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International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

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Inclusion problem in second gradient elasticity

Hansong Ma a, Gengkai Hu b, Yueguang Wei c,∗, Lihong Liang a
State-Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, PR China
School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, PR China
College of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Green’s function and Eshelby tensors of an infinite linear isotropic second gradient
Received 2 May 2018 continuum are derived for an inclusion of arbitrary shape. Particularly for spherical, cylin-
Revised 28 June 2018
drical and ellipsoidal inclusions, Eshelby tensors and their volume averages are obtained
Accepted 18 July 2018
in an analytical form. It is found that the Eshelby tensors are not uniform inside the inclu-
Available online 27 August 2018
sion even for a spherical inclusion, and their variations depend on the two characteristic
Keywords: lengths of second gradient theory. When size of inclusion is large enough compared to
Green’s function the characteristic lengths, the Eshelby tensor of the second gradient medium is reduced
Eshelby tensor to the classical one, as expected. It is also demonstrated that the existing Green’s func-
Second gradient tions and Eshelby tensors of couple stress theory, Aifantis, Kleinert and Wei–Hutchinson
Inclusion special strain gradient theories could be recovered as special cases. This work paves the
Effective modulus way for constructing micromechanical method to predict size effect of composite materi-
als, as shown for the effective modulus of particulate composite derived with the proposed
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Microcontinuum theory (Eringen, 1999) is considered as an efficient tool to characterize overall mechanics response for
microstructured materials (Buechner & Lakes, 2003; Chen, Lee, & Eskandarian, 2004; Eringen, 1999). This high order the-
ory incorporates the micro-deformation of microstructure inside of a material point in addition to translation of its inertia
center. Depending on choice of micro-deformation mode, different simplified microcontinuum theories are proposed. For
example, micromorphic theory (Eringen, 1999; Forest & Sievert, 2003) assumes an arbitrary constant micro-deformation, it
is the most general first grade microcontinuum theory. More specified theory can be developed by further assuming this
constant micro-deformation, for example an independent rigid rotation, this gives micropolar theory (Eringen, 1968). For
small deformation and slow motion assumption (Shaat & Abdelkefi, 2016), the micromorphic theory is consistent with mi-
crostructure theory of Mindlin (1964). Second gradient theory (Germain, 1973), which is also called strain gradient theory,
is a special case of microstructure theory (Mindlin, 1964) by specifying the micro-deformation to be macro-displacement-
gradient. Therefore the theory has only the macro-displacement as degree of freedom and is easy to be implemented. There
are several well-known simplified versions of second gradient theory, such as the couple stress theory (Koiter, 1964; Mindlin
& Tiersten, 1962; Toupin, 1962) corresponding to letting the micro-deformation gradient be only rotation gradient, Kleinert
strain gradient theory (Kleinert, 1989) corresponding to considering the gradient of volumetric strain in addition to rotation

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (H. Ma), (Y. Wei).
0020-7225/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 61

gradient as the micro-deformation gradient, etc. Some other models, like Aifantis (Altan & Aifantis, 1997; Gao & Park, 2007)
and Wei & Hutchinson’s strain gradient elasticity theory (Song, Liu, Ma, Liang, & Wei, 2014; Wei, 2006; Wei & Hutchinson,
1997), use strain gradient or second gradient of displacement as the micro-deformation gradient and define different con-
stitutive relations. The objective of developing these high order continuum theories is to characterize the size effect well
observed when size of structure is decreasing to micro or nano scale (Fleck, Muller, Ashby, & Hutchinson, 1994; Kouzeli &
Mortensen, 2002), the microstructure comes into play in this case which is unable to be accounted for by Cauchy continuum
theory without microstructure (Hu, Liu, & Lu, 2005).
In order to predict the size effect manifested in composites materials, proper homogenization method should be estab-
lished. Inclusion problem is an essential step to build micromechanical models, in which Eshelby tensor is a key factor.
Eshelby tensors in some microcontinuum models have already been obtained. For example, Eshelby tensors of spherical,
cylindrical inclusions (Cheng & He, 1995, 1997) and ellipsoidal inclusion (Ma & Hu, 2006) are derived for micropolar medium
and Aifantis strain gradient medium (Gao & Ma, 2009, 2010; Ma & Gao, 2010; Zheng & Zhao, 2004) derived Eshelby ten-
sor for spherical inclusion in couple stress medium. Zhang and Sharma (2005) examined Eshelby tensor of Kleinert’s strain
gradient theory. Unlike the classical Eshelby tensor, these Eshelby tensors are not uniform inside the inclusion domain. But
based on the average of these Eshelby tensors, an average equivalent inclusion method could be established for composites
(Liu & Hu, 2005; Ma & Gao, 2014; Sharma & Dasgupta, 2002; Xun, Hu, & Huang, 2004), and it can be used to predict the
size-dependence of inclusion on overall elastoplastic property of composites.
As discussed above, the second gradient theory is a more general high order theory and easy to use, it may offer an
alternative and flexible tool to establish homogenization method for composites. However inclusion problem of a general
isotropic second gradient medium has not been addressed yet, which is the objective of this manuscript. The Green’s func-
tion and Eshelby tensor will be derived in analytical form, and their interconnections with the existing strain gradient
theories, couple stress, Aifantis, Kleinert, and Wei & Hutchinson’s models will be demonstrated. Finally effective modulus
of a particulate composite will be presented to illustrate the capacity to predict size effect. The manuscript is arranged as
follows, in Section 2, Green’s function of a general isotropic second gradient medium will be derived. The inclusion problem
will be examined in Section 3, and its connection with different strain gradient theories will be discussed in Section 4. Some
examples will be presented in Section 5 to illustrate characteristic of derived Eshelby tensor. In Section 6, effective mod-
ulus of a composite with spherical inclusion will be given to characterize size effect of mechanical behavior. Finally some
conclusions are presented.

2. Green’s function

For a linear isotropic second gradient continuum, the governing equations are (Mindlin, 1964):
geometrical relations:
εi j = ui, j + u j,i = ε ji , ηi jk = ∇ ∇ u = uk,i j = η jik (2.1)
equilibrium equation:

σik,i − τi jk,i j + fk = 0 (2.2)

constitutive equations:
∂W ∂W
σi j = = Ci jkl εkl τi jk = = Ti jklmn ηlmn (2.3)
∂ εi j ∂ ηi jk
where ui is displacement vector, ɛij and ηijk are strain and strain gradient tensors, σ ij and τ ijk are stress and high-order
stress tensors. fk is body force vector. W is strain energy density function, its expression is (Mindlin, 1965):
W = λεii ε j j + μεi j εi j + a1 ηi j j ηikk + a2 ηiik ηk j j + a3 ηiik η j jk + a4 ηi jk ηi jk + a5 ηi jk ηk ji (2.4)
where λ, μ are Lame constants, a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , a5 are additional constants introduced in second gradient theory. Cijkl and
Tijklmn are elasticity tensors of second gradient materials, their expressions are:

Ci jkl = λδi j δkl + μδik δ jl + μδil δ jk (2.5)

Ti jklmn = δ δ δmn + δim δ jk δln + δik δ jm δln + δik δ jl δmn
2 il jk
+ δi j δlk δmn + δi j δmk δln + δin δ jk δlm + δik δ jn δml + 2a3 δi j δkn δlm
+ a4 δim δ jl δkn + δil δ jm δkn + δin δ jm δkl + δin δ jl δkm + δim δ jn δlk + δil δ jn δmk (2.6)
δ ij is Kronecker delta.
62 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

Substituting geometrical Eq. (2.1) and constitutive Eq. (2.3) to equilibrium Eq. (2.2), the displacement equilibrium equa-
tion is obtained:
(λ + μ )u j, ji + μui,kk − [(λ + 2μ )l12 u j, ji − μl22 (u j, ji − ui,kk )],ll + fi = 0 (2.7a)
or in vector presentation:

(λ+2μ )(1 − l12 ∇ 2 )∇∇ · u − μ(1 − l22 ∇ 2 )∇ × ∇ × u + f = 0 (2.7b)

2 ( a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + a5 ) 2 ( a3 + a4 )
l12 = , l22 = (2.8)
λ+2μ μ
l1 , l2 are two material characteristic lengths of second gradient theory.
To derive fundamental solution of Eq. (2.7), the method of Sandru (1966) is used and following differential operators are
1 = (λ + 2μ ) 1 − l12 , 2 = (λ + 2μ ) 1 − l12 − μ 1 − l22
3 = μ 1 − l22 , and 1 = 2 + 3 (2.9)
The body force vector f can be decomposed into scalar and vector potentials as:
f=∇ 0 +∇ × (2.10)
where 0 is a scalar potential,  is a vector potential, and ∇ · = 0.
It can be proved that if the following relations are satisfied,
1 0 =− 0, 3 =− and ∇· =0 (2.11)
solution of Eq. (2.7) is:
u=∇ 0 +∇ × (2.12)
The detailed proof is listed in Appendix A.
Let Q be an impulse body load applied at position x in an infinitely extended body, that is:
f = Q δ x − x (2.13)

where δ (x − x ) is Dirac delta function.

Following Sandru (1966), when f = ∇ 0 +∇ × , we have:

 = − Q×∇ (2.14)
4π r
where r = |x − x |.
By suing Fourier transformation and inverse transformation, solutions of Eq. (2.11) are obtained:
1 l12 1 − e−r/l1
= Q · ∇r + Q · ∇( )
8π (λ+2μ ) 4π (λ+2μ )
l22 1 − e−r/l2 1
=− ∇ ×Q − ∇ × ( Qr ) (2.15)
4π μ r 8π μ
According to Eq. (2.12), the fundamental displacement field of second gradient continuum is:
1 2 l12 1 − e−r/l1
u= Q · ∇∇r +
Q− Q · ∇∇
8π μ λ+2μ r 4π (λ+2μ ) r
l2 1 − e−r/l2 1 e−r/l2
− 2 Q · ∇∇ − Q (2.16)
4π μ r 4π μ r
or written in vector component presentation:
ui = Gi j Q j = (Gci j + G1i j + G2i j )Q j (2.17)

where Gci j = 8π1μ ( 2r δi j − λλ++2μμ r,i j )

l12 1 − e−r/l1
G1i j =
4π (λ+2μ ) r
,i j
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 63

l22 1 − e−r/l2 1 e−r/l2
G2i j = − − δi j (2.18)
4π μ r 4π μ r
,i j

Gij is Green’s function of second gradient theory. Gci j is the classical Green’s function, G1i j and G2i j are the ones related respec-
tively to the characteristic length l1 and l2 of second gradient theory.

3. Inclusion problem

3.1. Eigen deformation problem

Consider an infinite linear isotropic second gradient material with eigenstrain εi∗j and eigenstrain-gradient ηi∗jk , which are
nonelastic deformations (Mura, 1987). The constitutive Eq. (2.3) must be modified to:

σi j = Ci jkl (εkl − εkl∗ ) τi jk = Ti jklmn (ηlmn − ηlmn

) (3.1)
Substituting Eq. (2.1) and Eq. (3.1) to Eq. (2.2) and ignoring body force, we obtain:
C (un,mi + um,ni ) − Ti jklmn un,lmi j + fk∗ = 0 (3.2)
2 ikmn
where : fk∗ = − Cikmn εmn,i

− Ti jklmn ηlmn,i

j (3.3)

So the eigendeformation problem is transformed to an equivalent distributed body force problem.

To derive the displacement ui in terms of the obtained Green’s function, we employ the work reciprocal theorem of
second gradient medium:
fk u k dx = f  k uk dx (3.4)

where the quantities with and without a prime are two distinct independent sets of load and resulted displacement fields.
Let fk = δki δ (x − x ), then uk = Gcki + G1ki + G1ki = Gki
Using Eq. (3.4) and property of Dirac function, we obtain:

ui ( x ) = fk Gki (x − x )dx (3.5)

By substituting body force Eq. (3.3) into Eq. (3.5), displacement field due to previously prescribed eigendeformation can
be obtained:
us ( x ) = − Cikmn εmn

Gks,i x − x dx + Ti jklmn ηlmn

Gks,i j x − x dx (3.6)

Eq. (3.6) is a general expression and valid for any eigendeformation. With help of Eqs. (2.17), (2.18), (2.1), (2.3), local elastic
displacement, strain and stress fields due to any eigendeformation can be obtained completely.

3.2. Eshelby tensors

Considering an inclusion in an infinite linear isotropic second gradient material, uniform eigenstrain εi∗j and
eigenstrain-gradient ηi∗jk are prescribed in the inclusion. And eigendeformation is zero outside of . Here the inclusion
could be an arbitrary shape.
Then Eq. (3.6) can be rewritten as:

us (x ) = Ismn (x )εmn

+ Jslmn (x )ηlmn


where : Ismn (x ) = −Cikmn Gks,i dx , Jslmn (x ) = Ti jklmn Gks,i j dx (3.8)

By differentiating both sides of Eq. (3.7) and according to geometrical equation, the strain and strain gradient in
induced by the prescribed eigenstrain and eigenstrain-gradient can be written as:

εst (x ) = Sstmn (x )εmn

+ Sˆstlmn (x )ηlmn

, ηrts (x ) = Nrtsmn (x )εmn

+ Nˆ rtslmn (x )ηlmn

1 1
Sstmn (x ) = [Itmn,s (x ) + Ismn,t (x )], Sˆstlmn (x ) = J (x ) + Jslmn,t (x )
2 2 tlmn,s
Nrtsmn (x ) = Ismn,rt (x ), Nˆ rtslmn (x ) = Jslmn,rt (x ) (3.10)
64 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

λ+μ λ
Ismn (x ) = ψ (x ) − δ φ (x ) − δsn φ,m (x ) − δms φ,n (x )
λ+2μ ,smn λ+2μ mn ,s
λ 2μ 2
+ δ M ( x, l1 ) − l [φ (x ) − M,smn (x, l1 )]
λ+2μ mn ,s λ+2μ 1 ,smn
+ 2l22 [φ,smn (x ) − M,smn (x, l2 )] + δsn M,m (x, l2 ) + δsm M,n (x, l2 ) (3.11)

(λ+μ )(a4 + a5 ) 2 μa 1 − ( λ + μ ) a 2
Jslmn (x ) = − ψ,slmn (x ) + [δmn φ,sl (x ) + δln φ,sm (x )]
(λ+2μ )μ 2(λ+2μ )μ
μa 2 − 2 ( λ + μ ) a 3 2a 2a
+ δml φ,sn (x ) + 4 δsn φ,ml (x ) + 5 [δsl φ,mn (x ) + δsm φ,ln (x )]
(λ+2μ )μ μ μ
2 ( a4 + a5 ) 2 2a1 + a2
+ l [φ (x ) − M,slmn (x, l1 )] − [δmn M,sl (x, l1 ) + δln M,sm (x, l1 )]
(λ+2μ ) 1 ,slmn 2(λ+2μ )
2a3 + a2 2 ( a4 + a5 ) 2
− δ M ( x, l1 ) − l2 [φ,slmn (x ) − M,slmn (x, l2 )]
(λ+2μ ) ml ,sn μ
a2 2a3 2a
+ [δmn M,sl (x, l2 ) + δln M,sm (x, l2 )] + δ M (x, l2 ) − 4 δsn M,ml (x, l2 )
2μ μ ml ,sn μ
a5 a5 a2 2a3
− δsl M,mn (x, l2 ) − δ M ( x, l2 ) − [δmn δsl + δln δsm ]M (x, l2 ) − δsn δml M (x, l2 ) (3.12)
μ μ sm ,ln 2μl22 μl22
The four tensors Sstmn , Sˆstlmn , Ntsmn , N
ˆ rtslmn are Eshelby tensors of an isotropic second gradient medium, respectively. Sstmn
is Eshelby tensor corresponding to the classical one of Cauchy medium. Sˆstlmn , Ntsmn , N ˆ rtslmn are additional Eshelby tensors
due to second gradient theory.
It is seen that Eshelby tensors depends on the following three integrals and their derivatives:
1 1 1  1 e−r/k 
ψ (x ) = rdx , φ (x ) = dx , M ( x, k ) = dx (3.13)
4π 4π r 4π r

In classical Eshelby tensor, there are only the first and second integrals (Mura, 1987). For inclusion of special shape, such
as spherical, cylindrical and ellipsoidal, the two integrals can be derived analytically and the details can be found in
Mura (1987). For convenience, these analytical expressions are listed in Appendix B.
The evaluation of the third integral is difficult. But for spherical and cylindrical inclusions their analytical expressions
have been given by Cheng and He (1995, 1997). For ellipsoidal inclusion, Ma and Hu (2006) provided a simplified form
involving only one-dimensional integral. The detailed expressions of the third integral and its derivatives are listed in Ap-
pendix B for spherical, cylindrical and ellipsoidal inclusions respectively.
Here for simplicity, we give only expression of tensor Sstmn , which is also the most interested one. It is written as:
c 1 2
Sstmn = Sstmn + Sstmn + Sstmn (3.14)
λ+μ λ 1
Sstmn = ψ (x ) − δ φ (x ) − [δsn φ,mt (x ) + δtn φ,sm (x ) + δms φ,nt (x ) + δmt φ,sn (x )]
λ+2μ ,stmn λ+2μ mn ,st 2
λ 2μl12
Sstmn = δmn M,st (x, l1 ) − [φ (x ) − M,stmn (x, l1 )]
λ+2μ λ+2μ ,stmn
Sstmn = 2l22 [φ,stmn (x ) − M,stmn (x, l2 )] + [δsn M,tm (x, l2 ) + δtn M,sm (x, l2 ) + δms M,nt (x, l2 ) + δmt M,sn (x, l2 )] (3.15)
where Sstmn 1
is the classical Eshelby tensor, Sstmn 2
and Sstmn are new parts introduced by second gradient theory and depend
on the characteristic length l1 and l2 , respectively. When strain gradient effects are neglected, i.e. l1 =l2 =0, the obtained
Eshelby tensor Eq. (3.14) is reduced to the classical one Sstmn .
With help of the integrals in Eq. (3.13), analytical expression of Sstmn can be obtained for spherical and cylindrical inclu-
sions. For ellipsoidal inclusion, tensor Sstmn can be derived with only one-dimensional integral in Appendix B.3. The other
three Eshelby tensors can also be evaluated in the same way.

3.3. Average Eshelby tensors

Unlike Eshelby tensor in Cauchy medium, Eshelby tensors in second gradient medium are not uniform inside the in-
clusion . In the following, we will give their averages over inclusion domain, which are useful to build homogenization
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 65

We calculate volume average over inclusion domain on both sides of Eq. (3.9). It is found that the following properties
hold whether for spherical, cylindrical or ellipsoidal inclusions:

Sˆstlmn (x ) = 0, Nstlmn I = 0 (3.16)


where •I means volume average of said quantity over inclusion.

Eq. (3.16) means that in sense of average, Eshelby tensors in second gradient medium are uncoupled. That is:

εst (x )I = Sstmn (x )I εmn

, ηrts (x )I = Nˆ rtslmn (x ) ηlmn


For spherical inclusion, these average Eshelby tensors have analytical expressions and can be written as:

Sstmn (x )I = s1 δst δmn + s2 (δsm δtn + δsn δmt )

Nˆ rtslmn (x ) = nˆ 1 δsn δml δrt + nˆ 2 (δnr δts δlm + δnt δrs δlm + δsl δmn δrt + δsm δnl δrt )
+ nˆ 3 (δsl δmr δtn +δsl δmt δrn + δsm δlr δtn +δsm δlt δrn ) + nˆ 4 (δsn δmr δlt + δsn δmt δlr )
+ nˆ 5 (δmn δrs δlt +δmn δts δlr + δln δts δmr + δln δrs δmt ) (3.18)
3λ − 2μ 5λ + 2μ 2
s1 = + (l1 )(l1 ) − (l2 )(l2 )
15(λ + 2μ ) 5R3 ( λ + 2μ ) 5R3
3λ + 8μ 2μ 3
s2 = + (l1 )(l1 ) + (l2 )(l2 ) (3.19)
15(λ + 2μ ) 5R3 ( λ + 2μ ) 5R3

(l2 )(l2 ) (l1 )(l1 )

nˆ 1 = 2(a5 − 6a4 − 28a3 ) − [14a3 + 7a2 + 2(a4 + a5 )]
35μR3 l22 35(λ+2μ )R3 l12
(l2 )(l2 ) (l1 )(l1 )
nˆ 2 = (8a4 − 13a5 − 28a2 + 28a3 ) − [8(a4 + a5 ) + 7(2a1 + 3a2 + 4a3 )]
35μR l2
3 2 35(λ+2μ )R3 l12
(l2 )(l2 ) (l1 )(l1 )
nˆ 3 = (8a4 − 38a5 ) − 8 ( a4 + a5 )
35μR3 l22 35(λ+2μ )R3 l12
(l2 )(l2 ) (l1 )(l1 )
nˆ 4 = 4 ( a5 − 6a4 ) − 4 ( a4 + a5 )
35μR3 l22 35(λ+2μ )R3 l12
(l2 )(l2 ) (l1 )(l1 )
nˆ 5 = 2 ( 7 a2 + 4 a4 + 4 a5 ) − [8(a4 + a5 ) + 14(2a1 + a2 )]
35μR l2
3 2 35(λ+2μ )R3 l12

and (k ) = −k(k + R )e−R/k , (k ) = R cosh( Rk ) − k sinh( Rk ), R is radius of spherical inclusion.
For cylindrical inclusion, they are

Sαβγ ρ (x ) = t1 δαβ δγ ρ + t2 (δαγ δβρ + δαρ δβγ ) (3.20)


Nˆ αβγ ρξ ς = tˆ1 δαβ δγ ς δξ ρ +tˆ2 (δας δβρ δγ ξ + δαρ δβς δγ ξ + δγ ρ δαξ δβς + δγ ρ δας δβξ )

+ tˆ3 (δαγ δβρ δξ ς + δαρ δβγ δξ ς + δαγ δβξ δρς + δαξ δβγ δρς ) + tˆ4 (δαξ δβρ δγ ς + δαρ δβξ δγ ς )
+ tˆ5 (δαβ δξ ς δγ ρ + δαβ δρς δγ ξ + δαγ δβς δξ ρ + δας δβγ δξ ρ )
where indices α , β , γ , ρ , ξ , ζ range from 1 to 2, and
λ−μ 2λ + μ R R 1 R R
t1 = − I1 K1 + I1 K1
4 ( λ + 2μ ) 2 ( λ + 2μ ) l1 l1 2 l2 l2
λ + 3μ μ R R 1 R R
t2 = − I1 K1 − I1 K1
4 ( λ + 2μ ) 2 ( λ + 2μ ) l1 l1 2 l2 l2
18a3 +5a4 − a5
 R   R  3 ( 2a + a ) + ( a + a )  R   R 
3 2 4 5
tˆ1 = K 1 I1 + K1 I1
12μl2 12l1 (λ+2μ )
2 l2 l2 2 l1 l1
( a4 + a5 )  R
 2 a5 − a4

tˆ2 = K1 I1 + 2 K1 l I1
12l1 (λ+2μ ) 12μl2
2 l l l
1 1 2 2

3 ( 2 a1 + a2 ) + 2 ( a4 + a5 )
 3 a2 − 2 ( a4 + a5 )
tˆ3 = K1 I1 − K1 I1
24l1 (λ+2μ ) 24μl2
2 l1 l1 2 l2 l2
66 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

5 a4 − a5
R R ( a4 + a5 ) R R
tˆ4 = K1 I1 + K1 I1
12μl2 12l1 (λ+2μ )
2l2 l2 2 l1 l1
9 a2 − 6a3 − 4a4 + 2 a5
 3 ( 2 a1 + 3 a2 + 4 a3 ) + 4 ( a4 + a5 )
tˆ5 = K1 I 1 + K 1 I1 (3.21)
24μl22 l2 l2 24l1 (λ+2μ )
2 l1 l1

I1 ( k ) and K1 ( k ) are the first order modified Bessel functions of the first kind and second kind respectively.R is radius of
z R

cylindrical inclusion.
For ellipsoidal inclusion, full analytical expressions of these average Eshelby tensors are difficult to be derived. But with
the help of formulas in Appendix B.3, these average Eshelby tensors over an ellipsoidal inclusion can be computed easily.

4. Connection with existing simplified strain gradient theories

As discussed in introduction, some well-known simplified strain gradient theories, such as couple stress theory, Aifantis
and Kleinert and Wei & Hutchinson’s models, have similar forms of governing equation (Gao & Ma, 2009; Zhang & Sharma,
2005; Zheng & Zhao, 2004) as that of the general isotropic second gradient theory, it is therefore interesting to explore their
connection. In the following, we focus on Eshelby tensor Sstmn for simplicity, and the other Eshelby tensors can be analyzed
in the same way.

4.1. Couple stress theory (abbreviated as CS)

Couple stress theory is the form Ⅲ in Mindlin (1964) theory with only rotation gradient for micro-deformation gradient.
According to its strain energy density function (Zheng & Zhao, 2004), by setting
1 2 1 2
a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = μl , a5 = − μl (4.1)
2 cs 2 cs
connection of the two characteristic lengths in second gradient theory and CS are obtained:
l1 = 0, l2 = lcs (4.2)
where lcs is material constant with dimension of length in CS theory. Eq. (4.2) shows that there is only one characteristic
length l2 in CS.
Substituting Eq. (4.2) to Eq. (2.7), Eq. (2.17) and Eq. (3.14), we obtain the same governing equation and Green’s function
of couple stress theory. Eshelby tensors for spherical, cylindrical and ellipsoidal inclusions of couple stress theory can also
be obtained by using Eqs. (4.1) and (4.2), the results of Zheng and Zhao (2004) for spherical inclusion is found as a special

4.2. Aifantis strain gradient theory (abbreviated as ASG)

ASG theory is the form Ⅱ in Mindlin (1964) theory with special definition of high-order stress. According to its strain
energy density function (Gao & Ma, 2009), by setting
1 2 1 2 1 2
a1 = λl , a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = μl , a5 = μl (4.3)
2 Ai f antis 2 Ai f antis 2 Ai f antis
we obtain also the following relation between the characteristic lengths of ASG and second gradient theory:
l1 =l2 = lAi f antis (4.4)
where lAi f antis is material length scale parameter. It is seen that ASG theory has two equal characteristic lengths.
Using Eqs. (4.3) and (4.4), the governing equation, Green’s function and Eshelby tensors of ASG are obtained, which are
consistent with those in Gao and Ma (2009).

4.3. Kleinert strain gradient theory (KSG)

According to the strain energy density function of KSG (Zhang & Sharma, 2005), we set
λ + 2μ  1 2 1 2
a1 = 2
lKleinert − μl , a3 = μl , a2 = a4 = a5 = 0 (4.5)
2 2 Kleinert 2 Kleinert
then we have:

l1 =lKleinert , l2 = lKleinert (4.6)
It is seen that the characteristic lengths in second gradient theory are the corresponding characteristic lengths in KSG.
Similarly, the governing equation, Green’s function and Eshelby tensor of KSG can be obtained directly by using Eqs.
(4.5) and (4.6) in our work.
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 67

4.4. Wei–Hutchinson strain gradient theory (W-HSG)

Inclusion problem of W-HSG has not been examined yet. Here we will derive it as a special case of our results.
According to the strain energy density function of W-HSG, we set
a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, a4 = ElW −H , a5 = 0 (4.7)
Then two corresponding characteristic lengths are respectively:

2E 2E
l1 = lW −H = h1 lW −H , l2 = lW −H = h2 lW −H (4.8)
λ + 2μ μ
where lW −H is material length parameter in W-HSG, E is Young’s modulus. It shows that W-HSG can be considered as special
case of second gradient theory specifically with Eqs. (4.7) and (4.8).
Substituting Eqs. (4.7) and (4.8) to Eqs. (2.7), (2.17) and (3.14), we obtain the displacement balance equation:

(λ+2μ )∇∇ · u − μ∇ × ∇ × u − 2ElW

−H ∇ u + f = 0

or in vector component presentation:

(λ + μ )u j, ji + μui,kk − 2ElW
−H (ui,kk ),ll = 0 (4.9)
Green’s function is given by:

Gi j = Gci j + G1i j +G2i j

1 λ+μ
2 h21 lW
1 − e−r/(h1 lW −H )
= δi j − r + −H
8π μ λ+2μ ,i j
r 4π (λ+2μ ) r
,i j
2 2
 −r/ ( h l )
 −r/ ( h l )
h l 1−e 2 W −H 1 e 2 W −H
− 2 W −H − δi j (4.10)
4π μ r 4π μ r
,i j

and Eshelby tensors of W-HSG are:

c 1 2
Sstmn = Sstmn + Sstmn + Sstmn
λ+μ λ 1
Sstmn = ψ (x ) − δ φ (x ) − [δsn φ,mt (x ) + δtn φ,sm (x ) + δms φ,nt (x ) + δmt φ,sn (x )]
λ+2μ ,stmn λ+2μ mn ,st 2
λ 2μh21 lW2
Sstmn = δmn M,st (x, h1 lW −H ) − −H
[φ,stmn (x ) − M,stmn (x, h1 lW −H )]
λ+2μ λ+2μ
−H [φ,stmn (x ) − M,stmn (x, h2 lW −H )]
Sstmn = 2h22 lW

+ [δsn M,tm (x, h2 lW −H ) + δtn M,sm (x, h2 lW −H ) + δms M,nt (x, h2 lW −H ) + δmt M,sn (x, h2 lW −H )] (4.11)
It is proved that these results can also be obtained directly by the method in Section 2 and 3.

5. Numerical examples

In this section, some numerical examples will be given to illustrate property of Eshelby tensor of second gradient theory.
And Eshelby tensors of special strain gradient theories discussed in Section 4 will also be included. For simplicity, only
spherical inclusion is considered in the following.
For spherical inclusion in second gradient medium, analytical expression of Eshelby tensor can be obtained with help
of Eq. (3.13) (detail see Appendix B.1) and Eq. (3.14). Only S1111 and S1122 are computed in the following. R is radius of the
spherical inclusion. Lame constants used in computation are λ = 50 GPa, μ = 26 GPa. We set l2 = 1μm, and l1 is propor-
tional to l2 . Therefore, for CS there are l1 = 0, l2 = lcs = 1 μm, for ASG there are l1 = l2 = lAi f antis = 1μm, and for W-HSG,
there arel1 = 0.5l2 = 0.5μm. The two characteristic lengths of KSG equal to l1 and l2 respectively so that the result of KSG
can be considered as the same as those of second gradient theory, but they also set a2 = a4 = a5 = 0.
Fig. 1 shows variation of components S1111 and S1122 along axis x1 with different values of l1 . The radius of inclusion is
R = 1l2 . The corresponding results of CS, ASG, W-HSG and the classical model (calculated by Eq. (3.15a)) are also included.
It can be seen that all Eshelby tensors of strain gradient models vary with position inside of spherical inclusion. As shown
in Fig. 1a, S1111 decreases with increase of x1 for all second gradient models. The classical Cauchy model predicts the largest
value of S1111 , and different models control amplitude and variation of S1111 . From Fig. 1b, it can be seen that, the length
parameter l1 has a significant influence on S1122 , i.e. different strain gradient models have quite different values of S1122 .
With increase of x1 , S1122 increases slightly in CS, decreases in W-HSG and ASG. The value of S1122 is larger than that in
classical medium for CS medium and smaller for ASG medium.
68 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

x2=x3=0 classical(l1=l2=0)
0.8 R=1l2
l2=1 m Couple Stress(l1=0)
S1111/S 1111

W-H (l1=0.5l2)



0.0 l1=5l2

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(a) S1111

3.0 Couple stress(l1=0)

2.0 l1=0.1l2
l2=1 m W-H (l1=0.5l2)
1.5 classical(l1=l2=0)
S1122/S 1122


0.0 l1=5l2

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

(b) S1122
Fig. 1. Variation of Eshelby tensor component along axis x1 with different l1 . (a) S1111 , (b)S1122 .
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 69

Fig. 2. Variations of the effective moduli as a function of the size of inclusion. (a) Kc (b) μc .
70 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

Fig. 3. Comparison between the present model and different experimental results for the effective Young’s modulus. (a) Effective Young’s modulus of
10%SiC/Fe vs. inclusion size (b) Effective Young’s modulus of 10% and 20% SiC/Al vs. inclusion size.
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 71

6. Effective modulus

For isotropic composite composed of a matrix of second gradient medium and spherical inclusions, according to the
average equivalent inclusion method and the generalized Mori–Tanaka method (Liu & Hu, 2005), effective bulk modulus Kc
and effective shear modulus μc can be obtained analytically:
Kc = K0 1 +
( 1 − f )Sα + K0
K1 −K0
μc = μ0 1 + μ0 (6.1)
( 1 − f )Sβ + μ1 − μ 0


3K0 9K0
Sα = 3s1 + 2s2 = + 3 (l1 )(l1 )
3K0 + 4μ0 a (3K0 + 4μ0 )
6(K0 + 2μ0 ) 12μ0 6
Sβ = 2s2 = + 3 (l1 )(l1 ) + 3 (l2 )(l2 ) (6.2)
5(3K0 + 4μ0 ) 5a (3K0 + 4μ0 ) 5a

K0 , μ0 , K1 , μ1 are bulk modulus and shear modulus of the matrix and inclusion respectively, l1 , l2 are two characteristic
lengths of the matrix, f is volume fraction of inclusion, s1 , s2 are defined in Eq. (3.19).
Variations of Kc and μc as function of inclusion size with different l1 are shown in Fig. 2a and b respectively. The material
parameters are K1 =247 GPa, μ1 =209 GPa, K0 =67 GPa, μ1 =26 GPa and f = 0.15. Both Kc and μc decrease with increase of
inclusion size, and tend to classical result for large size of inclusion for all models. Kc with CS model is the same as classical
result due to only rotation gradient considered, as expected.
We have compared the effective Young’s modulus predicted by the present model with several experimental results in
literatures, and the classical results are also included. Composites with Fe matrix and 10% SiC particles with different sizes
of 3, 13, 21, 45 μm are taken for comparison, which was presented by Wang, Zhang, Zong and Yang (2013). Eq. (6.1) and
Ec = 39KKcc+μμcc are used to evaluate the effective Young’s modulus. The characteristic lengths of strain gradient matrix are set
to bel1 = 3.9 μm, l2 = 6 μm. And other material constants are taken form the experiment, which are E1 =450 GPa, υ1 =0.17
for SiC and E0 =168 GPa, υ0 =0.25 for Fe matrix. As shown in Fig. 3(a), our results agree with the experiments while the
classical method cannot characterize the size-dependence of particles. It should be mentioned that this size-dependence
is not significant in elasticity unless the size of particle reaches nanoscale, the interface effect becomes pronounced, and
however it will become much more significant for overall plastic property of composites.
The comparison of effective Young’s modulus between classical results, the present model and experimental results are
shown in Fig. 3(b) for SiC/Al composites with different inclusion sizes and different inclusion volume fractions. In Fig 3(b),
hollow symbols are the experimental results taken from Chawla, Jones, Andres, and Allison (1998) for 2080Al with different
SiC sizes of 5, 6, 23 μm, El-Daly, Abdelhameed, Hashish, and Eid (2012) for Al with 70 nm SiC particles and Llorca, Suresh,
and Needleman (1992) for 2124Al with 3.5 μm SiC particles. The blue and black lines are estimated by our model and
classical model respectively. The material constants used in calculations are E1 =450 GPa, υ1 =0.17 for SiC and E0 =75 GPa
(Chawla et al., 1998), υ0 =0.33 for Al matrix and the two characteristic lengths of strain gradient matrix are l1 = 2 μm,
l2 = 0.2 μm. Again the proposed model can capture the dependence of overall elastic property on particle size.
Our elastic micromechanical model predict successfully the size-dependence of Young’s and it can be easily extended to
predicted elastoplastic behavior (Liu & Hu, 2005), where size effect is much more pronounced.

7. Conclusions

Inclusion problem of linear isotropic second gradient continuum is examined in this paper. Green’s function is firstly
derived in analytical form, and Eshelby tensors are obtained for inclusion of arbitrary shape. They are all composed of three
parts, one is of classical part, and the other two are related to the characteristic lengths of second gradient theory. Analytical
Eshelby tensors and their averages are obtained for spherical, cylindrical and ellipsoidal inclusion. It is found that Eshelby
tensors are not uniform inside of inclusion, their variations depend intimately on the two characteristic lengths of second
gradient theory. We also demonstrate that Green’s functions and Eshelby tensors of some special second gradient theories,
including couple stress, Aifantis, Kleinert and Wei-Hutchinson strain gradient models, are special cases of our results by
proper definition of l1 , l2 . Finally, effective modulus of isotropic composite with spherical inclusions and matrix of second
gradient medium are provided analytically. It is shown that influence of inclusion’s size can be taken into account and
classical results are recovered when size of inclusion is large enough. Our results have fundamental importance in building
different homogenization methods to predict overall property of composites.
72 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78


This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants no. 11572329, 11432014, 11672301,
11372318, 11672296, 11521202 and by the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant no.


A. The solution of Eq. (2.7)

Following Sandru (1966) and the defined differential operators Eq. (2.9), the solution of Eq. (2.7) is:

u = 1 F − 2 ∇∇ · F (A.1)

where : 1 3 F = −f (A.2)
body force f can be decomposed into:

f=∇ 0 +∇ × (A.3)
Supposing the body force f is a rotational-free field, we have

f=∇ 0 (A.4)
If we define

3 F = ∇ 0 (A.5)
then Eq. (A.2) can be rewritten as:

1 0 =− 0 (A.6)
with help of ∇∇ · F = ∇ × ∇ × F + F and 1 = 2 + 3 , Eq. (A.1) is

u=∇ 0 (A.7)
Now we suppose the body force f is a solenoidal field, we have

f=∇ × (A.8)

and if : 1 F = ∇ × (A.9)
Eq. (A.2) can be rewritten as:

3 =− (A.10)
then the Eq. (A.1) is

u=∇ ×  (A.11)
Therefore, u = ∇ 0 +∇ × is solution of Eq. (2.7).

B. Expressions of three integrals in Eq. (3.13)

B.1. Spherical inclusion

1 4
ψ (x ) = − (r − 10R2 r2 − 15R4 ) (B.1)

and ψ,i jkl = − δi j δkl + δik δ jl + δ jk δil (B.2)

φ ( x ) = − ( r 2 − 3R2 ) (B.3)

and φ,i j = − δi j (B.4)
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 73

The analytical expressions of the third integral for a spherical inclusion are given by Cheng and He (1995):
sinh(r/k )
M (x, k ) = k2 + (k )k (B.5)

where: (k ) = −k(k + R )e−R/k , r = x21 + x22 + x23 , R is the radius of the spherical inclusion.
To obtain its derivatives, N (r, k ) = M (x, k ) and D = 1 d
r dr are defined, then,

∂ M dN ∂ r
= = xi DN (B.6)
∂ xi dr ∂ xi

∂ l
(D N ) = xi Dl+1 N (B.7)
∂ xi

so : M,i (x, k ) = xi DN
M,i j (x, k ) = (δi j xk + δik x j + δ jk xi )D2 N + xi x j xk D3 N
M,i jkl (x, k ) = A˜ i jkl D2 N + B˜i jkl D3 N + xi x j xk xl D4 N
M,i jklm (x, k ) = C˜i jklm D3 N + D˜ i jklm D4 N + xi x j xk xl xm D5 N
M,i jklmn (x, k ) = E˜i jklmn D3 N + F˜i jklmn D4 N + G˜ i jklmn D5 N + xi x j xk xl xm xn D6 N (B.8)
r r
(k ) = −k(k + R )e−R/k , (r, k ) = r cosh( ) − k sinh( ) (B.9)
k k

(k )
DN = (r, k )
(k ) sinh( kr ) 3(r, k )
D2 N = −
r3 k r2
(k ) sinh( kr ) 3(r, k )
D2 N = −
r3 k r2
(k ) 105(r, k ) 45 sinh( kr ) 10 cosh( kr ) sinh( kr )
D4 N = − + − +
r5 r 4 kr 2 2
k r k3
(k ) 945(r, k ) 420 sinh( kr ) 105 cosh( kr ) 15 sinh( kr ) r cosh( kr )
D5 N = − + − +
r7 r4 kr 2 k2 r k3 k4
6 (k ) 10395(r, k ) 4725 sinh( kr ) 525 cosh( kr ) 210 sinh( kr ) 21 cosh( kr ) sinh( kr )
D N= − + − + − + (B.10)
r7 r 6 kr 4 2
k r 3 3
k r 2 4
k r k5


A˜ i jkl = δi j δkl + δik δ jl + δ jk δil

B˜i jkl = δi j xk xl + δik x j xl + δ jk xi xl + δil x j xk + δ jl xi xk + δlk xi x j
C˜i jklm = δi j δkl xm + δik δ jl xm + δ jk δil xm + δi j δkm xl + δi j δlm xk + δik δ jm xl + δik δlm x j + δ jk δim xl
+ δ jk δlm xi + δil δ jm xk + δil δkm x j + δ jl δim xk + δ jl δkm xi + δlk δim x j + δlk δ jm xi
D˜ i jklm = δi j xk xl xm + δik x j xl xm + δ jk xi xl xm + δil x j xk xm + δ jl xi xk xm + δlk xi x j xm
+ δim x j xk xl + δ jm xi xk xl + δkm xi x j xl + δlm xi x j xk
E˜i jklmn = δi j δkl δmn + δik δ jl δmn + δ jk δil δmn + δi j δkm δln + δi j δlm δkn + δik δ jm δln + δik δlm δ jn + δ jk δim δln
+ δ jk δlm δin + δil δ jm δkn + δil δkm δ jn + δ jl δim δkn + δ jl δkm δni + δlk δim δ jn + δlk δ jm δni
F˜i jklmn = δi j δkl xm xn + δik δ jl xm xn + δ jk δil xm xn + δi j δkm xl xn + δi j δlm xk xn + δik δ jm xl xn + δik δlm x j xn + δ jk δim xl xn
+ δ jk δlm xi xn + δil δ jm xk xn + δil δkm x j xn + δ jl δim xk xn + δ jl δkm xi xn + δlk δim x j xn + δlk δ jm xi xn + δi j δkn xl xm
+ δik δ jn xl xm + δ jk δin xl xm + δil δ jn xk xm + δ jl δin xk xm + δlk δin x j xm + δim δ jn xk xl + δ jm δin xk xl + δkm δni x j xl
+ δlm δin x j xk + δi j δnl xk xm + δik δnl x j xm + δ jk δnl xi xm + δil δkn x j xm + δ jl δkn xi xm + δlk δ jn xi xm + δim δkn x j xl
+ δ jm δkn xi xl + δkm δ jn xi xl + δlm δn j xi xk + δi j δmn xk xl + δik δmn x j xl + δ jk δmn xi xl + δil δmn x j xk + δ jl δmn xi xk
+ δlk δmn xi x j + δim δnl x j xk + δ jm δnl xi xk + δkm δnl xi x j + δlm δkn xi x j
74 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

G˜ i jklmn = δi j xk xl xm xn + δik x j xl xm xn + δ jk xi xl xm xn + δil x j xk xm xn + δ jl xi xk xm xn + δlk xi x j xm xn + δim x j xk xl xn

+ δ jm xi xk xl xn + δkm xi x j xl xn + δlm xi x j xk xn + δin x j xk xl xm + δn j xi xk xl xm + δkn xi x j xl xm + δnl xi x j xk xm
+ δmn xi x j xk xl (B.11)
The average of the third integral and its derivatives in spherical inclusion are:
(k )(k )
M (x, k ) = k2 + 3k2
(k )(k )
M,i j (x, k ) = δi j
(k )(k ) ˜ (k )(k )
M,i jkl (x, k ) = Ai jkl = (δi j δkl + δik δ jl + δ jk δil )
5R3 k2 5R3 k2
(k )(k ) ˜
M,i jklmn (x, k ) = Ei jklmn
35R3 k4
(k )(k )
= (δi j δkl δmn + δik δ jl δmn + δ jk δil δmn + δi j δkm δln + δi j δlm δkn + δik δ jm δln + δik δlm δ jn
35R3 k4
+ δ jk δim δln + δ jk δlm δin + δil δ jm δkn + δil δkm δ jn + δ jl δim δkn + δ jl δkm δni + δlk δim δ jn + δlk δ jm δni )
M,i (x, k ) = M,i jk (x, k ) = M,i jklm (x, k ) =0 (B.12)

where (k ) = −k(k + R )e−R/k , (k ) = R cosh − k sinh (B.13)
k k

B.2. Cylindrical inclusion

The analytical expressions of the first two integrals are found in Ma and Gao (2010).
They are:
1 4
ψ (x ) = − ( z + c1 z 2 + c2 ) (B.14)

φ ( x ) = − ( z 2 + c3 ) (B.15)
ψ,αβγ ρ = − δ δγ ρ +δαγ δβρ +δβγ δαρ (B.16)
4 αβ

φ,αβ = − δαβ (B.17)

where z = x21 + x22 and c1 , c2 , c3 are constants whose values are of no interest here since only the derivatives of ψ (x) and
φ (x) are involved in the expressions of Eshelby tensors (Ma & Gao, 2010).
The analytical expressions of the third integral in Eq. (3.13) for a cylindrical inclusion are given by Cheng and
He (1997) and Ma and Gao (2010):
M (x, k ) = k2 + (k )I0 (B.18)
where (k ) = −kRK1 ( Rk ), I0 ( kz ) and K1 ( Rk ) are 0 order and 1 order modified Bessel functions of the first kind and second
kind respectively.
By defining N (z, k ) = M (x, k ) and D = 1z dz d
, there are:

(k )  z 
Dl N = Il , l ≥ 1, no summation for l (B.19)
(kz )l k
M,3 ( x , k ) = 0
M,α (x, k ) = xα DN
M,αβ (x, k ) = δαβ DN + xα xβ D2 N
M,αβγ (x, k ) = (δαβ xγ + δαγ xβ + δβγ xα )D2 N + xα xβ xγ D3 N
M,αβγ ρ (x, k ) = Aˆ αβγ ρ D2 N + Bˆαβγ ρ D3 N +xα xβ xγ xρ D4 N
M,αβγ ρξ (x, k ) = Cˆαβγ ρξ D3 N + Dˆ αβγ ρξ D4 N +xα xβ xγ xρ xξ D5 N
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 75

M,αβγ ρξ ς (x, k ) = Eˆαβγ ρξ ς D3 N + Fˆαβγ ρξ ς D4 N + Gˆ αβγ ρξ ς D5 N + xα xβ xγ xρ xξ xς D6 N (B.20)

Aˆ αβγ ρ = δαβ δγ ρ +δαγ δβρ +δβγ δαρ
Bˆαβγ ρ = δαβ xγ xρ + δαγ xβ xρ + δβγ xα xρ + δαρ xγ xβ + δβρ xα xγ + δργ xα xβ
Cˆαβγ ρξ = δαβ δγ ρ xξ + δαγ δβρ xξ + δβγ δαρ xξ + δαβ δγ ξ xρ + δαβ δρξ xγ + δαγ δβξ xρ + δαγ δρξ xβ + δβγ δαξ xρ
+ δβγ δξ ρ xα + δαρ δγ ξ xβ + δαρ δβξ xγ + δβρ δαξ xγ + δβρ δγ ξ xα + δργ δαξ xβ + δργ δβξ xα
Dˆ αβγ ρξ = δαβ xγ xρ xξ + δαγ xβ xρ xξ + δβγ xα xρ xξ + δαρ xγ xβ xξ + δβρ xα xγ xξ + δργ xα xβ xξ
+ δαξ xβ xγ xρ + δβξ xα xγ xρ + δγ ξ xα xβ xρ + δρξ xα xβ xγ
Eˆαβγ ρξ ς = δαβ δγ ρ δξ ς + δαγ δβρ δξ ς + δβγ δαρ δξ ς + δαβ δγ ξ δρς + δαβ δρξ δγ ς + δαγ δβξ δρς + δαγ δρξ δβς
+ δβγ δαξ δρς + δβγ δξ ρ δας + δαρ δγ ξ δβς + δαρ δβξ δγ ς + δβρ δαξ δγ ς + δβρ δγ ξ δας + δργ δαξ δβς
+ δργ δβξ δας
Fˆαβγ ρξ ς = δαβ δγ ρ xξ xς + δαγ δβρ xξ xς + δβγ δαρ xξ xς + δαβ δγ ξ xρ xς + δαβ δρξ xγ xς + δαγ δβξ xρ xς
+ δαγ δρξ xβ xς + δβγ δαξ xρ xς + δβγ δξ ρ xα xς + δαρ δγ ξ xβ xς + δαρ δβξ xγ xς + δβρ δαξ xγ xς
+ δβρ δγ ξ xα xς + δργ δαξ xβ xς + δργ δβξ xα xς + δαβ δγ ς xρ xξ + δαβ δρς xγ xξ + δαβ δξ ς xγ xρ
+ δαγ δβς xρ xξ + δαγ δρς xβ xξ + δαγ δξ ς xβ xρ + δβγ δας xρ xξ +δβγ δρς xα xξ + δβγ δξ ς xα xρ
+ δαρ δγ ς xβ xξ + δαρ δβς xγ xξ + δαρ δξ ς xγ xβ + δβρ δας xγ xξ + δβρ δγ ς xα xξ + δβρ δξ ς xα xγ
+ δργ δας xβ xξ + δργ δβς xα xξ + δργ δξ ς xα xβ + δαξ δβς xγ xρ + δαξ δγ ς xβ xρ + δαξ δρς xβ xγ
+ δβξ δας xγ xρ + δβξ δγ ς xα xρ + δβξ δρς xα xγ + δγ ξ δας xβ xρ + δγ ξ δβς xα xρ + δγ ξ δρς xα xβ
+ δρξ δας xβ xγ + δρξ δβς xα xγ + δρξ δγ ς xα xβ
Gˆ αβγ ρξ ς = δαβ xγ xρ xξ xς + δαγ xβ xρ xξ xς + δβγ xα xρ xξ xς + δαρ xγ xβ xξ xς + δβρ xα xγ xξ xς + δργ xα xβ xξ xς
+ δαξ xβ xγ xρ xς + δβξ xα xγ xρ xς + δγ ξ xα xβ xρ xς + δρξ xα xβ xγ xς + δας xβ xγ xρ xξ + δβς xα xγ xρ xξ
+ δγ ς xα xβ xρ xξ + δρς xα xβ xγ xξ + δξ ς xα xβ xγ xρ (B.21)
The average of the third integral and its derivatives in cylindrical inclusion are:
M (x, k ) = k2 − 2k2 K1 I1
k k
M,αβ (x, k ) = −δαβ K1 I1 (B.22)
k k

1 R R 1 R
M,αβγ ρ (x, k ) =− K1 ( )I1 ( )Aˆ αβγ ρ = − 2 K1 I1 (δαβ δγ ρ + δαγ δβρ + δαρ δβγ )
4k2 k k 4k k k
a a
M,αβγ ρξ ς (x, k ) =− K1 I1 Eˆ
24k 4 k k αβγ ρξ ς

=− K1 I1 (δαβ δγ ρ δξ ς + δαγ δβρ δξ ς + δβγ δαρ δξ ς + δαβ δγ ξ δρς + δαβ δρξ δγ ς
24k4 k k
+ δαγ δβξ δρς + δαγ δρξ δβς + δβγ δαξ δρς + δβγ δξ ρ δας + δαρ δγ ξ δβς + δαρ δβξ δγ ς
+ δβρ δαξ δγ ς + δβρ δγ ξ δας + δργ δαξ δβς + δργ δβξ δας )
M,α (x, k ) = M,αβγ (x, k ) = M,αβγ ρξ (x, k ) =0

B.3. Ellipsoidal inclusion

a and b are defined as the half short axis and half major axis of an ellipsoid respectively. And the major axis lines with
axis x3 .
Because only the derivatives of ψ (x) and φ (x) are involved in expressions of Eshelby tensors, the expressions of the two
integrals are too complicated to be listed here. Their derivatives are (Mura, 1987):
ψ,i jkl = −δi j δkl [Ik − a2I IIK ] − δik δ jl + δ jk δil [IJ − a2I IIJ ] (B.23)

φ,i j = −δi j II (B.24)

g 3g − 2 1 ρ 2 ( 3g − 2 )
I1 = I2 = , I3 = 1 − g, a2 I13 = a2 I23 = , b2 I33 = −
2 2 (ρ 2 − 1 ) 3 3 (ρ 2 − 1 )
76 H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78

1 3g − 2
a2 I11 = a2 I22 = a2 I12 = −
4 8 (ρ 2 − 1 )

ρ  −1
ρ > 1, g =  3/2 [ρ ρ 2 − 1 − cosh (ρ )]
ρ2 − 1
ρ −1

ρ < 1, g =  3/2 [cosh (ρ ) − ρ 1 − ρ 2 ] (B.25)
1 − ρ2
In these formulas, the repeated lowercase indices are summed up from 1 to 3, the uppercase indices take on the same
numbers as the corresponding lowercase ones but are not summed. And a1 = a2 = a, a3 = b, ρ = b/a.
According to Ma and Hu (2006), the third integral can be simplified as:
1 e−r/k  b
M ( x, k ) = d x = k2 − k2 [ p(k ) · A(x, k )]du (B.26)
4π r 2 0
u+b2 u+b2
where: p(k ) = 1
3/2 (1 + a
k u+a2
) exp(− ak u+a2
), u = b2 tan2 θ
(u+b2 )

A(x, k ) = I0 (Bq ) cosh (C x3 ) (B.27)

 1 u a
q= x1 2 + x2 2 , B = , C= √
k u + a2 k u + a2
IM is the Mth order modified Bessel function of the first kind.
Its derivatives are (Ma & Hu, 2006):
M,i (x, k ) = k2 − k2 [ p(k ) · A,i (x, k )]du
2 0
M,i j (x, k ) = k2 − k2 p(k ) · A,i j (x, k ) du
2 0
M,i jk (x, k ) = k2 − k2 p(k ) · A,i jk (x, k ) du
2 0
M,i jkl (x, k ) = k2 − k2 p(k ) · A,i jkl (x, k ) du
2 0
M,i jklm (x, k ) = k2 − k2 p(k ) · A,i jklm (x, k ) du
2 0
M,i jklmn (x, k ) = k2 − k2 p(k ) · A,i jklmn (x, k ) du (B.28)
2 0

A,α (x, k ) = xα DN
A,αβ (x, k ) = δαβ DN + xα xβ D2 N
A,αβγ (x, k ) = (δαβ xγ + δαγ xβ + δβγ xα )D2 N + xα xβ xγ D3 N
A,αβγ ρ (x, k ) = Aˆ αβγ ρ D2 N + Bˆαβγ ρ D3 N +xα xβ xγ xρ D4 N
A,αβγ ρξ (x, k ) = Cˆαβγ ρξ D3 N + Dˆ αβγ ρξ D4 N +xα xβ xγ xρ xξ D5 N
A,αβγ ρξ ς (x, k ) = Eˆαβγ ρξ ς D3 N + Fˆαβγ ρξ ς D4 N + Gˆ αβγ ρξ ς D5 N + xα xβ xγ xρ xξ xς D6 N (B.29)

The Greek letters range from 1 to 2, and the expressions of Aˆ αβγ ρ , Bˆαβγ ρ , Cˆαβγ ρξ , Dˆ αβγ ρξ , Eˆαβγ ρξ ς , Fˆαβγ ρξ ς , Gˆ αβγ ρξ ς
are the same as (B.21).
1 d
D= , N (q ) = A(x, k ) = I0 (Bq ) cosh (C x3 ), (B.30)
q dq
 B l
Dl N = cosh (C x3 ) Il (Bq ), l ≥ 1, l is an integer and no summation here (B.31)
A,3 = C sinh (C x3 )I0 (Bq )
H. Ma et al. / International Journal of Engineering Science 132 (2018) 60–78 77

A, 33 = C 2 cosh (C x3 )I0 (Bq ), A, α 3 = (A, α ),3

A,333 = C 3 sinh (C x3 )I0 (Bq ), A, α 33 = (A, α ),33 , A, αβ 3 = A, αβ
A, 3333 = C 4 cosh (C x3 )I0 (Bq ), A, α 333 = (A, α ),333 , A, αβ 33 = A, αβ ,
A, αβγ 3 = A, αβγ
A,33333 = C 5 sinh (C x3 )I0 (Bq ), A, α 3333 = (A, α ),3333 , A, αβ 333 = A, αβ ,
A, αβγ 33 = A, αβγ , A, αβγ ρ 3 = A, αβγ ρ
,33 ,3
A, 333333 = C cosh (C x3 )I0 (Bq ), A, α 33333 = (A, α ),33333 , A, αβ 3333 = A, αβ
A, αβγ 333 = A, αβγ , A, αβγ ρ 33 = A, αβγ ρ , A, αβγ ρξ 3 = A, αβγ ρξ (B.32)
,333 ,33 ,3


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