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Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210

DOI 10.1007/s40124-015-0089-5


Paediatric Acute Encephalitis: Infection and Inflammation

Cheryl A. Jones1,2

Published online: 21 July 2015

 Springer Science + Business Media New York 2015

Abstract Encephalitis is a multifaceted syndrome with a Herpes simplex virus  Japanese encephalitis virus 
myriad of clinical presentations. It is defined as inflam- Influenza  Arbovirus  Vaccine  Immunomodulation
mation of the brain with functional disturbance. Infectious
diseases, particularly viruses, and autoimmune disorders
are the commonest causes in children. Young infants have Introduction
the highest burden of disease for most infectious causes.
Recent advances include the publication of international Acute encephalitis is a syndrome characterised by severe
consensus guidelines, emergence of new aetiologies neurological dysfunction due to inflammation of the brain
including human parechoviruses and better characterisation parenchyma. The presence of central nervous system
of known infectious causes, including enterovirus 71, (CNS) inflammation enables differentiation from ‘en-
which continue to cause large epidemics, death and cephalopathy’ where there is altered cerebral function
impairment in children although a number promising vac- alone. The highest attack rate for encephalitis is in chil-
cines are on the horizon; and neurological syndromes dren, particularly in those less than 1 year of age [1–3].
associated with influenza which occur most commonly in The commonest causes of acute encephalitis are infections
children who are not immunised against the virus. Under- and autoimmune disorders in children, with viruses being
standing of childhood autoimmune encephalopathies is the most commonly identified pathogens [4, 5••]. The
also rapidly expanding including responses to diagnosis of encephalitis is complex because it is now
immunomodulation and prognosis. Future research should recognised that some infectious agents (e.g. influenza
see better understanding of the pathogenesis of all forms of virus) can cause encephalopathic syndromes without
encephalitis, with hope for advances in therapy and directly infecting the brain [6••, 7], and that infection or
prevention. immunisation can trigger autoimmune encephalopathies
[8]. There are also toxic and metabolic syndromes that
Keywords Encephalitis  Encephalopathy  Infectious cause brain inflammation and can mimic infectious
encephalitis  Autoimmune encephalitis  Enterovirus  encephalitis [8], including Mild Encephalopathy with
Reversible Splenial Lesions [9]. It is also well established
that a high proportion of cases (between 30 and 70 %
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Infectious Diseases.
depending on the population studied) will not have an
& Cheryl A. Jones aetiology identified despite extensive investigation [1, 4, 5••], although this proportion can be reduced with rigorous
application of consensus guidelines [10, 11].
Discipline of Paediatrics and Child Health and Marie Bashir
The incidence and case fatality rate of acute childhood
Institute, The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
encephalitis rates varies with geographic location, aetiol-
Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology, The
ogy, age and case definition. The incidence of childhood
Children’s Hospital at Westmead Clinical School, Cnr
Hawkesbury Rd and Hainsworth St, Locked Bag 4001, encephalitis from all causes in industrialised countries has
Westmead, NSW 2145, Australia been calculated in a systematic review to be 10.5 cases per

202 Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210

100,000 population \15 years per year [11]. The overall consortium (IEC) published standardised definitions
mortality of encephalitis is approximately 10 % across all (Table 1) and consensus practice guidelines for children
age groups in recent population studies [11], although and adults to capture both encephalitis and encephalo-
mortality in children alone is much lower in most paedi- pathies of presumed infectious aetiologies [19••].
atric series, except in some Asian countries where there are A number of clinical guidelines for the management of
ongoing outbreaks of non-polio enteroviruses, particularly encephalitis in children have been recently been published
human enterovirus-type 71 (EV71) and endemic Japanese [20, 21]. Common features of these have been the emphasis
Encephalitis Virus (JEV) [12–14]. Mortality rates from on early lumbar puncture where not contraindicated to
encephalitis have reduced in recent decades, with the exclude treatable causes of encephalitis (particularly HSV),
availability of immunisations against measles and JEV in the importance of early neuroimaging (preferably MRI) to
particular, antiviral agents and better supportive care [15, confirm the diagnosis, the need to cease acyclovir where an
16]. Although death rates have reduced, disability in alternative cause of encephalitis is found or HSV PCR is
encephalitis survivors can be high, depending on the negative, early consultation with specialist neurologists and
pathogen and age [5••, 17•]. infectious diseases for advice re-extended investigations
This review will discuss recent advances in paediatric and diagnosis/management of autoimmune encephalitides.
acute encephalitis over the last few years commencing with Key features of a pathognomonic infectious encephalitis,
a review of recently published consensus definitions and herpes simplex virus; an infection-associated
clinical guidelines, and of infectious encephalitis in chil- encephalopathy, influenza virus; and an autoimmune
dren including emerging/re-merging pathogens, therapy encephalitis; N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, or NMDAR,
and prevention and outcomes, and of childhood autoim- antibody mediated encephalitis, are compared in Table 2.
mune encephalitides, including characterisation of indi-
vidual syndromes, advances in immunomodulation and
long-term prognosis. Finally, it will then provide summary Infectious Encephalitis
of remaining knowledge gaps and suggested directions for
future research. Epidemiology, Clinical Characteristics

More than 100 pathogens have been reported to cause

Encephalitis Case Definitions and Practice encephalitis, although for most infectious agents, this is
Guidelines usually a rare complication [16]. Granerod and colleagues
devised a hierarchical relationship of diagnostics tests to
The diagnosis or classification of encephalitis poses chal- define causality of an infectious agent [22]. In their clas-
lenges for both clinicians and epidemiologists. A number sification, a confirmed case of infectious encephalitis is
of groups have developed consensus definitions for both when an organism is identified in the brain, a highly
brain inflammation and dysfunction for different purposes. probable case is when it is detected in a sterile site, a
In 2007, the Brighton collaboration Encephalitis Working probable case is where there is organism carriage with a
group’s developed definitions to provide clarify around specific immune response, and a possible case is where
reported of adverse neurological events post immunisation there is the organism carriage (i.e. it is detected in a non-
including acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM). sterile site) without evidence of a specific immune
These have been widely adapted by many groups who response.
study the condition [8]. The World Health organisation The epidemiology of childhood infectious encephalitis
(WHO) also developed a clinical case definition for acute has been reported in a number of large series from around
encephalitis syndrome (AES) in resource poor settings, the world [3, 4, 12, 23–33]. Recent publications have
mainly for the purpose of JEV surveillance [18]. Although provided new information. A hospital-based study of
brain biopsy provides a gold standard definition for brain childhood encephalitis which arose out of the California
inflammation, most schemas substitute a combination of Encephalitis project and published in 2013, mostly inclu-
surrogate markers of CNS inflammation and clinical signs ded children who were older than 12 months of age, were
of brain dysfunction. Definitions for CSF pleocytosis need male and either Hispanic or White [4]. A key finding of this
to be adjusted for age, as the upper limit of normal values series was the identification of race/ethnicity as an inde-
of CSF white cell counts is higher in newborn infants, than pendent predictor of outcomes. Clinical characteristics
in older infants, children and adults. Recent advances have were similar to previous published series. Fever was the
incorporated the fact that encephalitis can occur in the commonest presenting symptom (75 %) followed by sei-
absence of CSF pleocytosis, and without neuroimaging zures (50 %), ataxia (42 %), personality change (23 %),
abnormalities. In 2012, the international encephalitis movement disorders (15 %) and hallucinations (6 %).

Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210 203

Table 1 International encephalitis consortium case definition [19••]

Encephalopathic Altered mental status (defined as decreased or altered level of consciousness, lethargy or personality change)
features lasting C24 h with no alternative cause identified
Inflammatory features Documented fever C38 C (100.4 F) within the 72 h before or after presentation; CSF WBC count C 5/mm3;
Neuroimaging suggestive of encephalitis; EEG that is consistent with encephalitis and not attributable to another
Neurological features Generalised or partial seizures not fully attributable to a pre-existing seizure disorder; new onset of focal neurologic
Confirmed encephalitis Encephalopathic features C3 inflammatory or neurological features
Possible Encephalitis Encephalopathic features plus C2 inflammatory or neurological features

Table 2 Characteristics of common infectious and autoimmune encephalitis disorders of childhood

HSV encephalitis [93] Influenza-associated acute NMDAR [83]
encephalopathy syndromes (AES)

Age Highest incidence in neonates, and the Mostly in childhood (median age Any age but usually occurs in young children
elderly 4 years), but can from infancy to to mid adult hood
Sex distribution M=F Overall 1:1.15 Predominantly in females 4:1
CNS Neonate: non-specific CNS signs, Varied neurological syndromes Movement disorders psychiatric symptoms,
manifestations apnoea, seizures, lethargyNon associated with fever and behavioural change, speech disturbance,
neonate: t respiratory symptoms agitation
CSF findings HSV DNA usually detected Influenza RNA rarely detected in Usually abnormal
CSF Raised CSF lymphocyte count, and protein.
Elevated lymphocyte count in Oligoclonal bands
20–40 % of children
MRI Brain Neonates: Diffuse T2 Abnormalities in approximately Abnormalities in less than 50 %, particularly
Older children and adults: Typical 50 % overall. Characteristic limbic encephalitis. Changes on T2
frontotemporal changes, often neuroimaging associated with (hyperintensity) common in medial
hemorrhagic specific syndromes temporal lobe, focal cortex
Management Parenteral Acyclovir Largely supportive. Immunotherapy (corticosteroids, IVIG,
Immunotherapy (e.g. rituximab)
corticosteroids for Acute
necrotising encephalopathy)
Relapse Neonates–Non neonates: up to 50 %; Not reported Up to 20 %
may be associated with
autoantibodies (e.g. NMDAR Ab)
and movement disorders

Confirmed, probable or possible infectious causes were Almost 30 % of children in this series did not have an
identified in just over 38 % of children, however, almost identified aetiology [5••].
50 % of children in this series did not have a defined Prospective studies of encephalitis have been thought to
aetiology. Enteroviruses were the commonest confirmed or provide more accurate estimates of incidence, aetiology
probable infectious cause, and Mycoplasma pneumoniae and epidemiology of the syndrome. This notion has
was the commonest possible cause. A recent single-centre, recently been evaluated in a recent French study which
retrospective case series of over 150 children with compared data from a prospective population-based study
encephalitis from Australia identified infectious with national hospital discharge and mortality datasets
encephalitis in 30 % of cases, most commonly, enterovirus, [34]. The authors concluded that although misclassification
M. pneumoniae and herpes simplex virus (HSV), and can underestimate incidence and weaken conclusions from
infection-associated encephalopathy in a further 8 %. analysis of large datasets, the method does provide an

204 Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210

inexpensive surveillance tool and accurate estimates of arise from cytokine storm, from those with subacute onset
case fatality rates. A recent Canadian evaluation of national which are hypothesised to arise from aberrant adaptive
hospital morbidity datasets included admissions and deaths responses, or those with delayed/late onset where the
with attributable codes for encephalitis from all age groups pathogenesis is unknown. This classification is supported
[35]. Similar to other studies, it also identified that infants by neuroimaging findings from a small Chinese series of 17
less than 12 months of age have highest risk of viral children with severe IAE (H1N1) [38]. Treatment of
encephalitis (4.2/100,000 population) compared to other influenza encephalopathy syndromes is supportive. Corti-
children (0.36–0.70/100,000 population), and identified costeroids are often given early for some forms of IAE (e.g.
clusters of unknown encephalitis, possibly vector-borne ANE), but there are limited data of their efficacy [6••].
aetiology in older age groups.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)
Influenza-Associated Encephalopathies
In most series, HSV is one of the commonest confirmed
Influenza RNA is very rarely identified directly in the CSF. infectious cause of encephalitis in children in the devel-
However, influenza virus infection has been increasingly oped world together with enteroviruses [5••, 39] (Table 2).
recognised to be complicated by a variety of encephalopathic HSV encephalitis (HSE) in the newborn period typically
syndromes, many but not all with evidence of CNS inflam- arises after vertical transmission from active maternal
mation [6••, 7, 36, 37]. These include acute necrotizing genital herpes disease during labour and delivery. Sporadic
encephalopathy (ANE), acute hemorrhagic shock and HSE cases in later infancy and childhood are rare, and have
encephalopathy (HSE) and acute hemorrhagic leukoen- been associated with specific signalling defects in innate
cephalopathy (AHL). Influenza-associated encephalopathies immunity [40]. Results from 15 years of active surveil-
(IAE) have been reported after both pandemic and seasonal lance for neonatal HSV disease in Australia (1997–2011)
influenza [6••, 7, 36], affect children more than adults and can have recently been published [41•]. Approximately one-
be associated with poor outcomes including death. Case series third of infants in this cohort of almost 250 neonates, had
from around the world suggest somewhere between 6-20 % of HSE alone or as part of a multiorgan disease. HSV-1 was
children hospitalised with Influenza A H1N1 pandemic had the commonest serotype causing all forms of neonatal HSV
neurological manifestations [7]. Surveillance studies from the disease, reflecting the recent increase in genital herpes due
United Kingdom (UK) and Japan have further characterised to HSV-1 disease in many countries including Australia.
IAE in children [6••, 36, 38]. Recent results from UK There were no deaths from HSE in the absence of dis-
surveillance for neurological complications of influenza seminated infection, and only half the infants with
(2011–2013) confirmed that children (84 %) were more encephalitis alone had cutaneous lesions at presentation.
commonly affected than adults, and that Influenza A (mostly Antiviral resistance is rarely encountered in neonatal
H1N1) caused the majority (81 %) of cases [6••]. Of the 21 HSV disease, but can occur, as shown by a recent case report
children in the series, slightly more had encephalopathy than from Japan of a neonate with HSE who developed a viro-
encephalitis/encephalomyelitis; many had specific logically confirmed acyclovir-resistant HSV 1 strain during
encephalopathy syndromes (ANE, HSE and AHL). Similar to therapy after initial treatment response [42]. The infant was
previous series, many cases required intensive care (80 %) successfully treated with vidarabine in the absence of fos-
and had impairment at discharge (68 %), and death was not carnet, but survived with significant neurological sequelae.
uncommon (16 %). Of note, and similar to previous reports Baja and colleagues recently described neuroimaging find-
from Australia [7], none of the children or adults had been ings in a series of 29 infants who had neonatal HSE, the
previously vaccinated against influenza, including 32 % who majority of whom had MRIs [43]. In contrast to older infants
had indications for this reinforcing that these syndromes are and children with HSE, temporal lobe predilection was
potentially preventable. Japanese surveillance for influenza- uncommon, with most neonates having a diffuse restriction
associated encephalopathy (IAE) (2009–2011) noted that pattern on T2 images with involvement of thalamus and
attack rates were approximately 10-fold higher during the internal capsule. MRI abnormalities correlated with adverse
H1N1 Influenza A pandemic than from seasonal influenza, neurological outcomes in this small series.
and again were highest in young children [36]. Case fatality There have been a number of advances in antiviral
rates of approximately 5–18 % were reported in this series. therapy for neonatal or childhood HSE. Kimberlin et al.
Although clinical features of influenza encephalopathy [44] have reported results from a randomised controlled
syndromes can be similar, neuroimaging features are often trial of oral antiviral suppressive therapy (acyclovir at
distinct. A revised classification schema for IAE has 30 mg/m2/dose three times a day) versus placebo at the
recently been published [6••] which distinguishes syn- cessation of intravenous treatment and found that acyclovir
dromes associated with acute onset which are thought to reduced neurological sequelae after neonatal HSV disease

Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210 205

(predominantly HSV2 in this series) as shown by higher CNS disease include myoclonus, tremor, ataxia, nystagmus
scores on developmental assessment at 12 months of age and cranial nerve palsies, which may develop with or
compared to controls. As HSV is a rare cause of without HFMD. Cohort studies have identified that serious
encephalitis beyond the neonatal period, diagnosis and HEV71 neurological disease (encephalomyelitis) is asso-
treatment can be problematic. Gaensbauer and colleagues ciated mortality and morbidly, particularly in the presence
[45] recently reported high rates of empiric acyclovir usage of neurogenic pulmonary oedema [55•, 56]. Characteristics
older infants and children for suspected HSE, and high- of severe disease variably include young age (\2 years of
lighted that in most cases the therapy was given in the age), male sex, prolonged high fever, high white cell count
absence of clinical characteristics of the condition. Expert on admission, neurological signs at presentation, delayed
opinion has seen a move towards the use of high dose medical evaluation and the existence of comorbidities such
acyclovir therapy (20 mg/kg/dose) for HSE not only in as pre-existing developmental retardation [56–58]. Pre-
neonates, but in all children up to 12 years of age. The dictors of neurological sequelae after EV71
rarity of HSE makes it difficult to adequately power con- encephalomyelitis included CSF pleocytosis and myo-
trolled trials to evaluate the efficacy of this recommenda- clonic jerks at disease onset [59].
tion [46]. Kendrick et al. has recently reported safety data There has also been considerable interest in identifying
from a retrospective cohort of 61 children aged from the pathogenesis of EV71 neurological disease. As
1 month to 18 years of age who were given standard versus encephalitis is a rare manifestation of EV71 disease, a
high dose acyclovir therapy for HSE. They did not identify number of studies have investigated genetic polymor-
a significant difference in the incidence of renal injury phisms associated with EV71 encephalitis compared to
between the two groups. uncomplicated HFMD. Single nucleotide polymorphisms
Complications after HSE beyond the neonatal period within the genes encoding interleukin (IL)-17F, CCL2
can include choreiform movement disorders and epileptic gene, IL-6, IL-8 [60–62] appear to confer increased sus-
encephalopathies. A number of authors have postulated an ceptibility to severe EV disease including encephalitis in
autoimmune basis for these phenomena [47, 48]. This Chinese populations. Elevation of human leukocyte anti-
notion is supported by a recent report of nine children from gen-G expression has recently been associated with severe
Australia where HSE relapse with chorea was associated encephalitis with pulmonary oedema [63].
with development to NMDAR or Dopamine-2 receptor Given the serious public health concerns from EV71
antibodies [49•]. The initiation of immune suppression outbreaks, there have been concerted efforts to develop
should be considered early in these conditions. improved prevention strategies including infection control
and vaccines. A comprehensive guide for clinical man-
Non-polio Enterovirus Encephalitis Including agement of HFMD has recently been published by the
HEV71 World Health Organization [64]. Infection control practices
consist mainly of hand washing, disinfection and isolation
Non-polio enteroviruses (HEV) are one of the most com- during epidemics. Over the last two years, results from
mon causes of infectious encephalitis in children [5••, 13, three large phase three trials in China of vaccine candidates
39, 50]. In the California encephalitis project, HEV (all inactivated vaccines against EV71 C4Agenotype) have
accounted for almost 5 % of all cause encephalitis, and been published [65–67]. All candidates provided protection
occurred more commonly in the young and in males [4]. against HFMD (vaccine efficacy 80–97 %), but to date the
One of the most serious forms of EV encephalitis has been trialled vaccines have been proven to work only for one
reported after enterovirus-type 71 infection (HEV71). sub-type of the HEV71. There is a need to determine EV
HEV71 was first identified late last century during large subtypes causing disease around the globe, and to test the
epidemics of hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD) across current HEV71 vaccines against other subtypes. There is
Europe and South East Asia [50]. More recently, epidemics also a need to develop potent antiviral treatments for
of EV71 HFMD and febrile illnesses have emerged in children and adults who acquire this potentially devastating
eastern Asia, complicated by high rates of severe neuro- infection.
logical disease in children including severe brainstem
encephalitis, with high mortality and frequent permanent
neurological sequelae [51]. HEV71 epidemics are seasonal, Parechovirus Encephalitis
with the highest transmission rates occurring during war-
mer, wetter months [52]. Recent outbreak data from Human parechoviruses (HPeV) have recently been recog-
Malaysia and Australia suggest that epidemics occur in two nised as causing similar clinical syndromes to EV, partic-
to three year cycles corresponding with new, naive birth ularly in young infants [68–70]. HPeV like enteroviruses,
cohorts [53, 54]. Characteristic clinical features of HEV are members of the picornavirus family of small, positive

206 Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210

strand non enveloped RNA viruses, but are not detected by [74], particularly in rural areas, but neuroinvasive disease
molecular testing for EV (e.g. polymerase chain reaction) appears to be uncommon in the young.
and so must be specifically requested by clinicians. Only
three HPeV serotypes (serotypes 1, 2 and 3) have been Japanese Encephalitis Virus
reported to cause disease in humans to date. HPeV-type 3
has been particularly associated with neurological disease Despite the availability of an effective vaccine against Japa-
including encephalitis, which is characterised by the nese Encephalitis Virus (JEV), the virus remains the leading
absence of CSF pleocytosis and a significantly elevated cause of AES in many parts of the Asia and the Western
CSF protein [69], and distinct subcortical white matter Pacific, particularly in rural areas [13, 75, 76]. The Centres for
involvement on cerebral MRI [71]. Harvala and colleagues Disease Control in the United States recently provided an
[68] have recently compared HPeV and EV RNA detec- update on JEV surveillance and immunisation [77]. They
tions in the CSF and blood in infants presenting with sepsis estimated that there are almost 70,000 cases of JEV in Asia per
or CNS disease and suggested that presence of either virus year, and that while surveillance for JE occurred in 75 % of
in the CSF alone may not be indicative of CNS disease in Asian countries with identified transmission risk, only 46 %
the absence of CSF pleocytosis. Infants with sepsis like of these countries had immunisation programs. Two recent
syndromes due to HPeV3 had high viral load in the blood, reports have highlighted that burden of death and disability
but low to undetectable load in the CSF. Neurological from this infection is in children. Wang et al. [78] have
sequelae after HPeV3 meningoencephalitis has been described characteristics of deaths from JEV in China, and
reported in some but not all infants [69, 71]. Further found that children less than 15 years of age accounted for
research is required to define the pathogenesis and prog- almost 80 % of over 1500 deaths from JEV from 2005 to
nostic risk factors after HPeV CNS infection. 2010. Griffiths et al. [79•] reported a longitudinal follow-up
study of JEV infection in Nepal, and highlighted that almost
70 % of child survivors of JEV had functional impairment at
Arbovirus Encephalitides follow-up, frequently behavioural, and resulted in significant
adverse economic impact to their families.
Arboviruses are an uncommon but emerging and possibly Considerable effort to develop new cell culture-derived
under recognised causes of encephalitis in children. Pop- JEV vaccines has been driven by theoretical safety concerns
ulation studies using hospital datasets from around the as the current inactivated JEV vaccines were developed in
world suggest that diagnostic testing for arboviruses in not mouse brains. Results of phase III clinical trials of three cell
always performed for suspected encephalitis, particularly culture JEV vaccines suggest that they are safe and with
in the young. Gaensbauer et al. have recently reported the equivalent immunogenicity to inactivated vaccines [80].
epidemiology of paediatric neuroinvasive arboviral infec-
tions in the United States (2003–2013) [72•]. They reported Varicella Zoster Virus Encephalitis
over 1200 cases in their series, including over 20 deaths
from a variety of viruses each with different seasonal and Encephalitis is a known rare complication of varicella
environmental triggers, most commonly La Crosse Virus zoster virus (VZV) infection. Introduction of VZV immu-
(particularly in young children) and West Nile Virus nisation into national schedules has seen the reduction of
(WNV). Eastern Equine encephalitis was an uncommon disease in many countries. However, a recent case series
cause of neuroinvasive infection but had the highest case reported over 80 children with CNS complications of VZV
fatality rate. The study serves to reinforce the need to from Canada, the majority of whom were not vaccinated
utilise personal protection against insect bites in children in against VZV, including 17 cases of encephalitis (three of
areas of possible exposure. whom died), and 10 who developed strokes, highlighted
The epidemiology of meningoencephalitis from tick- that vaccine preventable encephalitis can occur even in
borne encephalitis (TBE) virus in Switzerland from 2005 to highly developed countries [81]. This series serves as a
2011 has recently been reported [73]. TBE was uncommon reminder that neurological symptoms associated with VZV
in children under 6 years of age in this country, but infection can predate the rash. A recent case report of fatal
thereafter occured at the same rate til late adulthood, where wild-type VZV encephalitis which developed without a
there was a further peak. Males were more commonly rash in a young child who had received one dose of VZV
affected than females at all age groups and deaths were vaccine serves as a further reminder that VZV encephalitis
rare. The majority of those infected were not vaccinated. should be considered even in there is a history of vacci-
Large outbreaks of WNV are continuing to occur in Greece nation and the absence of rash at presentation [82].

Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210 207

Autoimmune Encephalitides control study of 144 children with autoimmune neurolog-

ical disorders, predominantly NMDAR, reported benefit in
A major advance in encephalitis research in recent years 87 % of patients with the greatest effect seen in early
has been in the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of treatment. Adverse effects were observed in 7.6 %, most
immune mediated encephalitides in both children and notably infections.
adults. There is now clear evidence that these disorders can As mentioned previously, another new area of interest
lead to significant long-term neurological sequelae. A has been description of autoimmune syndromes, after
recent review by Ramanathan et al. [83], provides a infectious encephalitis particularly choreoathetosis post
detailed update of autoimmune encephalitides, and high- HSE from autoantibodies to NMDAR or D2R [85, 90].
lights differences between neuronal surface antibody syn- Other associations include respiratory viruses with basal
dromes (NSAS) which are caused by antibodies against ganglia/thalamic encephalitis, influenza A and voltage-
surface receptors or synaptic proteins and limbic gated potassium channel complex encephalitis [91] and
encephalitis syndromes (LE), which are typically caused by NMDAR and parvovirus B19 [92].
antibodies directed against intracellular antigens. NSAS The field of autoimmune encephalitis is rapidly evolving
with onset in childhood include N-methyl-D-aspartate with molecular techniques enabling new pathological
receptor (NMDAR), glycine receptor and recently descri- antibodies being identified to a wide variety of CNS anti-
bed anti-dopamine-2 receptor (D2R) basal ganglia gens, and better definition of known syndromes. However,
encephalitides [84•]. NMDAR are characterised by a as highlighted by Ramanathan and colleagues [83], there
number of features including behavioural disturbance, remain many gaps in our knowledge of the pathogenesis,
psychosis and movement disorders (Table 2). D2R mani- diagnosis and management of these conditions in all age
fest primarily as extrapyramidal movement disturbances group including the overlap and role of antecedent infec-
with psychiatric features. LE are characterised by subacute tions, the use of CNS antibodies as biomarkers and the
onset of memory loss, confusion and agitation often with timing and duration of first line and second line
sleep disturbance hallucinations and hippocampal and immunotherapy.
medial temporal lobe changes on neuroimaging. Many LE
are associated with underlying malignancies and often a
relentlessly progressive clinical course. Conclusions
The last few years have seen further characterisation of
clinical phenotypes of these disorders in childhood Encephalitis remains a complex disorder to diagnose and
including long-term outcome and further definition of treat, particularly in children. The condition is a well-
treatment. The Spanish NMDAR encephalitis group [85] recognised sentinel for emerging infectious agents and we
have recently highlighted age-associated differences in remain without vaccines or therapies for known infectious
initial symptoms of the disorder, whereby children have causes which cause significant death and disability (e.g.
more neurological and fewer psychiatric symptoms and HEV71). The child health clinician needs to be aware of
signs at onset than adults. Consistent with previous reports, the clinical phenotypes of autoimmune encephalitides and
females were over-represented in this series, and most refer early for specialist advice and treatment as there is
children did not have a tumour. All children in this series clear evidence of the benefits of early immunotherapy.
received immunomodulatory therapy (intravenous However, even with advanced diagnostics and practice
immunoglobulin, plasma exchange, steroids and or ritux- guidelines, many children with encephalitis do not have an
imab/cyclophosphamide) and most were reported to have aetiology identified. Many survivors of childhood
responded to this therapy, but as this was an uncontrolled encephalitis are left with lifelong consequences, the mag-
case series, efficacy data are hard to interpret. The benefits nitude and character of which is poorly understood
of rituximab, a monoclonal antibody against CD20 used to worldwide. Future collaborative international research is
deplete B cells, have been shown in randomised controlled required to address these knowledge gaps, and identify new
trials of adults with multiple sclerosis [86], but use in diagnosis, vaccines and therapies.
NMDAR has been limited to European observational Compliance with Ethics Guidelines
cohort study of NMDAR in all age groups, including 211
children [87, 88•]. In this study, early treatment, and no Disclosure Cheryl A Jones has received grants from NHMRC
admission to ICU were predictors of good outcome in during the conduct of this study.
children and adults. Dale et al. have recently reported
Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article
higher quality evidence of the efficacy of rituximab in child does not contain any studies with human or animal subjects per-
and adolescent NMDAR [89•]. This multicentre case formed by any of the authors.

208 Curr Pediatr Rep (2015) 3:201–210

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