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Computer Graphics, 26, 2, July 1992

Modeling seashells

Deborah R. Fowler Hans Meinhardt Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz

_ent of ComputerScience Max-Planck-Institut Departmentof ComputerScienee
University of Catgary fltrEntwicklttngsbiologie University of Calgary
and University of Regina 7400 Tttbingen,Germany Al&r@ CanadaT2N 1N4
(Authors listed alphabetically)

ABSTRACT characterizationby d’Arty Thompson[31],andareactiondiffusion

model of pigmentation patterns originated by Meinhardt [17]. The
This paper presents a method for modeling seashelfs, suitable for resultsare evaluatedby comparing modefs with the real shells.
image synthesis purposes. It combines a geometric description Historically, the logarithmic spimt, capturing the essence of the
of shelf shapes with an activator-inhibitor model of pigmentation shelf shape, was first &scribed in 1638 by Descartes [31, page
patterns on shell surfaces. The technique is illustrated using models 754] and apptied to characterize sheff coiling by Mosetey [21]. By
of selected sheUs found in nature. the beginning of the twentieth century, it was observed in many
CR Categorks: 1.3.5 [Computer Graphka]: Computational Ge- artiticiaf and organic forms [4]. Moseley’s characterization was
ometry and Object Modeling: Curve, siufue, solid and object supported experimentally and popularized by Thompson[31 ], who
represenfutwn. 1.3.7 [Computer Graphka]: l%ree-f)imensionaf presented careful measurements of a wide variety of taxonomic and
Graphics and Reafism. J.3 Life and Medkal Sciences]: Biology. fttrtctionaf types of shells, and showed their conformity with the
logarithmic model.
Keyworda: realistic image synthesis, modeling of natural phe-
nomenq seashell, logarithmic helico-spiral, sweep representation, The application of computers to the visualization and analysis of
reactiondfision pattern model. shetf shapes was originated by Raup. In the 6rat paper &voted to
this topic [27], he presented twodirnensionaf plots of tongitudmal
cross-sections of shells as a form of blueprints that may sasist a
1 INTRODUCTION person who is drawing shetl forms. Subsequently, Raup extended
his model to three dnensions [29], and visusdized shell models as
stereo pairs, using a wire-frame representation [28].
The beauty of shells invites us to construct their mathematical mod-
els. The motivation is to synthesize realistic images that could be Kawaguchi [15] developed the first shell model intended speci6-
incorporated into computer-generated scenes and to gain a better cally for computer graphics purposes. He enhartced the appearance
understanding of the mechanism of shelf formation. The latter of shell modefs using a polygon mesh instead of a wire !hrnc. Sim-
objective was crisply justified by Raup, the pioneer of computer ilar representations were used subsequently by Oppenheimer [23],
modeling of shelf morphology [28]: and Prusinkiewicz and Streibel [26]. Pursuing a different approach,
Pickover [24, 25] approximated shell surf-s using interpenetrat-
Successful simulation provides confirmation of the ing spheres, placed at carefully chosen d~tances from esch other
underlying models as valid descriptions of the actuaf and rendered using periodically altering colors to create the appear-
biological situation; ance of a ribbed surface with stripes.
Unsuccess!id simulation shows flaws in the pstu- The recent work on the modeling of shetfs has been characterized
lated model and may suggest the changes that should by an increased attention to detail. Iflert [14] introduced Prenet
be made in the model to correct the flaws; frames [3, 7] to precisely orient the opening of the shetl. His
Nonacurring forms, perhaps intermediate between model also captured a form of surface sculpture. Cortie [5] altowed
actuaf species, may be simulated and thus may lead for independent Wing of the opening in three directions, presented
to a better understanding of tie relationships between models with the apertures defying simple mathematical &scription,
the reaf forms. and extended the range of surface ornamentations captured by the
In this paper, we proposea modelirtgtechniquethat combines two
Our model of shefl geomeny is similar to that originated by Raup
key components: a model of shelf shapes derived from a descriptive
and culminating in the work of Cortie. h enhances previous modefs
by applying free-form parametric curves (in the B4zier form) to
capture the shape of shell aperture. However, the most conspic-
Pcrmiskion to c<)py wl{hcwt fee idl w part of this mtrterid IS granted
uous improvement results from the incorporation of pigmentation
prnvlcfed th~t the copws arc nut made or distributed for direct
patterns into the models.
commercltil advmtagc. the ACM copyright nol]ce and the title of the
publication mrd it, date ~ppear, and notice is given !ha! copying is by Mathematical modeling of pigmentation patterns was pioneered in
permission {lf the Awoclatmn for Computing Machinery. To copy 1969 by Waddington and Cowe [35], who reproducedpatternsof
otberw ise, (Ir t{) republlib, requires a fee ~nd,or \pccllic p+xrnissi~m Ofiva porphyria using cellular automata. A similar formalism was

ACM-()-8979 1-479- l/92/ol)7/0379 $01.50 379


SIGGRAPH ’92 Chicago, July 26-31, 1992

applied by Baker andHerman [1], and Wolfhrn [37]. According to

center of similitude
Murray [22, page 506], these models had no basis in the underlying
~“of the shell
biological processes involved in the mollusc’s growth. In 1984,
Meinhardt introduced a biologically-motivated reactiondiffusion
model [17], subsequently refined with KUnger [18, 19, 20]. Er-
mentrouL CarnpbeU md Oster [8] proposed an alternative model
employing neural neta. These two models share the basic mathemat-
ical concepts of short-range activation and long-range inhibition,
and consequently yield similar patterns. We employ Meinhardt’s
model in our implementation. . shell
Fmm the computer graphics perspective, the use of reaction- surface
dfision processes[11, 16, 33] for image synthesis proposes was
pioneered by Turk [34], and Whkin and Kass [36]. They fo-
cused on patterns defined by the distribution of morphogens in he M(t)
twodimensional surfaces. fn contraaL pigmentation patterns in
sheUs are formed only along the growing edge of a sheU. The see- %......
ond dimension results from the deposition of new shell material, shell sxis --------------- ‘... generating
which continually changes the position of the growing edge over curve c
time. Thus, the pattern on a shell can be viewed as a record of z
what has happened at the growing edge during the life span of a
particular animal. This dynamic aspect sets rhe pigmentation pat- Figure 1: Construction of the shell surface
terns in shells apart from the reactionditTusion models previously
considered in computer graphics.
The organization of the paper follows the main division of the topic in the plane z = O. The third equation stretches the spiral along the
into the modeling of sheU shapes (Section 2) and the generation z-axis, thus contributing a helical component to its shape.
of pigmentation patterns (Section 3). The results are evaluated in Distances r and z are exponential timctions of the parameter t,
Section 4, which is concluded with a Ust of open problems. and USUWYhave tie s~e bsse. <~ = t. = t. AS a resul~ the
generating helico-spiral is self-similar, with the center of similitude
located at the origin of the coordinate system zyz. Given the inhial
2 MODELING SHELL GEOMETRY values O., ro, and Zo, a sequence of points on the helico-spiral can
be computed incrementally using the formulae:
In Chapter XI of On Growth and Form [31], d’Arty Thompson
provided a detaUed description of sheU geometry, supported by @i+l = tl + At = 61 + AO,
measurements of selected sheUs. Some of his observations are ~1+1 = ro(~i <~t = rl~r, (2)
quoted below in a slightly edited form. 21+1 = Zo<:iet = 2:.X*.

The surfaceof any sheU may be generated by the While the angle of rotation 8 increases in arithmetic progression
revolution about a fixed axis of a closed curve, which, with the step Ad, the radius r forms a geometric progression with
remaining always geometrically similar to itself, in- the scaling factor A, = ~~t, and the vetical displacement z forms
creases its dimensions continually. [...] Let us imag- a geometric progression with the scaling factor AZ = <~t. In many
ine some characteristic point within this closed curve, sheUs, parameters A. and ~. are the same. Variations of sheU
such as its centre of gravity. Starting from a fixed ori- shapes due prirnarUy fo different parameters of the helieo-spiral
gin, this characteristic point describes an equiangular are shown in Figure 2. They correspond closely to the shell types
spiral in space about a fixed axis (namely the axis of identified by d’Arty Thompson [32, page 192].
the sheU), with or without a simultaneous movement
of translation along the axis. The scale of the figure
increases in geometrical progression while the angle 2.2 The generating cume
of rotation increases in arhhmetical. and the centre of
sirniUtude remains fixed. [...] The form of the gen- The surface of the shell is determined by a generating cuwe C,
erating curve is seldom open to easy mathematical sweeping along the helico-spiral ‘H. The size of the curve C in-
expressions. creases as it revolves around the sheU axis. The shape of C &ter-
mines the profile of the whorls and of the shell opening. In order
Our modeUng method is derived 6om this description. to capture the variety and complexity of possible shapes, we con-
struct the generating curves from one or more segments of B4zier
curves [9]. The impact of the generating curve on the shape of a
2.1 The hdiCMpi~! sheU is shown in Figures 3 and 4.

The modeUngof a shell surface starts with the construction of a log-

arithmic (equiangukr) helico-spiral ‘H (Figure 1). fn a cylindrical 2.3 Incorporation of the generating curve into the
coordinate system (shown in Figure 1 as embedded in the Cartesian model
zyz system) it has the parametric description [6]:
The generating curve C is specitkd in a local coordinate system
e = t, r = ro(rt, z = Zo(gt. (1) UVW. Given a point ?l(t) of the helico-spiral, C is tirat scaled up
by the factor ~ct with respect to the origin O of this system, then
Parameter f ranges from O at the apex of the sheU to t~a= at the rotated and translated so that the point O matches M(t) (Figure 1).
opening. The first two equations represent a logarithmic spiral lying The axes uvw are used to orient the generating curve’~ sp~e. The

Computer Graphics, 26, 2, July 1992

2.4 Construction of the polygon mesh

In the mathematical sense, the surface of the shell is completely
defined by the generating curve C, sweeping along the helico-spiral
‘H. Nevertheless, we represent this surface as a polygon mesh
for rendering purposes. The mesh is constructed by specifying
n + 1 points on the generating curve (including the endpoints), and
connecting corresponding points for consecutive positions of the
generating curve. The sequence of polygons spanned between a
pair of adjacent generating curves is called a rim.
The reactiondiffusion equations describing pigmentation patterns,
to be discussed in Section 3, can be solved the easiest way if
the (one-dimensional) space in which they operate is discretized
uniformly. This corresponds to the partition of the rim into polygons
evenly spaced along the generating cuIye. A suitable partitioning
method was described by Bartels and Hardtke [2] and is summarized
LetC(a) = (u(s), u(s), w(s))denoteaparametricdefinitionofthe
cume C in coordinates uLvw, with 3 E [Smin, Smor]. The length Figure 6: The effect of the reparametrixation of the generating
of an arc of C is related to an increment of parameter s by the curve. In the left shell, mesh vertices are spaced along the generat-
ing curve using constant increments of the parameter s. In the right
shell, the increments of parameter s have been adjusted to divide
the generating curve into segments of equal length. As a result,
texture distortion along the generating curve has been eliminated.
J-* @)
‘(s)= k) + M + M generating curve. Both types of ribs can be easily reproduced by
The total length L “; C can be found by integrating f(s) in the displacing the vertices of the polygon mesh in the direction normal
interval [s minj Smat : to the shell surface.
In the case of ribs parallel to the direction of growth, the dis-
*WI.= placement d varies periodically along the generating cuNe. The
L= (6)
J. f(sW.
6~,~ amplitude of these variations is proportional to the actual size of
the curve. thus it increases as the shell grows. Sample applications
Inversion of the equation (4) yields: of this technique are depicted in Figures 7.8, and 9.
The periodic displacement along the generating curve could be in-
ds corporated into the curve definition, but we chose to capture the
xl=&). displacement independently from the overall shape of C. This
approach is more flexible and can be easily extended to other sculp-
Given the initial condition s(0) = smin, this first-order differ- tured patterns. For example, oblique ribs oriented diagonally with
ential equation describes parameter s as a function of the arc respect to the generative curve (as in Swigill curnea [18]) result
length 1. By numerically integrating (7) in n consecutive inter- from a gradual incrementation of the phase of the periodic displace-
vals of length Al = i, we obtain a sequence of parameter values ment during the shell’s growth.
30 = Swain, 31, 32, . . . , s,, = small representing the desired se-
Ribs parallel to the generating curve are obtained by pe&dically
quence of n + 1 polygon vertices equally spaced along the curve varying the value of the displacement d according to the position
C. The effect of the reparametrization of the generating curve is of the generating cume along the helico-spiral ‘H. As previously,
shown in Figure 6. the amplitude is proportional to the current size of the generating
The same figure reveals unequal spacing of polygon vertices be- curve. Examples are shown in Figure 10. The two shells on the
tween adjacent generating curves. The polygons are stretched hor- right side have ribs parallel to the generating curve. The shells on
izontally in the wide central portions of the shells, and squeezed the left display latticed sculpturing, obtained by superimposingribs
near the top and the bottom. This effect is due to the differences parallel to the generating curve and to the direction of growth.
in the lengths of the trajectories traced by different points on the
generating curve in equal time intervals. A reparametrization of
trajectories by their arc length would yield a uniform distribution of 3 GENERATION OF PIGMENTATION PAlTERNS
vertices along each trajectory, but the benefits of such operation are
not certain. Specifically, it is not clear whether the progress of the Pigmentation patterns constitute an important aspect of shell appear-
reaction-diffusion process along a trajectory depends directly on its ance. We propose to capture them using a class ofreactiondiffusion
length, the progress of time, or a combination of both factors. In models developed by Meinhardt and Klinger [17, 18. 19,201. A
the context of Na~riius pompilus this problem has been discussed summary of this approach is presented below in order to make our
by Meinhardt and Klinger [18]. description of shell modeling complete.
Pigmentation patterns in shells show enormous diversity. From the
2.5 Modeling the sculpture on shell surfaces perspective of mollusc evolution, this diversity is attributed to the
lack of selective value of any particular pattern. In many cases, the
Many sheUs have a sculptured surface. Common forms of sculp- animals live burrowed in sand, or are active at night. Sometimes the
turing include ribs parallel to the direction of growth or to the pattern is invisible as long as the animal is alive, due to a covering

SIGGRAPH ‘92 Chicago, July 26-31, 1992

Figure 2: Variation of shell shapes resulting from d&rent param- Figure 3: Variation of the shell shape resulting from different gener-
eters of the helico-spiral. Leftmost: turbinate shell (ze = 1.9. ating cumes. From left to right: turreted shell. two fusiform shells,
x = 1.007). Top row: patelliform shell (a = 0, X = 1.34) and and a conical shell.
tubular shell (~0 = 0.0, X = 1 .Oll). Bottom row: spherical shell
Go = 1.5, x = 1.03) and diskoid shell (~0 = 1.4. X = 1.014).
Values of X = X, = X, correspond to A0 = 10’.

simplest approach is to rotate the system uuw so that the axes u and
II become respectively parallel and perpendicular to the shell axis
2. If the generating curve lies in the plane uu. the opening of the
shell and the growth markings (such as the ribs on the shell surface)
will be parallel to the shell axis. However, many shells exhibit
approximately orf&lti growth markings, which lie in planes
normal to the helico-spiral31[14]. This effect can be captured by
orienting the axis tu along the vector Z’l, tangent to the helico-spiral
at the point H(t). The curve is fixed in space by aligning the axis
u with the principal normal vector Zz of 31. The unit vectors & and
Zz can be calculated using the following formulae [3]:

,=Al(t), & = ei x fi”@) - = t?, x G. (3)

pw)J 16 x 7P(1)J’ e2
Figure 4: A photograph [12. page 971 and a model of Thatchha
Symbols 7?(t) and ‘dir(2) denote the first andthe secondderivative mirabgk (Miraculous Thatcheria). The unusual shape of this shell
of the position vector l?(t) of the point N(t), taken with respect results from the triangular generating curve. Photograph by cour-
to the parameter t. Vectors Zl, I?.. and Q define a local orthogonal tesy of The Natural History Museum, London. England.
coordinate system called the Frenelfiame. It is considered a good
reference system for specifying orientation, because it does not
depend on the parametrization of the helico-spiral H or on the
coordinate system in which it is expressed [7]. The Frenet frame is
not defined in the points with zero curvature. but a helico-spiral has
no such points (N”(t) is never equal to zero). The impact of the
orientation of the generating curve is illustrated in Figure 5. The
opening of the real shell and the ribs on its surface lie in planes
normal to the he&o-spiral. This is properly captured in the model
in the center, which uses Frenet frames to orient the generating
cume. The model on the right incorrectly aligns the generating
curve with the shell axis.
In genera& the generating curve need not be aligned either with
the shell axis or with the Frenet frame. In the case of non-planar
generating curves, it is even difficult to &fine what the “alignment”
could mean. It is therefore convenient to be able to adjust the
orientation of the generating curve with respect to the reference
coordinate system. We accomplish this by allowing the user to Figure 5: A photograph [12, page 471 and two models of Epdonium
specify a rotation of the system uvw with respect to each of the sculare (Precious Wentletrap). Photograph by courtesy of Ken
axes i5, t3, and ei. Lucas, Biological Photo Service, Moss Beach, California.

Computer Graphics, 26, 2, July 1992

Figure 7: A photograph [30, entry 3261 and a model of Rapa rapa

(Papery Rapa) showing surface sculpturing with the ribs orthogonal
to the generating curves. The shape of ribs in the model is captured Figure 9: Surface sculpturing with the ribs orthogonal to the gen-
by a sine function uniformly spaced along the edge of the shell. erating curves. A photograph [30, entry 1281 and three models of
Turritella hen illustrate the effect of the decreasing kequency of
the modulating function.

Figure 8: A photograph [30. envy 221 and a model of Cardium Figure 10: Surface sculpturing with the ribs parallel to the generat-
cosfufum (Ribbed Cockle) ing curve (right) and with a lattice of ribs (left)

SIGGRAPH ‘92 Chicago, July 26-31, 1992

by non-transparent layers. Consequently, there is no evolutionary

pressure giving a preference to specific patterns.
The diversity of the patterns, which may differ in &tails even be-
tween shells of the same species, suggests a morphogenetic mecha-
nism general enough to encompass large specimen-to-specimen and
species-to-species variations. We assume that it is of the reaction-
diffusion type [ll, 16,331. Pigment deposition is under the control
of a substance, called the ucfivufor, which stimulates its own pm-
duction through a positive feedback mechanism, or autocatalysis.
In order for a pattern to be formed, a mechanism is also needed for
suppressing the production of the activator in the neighborhood of
the autocatalytic centers. This prevents the activator from spread-
ing over the entire substrate. Thus, the pattern is formed as a result
of the antagonistic interaction between short-range activation and
long-range inhibition.
Harrison [13]pointsoutthatreactiondiffusion isnotasinglemodel+
but the cornerstone of a whole spectrum of models, d&ring in the
number and characteristics of the reacting substances. This obser-
vation remains true for the models of pigmentation patterns in shells.
We do not capture all possible patterns in a single system of qua-
tions. but modii it according to the speciiic pattern. Generally, we
group our models into two basic categories distinguished by Gierer
and Meinhardt 1111: activator-substrate, and activator-inhibitor.

3.1 The activator-substrate model

The inhibitory effect may result from the depletion of the substrate
required to produce the activator. A possible interaction is described
by the following equations:

2 = pa(&+po)-w+D.g Figure 11: A stable pattern of stripes generated by the activator-

substrate model using equations (8), with p = 0.01 f 2.5%. po =
as 0.001, p = 0.01, D, = 0.002, u = 0.015, v = 0, D. = 0.4, and
3i = u-,.(&+po) -us+D.g @) rc=o

The activator, with the concentration a, diffuses along the z-axis Concentrations of the activator corresponding to fixed time intervals
at the rate D. and decays at the rate c. Similarly, the substrate, At determine colors of cells in the consecutive rows or rims.
with the concentration s. diffuses at the rate D. and decays at the The generation of stripes using the activator-substrate model is in-
rate Y. The substrate is produced at a constant rate u. Production teresting from the theoretical perspective, since it illustrates the
of the activator is an autocatalytic process. proportional to a2 for emergence of a pattern from an almost uniform initial distribu-
small activator concentrations. This process can take place only in tion of substances (the solid area in the upper part of the planar
the presence of the substrate, and decreases its amount. Parameter representation in Figure 11). The development of a pattern in a ho-
p is the coefficient of proportionality. The autocatalysis can satu- mogeneous medium motivated the original definitions and studies
rate. at high activator concentrations. at the level controlled by the of the reaction-diffusion models [ 11,331. In order to demonstrate
parameter K. Parameter po represents a small base production of their practical usefuhress for the synthesis of shell images, we must
the activator, needed to initiate the autocatalytic process. consider more complex patterns than stripes.
Figure 11 shows the application of equations (8) to the formation of Figure 12 shows a photograph and a model of Atrwria rmdufuta.
stripes parallel to the direction of shell growth. In order to start the The pattern consists of wavy lines that, on the average, run in the
pattern formation process, parameter p is subject to small random direction parallel to the growing edge. This direction is partially ob-
fluctuations (less than 2.5% of its average value) for the individual scured by the large amplitude of the waves. The periodic character
cells. The pattern that emerges atIer the initial transition is stable in of the pattern in the direction of the helico-spiral is a manifestation
time, but periodic in space. This periodicity is achieved by setting of the oscillations of the activator concentration over time. In the
the range of inhibition (determined by the diftirsion and decay rates activator-substrate model they are known to occur for u < p [17].
of the substrate) to a fraction of the total length of the growing edge. In order to generate lines of undulating shape, we assume that the
In order to solve the equations and generate the images, the growing activator-substrate process is regulatedby an external factor, which
edge is divided into cells of length Ax. In the planar representation modulates the substrate production u according to a periodic (sine)
of the pattern on the left side of Figure 11, the cells correspond function of cell position, u = u(x). Undulations occur, since in
to a horizontal row of pixels. In the shell on the right the cells regions with higher u oscillations are faster than in regions with
correspond to the polygons on the growing edge. The equations lower u values. The coherence of the lines is maintained by the
are solved using the forward Euler method [lo] (a FORTRAN diffusion of the activator. Higher diffusion constants force better
code is included in the paper [19]. We ignore the effect of the synchronization between the neighboring cells, yielding lines that
gradual increase of polygon size resulting from the rim’s growth. follow the orientation of the growing edge more closely.

Computer Graphics, 26, 2, July 1992

Figure 12: A photograph [30. entry 2221 and a model of Amoria Figure 14: A photograph [30. entry 831 and a model of Oliva
undulata (Waved Volute). Generated using equations (8). with p = porphyriu. Generated using equations (9), with p = 0.1 f 2.5%
0.1 f 2.52, ,a, = 0.005, p = 0.1. D, = 0.004. ~,,,a= = 0.012. po = 0.0001. /I = 0.1, D, = 0.015, u = 0.0002. Y = 0.014,
u=O,D,=O.O,and~=l. D,, = 0.0. p’ = 0.1, u = 0.1. ho = 0.1, and K = 0.25.

Figure 13: A photograph [3Q entry 1321 and a model of Vofutoconus Figure 15: A photograph [30, entry 2401 and a model of Conru
bednalli (BednaIl’s Volute). Generated using equations (8). with tnarmorew (Marble Cone)
p=O.lf2.5%,po =0.0025.~=O.l.D. =O.Ol,a,,, =O.ll.
u = 0.002. D, = 0.05. and K = 0.5.
neously initiates another wave, traveling in the opposite. direction.
Observation of the shell indicates that the number of traveling waves
Volutoconus bednalli, shown in Figure 13, displays a variant of is approximately constant over time. This suggests a global control
the same mechanism. In this case, the function u(z) periodically mechanism that monitors the total amount of activator in the sys-
exceeds the decay constant of the activator, producing stripes of tem, and initiates new waves when its concentration becomes too
cells withpermanently high activatorconcentration. Theoscillating low. This mechanism can be captured using the following system
patterns between these stripes can be viewed as traveling waves that of equations:
annihilate each other as they meet.
at =
3.2 The activator-inhibitor model
ah a2
Propagation of colliding waves is the essential feature of the pig- x = d+Pl+Ka2 -Eh+D,,g
Z = Z,,*“- Zmin J
mentation pattern of Oliva porphyria, presented in Figure 14. The dc
oblique lines represent waves of activator concentration, traveling adz - qc
along the growing edge. As previously, colliding waves extinguish Irnlll
each other. In Figure 14. this corresponds to an element of the pat-
tern in the shape of the symbol <. Another element of this pattern The first two equations represent an activator-inhibitor system. As
is a branch that occurs when an activated point of one wave sponta- with the activator-substrate model, production of the activator is an

SIGGRAPH ‘92 Chicago, July 26-31, 1992

autocatalytic process. The activator also catalyzes the production

of its antagonist, the inhibitor h, which in turn decreases the produc-
tion of the activator proportionally to 1 /(h + ho). We postulate that
this process is globally regulated by a hormone c. which monitors
the total amount of activator along the growing edge. The hormone
diffuses much faster than the remaining substances, thus its con-
centration along the growing edge is assumed to be constant. A
small number of traveling waves yields a small concentration of the
hormone, which accelerates the decay of the inhibitor h. The con-
centration of the activator increases and at some points reaches the
threshold at which new waves are formed. This is a self-regulating
process, where the hormone c provides a negative feedback main-
taining the number of traveling waves at an approximately constant
The model of Conus martncreus, shown ln Figure 15. is similar
to that of Oliva. The pigment producing process is controlled by
another reactiondiffusion process, instead of a hormone. Models
of several other patterns are presented in detail by Meinhardt and
Klinger [18, 191.
Figure 16: Photographs [34 entrles 113,276 and 291 of three shells
that exemplify the main limitations of the present model. From left
4 CONCLUSIONS to right Strombus listeri (Lister’s Conch), Murex pecten (Venus
Comb Murex). and Chicoreus spectrum (Ghost Murex).
This paper presents a comprehensive model of seashells, suitable
for computer imagery purposes. The model combines separate
results described in the existing paleontological. biological, and differently. In reality, the wall has some thickness, which
computer graphics literature into a single model, capable of gener- should be reproduced to properly visualixe the edge of the
ating relatively realistic images of many shells. The overall shape shell opening.
of a shell is determined by the parameters of the helico-spiral and
the generating curve. The sculpturing is obtained by periodically Alternatives to fhe integrated moakl. The integration of
displacing vertices of the polygon mesh representing the shell sur- pigmentation patterns into the shell model is an appealing
face. Attention is given to details, such as the orientation of the feature from the biological perspective, since it is consistent
axial ribs and the shell opening, and prevention of distortions of the with the developmental nature of the models. Unfortunately,
sculptured and pigmented patterns. Pigmentation is simulated us- it also leads to large polygon meshes, necessary to capture
ing reaction-diffusion models. A comparison of the results with the the intricacies of the patterns. In our implementation. the
photographsof real shells shows goodcorrespondenceof the shapes meshes may consist of millions of polygons. This creates
and the patterns. This is important both from the visual perspective rendering problems, because the renderer may impose limits
and from the viewpoint of the applications of the models to biology. on the maximum size of the mesh. Separate generation
Direct observation of phenomena such as the postulated flow of a of the shell shape and the pigmentation pattern, combined
hormone ln Olivu is diflicult, and agreement of synthetic images into a single image using texture mapping, may represent a
with reality indirectly supports the models. Realistic visualization preferable approach.
makes such comparisons more convincing. Improved rendering. A comparison of the photographs of
Comparisons with the real shells also reveal shortcomings of our real shells with the synthetic images of their models exhibits
models, leading to problems open for further research: the need for a better rendering technique. Specltically, it
could capture the anisotropic highlights, the translucency of
0 Proper modeling of lhc shell opening. The sweeping of auni- shell walls, and the darkening inside the shell opening.
formly growing generating curve along the helico-spiralpro-
duces a strictly self-similar surface that can be mapped into Solutions to all of these problems seem to be achievable. They
itself by a scaling and a rotation around the shell axis [6,31]. should improve our understanding of the forms and patterns of
In real shells, the Ups at the shell opening often display a shells, and bring us closer to photorealism.
departure from self-similarity. Strombus lisferi, on the left
side of Figure 16. provides a striking example of this phe- Acknowledgements
nomenon, although to a lesser extent it also occurs in other
shells, such as Volutoconus bednalli and Oliva porphyria This research was sponsored by an operating grant from the Natural
(Figures 13 and 14). The modeling of the shell opening Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and by
requires further investigation. a graduate scholarship from the University of Regina. We are
l MO&&~ of spikes. The model of shell sculpture, based on indebted to Pat Hanrahan for providing Deborah with the access to
the perturbation of the surface in the direction of the normal his research facilities at Princeton, and to Jii Hanan for mcordlng
vector, is an appropriate technique for repnxlucing relatively the images at the University of Regina. Photographs of real shells
small ridges. It does not capture large moditications of the includedinFigures 7, 8, 9, 12, 13. 14, 15,and 16arerepmduced
shape, such as spikes in Marex pecfen and extrusions in with the kind permission of Giuseppe Mazza. We would like to
Chicoreus specfrwn (Figure 16). The incorporation of these thank the anonymous referees for many useful comments on the
structures into the models remains an open problem. first version of this paper.
l Capturing the thickness of shell walls. We represent a shell
wall as a single surface, albeit its two sides are rendered

Computer Graphics, 26,2, July 1992

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