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Nikhil Pawar

C24 - 2103134
Experiment 3
To study and implement Bare metal virtualization using Xen

 Functions performed by of Bare – metal hypervisors

Type 1 hypervisors, also known as bare-metal hypervisors, are installed directly on the
physical hardware of a server and act as the primary operating system. They provide
virtualization services without the need for a host operating system. In cloud computing
environments, type 1 hypervisors play several key functions:

1. Virtual Machine (VM) Management: Type 1 hypervisors manage the creation,

provisioning, and lifecycle management of virtual machines. They allocate physical resources
such as CPU, memory, storage, and network bandwidth to VMs based on their requirements.

2. Resource Isolation: Type 1 hypervisors ensure that each virtual machine operates in its
isolated environment, preventing interference and resource contention between VMs. This
isolation enhances security and stability in cloud environments.

3. Hardware Abstraction: Type 1 hypervisors abstract physical hardware resources and

present them to virtual machines as virtualized resources. This abstraction allows VMs to run
on different hardware platforms without modification, enhancing flexibility and portability.

4. Performance Optimization: Type 1 hypervisors optimize resource utilization by

dynamically allocating and deallocating physical resources to VMs based on demand. They
also support features such as memory ballooning and CPU scheduling to ensure efficient
resource utilization.

5. Security Enforcement: Type 1 hypervisors enforce security policies and access controls to
protect virtualized environments. They isolate VMs from each other and provide features
such as secure boot, encrypted VM storage, and virtual networking to enhance security.

6. High Availability and Fault Tolerance: Type 1 hypervisors support features such as live
migration and fault tolerance to ensure high availability of virtualized workloads. They
enable seamless migration of VMs between physical hosts and provide redundancy to
minimize downtime in case of hardware failures.

7. Monitoring and Management: Type 1 hypervisors include management interfaces and

tools for monitoring and managing virtualized environments. Administrators can use these
tools to monitor resource usage, troubleshoot issues, and perform maintenance tasks on

 Compare hosted and bare metal hypervisors

1. A type 1 hypervisor, or a bare metal hypervisor, interacts directly with the
underlying machine hardware. A bare metal hypervisor is installed directly on
the host machine’s physical hardware, not through an operating system. In
some cases, a type 1 hypervisor is embedded in the machine’s firmware.
2. A type 2 hypervisor, or hosted hypervisor, interacts with the underlying host
machine hardware through the host machine’s operating system. You install it
on the machine, where it runs as an application.
3. While type 1 and type 2 hypervisors share the common goal to run and
coordinate virtual machines (VMs), they have some significant variations.
4. Resource allocation : Type 1 hypervisors directly access underlying machine
resources. They can implement their own custom resource allocation
strategies to service their VMs. Type 2 hypervisors negotiate resource
allocation with the operating system, which makes the process slower and
less efficient.
5. Ease of management: Managing a type 1 hypervisor and its VM configuration
requires system administrator-level knowledge, as it’s relatively complex.In
contrast, you can install and manage type 2 hypervisors as an application on
an operating system. Even nontechnical users can operate them.
6. Performance : Type 1 hypervisors offer greater performance to their VMs.
This is because they don’t need to negotiate resources with the operating
system or travel through the operating system layer. The type 1 hypervisor
offers dedicated underlying resources without any negotiation required.Type
2 hypervisors must only use the resources that the operating system is willing
to provide
7. Isolation : Type 1 hypervisors offer a greater degree of isolation for each
virtual environment. There’s no shared layer like there is with the operating
system for a type 2 hypervisor. This makes virtual machines running on the
type 1 hypervisor inherently more secure. However, updating and patching
your virtual machine operating systems is a critical security activity.

 Explain the following terms : Horizontal and vertical scaling, auto scaling, load
1. Horizontal scaling refers to provisioning additional servers to meet your needs, often
splitting workloads between servers to limit the number of requests any individual
server is getting. Horizontal scaling in cloud computing means adding additional
instances instead of moving to a larger instance size. Horizontal scaling is much easier
to accomplish without downtime. Horizontal scaling is also easier than vertical
scaling to manage automatically. Limiting the number of requests any instance gets
at one time is good for performance, no matter how large the instance. Provisioning
additional instances also means having greater redundancy in the rare event of an
2. Vertical scaling refers to adding more or faster CPUs, memory, or I/O resources to an
existing server, or replacing one server with a more powerful server. In a data center,
administrators traditionally achieved vertical scaling by purchasing a new, more
powerful server and discarding or repurposing the old one. Today’s cloud architects
can accomplish AWS vertical scaling and Microsoft Azure vertical scaling by changing
instance sizes. AWS and Azure cloud services have many different instance sizes, so
vertical scaling in cloud computing is possible for everything from EC2 instances to
RDS databases.
3. Auto scaling, also referred to as autoscaling, auto-scaling, and sometimes automatic
scaling, is a cloud computing technique for dynamically allocating computational
resources. Depending on the load to a server farm or pool, the number of servers
that are active will typically vary automatically as user needs fluctuate. Autoscaling is
a cloud computing feature that enables organizations to scale cloud services such as
server capacities or virtual machines up or down automatically, based on defined
situations such as traffic ir utilization levels. Cloud computing providers, such
as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP),
offer autoscaling tools. Core autoscaling features also allow lower cost, reliable
performance by seamlessly increasing and decreasing new instances as demand
spikes and drops. As such, autoscaling provides consistency despite the dynamic and,
at times, unpredictable demand for applications. Autoscaling works in a variety of
ways depending on the platform and resources a business uses. In general, there are
several common attributes across all autoscaling approaches that enable automatic
resource scaling. For compute, memory and network resources, users will first deploy
or define a virtual instance type that has a specified capacity with predefined
performance attributes. That setup is often referred to as a launch configuration --
also known as a baseline deployment. The launch configuration is typically set up
with options determined by what a user expects to need for a given workload, based
on expected CPU use, memory use and network load requirements for typical day-to-
day operations.
4. Cloud load balancing is defined as the method of splitting workloads and computing
properties in a cloud computing. It enables enterprise to manage workload demands
or application demands by distributing resources among numerous computers,
networks or servers. Cloud load balancing includes holding the circulation of
workload traffic and demands that exist over the Internet. As the traffic on the
internet growing rapidly, which is about 100% annually of the present traffic. Hence,
the workload on the server growing so fast which leads to the overloading of servers
mainly for popular web server. There are two elementary solutions to overcome the
problem of overloading on the servers. First is a single-server solution in which the
server is upgraded to a higher performance server. However, the new server may also
be overloaded soon, demanding another upgrade. Moreover, the upgrading process
is arduous and expensive.Second is a multiple-server solution in which a scalable
service system on a cluster of servers is built. That’s why it is more cost effective as
well as more scalable to build a server cluster system for network services.

 Write steps of installation for the above mentioned experiment along with screen
shots :

1. Download and Install Xen Hypervisor

2. Configure Xen Bootloader
3. Create Xen Configuration Files
4. Install and Configure Dom0 (Control Domain)
5. Create and Start Virtual Machines (DomU)
6. Install Guest Operating Systems
7. Configure Networking and Storage

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