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Part 1 Plant-like Protist


1. 500
2. 100
3. 10
4. Movement
6. The Euglena will move toward the light


8. Approximately 20-30 on a single strand




Post-Lab Analysis

Part 2 Fungi

1. Zygomycota (bread mold)

1. Zygomycota typically reproduce sexually through the formation of zygospores. This
process involves the fusion of haploid gametangia, resulting in the formation of a zygospore.

2. The zygospore formed in Zygomycota is diploid. It results from the fusion of haploid
gametangia from different mating types.


2. Ascomycota (sac fungi)


3. Yes

4. They reproduce in Asxeual Reproduction


6. It is single celled because it is Unicellular

7. Yeast can both reproduce Asexually and Sexually

8. When yeast reproduces sexually, the diploid cell that is formed is called a zygote.
3. Penicillium Slides
9. The specialized stalks that asexual spores of fungi such as Aspergillus attach to are called

4. Basidiomycota (Club Fungi)

11. The specific spores formed by mushrooms in the gills are called basidiospores. These
spores are produced on structures called basidia, which are found on the gills of mushrooms.


13. Basidiospores are the reproductive spores produced by fungi belonging to the phylum
Basidiomycota, such as mushrooms. They are formed on specialized structures called basidia,
which are typically found on the gills of mushrooms or on other similar structures. Basidiospores
play a crucial role in the sexual reproduction of Basidiomycota fungi.

14. The specific stalk that basidiospores attach to is called a basidium (plural: basidia). Basidia
are specialized structures found in the hymenium of basidiomycete fungi, typically located on
the gills or other spore-bearing surfaces of mushrooms. Basidiospores are formed on basidia
through a process of meiosis and subsequent mitotic division.
5. Lichens

16. The type of lichen that has the algae dispersed throughout is called a "foliose lichen." In
foliose lichens, the thallus (body) is leaf-like and flattened, with the algal cells dispersed
throughout the upper surface.

17. The type of lichen that exhibits the fastest growth is generally the "fruticose lichen."
Fruticose lichens have a bushy or shrubby appearance and typically grow vertically or hang
downward from their substrate. They often have a relatively rapid growth rate compared to other
types of lichens.

18. The type of lichen that grows in a circular pattern forming lobes is known as a "foliose
lichen" as well. Foliose lichens can develop lobes that radiate out from a central point, giving
them a circular or rosette-like appearance.

20. Lichens are symbiotic organisms composed of a fungus (the mycobiont) and a
photosynthetic partner, usually a green alga or a cyanobacterium (the photobiont). The fungal
partner provides structure and protection, while the photobiont provides nutrients through


2. Questions

22. The domain of fungi is Eukarya.

23. Fungi obtain energy through the process of extracellular digestion. They secrete enzymes
into their surroundings to break down complex organic molecules into simpler forms that can be
absorbed by the fungal cells.

24. The reproductive structure of fungi is typically the spore. Fungi produce spores through
various methods, such as sexual reproduction involving specialized structures like basidia or
asci, or through asexual reproduction, where spores are produced directly from the parent

25. The groups of fungi that prefer to reproduce asexually include Zygomycota and some
Ascomycota species.

26. The groups of fungi that tend to exhibit sexual reproduction include Basidiomycota, most
Ascomycota species, and some Zygomycota.

27. A lichen is a mutualistic relationship between a fungus (the mycobiont) and a photosynthetic
partner, usually a green alga or a cyanobacterium (the photobiont).

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