Nucleas Kota Inorganic Question - Guided Revision Plan

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Coordination Chemistry
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that is lighter than air and highly toxic to humans.
1. Draw Lewis structures of carbon monoxide (CO) and underline the one which follows the octet rule, also write ratio of
 to  bond in CO.

  1
Ans. C  O:  
  2

2. Carbon monoxide forms many metal carbonyls with transition metals in which there is a Metal-Carbon bond. Four possibilities
of metal carbonyl bondings are given below, in which the metal (M) is in its lower oxidation state. Select the most favourable
bonding type.

 *(M)  (CO)  (M)  *(CO)

 

M  C O 
(A) (B) M C O
 

 (M)  *(CO)  (M)   *(CO)

 
(C) M C O (D) M C O
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 
Ans. B

3. Using the effective atomic number (EAN) rule identify the value of x and y in metal carbonyls I and II, draw the structures of
the metal carbonyls.

(I) Crx(CO)y x= y=

(II) [Mnx(CO)y] x= y=

Ans. x=1 y=6

x=2 y = 10

4. The V–C distance in V(CO)6 and [V(CO)6]– are respectively (in pm) –
(A) 200, 200 (B) 193, 200 (C) 200, 193 (D) 193, 193
Ans. C
Extent of synergic bonding [V(CO)6]– is greater than [V(CO)6] hence V–C distance in [V(CO)6]– is less than [V(CO)6].
Page # 1
5. Write oxidation number, coordination number and EAN of Ni in complex (P) formed in reaction for the synthesis of pure
nickel from impure nickel in monds process.

5060ºC 230  250ºC

Ans. Ni(s)  4CO 

 [Ni(CO)4] 

 Ni(s)  4CO
(impure) (Pure)

Oxidation number = Zero
Coordination number = 4
EAN = 36

6. The maximum number of atoms lie in one plane in above complex (P) is –
(A) 5 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) 4
Ans. A



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7. Arrange the following given metal carbonyls according to the descending order of C-O stretching frequency. (Write approprite
alphabets in the boxes)
(a) MCO (b) M2CO (c) M3CO
where M stands for metal.

> >

Ans. (a) > (b) > (c)

(a) [Ni(CO)3PMe3] (b) [Ni(CO)3PF3] (c) [Ni(CO)3PPh3]

> >

Ans. (b) > (c) > (a)

Page # 2
8. With respect to the complex Co2(CO)8 answer the following. In the IR spectrum, this complex in the solid form shows
separate bands, above and below 2000 cm–1.
(i) Draw the structure of the complex in the solid form.

Ans. OC Co Co CO

(ii) When it is dissolved in hexane the bands below 2000 cm–1 disappear. Draw the structure of the complex in the
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Ans. OC CO

9. Arrange the following complex in increasing order of strecthing vibrational frequency of C–O bond -
(I) [(PPh3)3Mo(CO)3] (II) [(Ph2PCl)3Mo(CO)3]
(III) [(PhPCl2)3Mo(CO)3] (IV) [(PCl3)3Mo(CO)3]
(A) I > II > III > IV (B) I = IV > III > II
(C) VI = I > II > III (D) I < II < III < IV
Ans. D
Hint : Order of C–O bond order
I < II < III < IV

Page # 3
10. Select the correct statement
(A) [V(CO)6] can acts as an oxidizing agent
(B) The dc–o in bridging carbonyl group is longer than that of terminal carbonyl group
 
(C) Ligands such as CO, CN and N O are -acceptor ligand.
(D) All are correct
Ans. D

11. Which of the following has lower stretching frequency for C-O bond -
(A) [Mn(CO)6]+ (B) [V(CO)6]–
(C) Both have equal stretching frequency (D) None of these
Ans. B
Extent of synergic bonding = [V(CO)6]– > [Mn(CO)6]+
C—O Bond order = [Mn(CO)6]+ > [V(CO)6]–
C—O bond stretching frequency = [Mn(CO)6]+ > [V(CO)6]–

12. Tetracyanoethylene has a formal C = C double bond length of 'X' in the free ligand but in the complex
[Pt {C2(CN)4}Cl3]– the C–C bond length will be -
(A) Greater than X (B) Less than X (C) Equal to X (D) None of these
Ans. A

More than one may be correct

13. Select correct about [Cr(CO)6] and [V(CO)6]– both –
(A) Total number of electrons on metal / metal ions = 36
(B) Metal – Carbon bond have  character
(C) Carbon – Oxygen bond have  and  character both
(D) Carbon – Oxygen bond order is less than carbon monoxide
Ans. A,B,C,D

Comprehension (Q.14 to Q.16)

Zeise’s salt is an organometallic compound. Anionic part of zeise's salt is shown below -

H –
Cl C
Pt C H
Cl Cl H

14. In Zeise salt IR strecthing vibrational frequency of the C = C bond _______ with respect to free ethylene molecule -
(A) Decreases (B) Increases (C) Remain same (D) None
Ans. A D:\Section_2016_2017\Books Objective Questions_Page Marker File

15. The H–C–H bond angles in zeise's salt are about -

(A) 115º, intermediate between the ideal values for sp2 and sp3 hybridisation
(B) 135º, intermediate between the ideal values for sp and sp2 hybridisation
(C) 120º exactly
(D) 97º intermediate between the ideal values for sp3 and sp2 hybridisation.
Ans. A
In case of zeise's salt C-atom of C2H4 contain intermediate character of sp2 and sp3, consequently the bond angle of
H–C–H has been observed in between 120º to 109º which is 115º.

16. Select the correct statement for zeise's salt -

(A) The carbon atom exhibit some electrophilic character
(B) C-C bond length in zeise's salt is only about 4pm longer than that in C2H4 and it is about 16 pm longer in tetracyano
ethylene complex
(C) The structure of zeise's salt shown the two carbon atoms are at the perpendicular plane to the PtCl3 plane.
(D) All are correct
Ans. D

Page # 4
17. Match the column
Column-I Column-II
(Incorrect characteristics of the complex given in column-I)
(A) [Fe(CO)5] (P) Can act as reducing agent
(B) [Mn(CO)6] (Q) Can undergo dimerisation
(C) [Mn(CO)5] (R) Can act as oxidising agent
(D) [Ti(CO)6] (S) Follows sidgwick E.A.N. rule
(T) Does not follow sidgwick EAN rule.
Ans. (A)–P,Q,R,T ; (B)-Q,R,S ; (C)-P,S ; (D)-P,Q,S
* [Fe(CO)5] & [Ti(CO)6] act as oxidizing agent
* [Mn(CO)6] act as reducing agent.

18. Find the sum of the minimum possible magnitude of x & y in the mononuclear anionic species [Fe(CO)x]–y
Ans. 6

19. What is the difference between the EAN value of [Fe(CO)5] & [Fe(CO)2(NO)2]
Ans. 0
EAN = 26 – 0 + 10 = 36
EAN  26 – 0 + 2 × 2 + 2 × 3 = 36
difference  0

20. Find the difference in E.A.N. value of following two compounds

[Fe(CO)4]2– and [Ti (–C5H5)2( – C5H5)2]º
Ans. 2
[Fe(CO)4]2– EAN  36
[Ti( – C5H5)2 ( – C5H5)2] EAN  34
difference in EAN is = 2
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Page # 5

Only Single Correct

1. Find the correct statements regarding these two complex -

NH3 Br Br Cl

M and M

Cl Cl Cl Cl
Cl NH3
(I) (II)

(A) (I) and (II) are G.I. of each other and both are optically active
(B) (I) and (II) are G.I. of each other and I is optically active while II is optically inactive
(C) (I) and (II) are G.I. of each other and both are optically inactive
(D) (I) and (II) are identical and both are optically inactive.
Ans. C

2. Which of the following complex shows optical isomerism -

(A) cis [CrCl2 (ox)2]– (B) trans [CrCl2 (ox)2]–

(C) [Fe(NH3)2(CN)4] (D) both (B) and (C)
Ans. A

O O Cl
Cr is optically active but its trans form is optically inactive
O Cl

3. Which of the following complex/ion only shown linkage isomerism.

(A) [Co(NH3)4(H2O)Cl]CN (B) [Co(NH3)5SCN]2+
(C) [Co(H2O)6]Cl3 (D) [Co(NH3)5SO4]Br
Ans. B

More than may be Correct

4. Out of given three complex
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(I) [Mn(CO)6]+ (II) [Cr(CO)6] (III) [V(CO)6]–

(A) (III) has maximum C-O length (B) (II) has lowest O.N. of metal
(C) (I) has minimum number of electrons (D) (III) has maximum -character in metal-carbon bond
Ans. A,D

5. Select complex (s) in which all geometrical isomer of complex are optically active
(A) [Co(gly)3]º (B) [Co(en)(NH3)(py)(Br)(Cl)]+
(C) [Pt(NH3)(py)(Br)(I)]º (D) [Pt(C2O4)2(NO2)2]2–
Ans. A,B

Page # 6
6. Which of the following complex(s) is/are not optically inactive.

b n±
b a


c a

(B) [M(EDTA)]2– Where M2+ = Ca2+, Hg2+ or Pb2+]

NO2 +

(C) CH3


H Me
Me H
(D) Me H
H H2N NH2 Me

Ans. B,C,D

7. Which of the following molecule(s)/ion(s) can show optical isomerism -

(A) [Pt(bn)2]2+ (B) [PtCl2(NH3)2]
(C) [Fe(EDTA)]– (D) [Fe(en)3]3+
Ans. A,C,D
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8. Which of the following compounds are resolvable into d or -forms ?

(A) [ZnCl2(en)] (B) [Be(acac)2]
(C) [Co(gly)3] (D) [Cr(C2O4)3]3–
Ans. C,D
[Co(gly)3] and [Cr(C2O4)3]3– both are octahedral complex.

Paragraph for Q.No. 9 to Q. No. 11

The complex compounds which have the same ligands in the co-ordination sphere but the relative position of the ligands
around the central atom is different are called as geometrical isomers and this phenomenon is called geometrical isomerism
9. Find the number of geometrical isomer (G.I.) having zero dipole moment for the complex [MCl2(NH3)2] (where M2+ have
4d8 or 5d8 configuration)
(A) 2 (B) 0 (C) 1 (D) 3
Ans. C

10. Total numbers of triangular faces in mer [Ma3b3] complex which have either two a atom or two b atoms -
(A) eight (B) six (C) two (D) four

Page # 7
Ans. A

11. Select incorrect about fac[Ma3b3] complex

(A) It is one of the G.I. of complex which given in above question.
(B) It is optically inactive complex
(C) It has one triangle faces which have three a atoms
(D) None of these
Ans. D

Paragraph for Q. No. 12 to Q. No. 14

When the solutions of certain complex compounds are placed in the path of a plane polarised light, they rotate its plane
through a certain angle, which may be either to the left or to the right. Complex having this property (rotating the plane of
polarised light) is said to be optically active and this isomerism is called as optical isomerism.
12. Number of optical isomer for Ma2b2c2 complex -
(A) 3 (B) 2
(C) 0 (D) 1
Ans. B

13. Number of optical isomer for M(AA)3 complex -

(A) 1 (B) 3
(C) 2 (D) 0
Ans. C

14. Number of optical isomers for Ma4b2 complex -

(A) 2 (B) 1
(C) 0 (D) 3
Ans. C

15. Column-I Column-II

(Complex compound) (Characteristics)
(A) [CoCl2Br2]–2 (P) No Geometrical isomer
(B) [Rh(en)3]3+ (Q) No Optical siomer
(C) [Cr(en)2Br2]+ (R) Two optically active form
(D) [Pt(gly)ClBr]–1 (S) Chelating complex
(S) +2 O.N. of metal
Ans. (A)–P,Q,T ; (B)–P,R,S ; (C)–R,S ; (D)–Q,S,T

Match the column -

16. Column-I Column-II
(Chemical species) (Character istics)
(A) [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] (P) Follows Sidgwick rule D:\Section_2016_2017\Books Objective Questions_Page Marker File

(B) [Co(H2O)3F3] (Q) EAN value is 36

(C) [Co Cl . CN. NO2(NH3)3] (R) Have two geometrical isomers
(D) [Fe(gly)3] (S) Shows optical isomerism
(S) Shows linkage isomerism
Ans. (A)–R ; (B)–P,Q,R ; (C)–P,Q,S,T ; (D)–R,S
EAN Geometrical Optical
Isomers Isomers
[Pt(NH3)2Cl2] 84 2 ×
[Co(H2O)3F3] 36 2 ×
[Co Cl . CN. NO2(NH3)3] 36 4
[Fe(gly)3] 35 2

Page # 8
17. Match the column
Column-I Column-II
Type of complex The change in number of stereoisomer by the
associated process with the given complex
a / b
(A) [M(AB)2ab]n±  (P) 2
 b / d
(B) [Ma2b2c2]n±  (Q) 6
 a / c
(C) [M(AA)2a2]n±  (R) 3
a / b
(D) [M(AB)a3 b]n±  (S) 5
(T) 0
Ans. (A)–R ; (B)–P ; (C)–T ; (D)–P

18. Find out the total number of stereoisomer of [Pt(bn)2]2+
Ans. 7

(A) Pt O.I.

(B) Pt O.A.

(C) Pt O.I.

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(D) Pt O.I.

(E) Pt O.A.

Page # 9
19. Find the total number of geometrical isomers of [M(AB) (CD) (EF)]n+
Ans. 8



20. Find the number of optically active isomers for the complex [Ni(gly)2(H2O)2].
Ans. 6


Only Single Correct
1. What is the hybridisation of Cr in Cr(CO)6
(A) d2sp3 (B) sp3d2
(C) sp3d (D) sp3
Ans. A

2. Which of the following complex is inner orbital as well as diamagnetic in nature.

(A) [Cr(NH3)6]3+ (B) MnO42–

(C) [Fe(EDTA)] (D) [Co(H2O)6]3+
Ans. D

3. The degeneracy of the d-orbital is lost under the influence of :

(A) strong field ligand (B) weak field ligand
(C) both (A) and (B) (D) neither (A) nor (B)
Ans. C

More than may be Correct

4. Which of the following species is/are coloured -
(A) K2Cr2O7 (B) CrO2Cl2
(C) Na[Ag(CN)2] (D) Cl2(g)
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Ans. A,B,D

5. Which of the following complexes is/are tetrahedral -

(A) [PtBr4]2– (B) [AuCl4]–
(C) [Ni(CO)4] (D) [NiCl2(PPh3)2]
Ans. C,D

6. Which of the following molecules is/are planar.

(A) [Ni(CO)4] (B) [Ni(CN)4]2–
(C) I2Cl6 (D) [PtCl4]2–
Ans. B,C,D

Page # 10
Assertion/Reason :
7. Statement-I : d7-system can form low spin complex in both C.N. = 6 as well as C.N. = 4
Statement-II : The number of unpaired electron in [CoF6]3– is ‘4’.
(A) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Ans. B
In [CoF6] Co has +3 oxidation state and it contains 4 unpaired electron.

Paragraph for Q. No. 8 to Q. No. 10

Crystal field theory was proposed by H. Bethe (1929) and Van Vleck (1932) and as originally applied to ionic crystals to
explain their optical properties and is, therefore, called crystal field theory. However, this theory was applied to the study of
coordination compounds in 1950 & this theory accounts for more satisfactory explanation for the properties of complexes
especially colour and magnetism.
8. What is the hybridisation of [Ni(H2O)6]2+
(A) sp3d2 (B) d2sp3
(C) sp d (D) dsp3
Ans. A
[Ni(H2O)6]2+ : –

H 2O

Ni sp3d2 hybridizonal

H 2O

9. What is the geometry of [Co(NH3)6]2+

(A) Octahedral (B) tetrahedral
(C) square planar (D) square pyramidal
Ans. A

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10. Which of the following complex is paramagnetic in nature -

(A) K4[Fe(CN)6] (B) K3[Fe(CN)6]
(C) [Pt(NH3)4]2+ (D) None of these
Ans. B

Paragraph for Q.11 & 12.

According to the Valence Bond Theory (VBT), the metal atom or ion under the influence of the ligands can use its (n-1)d, ns,
np and nd orbitals for hybridization. These hybrid orbitals overlap with ligand orbitals that can donate electron pairs for
bonding. The symbol “ ” indicates electrons in metal and the symbol “xx” indicates electrons from the ligand. (Write
approprite alphabets in the boxes)

Page # 11
11. Using VBT match the complexes (1-3) with appropriate hybridization schemes (a-c).
Complex Hybridization scheme

(1) [Ni(CO)4] (a) xx xx xx xx

(2) [Ni(Cl)4]2– (b) xx xx xx xx

(3) [Ni(CN)4]2– (c) xx xx xx xx

(1) (2) (3)

Ans. (1) b, (2) c, (3) a

12. What is the hybridisation of Ni and magnetic nature of complex Ni(CO)4

(A) dsp2, Diamagnetic (B) sp3, Paramagnetic
(C) dsp , Paramagnetic (D) sp3, Diamagnetic
Ans. D

Match the column -

13. Column-I Column-II
(A) [CoF3(H2O)3] (P) Hybridisation of the central atom is dsp2
(B) [Cr(ox)3]3– (D) Exhibits optical isomerism
(C) [Ni(gly)3]– (R) Hybridisation of central atom is d2sp3
(D) [Pt(NH2–CH(CH3)–CO2)2] (S) Paramagnetic but outer orbital complex
(T) Exhibits geometrical isomerism
Ans. (A)–S,T ; (B)–Q,R ; (C)–Q,S,T ; (D)–P,Q,T

14. Column-I Column-II

(Complex compound) (Characteristics)
(A) [Co(CN)(NH3)5]SO4 (P) Diamagnetic
(B) K[Co(CO)4] (Q) O.N. of metal  0
(C) K4[Co(C2O4)3] (R) Metal-Metal bond
(D) Co2(CO)8 (S) Paramagnetic
(T) Optically active
Ans. (A)–P ; (B)–P,Q ; (C)–S,T ; (D)–P,Q,R

Integer :
15. Find the number of unpaired electron in [Fe(CO)3(CN)3]–
Ans. 0

16. Find the number of unpaired electron in energy orbital of K4[Fe(CN)6]

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Ans. 0

17. Find the Co-ordination number of the central atom of the complex. [M(NH3)4(SO4)] Br, which is having one ring.
Ans. 6

M S Br

18. Find the co-ordination number of central atom in [Pt(trien)]2+

Ans. 4

Page # 12
19. Find the number of difference in number of nodal planes when two dxy orbitals are forming -bonding molecular orbitals and
two d x 2  y 2 orbitals are forming -antibonding molecular orbitals.

Ans. 1

20. Find the E.A.N. value of Fe in Na2 [Fe(CO)4].

Fill your answer as sum of digits till you get the single digit answer.
Ans. 9


Only Single Correct
1. Which of the following reaction can not take place in reality -
(A) 5F– + FO3– + 6H+  3F2 + 3H2O (B) 5Cl– + ClO3– + 6H+  3Cl2 + 3H2O
– – +
(C) 5Br + BrO3 + 6H  3Br2 + 3H2O (D) 5I– + IO3– + 6H+  3I2 + 3H2O
Ans. A
F maximum show one covalency so FO3– is not possible hence this reaction can not take place in reality.

2. [AgF4]– is diamagnetic and comment on the magnetic nature and magnetic moment for isolated gaseous Ag3+ ion.
(A) It is diamagnetic and having zero magnetic moment
(B) It is paramagnetic and having magnetic moment of 2.82 BM
(C) It is paramagnetic and having magnetic moment of 1.73 BM
(D) None of these is correct
Ans. B
Isolated gaseous Ag3+ ion contain 2 unpaired electron hence its magnetic moment is 2.82 BM

3. Identify the correct statement

(A) The ppt of BaCO3 is insoluble in dil HCl (B) Hg(NO3)2 + Na2S  white ppt of HgS
(C) Na2SO4 + Hg(NO3)2  yellow ppt of HgSO4.2HgO
(D) H2S turns lime water milky
Ans. C

4. Anion which is protonated by dil. H2SO4 but produce volatile product only with conc. H2SO4 (not with dil. H2SO4)
(A) C2O42– (B) PO43–
(C) CO3 (D) SO42–
Ans. 1

More than one may be correct :

5. Which of the following reagent(s) can show colour change when SO2 gas is passed through it.
(A) Bromine water (B) Acidic potassium dichromate solution
(C) Acidic ferric chloride solution (D) Chlorine water
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Ans. A,B,C

6. In which reaction(s) blood red coloration is observed in product :

H 2O 2 KSCN KCN 3
(A) FeSO4   ............  Product (B) Na2S2O3   ............   Product
Feric alum 3
thiourea Fe
(C) NH4SCN  Product (D) NO2–   ............   Product
Ans. A,B,C,D

7. A sample of bauxite ore is made up of Al2O3 + SiO2 + TiO2 + Fe2O3. This ore is treated with conc. NaOH solution at 500 K
and 35 bar pressure for few hours and filtered the species present in filtrate is/are :
(A) Na[Al(OH)4] (B) Na2[Ti(OH)6] (C) Na2SiO3 (D) Na[Fe(OH)4]
Ans. A,C

Page # 13
8. Methylene blue is an indicator widely used in acid-base titration, it is formed on mixing


in ............ + ............


(A) Na2SO3 (B) Na2S (C) Fe2(SO4)3 (D) FeSO4

Ans. B,C

Assertion/Reason :
9. Statement-1 : Pure ferrous salt gives blood red colouration with NH4SCN solution.
Statement-2 : Fe3+ ions are available as contamination in most of Fe2+ salts due to aerial oxidation.
(A) Statement-1 is true, Statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Ans. D
Fe2+ does not react with SCN–. It is the test of Fe3+

Paragraph Q.10 to Q.12

Hg( NO3 ) 2
(A)  (B) Excess KI
  (Soluble complex)
Ion ppt. (C)

React with
(X) reagent

(D) (E) Orange turbidity
By H2O
Black ppt.
10. Identify (A) ion -
(A) Cl– (B) I– (C) Br– (D) Cu2+
Ans. B

11. What is the hybridisation of central atom of (C) -

(A) dsp2 (B) sp3d2 (C) sp3d2 (D) sp3
Ans. D

12. When X reagent undergoes hydrolysis then - D:\Section_2016_2017\Books Objective Questions_Page Marker File
(A) White turbidity of SbOCl is formed (B) White turbidity of BiOI is formed
(C) White turbidity of BiOCl is formed (D) None of these
Ans. C
Sol. 10 to 12

Hg(NO3)2 Excess KI
I– HgI2 (Soluble complex)
Ion scarlet [HgI4]2–
red ppt.
React with
BiCl3 reagent
BiI3 BiOI Orange turbidity
By H2O
Black ppt.

Sol. (10) D
C is [HgI4]–2 which contain sp3 hybridization.

Page # 14
(11) C
BiCl3 + H2O  BiOCl + 2HCl

Paragraph for Q.13 & Q.14

Chromyl chloride is a deep red / brown coloured compound which is formed during qualitative analysis of chloride radical.
Chloride salts (with some exceptions) produces chromyl chloride gas when reacted with K2Cr2O7(s) and conc. H2SO4.
13. During chromyl chloride formation when chlorides salt is heated with conc. H2SO4 + K2Cr2O7 oxidation number of each Cr
atom is :
(A) Reduced to +3 (B) Reduced to +2
(C) Increased to +7 (D) Not change
Ans. D

14. Bromide salt when heated with conc. H2SO4 + K2Cr2O7 :

(A) Brown vapour of CrO2Br2 is produced
(B) Brown vapour of Br2 is produced
(C) Brown vapour of SO2Br2 (sulphuryl bromide) is produced
(D) Br– salt does not react with K2Cr2O7
Ans. B

15. Match the column -
Column-I (Radical) Column-II (Coorect Characteristics)
(A) Fe3+ (P) Produces white ppt with K4[Fe(CN)6]
(B) Zn2+ (Q) Produces soluble complex in excess of NaOH solution
(C) Cr3+ (R) Gives redox reaction with Na2S2O3 solution.
(D) Al3+ (S) Produces corresponding hydroxide with Na2S solution.
(T) Produces brownish-red ppt. with CH3COONa solution
Ans. (A)–R,T ; (B)–P,Q ; (C)–Q,S ; (D)–Q,S

16. Match the column -

Column-I Column-II

 Radical which can decolorize 

 acidic solution of MnO -  (Given salt)
 4 
(A) Only acidic radial (P) Sn(NO3)2
(B) Only basic radical (Q) KNO2
(C) Both radical (R) FeC2O4
(D) Neither acidic nor basic radical (S) Na2CO3
(T) BaSO3
Ans. (A)–Q,T ; (B)–P ; (C)–R ; (D)–S
(P) Sn(NO3)2  Sn2+, NO 3
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Sn+2 can further oxidize into Sn+4 and It is basic radical NO3 cann't further oxidize. only basic radical can
decolorise acidified MnO4–
(Q) KNO2  K+, NO 2

K+ cann't be further oxidize but NO 2 can be oxidize into NO3

only acid radical
(R) FeC2O4  Fe2+, C 2O 24
Fe+ can be oxidize into Fe+3
C2O42– can be oxidize into CO2
so both radical.
(S) Na2CO3  Na+, CO32–
Both ions cann't be oxidized further so no radical.
(T) BaSO3  Ba2+, SO32–
Ba2+ cann't be oxidized but SO32– can be oxidized into SO42– only acid radical.

Page # 15
17. Column-I (radical) Column-II (Correct characteristics)
(A) NO 2 (P) Gives brown ring test
(B) d (Q) Gives brown ppt. with Nesslar's reagent
(C) d (R) Gives blue ppt with K4[Fe(CN)6]
(D) d (S) Gives red colouration with CH3COONa
(T) Radical is reduced to ammonia with Zn + conc. NaOH
Ans. (A)–P,T ; (B)–P,T ; (C)–Q ; (D)–R,S

18. Find the total number of change in which acidic medium is required :
(i) CrO24  Cr2 O72

(ii) MnO4  I   IO3  MnO2

(iii) Cr2O 72  H 2S  S + Cr3+

(iv) H2O2 + MnO4  O2 + Mn2+

(v) CO32  CO2

Ans. 4

19. Chromyl chloride test can be given by how many of the following compounds easily.

CH3 NH3 Cl–, C2H5Cl, AgCl, Hg2Cl2, NH4Cl, CaCl2

Ans. 3

In Pr esence of
20. Chromate solution + H2O2 + H+ organic
    permanent deep blue coloured compound. Find the change in oxidation

state of Cr-atom in the reactant and product.

Ans. 0

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Page # 16
Only Single Correct
in presence Zn powder
1. Silver glance ore + NaCN 
of air
 complex (A) 
in excess
 complex (B) + metal (C). The hybridisation of the

central atom of (A) and (B) are respectively -

(A) sp3 and sp (B) sp3 and sp3 (C) sp and dsp2 (D) sp and sp3
Ans. D
Ag2S + 4NaCN  Air 2Na [Ag(CN)2] + Na2S
2Na[Ag(CN)2] + Zn  Na2 [Zn(CN)4] + 2Ag
Hybridisation of the central atom of A and B sp and sp3 respectively.

2. When the soda extract containing thiosulphate ion treated with excess of AgNO3 solution followed by boiling, then.
(A) White precipitate is formed (B) Black precipitate is formed
(C) brown precipitate is formed (D) No ppt precipitate is formed
Ans. B
S2O32– + Ag+   Ag2S + SO42–

3. On addition of conc. H2SO4 to the BaC2O4 suspension, the gas(es) liberated is/are
(A) CO only (B) (CO + CO2) only (C) CO2 only (D) None of these
Ans. B
BaC2O4 + H2SO4   BaSO4 + H2O + CO + CO2

4. CO32– + 2HCl (dil)  Gas + solution

Resulting gas produces salt when passed in -
(A) NaOH solution (B) NH4OH solution (C) Lime water (D) All of the above
Ans. D

5. Anion that can not decolorise acidic solution of KMnO4

(A) HCO3– (B) HSO3– (C) SO32– (D) All of the above
Ans. A

More than may be Correct

6. Mn2+ solution 
Reagent 'A ' –
 MnO4 .
In the above conversion, the reagent ‘A’ may be
(A) Pb2O3 + conc. HNO3 (B) K2S2O8 / H+ solution
(C) (NH4)2S2O8 / H+ solution (D) K2SO4 solution
Ans. A,B,C
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7. Which of the following cations form ppt. with K4[Fe(CN)6]

(A) Zn2+ (B) Cu2+ (C) Cd2+ (D) Al3+
Ans. A,B,C
Zn2+ + K4[Fe(CN)6]  Zn2 [Fe(CN)6] white
Cu2+ + K4[Fe(CN)6]  Cu2 [Fe(CN)6] brown
Cd2– + K4[Fe(CN)6]  Cd2 [Fe(CN)6] bluish white

9. Select the correct statements -

(A) The hydrogen carbonates of the alkali metal are soluble in water, but are less soluble than the corresponding normal
(B) Solution of carbonate forms reddish brown pptn of basic mercury(II) carbonate (3HgO.HgCO3) when react with Mercury(II)
(C) When AgNO3 react with sulphite ion no visible change occurs initially because of the formation of soluble sulphitoargentate
(D) On standing the precipitate BaSO3 is slowly oxidised to the sulphate.
Ans. A,B,C,D

Page # 17
Paragraph for Q. No. 10 to Q. No. 12
(G) is greenish yellow gas, it is moderately soluble in water and produce solution(S). Solution(S) produce brown layer(L)
when treated with CCl4 and KBr (aq.).
10. Gas(G) is produce when -
(A) NaBr + conc. H2SO4 heated (B) KCl(aq.) + Br2
(C) NaNO3 + conc. H2SO4 heated (D) KCl + MnO2 + conc. H2SO4 heated
Ans. D

11. No. of  bonds and magnetic nature of gas(G) is -

(A) one, diamagnetic respectively (B) two, diamagnetic respectively
(C) one, paramagnetic respectively (D) Two, paramagnetic respectively
Ans. A

12. Brown layer (L) is produced due to

(A) oxidation of KBr (B) reduction of KBr
(C) oxidation of CCl4 (D) reduction of CCl4
Ans. A

Paragraph for Q. No. 13 to Q. No. 14

boil KCN FeCl3
(A) + Sulphur (B) (D) (E)
strong Blood red
alkaline complex
dil.HCl solution
–2 +
Cr2O7 /H
Sulphur + (C) green colour
13. When excess AgNO3 react with (B) then ppt of (X) is formed which is converted to (Y) on standing. Identify the colour of
(A) Black (B) Green (C) Yellow (D) White
Ans. D

14. Which of the following anion is present in complex (E) –

(A) CN (B) SO32

(C) SCN (D) CO 32
Ans. C

15. Match the column

Column-I Column-II
(A) Cu2+ (P) Produces soluble complex with excess of KCN
without any change o oxidation state of metal ions
(B) Fe3+ (Q) Produces coloured soluble complex with excess KCN
(C) Cd2+ (R) Produces no ppt with excess of KI
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(D) Ag+ (S) Produces coloured ppt with NaOH

(T) Produces colourless soluble complex with excess of
NH4OH solution
Ans. (A)–S ; (B)–P,Q,R,S ; (C)–P,R,T ; (D)–P,S,T
Cu+2 + KCN  K3[Cu+1 (CN)4]
excess Colourless
Cu+2 + KI  CuI + KI3
White ppt Brown
Cu+2 + NaOH  Cu(OH)2
pale blue ppt
Cu+2 + NH4OH  [Cu(NH3)4]2+
excess deep blue
Fe+3 + KCN  K3[Fe(CN)6]
excess yellow solution
Fe+3 + KI  Fe  I3
 
water soluble
Fe + NaOH  Fe(OH)3
Page # 18
Fe+3 + NH4OH  No reaction
Cd+2 + KCN  [Cd(CN)4]2–
Cd+2 + KI  No ppt
Cd+2 + NaOH  Cd(OH)2
White ppt
Cd + NH4OH  [Cd(NH3)4]
Ag+ + KCN  [Ag(CN)2]–
excess Colourless
Ag+ + KI  [AgI]
Ag+ + NaOH  Ag2O
Ag+ + NH4OH  [Ag(NH3)2]+
Colourless complex

15. Match the column

Column-I Column-II
Cation in solution Correct characteristics when no
Where excess reagent is used
(A) Ag+ and Pb2+ (P) can be distinguished by Na2HPO4 solution
(B) Zn2+ and Mg2+ (Q) can be distinguished by dil.HCl
(C) Pb2+ an Hg22+ (R) can be distinguished by KI solution
(D) Ag+ and Fe3+ (S) can be distinguished by NaOH solution
(T) can not be distinguished by NH4OH solution
Ans. (A)–P,S ; (B)–T ; (C)–R,S ; (D)–Q,R,S

17. Number of radicals which produce colour on flame
Na+, Mg2+, Al3+, BO33–, Ba2+, Li+
Ans. 4

18. How many of the following reactions produce blue colouration or blue ppt.
(i) CuSO4 solution
in excess

(ii) K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ]
CuSO4 solution 

(iii) Excess NH3

NiCl2 solution  
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(iv) K3 [Fe(CN)6 ]
CuSO4 solution 

(v) Na2CrO4 solution
In presence of organic solvent Et2O
Ans. 4
(i) CuSO4 solution [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 Blue solution
in excess

(ii) K 4 [Fe(CN)6 ]
CuSO4 solution  Cu2[Fe(CN)6] Brown ppt

(iii) Excess NH3

NiCl2 solution   [Ni(NH3)6]Cl2 Blue solution

(iv) K3 [Fe(CN)6 ]
CuSO4 solution  Fe3[Fe(CN)6]2 Blue ppt

Page # 19
(v) Na2CrO4 Blue solution
In presence of organic solvent Et2O

Na 2S2O3
Salt of iron  On standing
19.  Violet complex   Green solution
(X) (Y) (Z)
Write oxidation number of Fe in (X) as first digit, (Y) as second digit, (Z) as third digit in OMR.
(eg. If your answer is x = 3, y = 4 and z = 5 then you have to fill 345 in OMR)
Ans. 332

20. Number of halide ions which change their oxidation number on heating with MnO2 + conc. H2SO4
Ans. 3


Only Single Correct

1. In the following sequence of reactions. Identify (E) :

 , ZnCl2
Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2  (A)   NaOH (Excess)
 (B)   (C) + (D)    E
(A) NaHCO3 (B) Na2O2 (C) Na2ZnO2 (D) ZnCO3
Ans. C

2. A soft metal (A) gives violet flame test. When burnt in excess O2, (A) gives yellow powder (B) which on reaction with
water gives alkaline solution C and O2. Identify A and B.
(A) Na, Na2O2 (B) K, K2O2 (C) K, KO2 (D) Li, Li2O2
Ans. C

3. KO2 (potassium superoxide) is used in oxygen cylinder in space and submarines because it :
(A) produces ozone (B) absorbs CO2
(C) absorbs CO2 and increase O2 contents (D) eliminates moisture
Ans. C

4. CO2 + NH3 + H2O  X

X + NaCl  Y + NH4Cl
2Y  Z + H2O + CO2. ‘Z’ is :
(A) Na2CO3 (B) (NH4)2CO3 (C) NaNO3 (D) All are correct
Ans. D

5. Which of the following on thermal decomposition yields a basic as well as an acidic oxide
(A) Na2CO3 (B) CaCO3 (C) NaNO3 (D) All are correct
Ans. B D:\Section_2016_2017\Books Objective Questions_Page Marker File

On heating CaCO3 gives acidic and basic oxide.

CaCO3   CaO + CO2
Basic Acidic
Na2CO3, K2CO3, Rb2CO3, Cs2CO3 do not decompose on heating. But they melt at high temp.
NaNO3   NaNO2 + 2 O2

NaNO2   Na2O + N2 + 2 O2

6. Which of the following substance is not related to solvay process.

(A) CaCO3 (B) NaHCO3 (C) NH3 (D) KCl
Ans. D
Solvay process

CaCO3   CaO + CO2 

NH3 + H2O + CO2 (excess)   NH4HCO3 (aq.)

Page # 20
NH4HCO3(aq.) + NaCl  NaHCO3(s)  + NH4Cl
2NaHCO3  
 Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 
(A), (B) & (C) are related to solvay process.
(D) KCl  It makes KHCO3, KHCO3 is fairly soluble in water that’s why KCl is not used in solvay process.

7. Which of the following compond is best to use to purify CO2 in industrial scale :
(A) NaOH (B) KOH
(C) Both (A) and (B) are equally efficient (D) Ethanol amine
Ans. D

8. Choose the correct order of given property :

(A) Li < Be (1st I.E. order) (B) K > Ca (2nd I.E. order)
(C) Ge > As (E.A. order) (D) All of these
Ans. D

More one than Correct

9. Among the following, the diamagnetic compound(s) is/are :
(A) Na2O2 (B) O3 (C) N2O (D) KO2
Ans. A,B,C

10. Identify the incorrect statement :

(A) Gypsum contains a lower percentage of calcium than Plaster of Paris
(B) Gypsum is obtained by heating Plaster of Paris
(C) Plaster of Paris is obtained by hydration of gypsum
(D) Plaster of Paris is obtained by partial oxidation of gypsum
Ans. B,C,D

11. Which of the following salt(s) produce red coloration on flame.

(A) BaCl2 (B) SrCl2 (C) NaCl (D) LiCl
Ans. B,D
(A) Ba2+ = Apple green
(B) Sr2+ = Crimson red
(C) Na+ = Golden yellow
(D) Li+ = carmine – red
(B) and (D) are correct answer.

12. When KO2 reacts with water, the products are :

(A) KOH (B) H2O2 (C) K2O2 (D) O2
Ans. A,B,D

13. Choose the correct melting point order

(A) NaF > AlF3 (B) MgCl2 > SrCl2 (C) NaF > RbF (D) All3 > AIBr3
Ans. C,D
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Paragraph for Q. No. 14 to Q. No. 17

The Solvay’s process can be represented by the following scheme.

CaCO3 NH3 + H2O


A NaHCO3 + D NaCl

NH3 + H2O + E

14. Find out A.

(A) CaO (B) Ca(OH)2 (C) CaCO3 (D) None of these
Ans. B

Page # 21
15. Find out B.
(A) (NH4)2CO4 (B) NH4HCO3 (C) (NH4)2C2O4 (D) NH4Cl
Ans. B

16. Find out D.

(A) NH4Cl (B) CaCl2 (C) NH4HCO3 (d) Ca(OH)2
Ans. A

17. Find out E.

(A) NaCl (B) NaCO3 (C) CaCl2 (D) Ca(OH)2
Ans. C

Matrix Match
18. Column-I Column-II
(A) NaCO3 . 10 H2O (P) Dessicating agent
(B) CaCl2 (anhydride) (Q) Used for preparing freezing mixture
(C) CaSO4 (anhydride) (R) Washing soda
(D) NaCl (S) Dead burnt characteristic is observed
(T) Soluble in water
Ans. (A)–R,T ; (B)–P,T ; (C)–S ; (D)–Q,T

19. Find the number compounds which are producing the oxides of their metal on thermal decomposition
Mg3N2, Mg(OH)2, SrCO3, Ba(NO3)2, KClO3
Ans. 3
Mg3N2,  3Mg2+ + 2N3–
Mg(OH)2  MgO + H2O
SrCO3  SrO + CO2
Ba(NO3)2  BaO + 2NO2 + O
2 2
KClO3  KCl + 3/2 O2

20. The number of bicarbonate(s) that do not exist in solid form among the following is ______________ .
LiHCO3, NaHCO3, Ca(HCO3)2, KHCO3, NH4HCO3, Ba(HCO3)2, Mg(HCO3)2.
Ans. 4


Only Single Correct
1. White phosphorus produces the following products on reaction with conc. NaOH
(A) NaH2PO2 + PH3 (B) NaH2PO4 + PH3
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(C) Na2HPO3 + PH3 (D) None of these

Ans. A
P4 + 3NaOH + 3H2O  PH3 + 3NaH2PO2

2. Which of the following crystalline allotrope found in given arrangement of atoms –

(A) Graphite (B) Black phosphorus

(C) Rhombic sulphur (D) Red phosphorus
Page # 22
Ans. B

3. Select CORRECT statement (s) -

(A) White phosphorus produce PH3 with NaOH conc.
(B) SCN– is a pseudohalide ion
(C) He is mixed with O2 for scuba-divers
(D) Standard Hypo solution is used for iodine titrations
Ans. A,B,C,D

Paragraph for Q. 4 to Q. 6

Acidic gas (A) + Yellowish green gas (B)  H 2O
 (C)   (D) + (E)


(F) + (G)

(i) D and E are both acids while F and G both are salts.

F(solid) + conc. H2SO4 + K2Cr2O7(s) 
(ii)  reddish brown vapour which is passed into NaOH solution to give
yellow solution.
Solution of (G) + CaCl2 
(iii)  White residue insoluble in dil. Mineral acid
4. The gas (B) is
(A) SO2 (B) CO2 (C) CO (D) Cl2
Ans. D

5. The compound (C) is -

(A) COCl2 (B) SOCl2 (C) SO2Cl2 (D) CSCl2
Ans. C

6. The hybridization state of central atom of the compound present in reddish brown vapour is -
(A) sp3 (B) sp3d (C) d3s (D) sp2
Ans. C

7. Select CORRECT statement about ozone -

(A) It is a allotrope of oxygen (B) It reduce the fluidity of Hg
(C) It is diamagnetic gas (D) It’s bleaching action is permanent
Ans. A,B,C,D

8. The percentage of p-character in the orbitals forming P-P bonds in P4 is

(A) 25 (B) 33
(C) 50 (D) 75
Ans. D
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9. The reaction of white phosphorus with aqueous NaOH gives phosphine along with another phosphorus containing com-
pound. The reaction type ; the oxidation states of phosphorus in phosphine and the other product are respectively
(A) redox reaction ; –3 and – 5 (B) redox reaction ; +3 and +5
(C) disproportionation reaction ; –3 and +1 (D) disproportionation reaction ; –3 and +3
Ans. C

10. With respect to graphite and diamond, which of the statement(s) given below is (are) correct ?
(A) Graphite is harder than diamond. (B) Graphite has higher electrical conductivity than diamond.
(C) Graphite has higher thermal conductivity than diamond.
(D) Graphite has higher C – C bond order than diamond.
Ans. B,D
Due to resonance the bond order is greater than 1 in case of graphite.
Diamond has higher thermal conductivity than graphite.

11. Which of the following is thermodynamically most stable allotrop of corresponding element.
(A) Rhombic sulphur (B) Black phosphorous
(C) Monoclinic sulphur (D) White phosphorous
Ans. A,B

Page # 23
12. Engel’s sulphur have
(A) S8 molecules (B) S6 molecules
(C) Two lone pair on each sulphur (D) Chair conformer
Ans. B,C,D

13. Find number of reagents which produce CO2 when react with carbon :
dil. H2SO4, conc. H2SO4, dil. HNO3, conc. HNO3, conc. NaOH, Lime water,
Ans. 2

14. Which of the following is/are disproportionate with conc. NaOH.

(A) Rhombic sulphur (B) White phosphorous
(C) Zinc (D) Aluminium
Ans. A,B

15. Allotropic form of phosphorous which show phosphresence

(A) White phosphorous (B) Black phosphorous
(C) Red phosphorous (D) All of the above
Ans. A

16. Column-I Column-II

(Allotrophic form) (Physical apperance)
(A) Graphite (P) Solid
(B) a-sulphur (Q) Yellow coloured
(C) ( P4 ) n (R) Red coloured
(D) -sulphur (S) Slippery solid
(T) Niddle shape crystal
Ans. (A)–P,S ; (B)–P,Q ; (C)–P,R ; (D)–P,T

17. The soldiers of Napolean army while at Alps during freezing winter suffered a serious problem as regards to the tin
buttons of their uniforms. White Metallic tin buttons get converted to grey powder. This transformation is related to :
(A) An interaction with water vapour contained in humid air
(B) A change in crystalline structure of tin
(C) A change in the partial pressure of O2 in air
(D) An interaction with N2 of air at low temperature
Ans. B

18. Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely difficult to melt. The reason for this anomalous behaviour is that graphite :
(A) Has molecules of variable molecular masses like polymers
(B) Has carbon atoms arranged in large plated of rings of strongly bonded carbon atoms with weak interpolate bonds
(C) Is a non crystalline substance
(D) Is an allotropic form of diamond
Ans. B

19. Which of the following statements regarding sulphur is incorrect ?

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(A) At 600ºC the gas mainly consists of S2 molecules

(B) The oxidation state of sulphur is never less than +4 in its compounds
(C) S2 molecule is paramagnetic
(D) The vapour at 200ºC consists mostly of S8 rings
Ans. B

20. Find the sum of number of pentagon (x), number of hexagon (y) & number of C-C linkage (Z) in fullerene (C60)
Ans. 122

21. Find the number of hexagonal ring in fullerene (C80).

Ans. 30

22. Find the sum of number of pentagonal rings in C40, C60, C80.
Ans. 36

Page # 24
Only Single Correct
1. Ozone gas can be absorbed by
(A) Eucalyptus oil (B) Turpentine oil (C) Mustard oil (D) Coal tar
Ans. B

2. Ozone oxidises moist sulphur to :

(A) SO2 (B) SO3 (C) H2SO4 (D) None of these
Ans. C

3. On heating ozone, its volume :

(A) Decreases to half (B) Becomes double
(C) Increases to 3/2 times (D) Remains unchanged
Ans. C

4. Fluorine reacts with water and may give :

(A) HF and O2 (B) HF and OF2 (C) HF and O3 (D) HF, O2 and O3
Ans. D

5. Tailing of ‘Hg’ is caused by :

(A) H2O2 (B) O3 (C) H2O2 and O3 both (D) None of these
Ans. B

6. Which of the following compound is colourless and known as pink salt.

(A) SnS2 (B) SnCl2.2H2O (C) (NH4)2SnCl6 (D) None of these
Ans. C

More than may be Correct

7. Select the correct statement :
(A) H2O2 is used as mild bleaching agent for bleaching delicate articles such as hair, silk, wool, etc.
(B) It restores the colour of the old paints blackened by the action of H2S. The lead sulphide (black)
Gets oxidized to lead sulphate (white)
PbS + 4H2O2  PbSO4 + 4H2O
Black (White)
(C) When CH2 = CH2 is oxidized by H2O2 then ethane-1, 2-diol forms CH 2  OH
CH 2  OH
(D) H2O2 is a polar and non-planar
Ans. A,B,C,D

8. Select the correct reaction for H2O2 :

(A) Ag2O + H2O2  2Ag + H2O + O2 (B) Cl2 + H2O2  2HCl + O2
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(C) O3 + H2O2  H2O + 2O2 (D) H2O2 + 2KI  2KOH + I2

Ans. A,B,C,D

9. Acidified K2Cr2O7 on reaction with H2O2 gives :

(A) Blue solution (B) CrO5 (C) CrO3 (D) None of these
Ans. A,B

10. Which of the following statement is (are) correct ?

(A) H2O2 is a viscus liquid then H2O (colourless) hatana ha
(B) H2O2 can act as an oxidizing as well as a reducing agent
(C) In H2O2 the two hydroxyl groups lie on the same plane
(D) None of these
Ans. A,B

11. The correct statement is :

(A) Ozone is a deep blue liquid which condenses to a violet black solid
(B) On decomposition of ozone entropy is increased
(C) KO3 is paramagnetic while O3 is diamagnetic
(D) Composition of bleaching powder is Ca(OCl)2 . CaCl2 . Ca(OH)2 . 2H2O
Ans. A,B,C,D
Page # 25
12. The incorrect statement is :
(A) Bleaching powder is good oxidizing agent due to evolution of nascent oxygen
(B) Bleaching powder is good oxidizing agent de to evolution of nascent chlorine
(C) Bleaching powder oxidises PH3 into PCl3
(D) Bleaching powder oxidises NH3 into NCl3
Ans. B,D
(A) Ca(OCl2)  CaCl2 + [O]
(B) NaHSO3 + Cl2 + H2O  NaHSO4 + 2HCl
(C) 2NH3 + 3CaOCl2  3CaCl2 + 3H2O + N2

13. When chlorine gas is passed through hot and concentrated caustic soda solution, the compound(s) formed is (are) :
(A) NaCl (B) NaClO2 (C) NaClO3 (D) NaClO4
Ans. D

14. Which of the following is consisting of OCl– ion.

(A) KOCl (B) BiOCl (C) SbOCl (D) CaOCl2 (bleaching powder)
Ans. A,D

Paragraph for Q. 15 to Q. 17
Hydrogen peroxide is an important compound of hydrogen and oxygen. It shown various types of properties and chemical
reactions :
15. Hydrogen peroxide is not :
(A) A reducing agent (B) Alkaline nature of H2O2
(C) Oxidizing action of H2O2 (D) Reducing nature of H2O2
Ans. D

16. The reaction H2S + H2O2  S + 2H2O define :

(A) Acidic nature of H2O2 (B) Alkaline nature of H2O2
(C) Oxidizing action of H2O2 (D) Reducing nature of H2O2
Ans. C

17. The species that do not contain peroxide ion(s) is/are :

(A) PbO2 (B) SrO2 (C) Na2O2 (D) BaO2
Ans. A

18. The species / compounds containing uninegative ion of its anionic part is :
KO3, CaOCl2, Na2O2, KO2, O3
Ans. 3

19. Number of adjacent lone pair-bond pair repulsion in at oxygen in H2O2 is :

Ans. 8

Find the number of reactions involving reducing action of H2O2.

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 
(1) 2KI + H2O2 
 (2) H2S + H2O2 

(3) Ag2O + H2O2  (4) H2O2 + MnO2 + H2SO4 
(5) PbO2 + H2O2  (6) H2O2 + Cl2 
Ans. 4

(1) H
2KI + H2O2  2KOH + I2

(2) H
H2S + H2O2   2H2O + S
(3) Ag2O + H2O2  2Ag + H2O + O2
(4) H2O2 + MnO2 + H2SO4  MnSO4 + 2H2O + O2
(5) H2O2 + PbO2  PbO + H2O2 + O2
(6) H2O2 + Cl2  HCl + O2

Page # 26
Only Single Correct
1. What is the oxidation state of lead in massicot ?
(A) +2 (B) +4 (C) +2 & +4 (D) None of these
Ans. A

2. Which of the following does not produce Sn+4 when reacts with Sn+2 :
(A) Fe+3 (B) Cu+2 (C) Hg+2 (D) None of these
Ans. D

3. Which of the following does not form black residue

(A) Bi+3 
SnCl2  NaOH
 (B) Hg+2 
Sn excess

(C) An3+ 
 (D) None of these
Ans. C

4. In which of the reaction the oxidation state of Pb does not changes :

(A) PbO2  H 2SO 4 
(B) PbO2  NaOH
(C) PbO2  (D) None of these
 
Ans. C

5. HNO3
Pb3O4  “A” + “B”
The Pb compounds A and B are respectively
(A) Pb(NO3)2 , mixture of [PbO2 and Pb(NO3)2] (B) Pb(NO3)2 and Pb(NO3)2
(C) PbO2 and Pb(NO3)2 (D) Pb(NO3)2 and PbO2 + Pb(NO3)2
Ans. C

6. In the reaction
burnt in Passed into
NH3 
air at 750ºC A(gas) 
SnCl2 solution
 B
Pt catalyst and 6 atom in presence of HCl

The compound B is :
(A) NH2OH (B) NH3 (C) N2O (D) NH2–NH2
Ans. A

7. The correct statement is :

(A) PbO2 can’t exist with NaOH (B) PbO2 oxidises HCl into Cl2 gas
(C) SnCl2 and SnCl4 both exist in one container (D) All of these
Ans. D

8. Reaction of PbO2 with hot conc. HCl and cold conc. HCl (saturated with Cl2) separately produces :
(A) PbCl2 and PbCl4 (B) PbCl2 and H2PbCl6 (C) PbCl4 and PbCl2 (D) H2PbCl6 and PbCl2
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Ans. B

9. Choose the incorrect statement from the following :

(A) Hydrolysis of SnCl4 is affected by the presence of HCl vapours
(B) Piece of Sn Kept with SnCl2 prevents its oxidation
(C) SnCl2, SnCl4 and PbCl4 all form complex acid with conc. HCl
(D) None of these
Ans. D

A NaOH (aq.) Dissolves in excess of NaOH

10.  B  C (soluble)
A is transparent glassy solid act as strongly reducing nature.
A gives purple of cassius when reacts with AuCl3 followed by hydrolysis.
A also gives chromyl chloride test
Here soluble complex C is :
(A) Sn(OH)2 (B) Pb(OH)2 (C) Na2[Pb(OH)4] (D) Na2[Sn(OH)4]
Ans. D

Page # 27
More than may be Correct
11. When SnCl2 reacts with HgCl2 under varying concentration the product formed may be :
(A) Sn + HgCl4 (B) Sn + Cl2 + Hg2Cl2 (C) SnCl4 and Hg2Cl2 (D) Hg + SnCl4
Ans. C,D

12. Which of the following reaction is /are possible

Sn  Cl 2(ex)
(A) Molten
 SnCl4 (B) Sn + aqua regia  SnCl4 + NO + H2O
(C) SnCl4 + Sn  SnCl2 (D) Cr + Sn+4  Cr+6 + Sn+2

Ans. A,B,C

13. Sn2+ can be distinguished from Sn4+ by :

(A) Passing H2S (B) Adding Fe[Fe(CN)6]
(C) Adding CuCl2 solution (D) None of these
Ans. A,B,C

14. Statement-1 : 2PbO2 + 2H2SO4  2PbSO4 + 2H2O + O2. In this reaction H2SO4 acts as reducing agent.
Statement-2 : If PbO2 is considered as lead peroxide then the above reaction is an example of disproportionation
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Sol. D

Paragraph for Q. 15 to Q. 17

A HNO3/warm
Bright red solid B
Brown solid

Conc. HCl/warm
Cl2   C

15. A is :
(A) Pb3O4 (B) PbO2 (C) PbCl2 (D) PbO
Ans. A

16. B is :
(A) Pb3O4 (B) PbO2 (C) PbCl2 (D) PbO
Ans. B
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17. C is :
(A) Pb3O4 (B) PbO2 (C) PbCl2 (D) PbO
Ans. C

Matrix Match :
18. Column-I Column-II
(A) Butter of tin (P) PbO
(B) White lead (Q) 2PbCO3 . Pb(OH)2
(C) Litharge (R) Pb3O4
(D) Red lead (S) SnCl4 . 5H2O
Ans. (A)–S ; (B)–Q ; (C)–P ; (D)–R

Match the compounds with their common names and uses.

19. The number of following reactions given oxygen as :

(1) Pb(NO3)2   (2) PbO + O2 
470º C

Page # 28
(3) PbO + HNO3  (4) PbO2  

(5) PbO2 + HCl(cold & conc.)  (6) PbO2 + H2SO4(conc.) 

(7) Pb3O4  
Ans. 4
(1) 
2Pb(NO3)2   2PbO + 4NO2 + O2

(2) 6PbO + O2 
470º C
 2Pb O
3 4

(3) PbO + 2HNO3  Pb(NO3)2 + H2O

(4) PbO2  
 2PbO + O2
(5) PbO2 + 4HCl (cold & conc.)  PbCl4 + 2H2O
(6) 2PbO2 + 2H2SO4 (conc.)  2PbSO4 + 2H2O + O2
(7) 
2Pb3O4   6PbO + O2

20. The number of reactions in which tin act as reducing agent.

(1) I2 + Sn2+ 
(2) SnCI2 + KOH 
(3) SnO + 2KOH 
(4) SnCI2 + H2O + O2 
(5) 2MnO–4 + 5Sn2+ + 16H+ 
Ans. 3
(1) I2 + Sn2+ 2I– + Sn4+
(2) SnCI2 + KOH Sn(OH)2 + 2KCl
(3) SnO + 2KOH K2SnO2 + H2O
(4) SnCI2 + H2O + O2 SnCl4 + Sn(OH)Cl
(5) 2MnO–4 + 5Sn2+ + 16H+ 2Mn2+ + 5Sn4+ + 8H2O


Only Single Correct
1. The correct statement is :
(A) Crystalline borax contain 5–B–O–B linkage and each B-atom has sp3 hybridised state
(B) Boron hydrides are not hydrolysed easily
(C) In diborane one vacant orbital of B is participated in sp3 hybridisation
(D) H3BO3(s) is layered structure in which BO3 units are joined by covalent bonds
Ans. C

2. B2H6 + 2X  [BH2X2] [BH4]– 
 [Y]

The correct statement about X and Y is :

(A) X is NH3 and Y is nonplanar molecule
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(B) X is NH3 and Y is isostructural with benzene

(C) X is CO and Y is planar molecule
(D) X is Me3N and Y is planar molecule
Ans. B

''V'' (Isostructural with benzene)

3. [X]
Inorganic Very high temperature
compound ''Z'' (Inorganic graphite)

The correct statement about ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ are :

(A) [X] has four electrons in 3C–2c bonds
(B) Four B–H bond length are identical to each other in [X]
(C) Y and Z both have sp2 hybridised central atom
(D) All of these
Ans. D

Page # 29

 
4. 
H3BO3   ''A'' red hot ''B''
''A'' and ''B'' are respectively :
(A) A  Metaboric acid & B  Tetrabroic acid
(B) A  Metaboric acid & B  Boric anhydride
(C) A  Tetraboric acid & B  Metaboric acid
(D) A  Boric anhydride & B  Metaboric acid
Ans. B

Cu powder
5. C6H5Cl 
Si / 
 (C H ) SiCl 
6 5 2 2
H 2O 
 (C6H5)2 Si(OH)2   ''A'' : compound ''A'' is :
(A) A cyclic Silicones (B) A linear silicones (C) Both (A) & (B) (D) Branched silicones
Ans. C

6. Which of the following carbide gives propyne gas on hydrolysis :

(A) Al4C3 (B) BaC2 (C) Mg2C3 (D) SiC
Ans. C

7. M2SO4 , M’2(SO4)3 . 24 H2O  

 Al2O3 + X(g) + Y(g) + 24 H2O
Where M is univalent cation and (M')3+ is trivalent cation.

''X'' gives white dense fumes with conc. HCl & ''Y'' forms long polymeric chain in solid state which is isostructural with
CrO3(s). Then 'X' and 'Y' are :
(A) X  NH3 , Y = SO2 (B) X  NH3 , Y = SO3 (C) X  SO2 , Y = NH3 (D) X  SO3 , Y = NH3
Ans. B

8. Ca + C2  CaC2  N2 ''A''

Compound ''A'' is used as a / an :
(A) Fertilizer (B) Dehydrating agent (C) Oxidizing agent (D) Reducing agent
Ans. A

9. The correct molecular formula of borax is written as : Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O.

Consier the following points about Borax :
(1) Each boron has BO3 unit
(2) Each boron has BO4 unit
(3) Two boron has BO3 unit & other two boron has BO4 unit
(4) Each boron has one-OH group
Select the correct statement(s) :
(A) 1, 2 (B) 3, 4 (C) 1, 3 (D) 2, 4
Ans. B

10. Which alkyl silicon chloride gives chain terminating unit in the preparation of various types of silicones ?
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(A) R2SiCl2 (B) RSiCl3 (C) R3SiCl (D) All of these

Ans. C

More than may be Correct

11. Consider the following correct statements about diborane :
(A) Each boron has sp3-hybridised state by utilizing its one vacant p-orbital
(B) There are only 14 bonding electrons avaible
(C) Diborane gives boric acid when it reacts with H2O
(D) The hydridisation state of diborane does not change in product when it reacts with NaH
Ans. A,C,D

12. The incorrect statement is/are :

(A) Alum is a double salt which consists M+ and M3+ types of cation only
(B) Branched silicones can be formed by the hydrolysis of R2SiCl2
(C) Borax gives broic acid on hydrolysis in basic medium
(D) Silicones are used in shoe polish due to water repelling of its akyl group
Ans. B,C

Page # 30
13. Which of these is a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer ?
(A) Me3SiCl (B) PhSiCl3 (C) MeSiCl3 (D) Me2SiCl2
Ans. B,C,D

Paragraph for Q. 14 to Q. 15
Na 2CO3 (aq.)
[A]  CaCO3 (white ppt.) + B(aq.) + C(aq.)
On crystallisation
[B](aq.)   [B] Crystallised

[B](s) + CoO   [Blue coloured bead (D)]
14. ''A'' is :
(A) CaCO3 (B) Ca2B6O11.5H2O (C) Co(BO2)2 (D) Ca3Si2O7
Ans. B

15. ''B'' is :
(A) NaBO2 (B) Na2B4O7.10H2O (C) Na2B4O7.8H2O (D) Na2[B4O5(OH)4]
Ans. B

Paragraph for Q. 16 to Q. 17
Compound (W) + NH4Cl  NaBH 4
B3N3H3Cl3   compound [X] :

16. Compound (W) is :

(A) B2H6 (B) Crystalline Boron (C) BH3 (D) BCl3
Ans. D

17. Compound (X) is :

(A) B2H6 (B) B3N3H6 (C) B3N3Cl3 (D) B3N3H9Cl3
Ans. B

18. Find the numbr of oxygen atoms which are associated with 3––bonds in crystalline borax :
Ans. 17

19. Coordination number of Al in liquid state of AlCl3 is :

Ans. 4
In liquid state AlCl3 exist as dimeric form.

20. The number of water molecule is required to hydrolysis of one mole of aluminium carbide :
Ans. 12


TOPIC : Halogen & d-block
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Only Single Correct

1. Which reaction applicable for obtaining greenish yellow colour chlorine ?
(A) NaCl + H2SO4  (B) NH3 + HCl 
(C) NaCl + MnO2 + H2SO4  (D) Au + 4H + NO3  4Cl 
Ans. C
(A) 2NaCl + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + 2HCl
(B) NH3 + HCl  NH4Cl
(C) 2NaCl + MnO2 + H2SO4  2NaHSO4 + MnSO4 + Cl2 + 2H2O
(D) Au + 4H + NO3 + 4Cl–  AuCl4 + NO + 2H2O

2. The method is not applicable for the manufacturing of ammonia :

(A) NH2CONH2 + H2O  (B) ZnSO4 + NH4OH 
(C) NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2  (D) (NH4)2SO4 + NaOH 
Ans. B
(A) NH2CONH2 + 2H2O  (NH4)2CO3 2NH3 + CO2 + H2O
(B) ZnSO4 + 2NH4OH  Zn(OH)2 + (NH4)2SO4
(C) 2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2  2NH3 + 2H2O + CaCl2

Page # 31
(D) (NH4)2SO4 + 2NaOH  2NH3 + Na2SO4 + 2H2O

3. AgNO3 + Na2S2O3  ''X'' (White ppt.)

X-salt   Y (Black ppt.) + H2SO4
Na 2S2O3
X (White ppt.)   Z(Soluble complex)
Here ''Z'' is :
(A) Ag2S2O3 (B) [Ag(S2O3)]– (C) [Ag(S2O3)2]3– (D) None of these
Ans. C

4. The correct statement is a :

(A) HNO3 acts as dehydrating agent
(B) dil. H2SO4 acts as oxidising agent under any concentration
(C) Mixture of NO & NO2 gets condensed upto –25ºC it turned into blue liquid
(D) SO2 reduces coloured flower in presence of alkaline medium
Ans. C

5. SO2 + H2S  ''X''

The final product of X is :
(A) H2SO4 (B) H2S2O3 (C) H2O + S (D) H2SO3
Ans. C

6. KMnO4(s) should not be dissolved in conc. H2SO4 because of the formation of :

(A) MnO (B) MnO2 (C) HMnO4 (D) Mn2O7
Ans. D
KMnO4 + H2SO4  HMnO4 + KHSO4
2HMnO 
4 H O2
 Mn O (explosive)
2 7

7. nH3PO4 
 'X' 
 'Y'
Here 'X' & 'Y' is :
(A) 'X' is diabasic acid & 'Y' is monobasic acid
(B) 'X' is tetrabasic acid & 'Y' is monobasic acid
(C) 'X' is tribasic acid & 'Y' is dibasic acid
(D) 'X' & ‘Y’ both have tetrabasic acid
Ans. B
nH3PO4  320ºC
 nH4P2O7   (HPO3)n

More than may be Correct

8. Which of the following reactions gives N2 gas on heating :

(A) (NH4)2 Cr2O7  
(B) Ba(N3)2 
 
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(C) NaNO2 + NH4Cl  
(D) NH4NO3 
 
Ans. A,B,C
(A) 
(NH4)2 Cr2O7   N2 + 4H2O + Cr2O3
(B) 
Ba(N3)2   3N2 + Ba
(C) 
NaNO2 + NH4Cl   N2 + NaCl + 2H2O
(D) 
NH4NO3   N2O + 2H2O

9. In larboratory conversion of Mn2+ to MnO4 is done by :

(A) Pb2O3 + HNO3 (B) S2O82 / H  (C) SnCl2 + 2HCl (D) All of these
Ans. A,B

Page # 32
10. The reactions in which SO2 act as reducing agent :
(A) NaOH + SO2 (B) Fe3+(aq) + SO2 (C) SO2 + MnO4 (aq) (D) SO2 + Cl2 water
Ans. B,C,D
(A) 2NaOH + SO2  Na2SO3 + H2O
(B) Fe3+(aq) + 2H2O + SO2  Fe2+ + SO24 + 4H

(C) MnO4 (aq) + SO2 
H 2+ 2
 Mn + SO4 + H2O
(D) SO2 + Cl2  SO2Cl2

11. Which of the following statement is (are) correct, when a KMnO4 is heated strongly :
(A) A black solid mixture is obtained
(B) One is green in alkaline aqueous form and another is black solid insoluble in H2O
(C) One is green in alkaline aqueous form and another is black solid insoluble in H2O
(D) O2 gas is enolved
Ans. A,C,D

2KMnO4 K2MnO4 + MnO2 + O2

Solid mixture
in H2O in H2O
(K2MnO4 ) soluble green
MnO(OH ) 2 ()
Black ppt.

12. Fuming HNO3 can be obtained by which of following process :

(A) By dissolving NO2 in HNO3 becomes yellowish brown coloured
(B) By dissolving SO2 in HNO3 becomes yellow coloured
(C) By addition of PbO2 in HNO3
(D) By dissolving NO in HNO3 becomes yellowish brown coloured
Ans. A,D
(A) Fuming HNO3 + NO2 dissolved  yellow brown
(B) SO2 + HNO3  H2SO4 + NO2
(C) PbO2 removes of dissolved oxide of nitrogen & make colourless of HNO3.
(D) NO + HNO3  NO2 + H2O

Paragraph Q. No. 13 to 14
[A] Calcium imide  HOH
 [B] + [C]
[C] + CaOCl2  D(g) + ……….
[D] + ''Mg''  (E)  Hydrolysis [C] + ………
13. 'A' and 'C' are respectively :
(A) Ca(NH2)2 & NH3 (B) Ca(NH) & NH3 (C) Ca3N2 & N2 (D) Ca3N2 & NH3
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Ans. B

14. ''D'' and ''E'' are respectively :

(A) NH3 & Mg3N2 (B) N2 & Mg3N2 (C) Mg3N2 & NH3 (D) PH3 & Mg3P2
Ans. B

Paragraph Q. No. 15 to 16
 / air
Chromite ores + Na2CO3  A + B () + C(gas)
[ A is soluble in H2O]
''A'' + conc. H2SO4  ''D'' + ………
''D'' + KCl  Orange colour solid (E)
15. Oxidation state of C.A. IN ''B'' is :
(A) +2 (B) +3 (C) +1 (D) Both (A) & (B)
Ans. B

Page # 33
16. The correct statement about ''E'' is :
(A) M–O–M has bond angle is 126º
(B) ''E'' has two tetrahedral unit sharing with one corner of oxygen
(C) The bond length of bridging oxygen is longer than terminal metal oxygen
(D) All of these
Ans. D
4Fe2Cr2O4 + 7O2 + 8Na2CO3  8 Na2CrO4 + 2Fe2O3 + CO2()
(A) (B) (C)
2Na2CrO4 + H2SO4  Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O

Na2Cr2O7 + 2KCl   K2Cr2O7 + 2NaCl

Match the column

17. Column-I Column-II
(A) KNO3 + FeSO4 + H2SO4 (P) N2O5
(B) Zn + dil. HNO3  (D) H2O
(C) HNO3 + P2O5  (D) NO
6 atom
(D) NH3 + O2 
750º C / Pt
(D) N2O
Ans. (A)Q, R ; (B)Q, S ; (C)P ; (D)Q,R
(A) 2KNO3 + 6FeSO4 + 4H2SO4  K2SO4 + 3Fe2(SO4)3 + 2NO + 4H2O
(This method also give pure NO)
(B) 4Zn + 10 HNO3  4Zn(NO3)2 + N2O + 5H2O
(C) 4HNO3 + P2O5  (HPO3)4 + 2N2O5
6 atom
(D) 2NH3 + 2O2 
750º C / Pt
2NO + 3H2O

18. The number of reactions gives SO2 gas :
(a) Cu + conc. H2SO4 
(b) Zn + dil. H2SO4 
(c) S + H2SO4 
(d) FeS2 + O2 
(e) NaHSO3 + dil. H2SO4 
(f) H2SO4 + PCl5 
Ans. 4
(a) Cu + conc. H2SO4  CuSO4 + SO2 + H2O
(b) Zn + dil. H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2
(c) S + H2SO4 3SO2 + H2O
(d) 4FeS2 + 11O2 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2
(e) NaHSO3 + dil. H2SO4 NaHSO4 + SO2 + H2O
(f) H2SO4 + PCl5 SO2Cl2 + 2POCl3 + 2HCl

19. The number of reactions which produces O2 gas : D:\Section_2016_2017\Books Objective Questions_Page Marker File

(a) XeF4 + O2F2  
(b) XeF2 + H2O 
(c) No + O3 
(d) PbS(s) + O3 

(e) I(aq.)  H 2 O()  O3 
(f) FeSO4 + H2SO4 + Cl2 
Ans. 5
(a) XeF4 + O2F2   XeF6 + O2
(b) XeF2 + H2O  Xe + 2HF + ½O2
(c) NO + O3  NO2 + O2
(d) PbS(s) + O3  PbSO4 + O2

(e) I(aq.)  H 2O()  O3  OH– + I2(s) + O2
(f) FeSO4 + H2SO4 + Cl2  Fe2(SO4)3 + 2HCl

20. The number metal(s) which is not dissolved in conc. HNO3 solution :
Cr, Al, Cu, Ag, Zn
Ans. 2
Page # 34
Only Single Correct
1. Which of the following species is diamagnetic -
(A) B2 (B) O22– (C) O2+ (D) N2–
Ans. B
According to MOT

2. In which of the following process the increase in bond lnegth is highest -

(A) N2  N2+ (B) N2  N2– (C) N2+  N2– (D) N2–  N2+
Ans. B

3. Which of the following molecular orbital formation is incorrect.

+ – + + –
(B) – + + – + – + – +

+ + +

– –

+ – –

(D) +
– + +
Ans. D

4. If the filling of electron in the moelcular orbital of O2 does not obey Hund's rule then which of the following property in O2
gets changed
(A) Bond order (B) Magnetic behaviour
(C) Number of electrons in bonding MO (D) Number of electrons in antibonding MO
Ans. B

5. Select the correct diagram for anti-bonding moelcular orbital, which is formed by side ways overlapping -
– + –
(A) + – (B) + – + (C) – + (D) None of these
Ans. C

6. Which of the following is/are diamagnetic in nature, if Hund's rule is violated -

(A) O2 (B) B2 (C) N22– (D) All of these
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Ans. D

7. Select the correct statement -

(A) On adding one electro in NO, bond order decreases
(B) CO and N2 both have same bond order
(C) C2 and B22– both are diamagnetic
(D) All are correct
Ans. D

8. Choose the incorrect statement from the following (if x is inter nuclear axis) -
(A) In N2  N2+, the electron is lost from 2p orbital
(B) In O2+  O2, the electron is added to 2p y
or 2p z

(C) In O  O+, the electron is lost from 2p y
or 2p z
(D) None of these
Ans. C

Page # 35
More than may be Correct
9. Which of the following combination (s) lead(s) to the formationof gerade molecular orbital(s) -

+ + + – +
(A) – (B) +
– – – + –

y y
y y
x x
+ – + – x + +
– –
+ – + –
– + – + + +
(C) (D)
Approaching axis is Approaching axis is
'x'-axis 'z'-axis
Ans. B,C,D

10. In which of the following process the product (s) is/are diamagentic -
(A) N2+  N2
(B) 2NO2  N2O4
(C) NO2 + [ClO2]+ [ClO4]–  [NO2]+ [ClO4]– + ClO2
(D) O22– 
 O2

Ans. A,B

Paragraph for Q. 11 to Q. 13
Molecular orbital theory is completely based upon the wave mechanical approach. The M.O. diagram gives the energy
comparision between different orbitals.
11. Choose the correct ionisation energy order from the following options -
(A) F2 > F (B) B > B2 (C) N2 < N (D) B2 > B
Ans. D
F2 < F, B < B2, N2 > N

12. Which of the following orbital is having maximum number of nodal plane -
(A)  p* p (B) d–d (2 lobes interaction)

(C) p* p (D) d–p

Ans. C

13. In the process of N2–  N2 the electron is removed from ‘__________’ provided the x-axis is the bond formation axis.
(A) 2p y
orbital *
(B) 2p x
orbital (C) 2px orbital (D) 2s orbital
Ans. A
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 2py
N 2   N2
* 2pz

If x-axis is bond formation axis.

Paragraph for Q. 14 to Q. 16
O2 is paramagnetic, this property as similar to B2, which can not be explained by the traditional Lewis dot structure but is
evident from the MO picture.
14. In energy level diagram of O22+, 13th e present in
(A) 2px orbital (B) 2py or 2pz orbital
(C) *2py or *2pz orbital (D) *2px orbital
Ans. B

15. Which of the following set of orbital is result, N.B.M.O [If z-axis is the bond formation axis]
(A) pz + dxz (B) s + dyz (C) py + dxz (D) all of these

Page # 36
Ans. D
+ –
(A) – + +  N.B.M.O.
– +

+ –
(B) + +  N.B.M.O.
– +

+ –
(C) +  N.B.M.O.
– – +

16. Which of following set of moelcules/ion has equal bond order -

(A) NO+, N2, O22+ (B) O2, N22–, NO– (C) NO, O2+, N2– (D) (A), (B) and (C)
Ans. D
Molecules/ion Bond order
NO+ 3
N2 3
O2+2 3

Match the column -

17. Match the column
Column-I Column-II
Processes Correct characteristics
(A) N2+  N2 (P) Magnetic moment gets changed
(B) Zn2+  Zn (Q) The process is associated with two electronic change
(C) O22–  2O2– (R) Magnetic behaviour gets changed
(D) C22–  C2 (S) *
Electron(s) associated in the process enter(s) into 2p orbital
(T) Electron(s) associated in the process involve(s) 2p orbital
Ans. (A)–P,R,T ; (B)–Q ; (C)–Q ; (D)–Q, T

Integer :
18. Find the ratio of p-electrons in the C2-moelcule with that of B2 moelcule according to M.O.T.
Ans. 2
C2 – 4 e–
B2 – 2 e–

19. Which of the following moelcule(s) or ion(s) is/are having bond order less than or equal to two.
B2, C2, O22–, O2+, H2+
Ans. 4
Molecule/Ion Bond order
B2 1
C2 2
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O22– 1
O2+ 2.5
H2+ .5

20. Find the number of electrons added to antibonding orbital when N2+ is changing into N2–.
Ans. 1
one e  in 
N2 
and 1 e in  * / *
2px 2py

21. Find the number of molecules/ions which are having unpaired electron in its antibonding moelcular orbital.
O2 ; N2 ; NO ; N2+ ; O2+ ; O2– ; O22+
Ans. 4
O2 ; NO ; O2+ ; O2–

22. Find the number of non-bonding moelcular orbital from the following if z-axis is inter nuclear axis-
(d  s) , (s  d yz ) , (s + px) , (pz + py)
x 2  y2

Ans. 4

Page # 37

Paragraph for Q. 1 to Q. 4
Ellingham diagram is a graph showing the variation of the standard free energy of formation (Gº) of metal oxides with
temperature. The diagram also shows lines for formation of CO and CO2.


CO  CO2

 G º / kJ

C  CO2


C  CO

TiO2 Al2O3

500 1000 1500 2000 2500


Using the Ellingham diagram given above answer the following.

1. The equation of lines in the diagram is given by
(A) G = H – TS (B) G = H + TS
(C) Gº = Hº – TSº (D) Gº = Hº + TSº
Ans. C
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2. The statement that is true for the line C  CO2 is

(A) The standard entropy change of the abvoe reaction is positive
(B) The standard entropy change of the above reaction is negative
(C) The standard entropy change of the above reaction is zero.
(D) None of these
Ans. C

3. The statement that is true for the line CO  CO2 is

(A) the standard entropy change of the aboe reaction is positive
(B) the standard entropy change of the above reaction is negative
(C) the standard entropy change of the above reaction is zero.
(D) None of these
Ans. B

4. The preferred temperature for Mg to be used as a reducing agent for SiO2 is

(A) below 2200ºC (B) above 2500ºC
(C) not possible at any temperature (D) None of these

Page # 38
Ans. A

Paragraph for Q. 5 to Q. 7
Ellingham diagram reveals that the curves involving the formation of MgO, ZnO and CO can be given as above. On the basis
of these curves answer the following question.

–200 O
2  2C
–400 2Zn  O 2  2 ZnO

–800  2

500 1000 1500

5. Gº vs T plot in Ellingham diagram slopes downward for the reaction -

(A) 2Mg + O2  2MgO (B) 2Zn + O2  2ZnO
(C) 2CO + O2  2CO2 (D) 2C + O2  2CO
Ans. D

6. At what temperature, Zn and carbon have equal affinity for oxygen -

(A) 500ºC (B) 1000ºC (C) 1200ºC (D) 1500ºC
Ans. B

7. At this temperature Gº of this reaction is : ZnO + C  Zn + CO

(A) Positive (B) Zero (C) Negative (D) Cannot be predicted
Ans. B

Paragraph for Q. 8 to Q. 10
The Ellingham diagram represent the formation of oxides of several metals together with oxies of C (i.e. CO and CO2). The
diagram is not to scale yet it can help in making a lot of predictions.

 F
O 2
 C
½ O 2


710 C  CO 2
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G º in kJ mol

Cr O2

Cr TiO 2

Si 0 0º C

ZrO 2
Al O 3 
Al 1105ºC

Mg  MgO 649ºC


8. Which is the chief reducing agent if the carbon reduction of iron oxides is carried out below 710ºC ?
(A) CO (B) C
(C) Either C or CO (D) Cannot be predicted on the basis of give information
Page # 39
Ans. A

9. At ~ 1100ºC, which of the following reactionsis thermodynamically most favourable ?

(A) TiO2 + C  Ti + CO2 (B) CO2 + C  2CO
(C) Al2O3 + 3C  2AI + 3CO (D) Cr2O3 + 3C  2Cr + 3C
Ans. B

10. Which of following statements is incorrect ?

(A) Si cannot reduce MgO at all (B) Al can reduce MgO at above 1500ºC
(C) Al can reduce Cr2O3 as well as TiO2 (D) Al cannot reduce ZrO2 but Mg can reduce ZrO2
Ans. A

11. Statement-1 : Al cannot reduce MgO below 1500ºC while Al can reduce MgO above 1500ºC.
Statement-2 : Mg is a lqiuid at less than 1500ºC and gas at above 1500ºC.
(A) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is correct explanation for statement-1.
(B) statement-1 is true, statement-2 is true and statement-2 is NOT the correct explanation for statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is true, statement-2 is false.
(D) Statement-1 is false, statement-2 is true.
Ans. C

12. Choose CORRECT statement based on Ellingham diagram :

(A) Reductionof metal oxides takes place at room tempeature only
(B) A particular metal oxide can be reduced by many reducing agents but temperature for reduction is same for all reductants
(C) Suitable reducing agent for metal oxide reduction is predicted on the basis of enthalpy change of reaction
(D) None of these
Ans. D

13. If Ellingham graph for an element E(s) runs parallel to the temperature axis upto some fixed temperature ‘T’ from it's starting
point then sleect CORRECT statement :
(A) Element will have melting point and boiling point both before temperature 'T'
(B) Gº value for the reaction E(s) + O2(g)  EO2(g) will be zero upto temperature 'T'
(C) S value for the reaction E(s) + O2(g)  EO2(g) will be be  0 upto temperature 'T'
(D) Both (B) and (C) are correct
Ans. C

14. Which of the following statement about Ellingham diagram is CORRECT :

(A) On increasing temperature, stability of metal oxides increases
(B) Reduction of metal oxide is easier if the metal formed is in liquid state at the temperature of reduction
(C) Reduction of metal oxide is esier if the metal formed is in solid state at the temperature of reduction
(D) All above statements are correct
Ans. B

Paragraph for Q. 15 to Q. 16
Ellingham diagram is the key to find suitable reducing agent for the reduction of metal oxide.
Consider the following graph
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G º / kJ mol of 1O




Temperature (ºC)

Page # 40
15. Select correct statements based on the above graph :
(A) For reaction (2) Gº increases with increase in temperature
(B) For reaction (3) Gº increases with increase in temperature
(C) For reaction (1) Gº increases with increase in temperature
(D) All are correct
Ans. C

16. Choose incorrect statement out of following :

(A) At temperature 'T1', Gº values for reaction (1), (2) and (3) are non-zero
(B) For reaction (1), S is negative
(C) For reaction (3), S is positive
(D) For reaction (3), S is negative
Ans. D

17. Match the column

Column-I Column-II
Element Property based on Ellingham diagram
(A) Mg (P) Highest value of |Gº| amongst these element's oxide formation
(B) Al (Q) Lowest vlaue of |Gº| amongst these element's oxide formation
(C) Fe (R) Can reduce atleast one metal oxide of given elements
(D) Hg (S) Best reducing agent among these
(T) It's metal oxide having lowest thermal stability among oxides of these metals
Ans. (A)–P,R,S ; (B)–R ; (C)–R ; (D)–Q,T

18. Column-I Column-II

Reaction Property based on ellingham diagram
(P) C(s) + O2(g)  CO2(g) (1) S  0
(Q) Ca(s) + O (g)  CaO(s) (2) S is negative
2 2
(R) 2Al(s) + O (g)  Al2O3(s) (3) S is positive
2 2
(S) C(s) + O (g)  CO(g) (4) |Gº| is highest among these reactions
2 2
Code :
(P) (Q) (R) (S)
(A) 1 2 2, 4 3
(B) 1 2, 4 2 3
(C) 1 2, 3 3 4
(D) 3 2 1 3, 4
Ans. B

19. In Ellingham diagram Fe2O3 can be reduced by how many of the following elements.
Ca, Mg, Ag, Hg, Al
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Ans. 3

20. Find the number of unstable oxides before temperature 200ºC out of following oxides.
CaO, MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3
Ans. 0

Page # 41
TOPIC : Fe, Al, Cu
Only Single Correct
1. Which of the following statement is correct -
(A) Froth floatation method can only be used for sulphide ore
(B) Tin stone is consisting of wolframite as non-magnetic impurity
(C) In cyanide process for the extraction of silver, Z used as leaching agent
(D) Bessemerization process is used in the extraction of copper from copper pyrite (after removal of Fe)
Ans. D
Hinit :
* Froth floatation method can be used for non-sulphide ore also by using activator.
* Wolfromite is magnetic in nature
* Zn act as reducing agent in Ag metallurgy.

2. Which of the following statement is incorrect regarding the thermite welding -

(A) KClO3 is used for supplying oxygen in the thermite mixture
(B) Al is used as reducing agent
(C) Fe is obtained in the form of liquid
(D) This process is used for rail-road joining
Ans. A

3. Which of the following ore is not the ore of Fe

(A) Magnetite (B) Magnisite (C) Limonite (D) Siderite
Ans. B
[Magnesite : MgCO3]

4. Which of the following mineral is not used as ore of iron -

(A) Siderite (B) Limonite (C) Haematite (D) Fool’s gold
Ans. D

5. Which of the following statement is correct

(A) Roasting is unnecessarily done for Fe-extraction because there is no sulphide ore
(B) In the smelting step of Cu-extraction, reduction of the ore takes place.
(C) Ores may not be mineral
(D) Sphalerite is the ore of the zinc
Ans. D

6. Thermite reduction is not used for commercial extraction of respective metal form which of the following oxides -
(A) Mn3O4 (B) TiO2 (C) Fe2O3 (D) Cr2O3
Ans. C

7. Which of the following is incorrect about borax :

(A) produce alkaline solution in water (B) produce buffer solution in water
(C) produce blue bead on heating with CaSO4 (D) used as a acidic flux D:\Section_2016_2017\Books Objective Questions_Page Marker File
Ans. C

8. he oxidation states of metal in Cuprite and Fool’s gold are respectively -

(A) +2, +2 (B) +1, +2 (C) 1+, +3 (D) +2, +1
Ans. B
Cu2O  2Cu+ + O–2 Cu  + 1
FeS2  Fe2+ + S– – S– Fe = +2

More than correct

9. Which of the following step(s) is/are involved in the production of steel from hematite.
(A) Addition of flux for matrix in ore. (B) Reduction of ore.
(C) Oxidation of impurity in pig iron. (D) None of these
Ans. A,B,C
(A) Concentration of ore : by magnetic seperation.
(B) Acidic flux (SiO2) is used for basic matrix (impurity) and basic flux CaO is used for acidic matrix.
(C) Reduction of ore : by carbon in blast furnace.
(D) Impurities are Si, Mn, P etc.

Page # 42
Si + O2  SiO2
2 Mn + O2  2 MnO
MnO + SiO2  MnSiO3 (slag)
CaO + SiO2  CaSiO3 (slag)
4P + SiO2  P4O10 (slag)
CaO + P4O10  2 Ca3(PO4)2
(Thomas slag)

10. By product(s) obtained in the Fe-extraction is /are -

(A) Slag (B) Wrought iron (C) Blast furnace gas (D) Pig iron
Ans. A,C

11. In the Fe-extraction the roasting is carried out because -

(A) All FeO are to be converted to Fe2O3 (B) The formation of FeSiO3 – slag is prevented
(C) Fe2O3 does not react with SiO2 to form slag
(D) The formation of slag (CaSiO3) is enhanced.
Ans. A,B,C

12. Which of the following processes can be adopted for beneficiation of red bauxite
(A) Hall's process (B) Hall-Hereoult process (C) Serpec's process (D) Bayer's process
Ans. A,D

13. In the Bayer's process the conversion of [Al(OH)4]–  Al(OH)3 is done by -

(A) Addition of huge amount of water (B) Addition of dil. NaOH
(C) Addition of conc. HCl in excess (D) Passing CO2 gas
Ans. A,D

14. Carbon reduction is not used for extraction of Al from Al2O3 because
(A) It is in need of high temperature (B) It incurs huge cost
(C) Al is obtained in the solid form and its separation becomes difficult
(D) It forms carbide wit the used coke powder at that temperature
Ans. A,B,D

15. Identify the incorrect statement(s)

(A) Adsorption phenomenon is used in levigation.
(B) Slag having low m.p. and lighter than molten metal
(C) Vapour phase refining can be done for Boron purification
(D) Pig iron is the purest form of iron.
Ans. A,D

16. Which of the following are the dissimilarities between calcination and roasting
(A) Type of reactions involved for the conversion of ores
(B) Nature of the product in terms of porosity
(C) The way of removal of impurities like S, As and Sb
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(D) The nature of ore used for two cases in general

Ans. A,C,D

17. Identify the number of following process which are associated with the extraction of copper from chalcopyrite.
Froth floatation method, Smelting, Roasting, Bessemerization, Electrolytic refining, poling, cupelletion.
Ans. 6

18. Find the number (s) of ore of copper from the following :
(a) Chalcopyrite (b) Azurite (c) Sphalerite (d) Malachite
(e) Tincal (f) Magnetite (g) Fluospar
Ans. 3
(A) Chalocopyrite  CuFes2 (B) Azurite  Cu(OH)2 · 2CuCO3
(C) Malachite  Cu(OH)2 · CuCO3 (D) Tincal Na2B4O7 . 10H2O
(E) Magnetite  Fe3O4 (F) Fluospar CaF2

19. Identify the number of following process which are associated with the extraction of zinc from zinc bland.
Froth floatation method, calcination, Roasting, Carbon reduction, Electrolytic refining, Distilation, Vapour phase refining.
Ans. 5

Page # 43
20. Find total number of conditions in which oxidation of Fe+2 (aq) ions to iron (III) takes place
(i) On exposure to air (ii) On addition of conc. HNO3
(iii) on reaction with SnCl2 (iv) On reaction with H2O2
(v) On reaction with MnO4–/ H+ (vi) On reaction with KI
(vii) On reaction with Cr2O72– / H+
Ans. 5

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