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Writer’s name: Đặng Thị Khánh Hòa Mark:

Date: 21/01/2024
Task type (letter/ essay): Essay
Peer reviewer’s name: Huỳnh Thị Quê

First draft Corrections

These days, crime is a significant issue around the world. While some may
assert that nothing can be done to stop it entirely, I firmly believe that there are
ways to lessen crime. Here are a few arguments in support of my personal

Firstly, social interventions play a crucial role in addressing the root causes of
crime. By tackling issues such as poverty, inequality, and a lack of education, we
can create an environment that discourages criminal behavior. Consequently,
investing in social programs, providing access to quality education, and promoting
economic opportunities can contribute significantly to crime reduction. In addition,
implementing community policing strategies can strengthen the relationship
between law enforcement and the community. Through collaborative efforts, trust
can be fostered, and residents can actively participate in crime prevention. As a
result, community policing not only enhances crime prevention but also improves
response times, making communities safer.

Furthermore, focusing on rehabilitation and reintegration rather than solely

punishment can have a positive impact on crime reduction. By offering education,
vocational training, and counseling services to offenders, we can provide them Counselling
with the necessary tools to rebuild their lives and reduce the likelihood of
reoffending. Moreover, technological advancements play a vital role in crime
prevention and detection. Surveillance systems, data analysis tools, and
predictive policing algorithms aid law enforcement agencies in identifying crime
hotspots, analyzing patterns, and allocating resources effectively. This integration
of technology enhances the effectiveness of crime-fighting efforts.

Lastly, international cooperation is crucial in combating transnational crimes.

By sharing intelligence, coordinating efforts, and implementing joint initiatives,
nations can effectively address issues such as cybercrime, drug trafficking, and
terrorism, which transcend borders.
Overall, despite the fact that it may not be possible to eradicate crime entirely,
these approaches offer promising ways to mitigate its impact and create safer
communities. By adopting a multifaceted approach that combines social
interventions, community policing, rehabilitation, technological advancements,
and international cooperation, we can strive towards a world with reduced crime


Final draft

These days, crime is a significant issue around the world. While some may assert that nothing can
be done to stop it entirely, I firmly believe that there are ways to lessen crime. Here are a few
arguments in support of my perspectives.

Firstly, social interventions play a crucial role in addressing the root causes of crime. By tackling
issues such as poverty, inequality, and a lack of education, we can create an environment that
discourages criminal behavior. Consequently, investing in social programs, providing access to quality
education, and promoting economic opportunities can contribute significantly to crime reduction. In
addition, implementing community policing strategies can strengthen the relationship between law
enforcement and the community. Through collaborative efforts, trust can be fostered, and residents
can actively participate in crime prevention. As a result, community policing not only enhances crime
prevention but also improves response times, making communities safer.

Furthermore, focusing on rehabilitation and reintegration rather than solely punishment can have a
positive impact on crime reduction. By offering education, vocational training, and counselling services
to offenders, we can provide them with the necessary tools to rebuild their lives and reduce the
likelihood of reoffending. Moreover, technological advancements play a vital role in crime prevention
and detection. Surveillance systems, data analysis tools, and predictive policing algorithms aid law
enforcement agencies in identifying crime hotspots, analyzing patterns, and allocating resources
effectively. This integration of technology enhances the effectiveness of crime-fighting efforts.

Lastly, international cooperation is crucial in combating transnational crimes. By sharing

intelligence, coordinating efforts, and implementing joint initiatives, nations can effectively address
issues such as cybercrime, drug trafficking, and terrorism, which transcend borders.

Overall, although it may not be possible to eradicate crime entirely, these approaches offer promising
ways to mitigate its impact and create safer communities. By adopting a multifaceted approach that
combines social interventions, community policing, rehabilitation, technological advancements, and
international cooperation, we can strive towards a world with reduced crime rates.

Hi Douglas,

I hope this email finds you well. It's been a while since we last caught up. I'm excited about
our plan to spend some time together next Saturday.

How about brunch at our favorite café? We can catch up while enjoying a delicious meal.
Afterward, we could take a stroll in the nearby park, enjoying the scenery and fresh air. It
would be a great opportunity to relax and have a good chat.

Regarding the time, I'm available from late morning until early evening, so we can have a
good few hours together. Let's plan to meet around 11 a.m. and spend at least four to five
hours catching up and enjoying our time.

Please let me know if this plan works for you. I'm flexible and open to suggestions.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Best regards,

Khanh Hoa

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