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Development Of A Virtual Event

Platform For Conference

Version 1.0 approved

Prepared by Ishitva Narayan Mishra

Table of Contents

1. System Overview
2. System Requirements
2.1 Functional Requirements
2.1.1 Core Functionalities Live & On-demand Sessions Interactive Features Registration & Management Content Management System (CMS) Analytics & Reporting
2.1.2 Additional Functionalities
2.2 Non-Functional Requirements
2.2.1 Performance
2.2.2 Scalability
2.2.3 Usability
2.2.4 Reliability
3. Interfaces
3.1 User Interfaces
3.1.1 Attendee Interface
3.1.2 Speaker Interface
3.1.3 Organizer Interface
4. System Constraints
5. Quality Attributes
6. Verification and Validation
7. Appendices
8. Revision History
1. System Overview

 System Name: Virtual Conference Platform (VCP)

 Purpose: Provide a robust and feature-rich online environment for
planning, managing, executing, and delivering virtual conferences
of various scales.

2. System Requirements

2.1 Functional Requirements

2.1.1 Core Functionalities:

 Live & On-demand Sessions:

o Live Streaming:
 Support high-definition (HD) audio and video streaming
for live presentations, workshops, keynotes, and panel
 Integrate with reliable streaming services or Cloud
Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to ensure smooth
and uninterrupted delivery across various geographical
 Offer features for live stream recording for future
reference and on-demand access.
o On-demand Content Management:
 Allow uploading, editing, and managing pre-recorded
sessions for on-demand viewing by attendees.
 Provide functionalities for content categorization,
tagging, and organization for easy searchability within
the platform.
 Integrate with a secure content management system
(CMS) to ensure version control and access
o Scheduling & Management:
 Seamless integration with scheduling tools or a built-in
scheduling module for creating a clear and organized
conference schedule.
 Allow organizers to define session types
(presentations, workshops, panels, etc.), assign
speakers, and manage session timings effectively.
 Offer functionalities for creating session agendas,
speaker bios, and providing downloadable schedules
for attendees.
 Interactive Features:
o Live Q&A:
 Facilitate real-time question and answer interaction
between attendees and speakers during live sessions.
 Implement functionalities for attendees to submit
questions, upvote existing questions, and filter
questions by category or relevance.
 Allow speakers to moderate the Q&A session, prioritize
and answer questions, and potentially display
frequently asked questions (FAQs).
o Polls & Surveys:
 Enable real-time audience engagement through
interactive polls and surveys with a variety of question
formats (multiple choice, open-ended, ranking, etc.).
 Allow for anonymous participation and real-time data
visualization of poll results to enhance presentations
and discussions.
 Integrate with analytics tools to gather valuable data on
audience preferences and engagement levels.
o Chat & Networking:
 Provide robust chat functionalities for attendees to
connect, network, and have discussions throughout the
 Offer features like private messaging, group chats for
specific topics or areas of interest, and breakout rooms
for smaller group discussions and interactive
 Consider integrating social media functionalities for
event promotion and attendee interaction.
 Registration & Management:
o Attendee Registration:
 Design a user-friendly, multi-step registration process
for attendees with clear instructions, data validation,
and progress tracking.
 Allow for different registration types (free, paid, tiered
access) based on conference structure.
 Integrate with secure payment gateways for seamless
fee collection for paid registrations.
o Attendee Management:
 Implement an attendee management system for
sending automated emails with registration
confirmations, updates, reminders, important links
(e.g., session schedules, downloadable resources),
and post-conference surveys.
 Provide functionalities for managing attendee access
levels based on registration types and assigned roles.
 Content Management System (CMS):
o Offer a user-friendly and intuitive CMS for uploading, editing,
organizing, and scheduling various conference-related
 This includes presentations, documents, posters,
speaker bios, handouts, and other downloadable
 Enable content categorization by session topic,
speaker, or content type to facilitate easy navigation for
 Implement version control functionalities to track
changes and ensure the availability of the latest
versions of content.
 Integrate with access control mechanisms to restrict
unauthorized access to sensitive content.
 Analytics & Reporting:
o Comprehensively track user activity within the platform,
including session participation (live and on-demand), Q&A
engagement, chat activity, poll participation, resource
downloads, and exhibitor booth visits (if applicable).
o Generate detailed reports with valuable data and insights on
user behavior, engagement levels, session effectiveness,
and overall conference performance.
 Allow organizers to analyze data by demographics,
session topics, and attendee types for future
improvement and informed decision-making.
2.1.2 Additional Functionalities:

 Accessibility:
o Ensure the platform adheres to international accessibility
standards (WCAG) to cater to users with disabilities.
 This includes functionalities like screen reader
compatibility, closed captioning for live and recorded
sessions, keyboard navigation for users with motor
impairments, and alternative text descriptions for
 Security:
o Implement robust security measures to protect user data,
financial information, and conference content.
 Enforce user authentication and authorization with
strong password policies and multi-factor
authentication (MFA) where applicable.
 Utilize data encryption protocols for sensitive
information and secure communication protocols
(HTTPS) for data transmission.
 Regularly conduct security audits and penetration
testing to identify and address potential vulnerabilities.
 Integrations:
o Allow for seamless integration with third-party tools and
services to enhance functionality and user experience.
 Consider integrations with marketing automation
platforms for pre-event promotion and email
 Integrate with webinar platforms for specific sessions
requiring advanced features like breakout rooms or
whiteboarding functionalities.
 Explore integrations with social media platforms for
event promotion, live streaming on social media
channels, and audience engagement through social
media contests or polls.
 Multilingual Support:
o To broaden the reach and cater to a global audience,
consider offering multilingual capabilities within the platform.
 This includes the ability to display the user interface,
session content, and speaker presentations in multiple
 Integrate with machine translation services or offer pre-
translated content for key functionalities.
2.2 Non-Functional Requirements

 2.2.1 Performance:
o The platform should be highly performant and handle a high
volume of concurrent users (attendees, speakers,
organizers) without experiencing lags, downtime, or
performance degradation.
 Optimize page loading times, video streaming quality,
and overall responsiveness for a seamless user
 Conduct performance testing under various load
conditions to ensure scalability and stability.
 2.2.2 Scalability:
o The platform should be scalable to accommodate virtual
conferences of various sizes and complexities.
 The system should be able to handle a small number
of attendees for focused workshops to large-scale
conferences with thousands of participants.
 Consider a cloud-based architecture to ensure flexible
scalability based on event requirements.
 2.2.3 Usability:
o Provide a user-friendly and intuitive interface that is easy to
navigate for attendees, speakers, and organizers with
varying levels of technical expertise.
 Utilize clear and consistent design principles, offer
helpful tooltips and contextual guidance within the
 Conduct user testing to identify usability issues and
iteratively improve the user experience.
 2.2.4 Reliability:
o The platform should be highly reliable with minimal downtime
and ensure a smooth conference experience.
 Implement a robust infrastructure with redundancy
measures to minimize the impact of potential technical
 Develop a comprehensive disaster recovery plan to
quickly recover from unforeseen events and ensure
business continuity.
3. Interfaces

3.1 User Interfaces:

 3.1.1 Attendee Interface:

o Allow attendees to register for the conference, view the event
schedule, access speaker information and session details.
o Provide functionalities to join live and on-demand sessions,
participate in Q&A sessions, polls, and chat functionalities.
o Offer features to download presentations, resources, and
connect with other attendees through networking tools.
o Integrate a personalized dashboard to display upcoming
sessions registered for, bookmarked content, and networking
 3.1.2 Speaker Interface:
o Enable speakers to upload presentations, manage their
session schedules, and participate in live Q&A sessions.
o Provide functionalities to test their presentation compatibility
and practice their delivery within the platform.
o Offer tools to share additional resources with attendees and
potentially interact with attendees through chat features.
 3.1.3 Organizer Interface:
o Provide a comprehensive suite of tools for conference
management, including user management (attendees,
speakers), session scheduling, content management,
analytics & reporting, and branding customization options.
o Allow organizers to manage registration processes, define
access levels, send bulk emails, and track attendee activity.
o Offer functionalities to monitor live sessions, manage
speaker interactions, and troubleshoot any technical issues.
o Integrate with marketing automation tools and generate
reports to evaluate conference performance and identify
areas for improvement.
4. System Constraints

 The platform should function seamlessly on various devices

including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.

 Implement responsive design principles to ensure optimal user

experience and functionality across various devices with different
screen sizes and resolutions.
 Consider developing native mobile applications (optional) for
enhanced user experience and features specific to mobile devices
(e.g., push notifications, calendar integration).
 The platform should comply with relevant data privacy regulations,
such as GDPR and CCPA.
o Implement functionalities for user data management,
including data access requests, data deletion requests, and
clear communication of data privacy policies.

5. Quality Attributes

 Security: The platform should prioritize data security by adhering

to industry best practices and following secure coding principles.
Penetration testing and regular security audits are crucial.
 Availability: The platform should strive for high availability with
minimal downtime to ensure a smooth conference experience.
Redundancy measures and disaster recovery plans are essential.
 Scalability: The platform's architecture should be designed to
scale effectively to accommodate conferences of varying sizes and
user loads. Cloud-based solutions offer inherent scalability.
 Performance: The platform should deliver a performant user
experience with fast loading times, smooth video streaming, and
minimal latency for real-time interactions.
 Usability: The user interface should be intuitive and user-friendly
for attendees, speakers, and organizers with varying technical skill
levels. User testing and iterative design are key to achieving
usability goals.

6. Verification and Validation

 Verification: Unit testing, integration testing, and system testing

will be conducted to ensure the platform functions as per the SRS
requirements. Performance testing will assess scalability and user
experience under load.
 Validation: User acceptance testing (UAT) with representatives
from attendees, speakers, and organizers will be conducted to
validate the platform's usability, functionality, and suitability for
real-world conference scenarios.

7. Appendices

 A detailed data flow diagram (DFD) can be included as an

appendix to illustrate the flow of data between different
components of the platform.
 Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) can be included to depict the
relationships between various data entities within the system (e.g.,
users, sessions, content, registrations).

8. Revision History

 This document will be version controlled and a revision history will

be maintained to track changes made to the SRS throughout the
development process.

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