Queries

Given an array A of N numbers, we need to support adding a value v to each element A[a…b] and
querying the sum of numbers A[a…b], both operations in O(log N). This can be done by using two
BITs B1[N+1], B2[N+1].

1 update(ft, p, v):
2 for (; p <= N; p += p&(-p))
3 ft[p] += v
5 # Add v to A[a...b]
6 update(a, b, v):
7 update(B1, a, v)
8 update(B1, b + 1, -v)
9 update(B2, a, v * (a-1))
10 update(B2, b + 1, -v * b)
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12 query(ft, b):
13 sum = 0
14 for(; b > 0; b -= b&(-b))
15 sum += ft[b]
16 return sum
18 # Return sum A[1...b]
19 query(b):
20 return query(B1, b) * b - query(B2, b)
22 # Return sum A[a...b]
23 query(a, b):
24 return query(b) - query(a-1)
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BIT B1 is used like in the earlier case with range updates/point queries such that query(B1, p) gives

Consider a range update query: Add v to [a…b]. Let all elements initially be 0. Now, Sum(1…p) for
different p is as follows:

1 <= p < a : 0
a <= p <= b : v * (p – (a – 1))
b < p <= N : v * (b – (a – 1))

Thus, for a given index p, we can find Sum(1…p) by subtracting a value X from p * Sum(p,p)
(Sum(p,p) is the actual value stored at index p) such that

1 <= p < a : Sum(1..p) = 0, X = 0

a <= p <= b : Sum(1…p) = (v * p) – (v * (a-1)), X = v * (a-1)
b < p <= N: Sum(1…p) = (v * b) – (v * (a-1)), X = -(v * b) + (v * (a-1))

To maintain this extra factor X, we use another BIT B2 such that

Add v to [a…b] -> Update(B2, a, v * (a-1)) and Update(B2, b+1, -v * b)

Query(B2, p) gives the value X that must be subtracted from A[p] * p

See problem HORRIBLE (http://www.spoj.com/problems/HORRIBLE/) which uses this idea.

Take a look at C++ implementation (https://github.com/kartikkukreja/blog-




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This entry was posted in Data Structures and tagged binary indexed tree, BIT, C++ implementation,
explanation, fenwick tree, HORRIBLE Spoj, point updates/range queries, range updates/point queries, range
updates/range queries, UPDATEIT Spoj. Bookmark the permalink.

76 thoughts on “Range updates with BIT / Fenwick Tree”

1. islamtahaa says:
June 21, 2015 at 4:35 pm
what if i’m updating with different values not with v i.e. for every element i update with it’s
unique value ?

kartik kukreja says:
June 21, 2015 at 6:06 pm
BITs don’t support this operation. If you want to perform totally unrelated updates to each
element in a range, you can perform point updates for each element in the range and pay a log
n cost for each point update.

You can achieve better complexity with a segment tree.

2. islamtahaa says:
June 21, 2015 at 6:10 pm
is there any tutorial or something like that, to explain this operation using segment tree ?

kartik kukreja says:
June 21, 2015 at 6:17 pm
I’ve written two posts on segment trees:

A simple approach to segment trees

A segment tree is a tree data structure that allows aggregation queries and updates
over array intervals in logarithmic time. As I see it, there are three major use cases
for segment trees: Static segment trees: This is probably the most common use
case. We preprocess an array of N elements to construct a segment … Continue
Everything Under The Sun 68

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A simple approach to segment trees, part 2

This post is in continuation to a previous post on segment trees. If you haven’t read
that post already, it would be a good idea to read that first. Let me do a quick recap.
The previous post described three use cases for segment trees (persistent/static,
point updates and range updates) and explained the first … Continue reading
Everything Under The Sun 22

They don’t explain this operation directly but combine them with this idea: An update to the
tree can be a list of point updates, sorted by index, and we can split this list for left and right
children. This should solve a more general problem than a range update: updating any set of
indices with any values.
3. Anonymous says:
July 5, 2015 at 2:05 am
What if I want to update a range with minimum value?
For example if my array is 1 2 3 4 5
and my update query is (l=1,r=5,v=1) then,

should take place and my final array should be

Can this be done using BIT?

kartik kukreja says:
July 5, 2015 at 11:07 am
BITs have one purpose: supporting range sum queries and updates in O(log N) complexity.
Sure we can use some hacks to do more with them but we should always try to use a data
structure that naturally supports the operations we want to perform. A segment tree will
naturally support this operation so you should try to use it.

4. Eknoor Jassal says:
July 6, 2015 at 12:02 pm
The explanations are very brief. Examples would make them better

5. Shivam Aggarwal says:
July 7, 2015 at 2:17 am
if we’ve non zero elements in input array then how the code will change? specifically in 3rd case
Range update and Range queries ?

kartik kukreja says:
July 7, 2015 at 9:02 am
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A rather simple approach is to start with an empty BIT (all elements 0) and then update the
value at each index. It’s complexity is O(N log N). I don’t know if there’s a better approach that
can do it in O(N).

Shivam Aggarwal says:
July 7, 2015 at 3:03 pm
Question i was trying was.. suppose I/p array is 1 2 3 4 and q queries are there… p 1 2
means print sum from 1 to 2 & u 1 3 4 means add 4 to the elements from 1 to 3… the 3rd
case isn’t working on this any idea why ??

kartik kukreja says:
July 7, 2015 at 3:38 pm
Sure it’s working. Use the following code to initialize the BIT:

for (int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) {

scanf("%d", &p);
range_update(i, i, p);

6. Suraj Prakash says:
July 11, 2015 at 9:26 pm
if we wanted to change value of array to a specific value i.e. (A[i]…..A[j]) = x , how can we
implement that

kartik kukreja says:
July 11, 2015 at 10:02 pm
A straightforward approach is to query for the value in each index of the range and update the
difference from the desired value.

7. Anonymous says:
July 23, 2015 at 8:55 pm
Awesome post…Helped me understand the beautiful Fenwick Tree easily.

8. Reva Yoga Pradana says:
August 9, 2015 at 10:51 pm
aweseome tutorial, thanks

9. RDR says:
August 20, 2015 at 12:49 am
Hey, can you please explain how range update point query is working, I am confused on how
query(b) is giving the value present at A[b]

kartik kukreja says:
August 20, 2015 at 10:24 am

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The question as I understand is this: why the same query(x) function calculates sum(A[1..x])
for point-update-range-query while it calculates A[x] for range-update-point-query?

update(x,v) and query(x) functions are common to both the cases so they must have the same
behavior too. update(x,v) adds v to some elements ft[i] (i≥x) such that when you call query(i)
(i≥x), you will see this update v exactly once and thus count it exactly once. query(x) adds
some elements ft[i] (i≤x) such that each update to any element i≤x is seen exactly once.

For the point-update-range-query case, all update(x,v) are visible to x’≥x so when you call
query(c), you effectively add all the updates applied to all elements 1≤i≤c which is nothing but
the sum of A[1..c].

However, in the case of range-update-point-query, updates can be cancelled off. updates(a,b,v)

is only visible exactly once inside the range a..b (effected by adding -v to ft[i] for i>b). Now,
when you call query(c), it still sums the frequencies from 1 to c but their meaning is now
different. If it sees an update v during summing frequencies, it is because that index lied in the
range of some range update a..b applied some time before. Since the value is seen only once, it
is as if v is added to only that index. This explains why query(c) now calculates A[c]. It is still
calculating sum of frequencies but they have a different meaning now.

I hope this makes sense to you.

Antonio says:
September 18, 2015 at 2:10 am
Hi Kartik,
it all makes sense what you have written above, but you mentioned that frequencies stored
in a BIT have different meaning.
ex. Let tree be an array where we represent our BIT
1. in point update – range query: tree[x] represents cumulative frequency for elements with
{ x – 2^r + 1, … , x } , where r is the position of the right-most non-zero bit. so tree[6] stores
cumulative frequency for values 5 and 6. (6 in binary is 110, r=1, 6 – 2^1 + 1 = 5).

but, in range update – point query what does exactly tree[x] represents, what is the
meaning of tree[x]?

Thanks in advance.

kartik kukreja says:
September 19, 2015 at 9:18 pm
It basically means the same thing (still a cumulative frequency table) but the semantics
are now different.

Suppose you update index 2 with value 5, now when you query for any index >= 2, it’d
return 5+whatever it would have returned earlier. You can get the range query behavior
as query(a,b) = query(b) – query(a-1).

With range update-point query for an interval [2,4] with update 5, we update index 2
with value 5 and index 5(4+1) with value -5. So if you query for an index x < 2, you
won't see the update 5. If you query for 2<=x 4, you’ll see two updates 5 and -5 which
cancel each other.

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So the meaning of what is stored in an element in a BIT hasn’t changed; what has
changed is how we are using it.
Antonio says:
September 20, 2015 at 3:06 am
Sorry for borthering, but I didn’t formulate my question really well.

I was interested in:

1) what does the stored value in tree[x] means?

ex. In point update – range query tree[6] stores how many times does the values 5
and 6 appear in array.

But in range update – point query the values may be negative.

What do values stored in tree[x] , for range update – point query , mean?

Thanks for replying in such short time.

kartik kukreja says:

September 20, 2015 at 11:17 am
Oh, you misunderstand what tree[x] stores even in the point update-range query
case. tree[6] doesn’t store the count of values 5 and 6 in the whole array. It stores the
sum of values at array indices 5 and 6.

It’s illogical to think that a BIT will store count of each value separately because then
building a BIT for even a 1-element array could take a billion integers if the updates
can be anything. Further, nowhere do we say that the updates must only be positive
integers; they can be negative so the array elements can be negative.

So, even in range update-point query, tree[6] stores the sum of values at array
indices 5 and 6.
10. competitivecoder says:
September 15, 2015 at 12:03 am
Sir,Do we loose original array when update point or range update,amarite?

kartik kukreja says:
September 15, 2015 at 7:46 am
BIT doesn’t maintain the updated array for constant time access to its elements. But you can
query for the updated value of each element in O(log N).

competitivecoder says:
September 15, 2015 at 8:37 am
Sorry I think I was not clear enough.My question was–If we call update like update(i,X) so
we have A[i] as A[i]+(X) as new value.For example A[1]=5,A[2]=10,A[3]=15,….calling
update(1,5) so now A[1] will be 10.This was my question

kartik kukreja says:
September 15, 2015 at 8:39 am

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Are you saying that you want the original values from the BIT, before any updates were
applied to it? No, BIT does not provide that. You can just keep a copy of the original
values separately in an array if you want them.

competitivecoder says:
September 16, 2015 at 12:13 am
Firstly I would like to apologize for being so dumb sir,but believe me I am facing lot
of confusions 😦
.Please answer these question that I am not getting regarding this
difficult data structure.

1)When we say update a[i] with x(i.e a[i]+=x) by calling update function,Do we
really add anything to the actual array A at index i or we make modifications to the
bit tree so that conceptually it will make similar sense like adding x to a[i].

2)Like in this question .https://www.hackerearth.com/problem/algorithm/help-

We have to change A[i] to x(see count=0 condition please) so in this case we have to
actually call update and change the actual array both.Because we are asked to
change actual array.Am I right ?

And again I am very embarrassed to bother you again and again and again.

kartik kukreja says:

September 16, 2015 at 8:23 am
It’s not a problem. Here goes:
1.) BIT does not update the array as is but makes changes so that a query() call
would return the right result. This is to be expected if a DS is supposed to update a
range of elements in logarithmic time.
2.) This problem can be easily solved with a BIT but you wouldn’t build the BIT over
original array. You should build a BIT over the count of even numbers i.e., for an
array [1,2,5,4], you’d build a BIT over [0,1,0,1]. The BIT will allow you to query for
the count of even numbers in any range (subtract it from the size of that range to get
count of odd numbers). For updates, add 1 to an element if changing it from odd to
even and -1 if from even to odd.

I hope that helps. Please do let me know if you need more help.
11. competitivecoder says:
September 16, 2015 at 10:06 am
Sir first of all thanks for such warmth reply . 🙂
Question link ->https://www.hackerearth.com/problem/algorithm/help-ashu-1/description/
My solution link->https://www.hackerearth.com/submission/2544059/

Sir,I have small doubt left in this question.Please have a look at I will be out of here I swear .In 😦
this question I know how to do when query=1 and query=2.But have small doubt in query=0.In
query 0 we are asked to change array at some index l to x(i.e a[l]=x).So we want our original array
to get changed.So what we will do is we change our original array a[l] to x as well as our BIT
according to changes made in our original array as I did(see my submission).But say we have
scenario in which we have query=0 and in that query we are asked to change original array to X
for the whole interval like(if query==0 change original array to X for the interval from [L,R] how
efficiently we can do this ??)

kartik kukreja says:
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September 16, 2015 at 1:16 pm

1.) You didn’t actually have to maintain the original array. You just need to know whether the
previous value at an index was even or odd, you could query the BIT for that single index
(query(i)-query(i-1)) for that but it would be O(log N).
2.) Change an interval to some value X: You couldn’t do that with a BIT and would have to go
for a segment tree (https://kartikkukreja.wordpress.com/2014/11/09/a-simple-approach-to-

12. competitivecoder says:
September 17, 2015 at 10:33 am
Thankssssss…. Sorry for spamming but I am so much excited now.I finally got it. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
13. Ravi says:
October 7, 2015 at 3:50 pm

I took a long time to understand the material.

It makes sense to me if the BIT is only to be operated in 1 of the 3 modes.

Is my thinking right ?

Plainly speaking, if there are a mix of operations, say

operation #1 : point query range update

op #2 : range query point update
op #3 : range query range update

and if I want to perform a mix of these in a random order {op1, op2, op1, op3, op3, …. },
that would not make sense ?


kartik kukreja says:
October 7, 2015 at 3:56 pm
Range update range query (mode 3) is superset of the other two modes because a point
query/update is also a range query/update where the range contains only that point [i,i].

Point update/query are basically special cases, for which we can optimize as we have in
modes 1 and 2.

If you have a mix of operations, you’ll have to use range update-range query.

14. Jin Xiang says:
November 24, 2015 at 1:51 am
Nice article. I am also reading your article on segment tree lazy propagation. Is it possible to use
BIT to solve the FLIPCOIN problem (which was an example of segment tree lazy propagation)?

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kartik kukreja says:

November 24, 2015 at 7:01 pm
I don’t think there’s any obvious way to solve FLIPCOIN with BIT. Segment trees are simply
more general than BITs and that’s why we were able to solve this with segment trees so easily.

Jin Xiang says:
November 24, 2015 at 7:47 pm
Thank you very much for your reply. I noticed that in the following topcoder tutorial:


BIT has been used to solve range update point query problem (which is similar but simpler
than FLIPCOIN). Is it possible to extend it to solve FLIPCOIN problem?

kartik kukreja says:
November 24, 2015 at 8:07 pm
BIT does support range update-point query or even range update-range query but the
updates are basically sums (adding/subtracting some value). FLIPCOIN requires a
much more complicated operation: flip (xor with 1) and count. BIT is not suitable for

15. Akshit Chopra says:
December 31, 2015 at 12:14 am
how does the same QUERY code give range sum A[1..p] in case 1 while point value A[p] in case 2
..could you explain ?

kartik kukreja says:
December 31, 2015 at 8:22 am
Please look at this comment: https://kartikkukreja.wordpress.com/2013/12/02/range-

16. Pingback: Bit fiddling: Exercise that grey matter | Everything Under The Sun

17. Rishabh Arora says:

May 25, 2016 at 12:16 am
Correct me if I’m wrong! while querying in “Range-update and Point query”, sum should be
initialised by A[b] before the loop as b is changing in the loop and finally Sum should be returned

Kartik Kukreja says:
June 13, 2016 at 8:05 am
I don’t know if you made the comment before the update but the code has been changed to
return the BIT sum + A[b].


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