Notes Sub Unit 2.2

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Grade 5 – Science– Class Notes 2 2021-22

2.2 Thermal and Electrical conductors

Important Terms
Electrical conductors
Thermal conductors

Conductors – A material that allows heat or electricity to
pass through it is called a conductor.
Convection-Convection is the process of heat transfer
from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower
Insulator- A material that does not allow heat or electricity
to pass through it is called an insulator.
Conduction-Heat conduction is a process in which heat is
transferred from the hotter part to the colder part in a
Radiation-It is the process in which heat is transferred
from one body to another body without involving the
molecules of the medium.
Answer the following questions
Q1. Explain in your own words what a thermal conductor is

Ans-Substances and materials that conduct heat well are

called thermal conductors

Q2. Why do you think pots and pans are made from metal?

Ans-Pots and pans are made up of metal because they can

conduct heat.

Q3. Why do you think the handles of pots and pans are made
from plastic?

Ans- Handles of pot and pans are made from plastic

because they do not conduct heat, they are insulators.

Q4. In which cup will your tea stay warm longest: a stainless
steel cup, a glass cup or a polystyrene foam cup? Explain why

Ans- In a stainless-steel cup because they are good

conductor of heat.

Q5. Find out the name for materials and substances that are
not good conductors of heat.

Ans- Glass,plastic and rubber are not good conductors of

Q6. Write examples electrical conductors and insulators.
Ans- Example of electrical conductors and insulators
Conductors Insulators

spoon Rubber
Iron nail Wood
Paper clip Plastic
Knife Cloth

Q7. Write two difference between conduction and


Conduction Convection
1. Heat conduction is a 1.Convection is the process
process in which heat is of heat transfer from a
transferred from the region of higher
hotter part to the colder temperature to a region of
part in a body. lower temperature.

2. In all the solids, heat is 2. In all the liquids and gases,

transferred by the process of heat is transferred by the
conduction. process of convection.

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