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H&PE POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Please advise your teacher via a written note or email

if any of the following apply;

1. ASSESSMENT: • A long term illness or injury
Teachers will provide an Assessment Plan and Assessment • A short term health related problem. The teacher
Schedule. may require medical evidence to support this
2. UNIFORM: In both cases, students will be given written or
Students are required to wear the correct PE alternative work whilst they are unable to participate. If
Uniform: GIHS PE shirt and navy blue shorts or the restriction is confined to an inability to run due to
tracksuit pants. injury or illness, students may still be able to participate
HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION AT Students are required to change into PE clothes
GLENUNGA INTERNATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL in some/all of the lesson, depending on the activity.
promptly at the start of the lesson and change
back into their school clothes at the end of the 4. EXCURSIONS:
The Health and Physical Education Learning Area lesson. It is expected all Physical Education and Health
welcomes students to an enjoyable semester of If part of the uniform is not available for use on a students attend all excursions as part of their courses
participating in and learning about Physical Education and particular day, please inform the Physical Education unless there is a medical/family issue preventing
Health. Students will be involved in structured learning teacher in writing or via email and supply an attendance.
experiences in: alternative item of clothing.
If a note or email is not received regarding health 5. CHANGEROOM PROCEDURES:
Practical lessons. All students are expected to participate issues or the correct change of clothes the following Students should change quickly and take their bags with
in practical activities where they will improve; will apply. them at the start of the lesson. The school takes no
1. In the first instance be reminded to bring a responsibility for valuables left in the change rooms.
• Physical skills and abilities through movement Laptops are to be left in lockers.
note or uniform, explanation of future
sequences and themed sporting activities.
consequences, exclusion from practical work,
general helper for the teacher.
• Social skills and collaborative learning both as an 2. On the second instance, exclusion from
A modified Physical Education programme will occur
individual and as a member of a group. inside during hot/wet weather.
practical work, general helper or the teacher
• Knowledge and understanding of the principles & recess or lunchtime community service.
Students are encouraged to bring a water bottle and
related to in, through and about physical 3. On occasion the teacher may request students
protect themselves from the sun by wearing a
activity (movement concepts, sequences and work in the POD.
floppy/ bucket style hat and sunscreen.
• Understanding the role of tactics, strategies and All students are expected to be active participants Please contact your Teacher or the Health & Physical
activities that promote a healthy lifestyle. for all lessons by; Education Leader Adam Sullivan if you have any
• Promoting the School Values queries:
• Contributing individually or as part of the
• Respecting the rights of others.
• Working effectively in group activities.
• Follow safety guidelines.
• Take care of all equipment and facilities.

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