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Strategies for Gapped Text Questions
Handle the gapped text effectively by following the steps below.

1. Read through the gapped text first, so that you gain an overall idea of the structure and

purpose of the text, as well as development of the writer’s ideas. Then, read the seven

provided answer options.

2. When selecting a sentence to fill in a gap, look carefully at the information before and

after the gap. There is likely to be a cause-and-effect relationship between the sentences

that will help you to determine the correct answer.

3. Pay attention to the linguistic devices and the grammar used by the writer.

4. After filling the missing gaps, read the passage again to see if it makes sense. Some

answers may be more obvious than others. Start with easiest one first and work your way

up to the hardest one. Remember that there is one extra answer option that should not be


Practice I

Read an article about COVID-19 vaccine development. Three sentences have been
removed from the article. Choose from sentences A to D the one which fits each gap (1 to
3). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

In order to break the spread of COVID-19, huge pharmaceutical companies like Johnson
& Johnson, AstraZeneca, and GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) who are experienced in making
vaccines have been working hand-in-hand with biotechnology companies, national
governments, and universities to accelerate the development of effective vaccines.

Vaccine development brings hope to all but, at the same time, also raises the issue of
who should get vaccinated first. Discussions and evaluations of vaccine distribution have
been on-going among international organisations like the WHO and CEPI, vaccine
developers, governments, and the industry. Individual countries producing vaccines may
be persuaded to favour the highest bidder or prioritise service to their own countries.

Under their agreement with AstraZeneca, the university of Oxford vaccine development
team and UK government agreed that UK citizens would not get preferential success to a
new COVID-19 vaccine developed by the taxpayer-funded university. 3 ______.On the
other hand, there are companies who intend to take the advantage of the high demand for
vaccines by producing them at low cost at the beginning but increasing the costs for
profitability when vaccinations are needed yearly.

A They are recognising that the need is different across countries and population
B Instead, they consented to having a licensed vaccine distributed multinationally
in cooperation with the WHO.
C Nevertheless, experts emphasise that licensed vaccines should be available and
affordable for healthcare frontliners and high-risk groups.
D For instance, to combine financial and manufacturing capabilities for a vaccine
technology, GSK collaborated with Sanofi in an unusual partnership of
multinational companies to accelerate vaccine development.

Practice 2
Read an article about teens’ diets. Three sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A to D the one which fits each gap (1 to 3). There is one extra
sentence which you do not need to use.

Adolescence is a time of rapid growth. In fact, teens gain almost 50 per cent of their adult
weight during the adolescent years. Yet they are less likely to eat a balanced diet than any
other age group.

Teens now know it is important to eat right, but many don’t understand basic nutrition.
1 ______. Perhaps the worst offenders are teenage girls who diet all the time. Good eating
habits begin in early childhood and that’s when parents should start setting a good example.
2 ______. They can’t control what teens eat or don’t eat during the day, but they can offer
healthy choices at home.

Teens are impulsive eaters, usually munching on what is right at hand. So, stock the
refrigerator with healthy snacks such as cheese and fruit and juice. Serve nutritious dinners
to make mealtimes enjoyable. 3 ______.

Getting teens to eat right can be a tough task – but don’t give up. Now more than ever
is the time to teach them: ‘You are what you eat.’

A By being positive role models, parents can help to instill good eating habits that
their child is likely to carry into adult life.
B Also, be flexible about the time you eat dinner, taking into account a teenager’s
often hectic schedule.
C Many experts believe that this is the time for parents to step back while continuing
to offer healthy food.
D They skip breakfast and choose too many high-fat foods when snacking or eating
at fast food restaurants.

Practice 3
Read an article about combat stress. Six sentences have been removed from the article.
Choose from the sentences A to G the one which fits each gap. (1 to 6). There is one extra
sentence which you do need to use.

Stress seems to have become a constant factor in today’s fast-paced society.

Researchers have found that one in every five people suffer from stress, either in the
workplace or in an educational institution. If left unchecked, stress can affect our health as
it has been linked to six leading causes of death – heart disease, cancer, lung ailments,
accidents, liver cirrhosis and suicide. It effects people both physically and mentally. Hence,
stress should not be taken lightly.

According to Professor Cary Copper, the director of the business psychology company,
Robertson Cooper, identifying the source of your stress is really important as it will help
you see things more clearly. He also recommends keeping a stress dairy for at least a
fortnight. 1 ______. After a few weeks, you should be able to see patterns emerging and
as the regularities become obvious, you will be able to notice if there are any unhealthy
mechanisms that make you stressed.

It can be frightening to face up to a problem but when we do, the relief is immediate.
Most of the time, a significant amount of the stress we endure comes from our workplace.
It usually comes from the feeling of having a lack of control over our work or work situation.
For instance, job security can be a source of stress. 2 ______. So, the best way to deal
with this is to take action. Go to the human resources department and find out the truth of
the matter. It may bring bad news, but the certainty would grant you some measure of
control, as you plan for future and be prepared for the worst.

Friendship is vital for good mental health as research has shown that talking about a
problem can help you improve how you feel about it. So, it is a good idea to share your
problems, no matter how small, with a friend. 3 ______. Talking to someone who simply
agrees with everything you say can be more damaging in the long run. You can also visit a
counsellor and discuss the issues you have noted in your stress diary. You will find that
talking to someone with a good listening ear gives you a way to alleviate your stress.

Work cannot possibly occupy your time twenty-four seven. You should be doing
something that you enjoy or finding time to relax at least twice a week. 4 ______.

Give it a try as it can help you to relieve some of the symptoms of stress. Besides that,
there is some truth to the saying that laughter is the best medicine. Watch a funny film or
television show after a long day of work. It can help to reduce not only your stress level, but
potentially your blood pressure too.

Regular exercise can also help to reduce the symptoms of stress and mild depression.
You do not have to do heavy physical exercises. 5 ______. You might find these a lot easier
to fit into a busy schedule. Besides that, your food intake can be influenced by your stress
level too. So, make sure you eat healthy food on a regular basis, as the habit of making
healthy choices will help you to combat stress and avoid bad moods.

At the end of the day, managing stress is all about taking charge. This includes
taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment and the
way you deal with the problems. 6 ______. That way, you will have plenty of time to discover
what works best for you.

A In fact, one great way to increase your ability to relax is through meditation.
B A good goal to have is by achieving a balanced lifestyle – with time for work,
relationships, relaxation and fun.
C Three 10-minute workout sessions during the day are just as effective as one 30-
minute workout.
D When there is a rumour about retrenchment or redundancies in the workplace, the
uncertainty of whether or not you will be affected can stress you out.
E That way, you can make a daily note of what has caused you to feel stressed, how
you cope with work and your feelings throughout the day.
F When you exercise regularly, you will feel more competent and confident, which in
turn improves your mental well-being.
G However, be sure to share them with someone who can give you honest feedback.

Practice 4

Read an article about the booming of eSports industry. Five sentences have been removed
from the article. Choose from the sentences A to F the one which fits each gap (11 to 15).
There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

While eSports is not new, considering that the first competitive event was held in 1972,
many are still unsure of its definition and why it is even considered a sport. In brief, eSports or
electronic sports are competitive gaming using video games consoles, computers and mobile
devices. 11 ____________________. The athletic aspect of eSports should also be
emphasised, as one requires energy, strategy, focus and reflexes to compete.

If spending on gaming is to be taken into account, eSports is definitely huge, perhaps

bigger than any traditional sports in the country. 12 _____________________. Despite the
government’s decision to decrease budget allocation on eSports from RM20 million in 2020 to
RM15 million this year, the growth of the industry is expected to increase steadily, making
Malaysia one of the main market leaders in the South-East Asian region.

The hype brought by eSports competitions such as the Dota Pro Circuit and Mobile
Legends Professional League has garnered huge interest. The recently concluded PUBG
Mobile MY/SG Pro League Season 3 was also highly competitive, making the competition
very exciting. 13 _______________________. There is no doubt that eSports in Malaysia
oozes great potential. Marketers should take the opportunity to leverage the growth of eSports
through effective marketing programmes.

However, it should be noted that leveraging eSports is not without its own complex
challenges. One of the main difficulties is due to the lack of understanding of how eSports
works. There is a possible mismatch in terms of expectation, considering the generational gap
between gamers and the marketers. As the eSports market is fragmented, it is important to
know who is into what, as well as to pro file gamers, particularly the young people based on
their preferences, gaming behaviour and identity. Such information is valuable as it enables
marketers to carefully plan their marketing programmes.

The eSports culture can present a stumbling block that hinders marketers from
associating themselves with the gaming industry. 14 _______________________. Illegal
conducts such as betting, in-game bullying, teaming up to influence competition results and
doping among gamers continue to be among Achilles’ heels of eSports.

15 _________________________. Such negativity can tarnish any brand’s reputation

in the long run. Despite challenges associated with eSports, its potential benefits clearly
outweigh the risks. The negativity associated with eSports can be overcome with proactive
effort from various stakeholders, including the eSports governing bodies, professional teams,
athletes, influencers, as well as the corporate and the government sectors.

As young people are exposed to gaming from a young age, it is timely to educate them
on digital literacy practices, morality and ethics with regard to eSports. If a few years ago there
was doubt raised on the future of eSports, at present, this is no longer an issue. There are
over 20 million gamers in the country and the industry is on the rise. The question now is not
“if”, but rather “how” to thrive in the com plex but highly rewarding eSports industry.

(Adapted from

A The devoted eSports fans also are often associated with being fanatic and showing toxic
behavior online.

B Similar to traditional sports, eSports encompasses competition and the entertainment


C In fact, the success of local eSports athletes has inspired many young Malaysians to
consider taking up professional gaming careers in the future.

D In 2019 alone, it was reported that Malaysians spent RM2.7 billion on gaming.

E As many of the eSports enthusiasts are young, they may lack the knowledge to behave

F Besides, marketers also may not have the necessary understanding of eSports, including
its culture and identity repertoire.

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