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Proxel® GXL Preservative


PROXEL® GXL Preservative is a broad spectrum, efficacious

antibacterial product based on the chemical 1, 2- benzisothiazolin-
3-one (BIT) that is pH and temperature stable and can easily
incorporated into a wide range of industrial products.

Typical Physical Properties

A 19.3% glycolic solution of 1,2-ben-
Composition zisothiazolin-3-one (BIT)
Physical Form Light yellow to tan liquid

pH 25°C 12.0-13.5
Specific Gravity 25°C 1.14 (approx.)
Density 25°C 9.5 lb./gal (approx.)

Summary Viscosity 25°C, Brookfield 500 cps (approx.)

Solubility in water Complete at use dilutions
Metalworking fluids are fertile breeding grounds for
microorganisms, especially water-based formulations which
are particularly susceptible to microbial attack. Deterioration
of the metalworking fluids caused by the growth of How to Use
microorganisms can affect the fluid performance. Biocide PROXEL® GXL Preservative should be incorporated into
options are limited for formulators and users of metalworking fluid concentrates at a level that will deliver up
metalworking fluids who want to avoid formaldehyde to 1800 parts per million (ppm) product as sold in the diluted
condensate biocides. Additional difficulty lies in the fact in-use coolant. For example, if the desired level of PROXEL®
that many non-formaldehyde biocide options have GXL Preservative is 1500 ppm and the final dilution of the
limitations in their heat or pH stability, and in their metalworking fluid is 20:1 (5%), then 3% of the biocide is
compatibility with amines. required in the metalworking fluid concentrate (1500
PROXEL® GXL Preservative is a broad spectrum, ppm/0.05 = 30,000 ppm or 3%).
efficacious antibacterial product based on the chemical 1, Frequent checks (once per week) of the bacterial and fungal
2- benzisothiazolin- 3-one (BIT) that is pH and temperature populations should be made using standard microbiological
stable and can easily incorporated into a wide range of plate count procedures or any of the commercial “dip-stick”
industrial products. PROXEL® GXL Preservative is type devices. It is also recommended that in-use coolants be
registered with the Environmental Protection Agency and monitored weekly for coolant concentration, tramp oil, pH,
has been granted EPA Registration No. 1258-1255. alkalinity, odor, and anticorrosion properties. If any of these
PROXEL™ GXL Preservative does not contain or release parameters is outside the specifications established for the
formaldehyde, is compatible with a wide variety of system in question, they should be brought up to
metalworking additives, is stable over a broad pH range, is specification by the addition of suitable additives, or the fluid
compatible with amine systems, exhibits thermal stability should be discarded and the system thoroughly cleaned and
and is suitable for use in metalworking fluid concentrates. recharged with fresh coolant.
PROXEL® GXL Preservative is registered with the US EPA,
registration number 1258-1255. It is a violation of Federal Law
to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Technical Service
As part of our customer support program Arxada’s Technical
Service Laboratories can assist with compatibility and
performance testing. Please contact your local Arxada
Account Representative for information about these
customized services, sample orders, container sizes and

Health and Safety

Arxada has a high level of expertise in the fields of safety,
health and environment and is fully committed to the Product
Stewardship of biocidal products.
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product may be supplied
upon request. Refer to the SDS for information on storage,
container disposal and safe handling practices.
For information on spills, call +1 800 654 6911.

Review and follow all product safety This information relates solely to the product as an
instructions. All product information corre-sponds ingredient. It may not be applicable, complete or
to Arxada’s knowledge on the subject at the date suitable for the recipient’s finished product or
Arxada of publication, but Arxada makes no warranty as to application; therefore republication of such
its accuracy or completeness and Arxada assumes information or related statements is prohibited.
412 Mt. Kemble Avenue,
no obligation to update it. Product information is Information provided by Arxada is not intended and
Suite 200S Morristown, NJ 07960 intended for use by recipients experienced and should not be construed as a license to operate
Tel +1 800-365-8324 knowledgeable in the field, who are capable of and under or a recommendation to infringe any patent
responsible for independently determining the or other intellectual property right. No claims are suitability of ingredients for intended uses and to made herein for any specific intermediate or
ensure their compli-ance with applicable law. end-use application. All trademarks belong to
Proper use of this information is the sole Arxada or its affiliates or to their respective third
responsibility of the recipient. parties and are used here only for informational
© 2022 Arxada

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