T&A in Grammar Lesson-Plan - Edited

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of Cotabato


School: University of Southern Mindanao Subject: English

Teacher: Jessaine Julliane C. Serquina, Haznar T. Undong, Sandra B. Tulino

Teaching Date:

I. Title


Cognitive: Familiarize the types of adjectives: Descriptive Adjective, Quantitative

Adjective, and Demonstrative Adjective.
Psychomotor: Create a short story using descriptions of the types of adjectives.
Affective: Identify the functions of using the correct types of adjectives in
constructing sentences in daily life conversations.

III. Materials/Resources
A. References
1. Teachers Guide pages: English CG page 202
2. Learners Material pages:
3. Textbook pages:
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources (LR) portal:

B. Other Learning Resources:

IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity
Student’s Activity
A. Preliminaries

1. Prayer (Students stand up for the prayer)

- May I request everyone to
please stand for the - Mark leads the Christian
prayer. prayer.
- Mark, please lead the - Haznar leads the Muslim
Christian prayer and prayer.
- Haznar, please lead the
Muslim prayer.

2. Greetings - Good, Afternoon, Ma’am and

-Good Afternoon Class! Sir!

3. Checking of Attendance - Present, Ma’am!

- Please say present as I
call your name.

4. Classroom Standards - Keep quiet, listen and

- Class, what will you do if our participate
class is going on? - Raise your hand if you want
- What else? to talk.
- Class can I expect that from
you? - Yes Ma’am

5. Passing and checking of

Assignment - None Ma’am
- Class do you have an

B. Motivation
- Alright, Ma’am!
“Okay, I want everybody to pay attention
and listen carefully to my instruction.”

“I have here some pictures and I want

everyone to kindly describe the picture and
tell me what does it look like. Do you - Students listen carefully to the
- Yes, Ma’am!

“Take note, anyone who can guess the

- Okay, Ma’am!
correct answer will receive a prize.”

“Wow, I am impressed! Everyone has

- Yay!!!
shown their best to answer.
Congratulations everyone! especially those
who won prizes! “

Now, what do you think is called to these - Adjectives!

describing words?

Very well!! This is what we are going to

learn today!

C. Lesson Proper

Class, what do you know about an

adjective? - An adjective is a word that
Define what is adjective. modifies a noun.

To learn more about adjectives let us watch

this video: - Okay, Ma’am.

Watch a video presentation: - Students watches a video

presentation about adjectives
Upon watching the video, what can you and the types of adjectives.
remember about the functions of
adjectives? - Student answers what they
have learned in the video
 Adjectives limits or qualifies nouns about the functions of
or pronouns by telling what kind, adjectives.
which one, how many or how much.
 Adjectives allows people to describe
color, shapes, tastes, textures,
sizes, and multitude of other
 Adjectives can also add important
details to a sentence.
- Students listens to teacher
Now let me introduce you the types of during the discussion.
Types of Adjectives

1. Descriptive Adjectives
- This type of adjective describes
the quality or the characteristic of
the kind of noun or pronoun they
are referring to.

 Maria is intelligent.
 I love your blue sandals.

Descriptive adjectives usually

describe nouns that refers to an
action (hard work, ill behavior), state
that comes after linking verbs (was
excited, feel, tired), or quality (strong
wind, happy story).

2. Quantitative Adjectives
- This type of adjective answers
the question “how much?” or
“how many?”

 She bought a dozen of eggs.
 Sarah ate a piece of cake.

3. Demonstrative Adjectives
- This type of adjectives describes
“which” noun or pronoun you are
referring to. These adjectives
include the words:

 This- used to refer to a singular

noun close to you.
 That- used to refer to a singular
noun far from you.
 These- used to refer to a plural noun
close to you
 Those- used to refer to a plural
noun far from you.

 This bag is my favorite.

 That is Mr. Watson’s car.
 These are gifts from my aunt.
 Those apples look delicious.


- Students will form in 4 groups
Now class, I want you to form in 4 groups, and does the assigned group
and I want you to make as many examples activity.
of sentences in the three types of
The group with the highest number of
examples per type of adjective wins the
game and gets 10 points.

- Announces the winner of the

group activity. - Yay!!!

Very good, class! Your answers are all


- We were able to construct
Now, what have you learned from the sentences using the correct
activity? types of adjectives.

Very good! - The importance of knowing

the different types of
Class, what do you think is the importance adjectives is to properly know
of knowing the different types of how to construct adjectives by
adjectives? knowing their purpose and
when to use it.

1. Descriptive Adjective – to say

something or describe the quality
or the kind of the noun or
pronoun that is being referred to.
- Describes noun that refers to
action, state that comes from
linking verbs, and quality.
2. Quantitative Adjective- answers
the question “how much?” and
“how many?”
3. Demonstrative adjective-
describes “which” noun or
pronoun you are referring to.
 This – refers a singular noun close
to you.
 That- a singular noun far from you.
 These- a plural noun close to you.
 Those – a plural noun far from you. - Ma’am, it fosters good and
By knowing how to identify and distinguish communication.
the three types of adjectives, how is this
knowledge relevant to our lives? - It makes our sentences more
comprehensible when we
Correct! What else? communicate.

- Descriptive adjective

Exactly! When we want to describe the

appearance of something what do we use? - How much!

When we go to the supermarket and ask

about the price of the meat what type of
adjective do we use? - Quantitative adjective.

And what is that called? - Demonstrative adjective.

What about when we point a book in a

table using the adjective “That” what is that

Very good! It seems that you’ve understood

the lesson quite well.

ABSTRACTION - Ma’am, an adjective modifies

the noun.
After what we have discussed, what
again is adjectives? - Descriptive adjective

Very good! So again, what type of

adjective do we use when we want
to describe the kind or quality of the
noun or pronoun?
- Quantitative adjective

Very well! What about when we

want to express or describe the
quantity or amount? - Demonstrative adjective

Lastly, what type of adjective do we

use in pointing out something. This
refers to “which” in nouns and


Assessment - Okay, Ma’am!

- Students start doing the
In a 1 whole sheet of paper, write your own activity.
short story containing the types of
adjectives: descriptive adjectives,
quantitative adjectives, and demonstrative

Do it for 30 minutes.

In a one whole sheet of paper, create at
least five (5) sentences in each type of

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