Manaog - Q3Health - Activity 2

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Dengue fever, a virus spread by mosquitoes, is a serious health hazard. Strategies

for prevention and improvement are essential in the fight against this illness. First
and foremost, it's imperative to get rid of any stagnant water sources—like water in
barrels—where mosquitoes might thrive. There is a huge reduction in mosquito
breeding grounds when such containers are routinely emptied, covered, or treated.
Furthermore, limiting exposure to mosquitoes can be achieved by using efficient
mosquito control techniques such applying insect repellents, wearing protective
clothes, and placing screens on windows and doors.

Targeting breeding places, implementing preventative measures like mosquito nets

and repellents, and raising awareness about the importance of vector control,
communities can significantly reduce the incidence of dengue fever. Campaigns for
public health education can provide people with the knowledge and skills they need
to stop diseases from spreading, which will ultimately improve the health of
communities that are more vulnerable.

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