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The global coronavirus outbreak has been responsible for at least 132 deaths to date. While
its exact origin story remains unclear, publications including the Guardian, the New York Times, and
the Wall Street Journal quickly suggested Wuhan's "wet markets"—meat markets that sell live and
dead animals, a practice that isn't exclusive to China—as a likely source of the virus.

The suspected source of the virus, per the Journal, was "a cluster of vendors" at a Wuhan wet
market, who sold "carcasses and live specimens of dozens of wild animals—from bamboo rats to
ostriches, baby crocodiles and hedgehogs." No doubt because of the framing of these reports on wet
markets, where people buy animals outside the pork-chicken-cow trifecta deemed "normal" by most
Americans, many Westerners are blaming the Chinese—and specifically, their eating habits—for the
coronavirus surge.

In doing so, they're relying on old racist tropes and fueling fears about the ways Asian people
eat. As James Palmer wrote in Foreign Policy, the American media has long portrayed Chinese people
as "dirty" carriers of disease, citing an 1854 New York Daily Tribune article that claimed Chinese
people were "uncivilized, unclean, filthy beyond all conception." Those ideas haven't gone away.

Similar rhetoric is extending across social media. On YouTube, Asian-fronted mukbang

videos, in which people eat in front of the camera, are suddenly overrun with coronavirus-related
comments: "This is probably why the Asians have coronavirus," "Maybe this girl already dead
because of coronavirus," "After eating that kind of foods and wondering why they caught virus," and
others more extreme in their racism.

1. The word ’outbreak’ in paragraph 1 means....

(A) Epidemic
(B) Disease
(C) End
(D) Final
(E) Illness

2. The passage above mainly discusses about…

(A) Increasing racism to Asian American people due to Coronavirus outbreak
(B) Filthy images of Asian American people
(C) Sarcasm to Asian people
(D) Beginning of Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan
(E) Westerners blaming Chinese for their eating habit

3. What may cause the increasing racism to Asian people….

(A) Coronavirus rapid spread in China
(B) Sarcasm to Asian people as a filthy and uncivilized eating behavior
(C) Racism extending across social media
(D) Wet markets in Wuhan blamed as a likely source of virus
(E) Hatred feeling to Asian people in US
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage …
(A) Inform the readers about increasing racism to Asian people
(B) Discussing the way to stop the racism among Asian people
(C) To investigate what causes Coronavirus
(D) Argue the racism among Asian people
(E) To prevent the racism among Asian people

5. The word “deemed” in paragraph 2 can be replaced by…

(A) Consider
(B) Doubt
(C) Mistrust
(D) Reject
(E) Question

The country’s biggest mosque, Istiqlal, is to hold a virtual grand takbiran event to celebrate Idul
Fitri as it will not be hosting any mass gathering, including congregational prayers, to mark the end of
Ramadan amid the pandemic. The takbiran, which contains a recital of Allahu Akbar (God is great), is
traditionally held on the eve of Idul Fitri at mosques and on the streets involving tens to hundreds of people.

This year, however, Istiqlal Mosque’s management is to hold the virtual takbiran in a less festive
way, airing it on its YouTube channel and state-run television broadcasting network TVRI. "This year's
takbir akbar will be held virtually. Only a limited number of people are allowed to recite the takbir [at the
mosque] to comply with the recommended health protocols," Istiqlal Mosque spokesperson Abu Hurairah
Abdulsalam said on Friday, as quoted by There would only be five people in the mosque during
the takbir, he added.

Idul Fitri messages from President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Vice President Maruf Amin as well as
several ministers are also to be conducted virtually during the event. "It can be accessed via Istiqlal's
YouTube account and state broadcasting company TVRI. The government announced on Friday that the
first day of Syawal month, which marks the Idul Fitri celebration, would fall on Sunday.

6. By writing the sentences in paragraph 2, the author intends to tell the readers about….
(A) The reason why takbiran event in Istiqlal Mosque will be held online
(B) Virtual takbiran event in Istiqlal
(C) TVRI will broadcast live takbiran event in Istiqlal Mosque
(D) Government announcement to Syawal month in Istiqlal Mosque
(E) Protocols during online takbiran event in Istiqlal Mosque

7. What is the best summary of the passage…

(A) President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin announced Syawal month beginning in
(B) Virtual takbiran will replace takbiran tradition throughout the country
(C) Five people in the Istiqlal hosted virtual takbiran
(D) Coronavirus pandemic creates virtual takbiran in Istiqlal
(E) Istiqlal Mosque will hold virtual takbiran event aired on Youtube and TVRI

8. From the text above we know that…

(A) Idul fitri messages from President Joko Widodo only conducted on state broadcasting company
(B) The first day of Syawal month would fall on Monday
(C) This year Istiqlal Mosque’s management is to hold the virtual takbiran in more festive way
(D) There would be more than five people in the mosque during the takbir, he added.
(E) This year we will find no takbiran mass gathering to mark the end of Ramadan

9. Sentence “it” in paragraph 3 refers to…

(A) Idul Fitri message from President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin
(B) Virtual takbiran event
(C) State broadcasting company TVRI
(D) Istiqlal Youtube channel
(E) Idul Fitri celebration
10. Sentence “Only a limited number of people are allowed to recite the takbir [at the mosque] to comply
with the recommended health protocols” in paragraph 1 best restate as…
(A) Only a limited people allowed to recite takbir as event at the Mosque follow recommended
health protocols
(B) Recommended health protocols need to be followed in takbiran event as only a limited number
of people are allowed to recite the takbir
(C) Only a limited number of people follow the recommended health protocols at the takbir event
in the Mosque
(D) The Mosque comply the recommended health protocols
(E) To recite takbir at the Mosque only a limited number of people follow the recommended health


Live Aid, benefit concert held simultaneously at Wembley Stadium in London and JFK Stadium in
Philadelphia on July 13, 1985. Organized by Boomtown Rats front man Bob Geldof and Ultravox vocalist
Midge Ure, the event drew an estimated 1.5 billion television viewers and raised millions of dollars for
famine relief in Ethiopia.

With less than a month of preparation time, Geldof secured the services of an impressive array of
artists. Groups reuniting for the event included the Who, Black Sabbath, and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young.
Moreover, the surviving members of Led Zeppelin reconvened in Philadelphia, supported by Phil Collins on
drums. Collins, who had performed at Wembley earlier in the day, had crossed the Atlantic on the Concorde
to become the only artist to appear on both Live Aid stages.

Perhaps the most noteworthy performances of the day belonged to a pair of arena rock giants—U2
and Queen—with each excelling in its respective idiom. U2 devoted 12 minutes of its allotted time to its
anthem “Bad,” and lead singer Bono spent much of that time directly interacting with the Wembley crowd.
An hour and a half later, lead singer Freddie Mercury powered through a condensed set of Queen’s greatest
hits, displaying a combination of superb vocal range, multi-instrumental mastery, and remarkable stage
presence. The concert closed with renditions of “Do They Know It’s Christmas?” (in London) and “We Are
the World” (in Philadelphia).

11. The word “array” in paragraph 1 means…

(A) Formation
(B) Individual
(C) Bulk
(D) One
(E) Entry

12. From the passage we know that Bob Geldof and Midge Urie are…
(A) Organized the Live Aid Concert
(B) Front man from each band
(C) Part of Live Aid concert artist
(D) The surviving members of Led Zeppelin
(E) Lead singer of Queen

13. The word “simultaneously” in paragraph 1 can best be replaced by…

(A) Once
(B) Separate
(C) At all
(D) Different
(E) Together

14. The writer’s intention “With less than a month of preparation time, Geldof secured the services of an
impressive array of artists.” is to…
(A) Explain the artists on Live Aid Concert
(B) Compare the artists from each Live Aid Concert
(C) Mention the success of hiring the main artists to the concert
(D) Describe the Live Aid Concert
(E) Confirm the main Aid Concert

15. In which magazine we can find this kind of article…

(A) Science
(B) Music and lifestyle
(C) Automotive
(D) History
(E) Humanitarian


Despite their advantages, technological advancements have led to the polarization of the labor
market. While middle-skill jobs become increasingly automated, high-skill jobs that require a combination
of cognitive skills, creative acumen and leadership expertise have not been affected. Similarly, low-skill jobs
that require customer service have been drastically changed by automated systems. Therefore, it is the low-
class and middle-skill routine occupations that have been decimated by the technological 5 revolution.

As low-skill and middle-skill opportunities shrink, giving rise to high jobs, wages also become either
high or low. This disparity has already impacted the economy and will continue to change the labor market’s
landscape. Although it naturally impacts current employees, students and job-seekers should also take heed
of the patterns that have emerged. Since the jobs that are harder to automate involve creativity, cognition
and social skills, job-seekers should develop these intangible qualities to make themselves 10 more valuable
to potential employers.

The medical field has also been impacted by automated machines. Many diagnostic tests and surgical
tools have become automated by complex machines and programs. However, the human touch in the
medical field is essential as it ensures that a patient is being treated as a human instead of just as a body. A
nurse’s interaction with his or her patients is invaluable and impossible to effectively replicate. Similarly,
while machines can assist with tasks before, during, and after a surgery, a machine 15 cannot replace a
skilled human surgeon since it lacks intuitions and instincts.

16. The following statements are questions that the passage tries to address except …
(A) Who is affected by the automation of jobs?
(B) How has the labor market become polarized?
(C) What is the impact of automation to wage conditions?
(D) How can the government balance automation and human labor?
(E) Why is human touch irreplaceable in the medical field?

17. What can be inferred about high-skill jobs…

(A) There is a decline in vacancy
(B) They are at great risk for automation
(C) They require more cognitive skills than social skills
(D) They play a role in the automation of low-skill and middle-class jobs
(E) They are relatively safe from being automated in the labor market

18. The best title for the passage is…

(A) The Future of Healthcare
(B) Automation and the Future of Work
(C) The Impacts of Technology on Living Standards
(D) Unemployment due to Technological Advancements
(E) Technology and the Productivity of Low-Skill and Middle-Skill Jobs

19. The author purpose writing the text is to…

(A) Define the term labor automation
(B) Advocate the automation of high-skill jobs
(C) Elaborate the view that labor automation is harmful
(D) Describe the drawbacks of labor automation
(E) Explain the effects of automated machines to the job market

20. What is the tone of the passage…

(A) Outraged
(B) Sarcastic
(C) Persuasive
(D) Introspective
(E) Objective

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