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| New Revised Syllabus APPLIED FPH Scanned by CamScanner A PPLIED MATHS by y S.P Sharma | | a unt Sie Fo \ cI undatio: ‘Ope. Bera ON” n Publishi ing Hou al gyn tol e mod os 2 yg ee «NO Ne! ‘Scant ned by CamSc anner Published by Foundation Publishing House First Floor, Tulsi Apartment Govind Mitra Road, Patna - 800 004 Phone ; 0612-2300819, Mob.: 9386835571 « E-mail:, Website: Distributed by Amit Book Depot ‘Near SBI ATM, Opp. Patna College, ‘Ashok Raj Path, Patna - 800 004 Phone : 0612-2372601 ‘Al rights reserved with the publishers. Information contained in this book has been obtained by author from sources pelieved to be reliable and are correct to the best of his knowledge. Every efforthas been made to avoid errors ang ‘omissions end ensure accuracy. Any error or omission noted may be brought to the notice of the publisher which shai be taken care of in forthcoming edition ofthis book. However, neither the publisher nor the auther guarentee the ‘accuracy or completeness of any information published herein, and neither the publisher nor author take any responsibilty of liability for any inconvenience, expenses, losses or damage to anyone resulting from contents of this book. The author of the book has taken all possible care to ensure that the contents of the book do not violate any existing ‘copyright or other intellectual property right of any person in any manner whatsoever. In the event, the author has been ‘unable to track any source and in any copyright has been inadvertently, the facts may be brought to the notice of the publisher in writing for corrective action. 'No par of this book, includingits style and presentation, may be reproduced, stored ino retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written ‘consent of the publishers, Exclusive publication, promotion and distribution rights reserved with the Publishers. The {doing of an unauthorised actin relation to @ copyright work may result in both civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. Photocopy or Xeroxing of educational books without the written permission of the publishers is illegal and ‘against the Copyright Act. aa Branches: smnde 1.2 + New Delhi: B-3/16, Daryaganj, New Delhi-110002 ¢ Kolkata: 58-D, Netaji Subhas Road, 316, Third Floor, Kolkata-700001 + Bhubaneswar: First Floor, Plot No. 25, Budheswari Colony, Cuttack Road, Bhubaneswar-751006 Ranchi: Opp. St. Franis School Road, Ranchi-834010 Scanned by CamScanner Preface This book has been designed in keeping with the latest syllabus prescribed by SBTE Bihar. It contains everything that an engineering student needs for his examination, The language used in this book is very simple. This book has been written keeping in mind the need of the diploma students In addition, the book can be used effectively by others who want {0 study this subject, This books in my opinion, should serve as a basis for an advanced study of the subject. T would welcome any comments and suggestions for the improvement of this book from the reader. Iti comprehensive knowledge of this Paper for their examinations. —Author Scanned by CamScanner Syllabus Applied Mathematics (Common) Electrical, Electronics & Computer so, Theory No of Period in one session - | >> a) No, of Periods Per Week FullMarks |: | 100 PIS ESE ol 70 ad — TA 10 | =| cr : 20 Hrs/Week Marks mW 1.1 Definition of integration as anti-derivative, integration of standard function 1.2 Rules of Integration (Integrals of sum, difference, scalar multiplication) 1.3 Methods of Integration 1.3.1 Integration by Subsitution 1.3.2 Integration of rational functions 1.3.3 Integration by partial fractions 1.3.4 Integration by trigonometric transformation 1.3.5 Integration by parts 1.4 Definite Integration 1.4.1 Definition of definite integral 4.4.2 Properties of definite integral with simple problems 1.8 Applications of definite integrals ‘Area under the curve Scanned by CamScanner 3.2 Properties of laplace transform such as Linearity, first shifting, second shifting, multiplication by t, division by t. 3.3. Inverse Laplace transforms, Properties-linearly first shifting, second shifting. “Method of partial fractions, 3.4 Convolution theorem. 3.5 Laplace transform of derivatives. 3.6 Solution of differential equation using Laplace transform (up to second order Tf equation). Unit4 FOURIERSERIES Cu 4.1 Definition of Fourier Series (Euler's formula) 4.2 Series expansion of continuous functions in the intervals 0, 2), (1, D, (0, 27), (n,m) 4.3 Series expansons of even and odd functions. 4.4 Half range series | 5.1 Solution of algebraic equations 0s cr | Bisection wali ‘ end Method amet Regularfalsi o reise Method ideal method voanisiony adermiv dil imgeds w Iterative methods - Gauss seidal and Jacobi’s methods, Scanned by CamScanner Syllabus Applied Mathematics (Common) Civil & Mechanical — Theory No of Period in one session . No. of Periods Per Week Full Marks CE ee Subject Code 7 L T PIS ESE 0 03 1600301 03 = = TA 10 es = = cT 20 Tople Hirs/Week Marks Unit-1 INTEGRATION oe 1.1 Definition of integration as anti-derivative, integration of standard function. 1.2 Rules of Integration (Integrals of sum, difference, scalar multiplication) 1.3 Methods of Integration 1.3.1 Integration by Subsitution 1.3.2 Integration of rational functions 1.3.3 Integration by partial fractions 1.3.4 Integration by trigonometric transformation 1.3.5 Integration by parts 1.4 Definite Integration 1.4.1 Definition of definite integral 1.4.2 Properies of definite integral with simple problems 1S Applications of definite integrals oe 4.5.1 Area under the curve. Area bounded by two curves 4.5.2 Volume of Revolution 4.5.3 Centre of gravity of a rod, lane lamina 1.54 Moment of Inertia of uniform rod, rectangular lamina 1.5.5 Theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes Unit-2 DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION o 8362 2.1 Definition of differential equation, order and degree of differential equation, Formation of differential equation for function containing single constant. 22 Solution of differential equations of first onder and first degree such as variable separable type, reducible to Variable separable, Homogeneous, ‘Nonhomogeneous, Exact, linear and Bemoulli equations. " ‘ 2.3 Applications of Differential Equations, 08 23.1 Recillinear motion (motion under constant and variable accelerati 2.3.2 Simple harmonic Motion a ~ wits ~ Scanned by CamScanner Unit-3 PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTION oon 3.1 Binomial distribution 3.2. Poisson's distribution 3.3. Normal distribution 3.4 Simple examples corresponding to production process “Unit-4 NUMERICAL METHODS a 4.1 Solution of Algebraic equations 06 08 Bisection method, Regulafalsi method and Newton - Raphson method 4.2 Solution of simultaneous equations containing 2 and 3 unknowns 06 08 Gauss elimination method. erative methods - Gauss Seidal and Jacobi’s methods. Scanned by CamScanner Mt 12 13 14 14 1S 1.6 1 18 1.9 21 2.2 233) 24 3 31 3.2 33 3.4 41 4.2 Sil ve 5.3 5.4 _ Content ‘ Indefinite Integration Ly Introduction Definition Integration as an Inverse Process of Differentiation Relation Between Derivatives and Integrals (Integratio of Standard Function) Rules of Integration ‘Comparison Between Differentiation and Integration Methods of Substitution Integration by Trigonometric Transformation Integration by Parts Integral of Partial Fractions Define Integration 73-162 Definite Integrals Geometrical Meaning of Definite Integral Fundamental Theorem of Integral calculus Fundamental Properties of Definite Integrals Application of Definite Integrals 163-170 Introduction Procedure for Tracing Cartesian Equations ‘Area Under the Curves: (Cartesian Equations) ‘Area Bounded by Two Curves Volume of Revolution 171-175 Introduction Volume of a Solid of Revolution Centre of Gravity of a Rod, Lane Lamina 176-181 Introduction Cenitre of gravity Centre of Gravity of a Continuous Distribution of Matter Centre of Gravity of Uniform Plane Area Scanned by CamScanner 6. 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 91 9.2 93 9.4 95 10. 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Me Ma n2 3 14 Moment of Inertia 182-184 Definiti Root Mean Square Speed jesane Ordinary Differential Equat 189-234 Introduction Definitions Order and Degree of a Differential Equation Formation of Differential Equation Solution of Differential Equation of the First Order and First Degree Equation of Reduc' le into Variable Separable form (Method of Substitution) Homogenous Equation Non Homogenous Equation Linear Differential Equation Geometrical Applications of Differential Equations Linear Differential Equations of Higher Order with Constant Coefficients Applications of Differential Equations of First Degree Exact Differential Equation Application of Differential Equation (Rectilinear Motion) 235-246 Introduction Motion Curves Motion with Uniform Velocity Motion with Constant Acceleration Motion with Varying Acceleration Simple Harmonic Motion 247-258 Introduction Simple Harmonie Motion Simple Harmonic Motion as a Sine Wave Energy in S.H.M. OE Probability 261-300 Introduction Randome Experiment (or Random Event) Some Basic Definitiors Algebra of Events Scanned by CamScanner 11.5 Types of Events 11.6 Probability ofan Event 11.7. Arithmetic Mean and Variance of Probability Distribution 11.8. Binomia Distribution (or Bernoulli’s Distribution 11.9 Recurrence Formulae for the Binomial Distribution 11.10 Mean and Variance of the Binomial Distribution 11.11 Poission Distribution 11.12 Recurrence Formulae for the Poission Distributio 11.13 Mean and Variance of the Poission Distribution (Na ee 12, Numerical Solutions of Algebrie Equations 303.319 12.1 Newton-Raphson Method 12.2. Geometric! Interpretation 13. Numerical Solution of Transcendental Equation 311-317 13.1 Regular-falsi method (falsi position method) 13.2. Rule of Regular - Falsi Method 14, Simultaneous Equations of Transdental Equation 318-332 14.1 Introduction 14.2. Gauss’s Method for the Solution of a System of Linear Equations by Elimination Method 15. Laplace Transformation 335-348 15.1 Introduction 15.2. Definition 15.3 Laplace Transformation of Some Elementary Functions (Properties) 15.4 Leplace Transform of Derivatives 15.5. Inverse Laplace Transform 15.6 Linearity Property 15.7. Inverse Laplace Transform of Derivatives 15.9 Convultion Theorem 16. Fourier Series 351-360 16.1. Definition 16.2. Even and Odd Functions 16.3. Half Range Series > —>————>>S>S—— — Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite iit Cn ter cag ] 1.1 Introduction The centre of the concepts of the differential calculus is defining tangent lines to the graphs of the function and calculating the slopes of the tangents. While integral calculus is based on the concepts of defining and calculating the area of the region bounded by the graph of the functions, 1.2 Definition The formula that gives antiderivatives is called indefinite integral of the function and the process of finding antiderivatives is called integration. Application of integration The process of integration can be applied is practical and theoretical postulations during solution of Problems for the development of knowing the status of phenomenas in laboratries and space. (i) The integral process are capable to solve the problems concerned with function when ever its derivatives be given. (ii) The problems related with areas of bounded curves can be solved easily by using the graphs of the functions under certain conditions of problems. | Comments : On the basis of these two kinds of problems, the integrals can be classified in two catogries, __ known as indefinite integrals and definite integrals respectively and the combined form is called integral | calculus. Fundamental Theorem of Calculus That connection which binds the indefinite integrals and definite integral is known as fundamental theorem of calculus. Scanned by CamScanner ats sehen ifs a 14 = Applied Ma ral as @ practic jefinite int The fundamental theorem of calculus makes the te integral § & Practical to) gy Technology. The definite integral is used to solve many problems 18 various discriplines like i finance and probability also. My 1.3 Integration as an Inverse Process of Differentiation The process by which the derivatives of functions can be obtained in their primitive forms (ig function) is called integration or antiderivative system. Oy Example: < (Ginx) cosx, the foosx dx =sinx +¢ x 4 e, SGinx)+e=cosx ate where c is known as arbitrary constant or integration constant. The integratin, 8 con parameter by varying which gives integrals of the given function any Remarks: Functions with derivaties differs by a constant. 1.4 Relation Between Derivatives and Integrals (Integratio of Standard Function) respect tox Derivatives with Respect tox Integrals 1 die)=ne 2 d=) 5. dle')=e 6 Let) =e" dx 7, dloge'"l 8. d(a’)= a’ loge* % 10. d{(sinx) = cosx Scanned by CamScanner ET On ET Indefinite Integration « 15 11. d{cosx) = -sinx sinx de =—cosx +c 12. d(tanx) = sec*x sec? x de =tanx+c 13. d{cotx) = ~cosec*x cosec?x dx =-cotx +e 14, d{secr) = sec tanx see xtan x dr = sec x +c 15. d{cosecx) = ~cosecr cotx cosecx cot xdx = —cosecr +¢ 16. din“ x 17. d(cos"'x) 18, d(tan'x)= 1 ax=tanx4e 4 1+x? ee 19, d(sec™! x)= OE poe 20. d(cot”! x)= 1px? tx 21, d(cosec™'x) = xx? Special integrals ee Pas = loge f(x +e i.e., If numerator is d.c. of denominator, then integration is log of denominator. 2 Saaen 2Jf@) +e i.e,, {numerator is diff coeff of square root of a function present is denomiantor, then integration is twice of the denomiantor. Juans ds =—tog,f0081]+-e=log,hecx| +e Scanned by CamScanner 16 = Applied Mathemat 4 = Jeot x dx = log, |sin x}+¢ fee x de = jog pece tunel j* 4 {£4} fcosccr dx = Ologlosex+cots|+¢ sone-oisect fogtqeenar' J 1 jolt — dx =K al +a*|+c Vets? i fogged ie Fa ere aie fan +e Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration « 17 (@) df fends = fase ite, differentiation of an inte gral of a function is that function. (ii) The indefinite integral with same derivatives lead to the same family of equiva ie, df fOxdde= df g(x)dr = 4f fade = J ena => d [f(x)-g(x) dr) =0 > fix) =g(a) +c curves and so they are Therefore, J f(x) de-+,6, €R and [a(eldr-+ey,c, ER are indentical Therefore, f(x) and g(x) are equivalent. Jlrer+eco}ae =f podcasts ar Gy) Je sorae=Ef poyae where & is a scalar and real. Remark: The properties (iii) and (iv) are application for any number of integrals and functions with any number of real numbers. ie, JK AMtHAOE-..4k, fC] de Hh f Adv hy J hCydet....ctinf J, ade | 4.5 Comparison Between Differentiation and Integration , (i) _ Differentiation and integration both are operations on the function. | Gi). The differentiation as well as integration are linear, because of properties which are applied, linearly. JUier+scofde=fponacs Faenar Siliien sie] =2 (ho) 2 (een) (iii) _ Every function is neither differentiable nor integrable, ‘Scanned by CamScanner ro) ™ wi (ii) (viii) (ix) Ifa function exists at a point then the function is di integral is not unique: Because of two integrals differ ‘The derivative of a polynomial bya constant. fanotion one degree fess than that of the given fy Lotyem where n= 1< 7. "vn the degree of an itcgrated polynomial has onc degree more than the in errant ext ie, Jra-Zeite where n+ 1 > 7. Differentiation and integration take place at a point both ‘The derives ofthe Sanction express he peomctionierpecsion ih Tapes of the tangents drawn at the curves of the function while indefinite integration af eee czpcn geomet family ofeurves placed parallel 0 cach ther kav ee resent nmi 8 ge carves ih ines perenne the variables ofthe integrals. which pee Derivatives usefil to deterine the velocity of a moving particle under certesan i ints ch ae ste se te a3 Dewan nn i spt ei “The ways of differentiation and integration are just reverse to each other. ; Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration 19 : i Then, fxsinx°d cost +e=—7-008x7 +e Example: = /=|2xVi+x? de If 1+x2=2, then 0+ 2x de = 20 dt = ade =1dt Thus, I= Jidi= 27 +e AE =a(lt+x*) +e ziltx y+ Gi) _Ifany non integrable function is present then that non integrable function is substituted, Example: | If sin-'x=4, then 1 aS er Sten pean vite (ii) If linear algebric function is present with coefficients, then integral ofthe function is divided by coeff. ofthe variable or that linear function i substituted. Thus, 1= fr Example: 1= f(ar+b)de =Ifax + b =1, then adx +0 = dt dx (iv) _ Ifan integrand is present in the following form le. ‘Then the denominator is rationalised and that integrand becomes easily integrable. Scanned by CamScanner fxva eva ie, Te ge et xta-x-b a-b i) a ae «| 3 Gee ott, 2 2 pg tat oti pas vat so 3(a-b) : [ee Ge) tan integrand is pret inte lowing frm J ferg gO etd=n > revered edx + 0 = 2tdt 2 era Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration » 21 a” | wi) Form [Fae wherem net Wat be= 4 then x=45% 1 dx=— —- tt Scanned by CamScanner 22.» Applied Mathematics oe 1 = J sec0 dd = ogiec0 + un0) + self fe ome dF (x) Form Jy? —@? If x=asecd dx = asec tan dO : If x= 3sec8 d0, then de = 3sec0 tan0 dO 3secOtan0 dd _ p3csecOtan0 dO Thus, = Saran Dl. ~ jepson «esas = 1+ Jsec0 a0 =loghec0 + tund|+< z x ax’ sv <-ilte =log ce Ye -9] + ‘ : 7 : S*ne~ Fy.” seis | Tayly arte ae maf 6.0. =fvten| pm aa. Indefinite Integration «23 =242 in? 00-242 2228 ly = Val [a0 fcos20 a0] . al -2222).. . al Banden = v2[s x=2sin?6] wee fan a eae Sa. Oran > conte ine EE oe ee ee and be Cam@nanner 24» Applied Mathematics enema = 2a tan® 0320 d0 = 2af (xc? 01sec 0.0 fa-x atx (i) From yoT> or yo If x= acos0, then dr = ~asind 0 Thus, 1=J Baa ind ad, a+acos0 @ 2sin? — MT a taabe e Pa} cos? 2 ae 0 8 aie = -2af —F sin xc0s 340 -2af sin? Sa a <-ffo-fonealendermes =-afont £ ico 0 Pa 4+] pth ; cal amid ae) Scanned by CamScanner (xiv) Example: Indefinite Integration « 25 Thus, where and apply the formulae fie -adx 0 Form £ < ar tbx+e Putting numerator = A(dinominator) + B(d.c. of denominator) where 4 and B are constants By using partial fraction A and B are obtained and Jo @ac is applied LQ) LO) ay = log fox) + 4G) Bf (x)+e 2x43 xP 43x45 Let 2x +3=A(e +3x+5)+B(2r+3) Equating the coeff. of x and constants, we have 34+2B (i) «3 and 4+3B (ii) x2 6=94+6B 6= 104+ 6B +28, B=1 Therefore, 2x +3 = 02+ 3x+5)+2Qx +3) 2x43 I= dx = log(s? + 3x +5)+ Jas est ie Scanned by CamScanner 26 » Applied Mathematics (xy) (wi) (xvii) Fon Vax? +br+e Putting Numerator = A (d.¢. of denominator) + B the values of 4 and B are determined and ag . LQ) putting the values of A and B the integral comes into the form of Ia =WF@+e Form axe oO" exe d Multiplying the numerator and denominator by Jax+b and then comes into the for axt3 axth Vertblertd) Vi amnen’ Where! mm are constants and integral tabes it the fro, Vix? +mn+n J dx =2f@) +e Yoox) 1 Ve-ayo= Putting x = acos‘0 + bsin'0 then de = 2acos0 x -sinO d0 + 2bsin0 cos0 a0 => dr=2(b—a) sin0 cos6 dd x-a=acos’ + bsin*® - a bsin20 — a(1 — cos*@) sin*9 — a( — c0s*0) = bsin*0 — asin’® = (b—a) sin’ and bx = b—acos’0 bsin’® = B(1 —sin’®) — a(cos*0) = beos*@ — acs" =(b—a) cos*O therefore, = [= [ —— SEE Sot @x(b—a)cos” 6 _ [2@—a)sinOcos0 ad “J (b=a)sinOcos8 Again 0 is changed into x. =2fao=20+6 Scanned by CamScanner —— ee ti (_ _ OC” Indefinite Integration «27 } 1 (vil) Form Ty Putting and 2 Therefore, [i VP +b-a)+2 =f td > where log +VP +H), +¢ Again is changed in to. (ais) Form fain’ ds, ‘where mis even and small, then change into multiple angle like. 1-cos2x and So on, Example: 1 = 4 Ja-200s2s-+008? 2x) de =f 1=2cos2x-+teos4e 4 2 5 J3-seos2x +eosdx de (&) When m is odd and small then, change as fant xde= faint! x sins de ‘Thus, (mm ~ 1) becomes even and sin™!x is changed into cosine form and putting cost = ¢— sinx dr =a Example: fan sas sin$ x sinx d= (cos? x)*sinx dx Scanned by CamScanner 28_ = Applied Mathematics Then, -siny de = dt = sinx de = -dt 1a-fa-P ya x) (Form feos" xa when 1s even adn small then change into maltilie angle m fo sae {2 a J(1+2c0s25 + cos" 2x}ae a L+cosdx (1+ 2e0s21+ a J0+4e0522+ cos4x) de 8 i) When 1 is odd and small, then change into cos" cosx and n ~ 1 is even changes into( = sin’) and putting sinx = 1 => cos dr = di Example: / = Joos? x dv= fos? xcosx de Putting sinr=r = cosx dt = dt Thus, 1=fa-mar (xxi) Form Jsin? cos" x de (a) If'mis even and small but 1 is odd and small then cos (n= 1) becomes even so cos™'x is changed into (1 => cosx dr = dt s°x is changed in to cos” ~sin?x) and putting sinx ccosx such th Example I= fin xc0s? xr in xcos? xeos.x dr = fant x(I=sin? x)cos x de dt Putting sine =1 => cosx de = dt = fea- Scanned by CamScanner iglefihite Integration © 29 (ii) fms odd and small but » is even and small, then sintyy “ing” 'x siny and4en ~ 1) becomesene'a and so sin 'x is changed into 1 — eos*x Putting cosy => ~sine de = at = sinx de =-ar Example : sin? x cost x de = Is Jsin? xsin xoost x dx = Ja-eos? x)c0s* xsin.x de Putting cose =1 -sinx dx = dt sind =—dr 1 (=P) 44dr a ii) If'm and n both are odd and small, then putting either sinx = ¢ or cosx = ¢ such that smaller among m and m is broken into (m 1) or (n— 1), then change either sin"'x in to | ~ cos?x of cost 'x is to 1 - sin’x and solve the problem. = J sin? xcos? x ax ete = [ sin’ xc0s? x cos dx = J sin’ x(1-sin? xjoos, ax Putting = sinr=1 > cose de = at 1=JPa-P yd (v) If mand » both are even and small, then change it into multiple angle. Example: 1= J sin* xcos? x dx “f 1-cos2x)* Leen) : 2 2 = 4 J.a~cos2 e082) + 0082)de =2fa-cos2nyt cos? 2x)de Scanned by CamScanner 30 Applic Mathematics =t L084) oe =pfa-seasf-[ A } je necsbay-t = 0084) yy 1 = xe ~cos2x)(1-cos4x)dx = Zl 7 cos2x cass +4 (200s2.xe0844) lax alt ~cosdx-eostx +t eon +os2s} -3LJ« ~Jeos2x dx -2feosdx ae+ Jeosex ax] (0) Ifm + n=ve, then change sin and cose either in the form of tanx or cobr and putting tanx =¢ or cou=s 1 :t-[—t—« reo fasta 2 ={——-—-« -[““«% J — COs” x tanx cosx Putting tan =, then sec'r de = dt p Thus, 1 dt = loglt| +c = logltan x| +c Remarks: Ifnecessary. (i) 2sinx cose = sin2x (ii) 4sin? xcos? x aa «4 _(1-c0s2x? wo a'(E2 1-2cos? x+008? 2x) = 4 +) g(3~40082x + cos4x) i A Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration « 31 ™) F 1 (vi) = g(t 4e0s2x+ cos4x) - sin x~sin3x vii ——e ) a ai _ 3cosx +eos3x 4 If A>B, then (B) sin(4 + B) sin(d — B) = sin’ — sintB cos2A _1-cos2B 2 2 (ii) cos(4 + B) cos(4 ~ B) = cos*A ~ sin?B = (60528 -c0s2A) 1+c0s2A _1~cos2, 2 (A + B) + sin(4— B) (iv) 2cos4 sinB = sin(4 + B)~ sin(4 — B) (¥) 2cos cosB = cos(d + B) + cos(d ~ B) (vi). 2sind cosB = cos(4 — B)— cos(4 + B) @ sot(anvi- ) =2sin“ x (ii) cos"(2x? + 1) = 2cosx 1 (60824 + cos2B) 12x -1 (ity sin"! = Dean hx -1-x? (iv) cos = 2tan“x +x ” Scanned by CamScanner 32. & Applicd Mathematics ce (2) Spocial form of Integration: 1 © lee . 1 x as . dun a atan? ) ¢2btam asi + tan? x Putting = tan Putting : = = 1 » js ©) dV Trbeosx see? * 2 mas 2x 2 tatan? = bz tan? * 2 2 sec? * fae =dt sec? dr = 20h 2 41.8 Integration by Parts 1, Ifan integrand is in the form of muhiplicétion of two functions and such integrand is not integrable easily by any method line, transformation, substitution, rational or irrational, then @ method is applied to solve the problems by breaking the integrand into parts and the integration becomes easily, then such process of integration is called integration by parts. 2. Mathematical formula : The Integration of product of two functions = first function integration of second function (d.c. of first fungtion * injegration of second function) Scanned by CamScanner_ Indefinite Integration a 33 ie, Example: ) © Example: IfAx) and g(x) be any two functions such that /(x) is take as first function and g(x) is chosen as second function, then J f00-senae= fe Jocoar- faye t g¢ ax) de Working rules for selecting the first function and second function : (a) If (x) and g(x) both are integrable then first function is chosen such that function whose differentiation be diminished ‘as soon as posible and thus rest function is taken as second function. 1= 2? cose de Here flx) = x because f(x) = x and f(x) = 2 * 1 = 2 and g(x) = cose thus, 1= fx? cosx de 3° feos dx f(dtx*))f (cosx x) dx) =a? sin f2xsinx de = 2? sinx-2[ xf sinx ax] =e sinx-2[-xeosx + frxcosx a] Joos ae = x*sinx + 2xc05x~2sinx +c Ifone function be integrable and other function is non integrable then non integrable function is taken as first function and integrable function is selected as second function example Is fe logx dr In this case logx is non integrable and x is integrable function. therefore, 1 =logx| x dx (dogs) dx) ax a 2 x fk =logrx2-- [+x 2 iF If there is only one function is present as integrand and that present function is not integrable, then that non integrable function is the first function and unity is the second function. 1 flogx de = loge x Jas-f(e{ioe 4s) de) Scanned by CamScanner 34 = Applied Mathematics slogans fhxxde x Ja = J=x(logr-1) +e = xlogx xlogx-x+e x = x(logy — loge) += stoe(*) te Example: 1 J sin Ye de asin xf arf atsin"! ydoyde int xx f tx ds ax? ate yt = xsin tae peavin? +e ‘avin +e Comments: Integration by parts is not aplicable in all cases of product of two functions. = Je sinx a = xsi Example: ‘There does not exist any function whose derivative is vx sin.x . If product of two non integrable functions be present as integrand, then it can be solved hardly by integration by parts. T= J sin? x log x de In this case entire product of two non integration function is treated as one function and that function is the first function and unity is the second function. Thus, fant logs dr Ai) int logaf dx =J(acsin xlogz)x Jax)ac 5, all in’ xxlogx xx {sin Vy logxx x Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration «35 = xin" xloga— fina +loga ; I-x -2x =xsin™! slog sina d+ flog = xsin“! xlog.x+cos.x+logx x 2v1- x? Jeers ts => xsin"! xlogx+eos.x+2Vi loge 2) sin"! x dx xsin“! xlogx+cosx+2yI =x? logx ~% sin"! xxlogx— xlogx de | J Wi-x? 4. Product of exponential and circular functions (A) t= Jet sinbr (i In this case sinbx is taken as first function and e* as second function. resinbent foo trxt™! @ a a Os = 1S sinbx-2 fea" cosbx a @ @ If circular function is taken as first function in first step, then circular function is treated as first function in forward steps also. ~f-sindxxbx ae Therefore, 2 sinbx-22e* cosbu—™ fe sind de a a Provided by law of transposition, 2 eat > ¥ 1-2 sinbr-* xe cosbe- 1, eS ark by(t) a Se =< Jasindx—beosbx) @ Scanned by CamScanner 36 = Applied Mathematics beosbx + Jasinb* +b Cor-Putting a = reos0 and b= rsin0 we have P cos’ + Psin’@ = a + BF > b = 2 a b = tand=— a b = O= tan! = Now, by (ii), 7 Jreos@sin bx ~rsin® cosbx ae re a+b =sin(bx -0) I= fe* cosbe dx In this case circular function is taken as first function in each step and exponential functionis taken as second function, I= cosbx xi [ bsinbrxe a Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Imegration «37 |. by (1) > (asinbx + beoshr) 7 +b?) et” PDE fasinte+beosbs ea > 37 (asin bx + beosbx) e+e and 1 rt %) fa? +b? a, Integration of type fe*(/ln)+ Sidr =e" f(x)+e i.e., fan integral is composed by two integral in such a way that one function is exponential and second function is sum of the function and its derivative, then the given integral is expanded in two integrands, Again, one integral is worked out in such a manner that first function is derivable of one function of second in integrand and second function is integrable of second, function then one part is not touched and second part is come into action as— I= Jeren+ sandr = I= fetfende+fe pana = Ia stayxfetac-[(asenfetar) ars ferp' (nay > 1=fiwer -J foetdr +fer Pde > I=efr)+e. T= fe yey +if dr =e" x fate Scanned by CamScanner 38 Applied Mathemati GB Now, I= fet ayes sede afer xf (xdde+ fie f (ade => I= bs : (0) fix pay aes et f(a) ax = feet pey-fepandes fe@rendr => Ie fx)tc Jer(twtas = Ia fetantxars fe Example: stan"! xxe" = 2 ter nee fh 1.9 Integral of Partial Fractions x A B @ ciunew a 'au (art byex+d) (@x+b) ex+d x B > exrbler+ ex+d) x Alex+d)+ Blax +b) 2 bard (atbylertd) = x=Aex + d)+3(ax +d) 4) Equating the coefficients of x and constant, 1=AC+aB i) 0=d4 + 0B d=Acd + adB = Acd + beB d= Blad- be) a p= . ad—be By (ii) Scanned by CamScanner ad ~ be ad — be (ax+by(ex+d) “Sack satan aa ~b (a a e = dr+—* _y rad pee ead = be) Jae By using the formulae fro f) log fx) +k =—!_ogiar +b) -d a ——~_—log(cx +d) +k (ad — bc) laren (+l¥ Qx+1) x Ane: ic —eeee Now Qxeiasly 2x4l” x41” (easy x ACEH? +BQx+ Det + e(2x+1) (Q2x+ 1x41? Qx+ (x41? > x= AQE+ De +1) + BOE + 3x4 1) + Cx +1) Equating the coeffcients of x? and x in both sides we have O=4+2B 0 => A=-2B...(i) 1=24+3B#2C => 1=2x-2B+3B+2C, by(I) > 1=-Bte => 14+B=2 ii) Indefinite Imegration » 39 Scanned by CamScanner 40_= Applied Mathematics and O=A+B+C by (1) and (i) B+ B+C,by(I)=B=C, Then, by (i) x S Veen iy =-|———dr+] — de 2x+l xt == log(2x +1) + log(x +1) 1 1 d J (ap A, Bree ate +) x x4 => 1=AG?+1) + Bx (Bx +0) => =A? +1) +(Bx2 + Cx) Equating the coefficient of x°, x and x’, we have O=A+B => A=-B AI) 0=Cc=>C=0 PR, So, “J 1 a dx ‘The degree of numerator and denominator is equal therefore given fraction is homogeneous at it is not applicable for partial fraction. For partial fraction, the fraction must be heterogeneous i.e., degree of nemerator is less tht Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration » 41 denominator. Therefore, P42 P4+2et1 -2k-1 =-Qx+1) xe 2x41 (+l? Get? 2x+1 OY aD? => Ww+L=AGH1)+B Equating the coefficient of x and x°, we get2=A andl =4+B =1=2+B, Theref 2-4 erefore, cay 2 1 7 J Se-ferfherfou (x41) atl (x41? 1 = x-2log(x+1)+—— +e xl Now, > 1 Therefore, x-ayd+x) x +e => LSA(1 =a) (1 +2) + 3x (1 +2) + (1 - => 1 =(A + Ax) + (Br + Br’) + (Cr- Ge) Equating the coefficients of x7, x and x° is both sides, we have 0=-A+B-C i => A+C=B ni) Scanned by CamScanner ‘Applied MathemaleS i ae we have Now, by (i) (ii) and (iii) 1 B=5 1-B=38 7 : a a1 PF. a -) 70) api — [arts] a tag dxe-F)yox 24 1tx Thus, wre = loghx| - Howt - -x) +f load txt \ocum* pextatl i fe = =| agape 1 -f(——« 2! Seen 1 A, Bx+C Now Genatey eel Pd => 1=A@2+1)+(Br+O@+1) Equating the coefficient ofx°,x and x, we have +B} OA=4B 0 =B=-C=+4=+C-1 and 1=4AxC > 7 PE = 7 1 mera *7 x 4l Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Imegration a 43 = Te —— sin2x (1+ sin.) +sinx) ee (+sinnQ+siny Let sine = y = cosx de = dy 2y Thus, t= |————_. Seem? ay Now, * (+yQ+y) =2y=A(Q+y)+ BL +y) Equating the coefficients of )* we have. +B eli) Ivy 2+y Thus, re2fonf ie . l+x Qey = -2|1+y|+ ylogl2 + yf = 2loglt + sin x|+ ylogl2 + sin x +c leenoe (te*)Q+e") If ef =y, then e dr = dy ae lem? Scanned by CamScanner 44 «= Applied Mathematics ee aR By method of difference 2 (2+y)-(1+y) (l+y)(2+y) I = 2+y l+y => 1= | ———~qy- | ——"2__ leepean Trax +) > 1 = logll + y|-log(2 + y) > 1 = logh + e*|—log + e* 1+e* > T= log! + ee c. Ans. Scanned by CamScanner RCISE 1A Evaluate the following: fac Wy Jou cosxtsec? x + 2 jas A 2 vr x42 I= dr “Na 1+cosx 1 “ieee wie 9. 1 fsinaxsin3e dc 10. 1 fsin2x cosx ax fanxsin2xsin3x de 12. tel cosx 1B. t= [Side 14, T= fant x dx Indefinite Integration «45 15. = Jovcts de 16. 1 fsin? x cos. dr 17. = fcc! xtans ae 18. 1 far + 1)sin? (2x? +3x)de 19. fa 1 wai 2. i 27. 1= fav sin® ae Jee xt Scanned by CamScanner 46» Applied Mathematics 29, 1 =fe cose'de I 30, I= de IF 1 ds ste) ay 32, = [2x +3yierd de aa, r= f moe 9, x uM. 38, 1=f— ac Sin xeosx 1 t=fac => [=x +c, where cis a integration constant or arbitrary constant. (ii) Given Ie Jor = fra 2. Given, 4. Given, x42 G+) = fetta (sy Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration = 47 or, Jytrsing a PT = J feos? £+sin? £42 sinZcos2 a i eta tae ' ee $ = fap fuect*Sac= 5x2 +0 aoe 2 ee = J (ooteund] de i 2 = tan 4c. Ans. S Jcorz+sinz i 2 7. Given, x x = feos pdr fine ar I= Jot +4 ar oo sin® cos sal, a 4-4 8 Given, re 9. Given, 2 a 1+ fsindxsin3x ae 2 J2sin3x sin2x ae ‘Scanned by CamScanner 48» Applied Mathematics 1 By the formulae - a aeind snd = costa —B)~ costa +B) for” B 16 2 A 1 : = Jaa | osx -e0s5.n de 5 Joosx a-zfeo 1 I « : pebsinxebsinSx+c. Ans. 2 10 10, Given, 1 f(sin2xc0s.) a 1 fsin2xeoss ds By the formulae 2sind cosB = sin(A + B)—sin(A -B) 1 = pJosnss ~sinx)dx 1 1 Ff sin3x de—3 sins ds 13. Given, = [608% yy i. J en 1 = f(sinsxsin2s sin3x) de = fa ae sinx sin? x 1 a = J @sin3esins)sin2x de 1 =} J os2s—cosds)sin2v de Jesin2scoss det J reo sin2x dx If, 1 > 1a] fsindx de—7 f(én6x—sin2s) ae = foot scosee?x ax Let, cour= 1, then — cosectx dt = dt = cosec’s dk =a 2 t fra See 1 cot” x+e Ans. - Scanned by CamScanner See ee eee eet 14. Given, 1 fuan' ede = fan? can? xs = fan? = fu 2 vege? 2 = Jian? xsee? x de~ fan? x de = fan? x sec? xae~ f Let tane =, then soci de = dr 30, Jerar~ fcc? x ars fat tanxtxte ?x-tanx+e. Ans. 18, Given, I= feet xa = Jove? x sec? ae = J(ttan? sysee? x de Let, tanx = ¢, then sectx dr = dt $0, t= fase ya = fa s[taarete +e 1 fanx+-stan? x +6. Ans. Indefinite Integration» 49 16. Given, t= fan? code Let sin =f, then conse de = dt so, f= frat log = T=tsin‘ ate. Ans. 4 17. Given, 1= fcc! xtav de = fuanasec? see? x ds = fan a(t +tan? s)see? ads Let tanx = ¢, then sec de = dt so, I= Jared = frasfea Laie qhtgtite pean? cian! ce. Ans . Given, I= fax? eysinae? +3xdr Let 2x* + 3x = 4, then (6x? + 3)de = de => 3284 Ide = dt = Or +bdr= zai 5 Jane dt feosrte => [= -cos(2x? + 3x) +. Ans, ‘Scanned by CamScanner =" Let x? =s, then 2x de = dr l+Q°y Hoe d= Sta + 7 (te = Fun teyte Ans. 20. Given, oe lie Let x=tand then de = sec%0 dO sec? 0.d0 Thus, tan? @V1+tan? 26 sec?@dd _( sO ig Tan? @sec0 J tan?O 1087 8 sin? ieee Gee and cosec0 = bae 1 hyp. cos4x+sin dx J sin2x (cos? x+sin? x)? —2sin? xeos? sin2x 4sin2x =1+c0s2x =f sin2x 3+ eos2e Let cos2x = 1, then 2sin2x dr = dt sin2x dx A fiera 2log3+i|+¢ = —2log|3+c0s2x|+¢ Ans. — Scanned by CamScanner 22. Given, x (2-«?)} Let x= asec0, then du = asecO tan0 dd dv 3 @ sec? 0 xasecOtan0 50, 2 caf Wettan? O)see? 8 1g tan’ @ Let tan6 =¢, then sec’@ dO = dt +?) Thus, 1 =af 23. Indefinite Imegration « 51 u = tan?0 = tan Given, 1= fain* xc0s? x de = 1 [sin x c0s? x cosx de = 1 fin’ x(.-sin? xjoosx de Let sin =, then cost di = dt There fore, t= Jeta-Pyae = I=fta- fea Scanned by CamScanner vie(ie ve) Let +x =y, then so, J 0a fcose ae = -a0 — asin® + ¢ and 0 =cos!* Jar J a-x Let x =acos@, then dx = —asinO dO s0, T= af J2*4050 sng ao : a—acos8 J sds (a? = x7)? Let x = asin®, then dk = acos® a0 acos0 50, : (a? —a? sin? 9)? sin => Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration «53. Let e+2r+3=, then (2x + 2)dr = 21 dr (x4 Ide= td so, J je 1 = I[=1+e > reVre2x43 40 Ans 30. Given, 1 = Je cose'de 21. Given, rf Let x= 3tan0, then dr = 3sec'0 a = [=sine' +. Ans. Let e*=4, then ede=dt $0, I= foost dr=sini+e j 3ran0 3. J — «38007 8 0 949 tan? 50, a Let 1-e*de Otetde=dt = etde=dt dt $0, i=fiar = log} +c = log — = log(e' ~ 1) - loget + ¢ = log(et - 1) —x loge + = log(e'-1)-x +c Ans. 1 a(x"+1) x+1 Let x"+1=4, then fe nx! de = di x? 42x43 32. Given, 1= J = 1=V9+x7 +c Ans. 29. Given, =f Scanned by CamScanner =2{ (2r* 1677 +3243) x02 gy = 2 [log(e-1)-log(o] +e n 1 [ sod node 10 x" 41-1 =—log] ——— |+c ne x4 1 { x } =—log| +c n Ux" +1 => T=logx—Liog(x" +41) + Ans, in 33. Given, I= [2x +3)\avd de Let x+4=8, then x84 > dad 50, 12 [0-47 43) raed > T= fata? 11643200 =2f a6 164r4 +351?) at ] afta - fa +70f Pa 5 3 5 7 3 Zero? Borge +c Ans, 34. Given, tan(log x) = [a i f x 1 Let loge =, then dx = de 50, I= f tant dt =logsect+e = log (see (log x)) +c ie sin2x 35. Given, = sindx sin2x 9. Is J sina) * Is = sin2x 2sin2xcos2x u u =} foxe2x de 1p lesen, > 1 Hoglse2x-+tan2x/ 40 Ans, 36. Given, ;=(— 4, sin x cos x Scanned by CamScanner => Is logleosee2x-cot2a|+e, Ans, l+sinx 47. Given, =f ds 38. Given, i= 39. Indefinite Integration «55 Let «= atanO, then de = asec’ dO -J asec? 0d0 Va? tan? 0+a" a0 $0, asec” f do elma = Jeo d0=oghee0+ and] +e x == tan0 a sec? 0-1 [aa Thus, ton ee laa In+Vx? +a7| +e Joga may be neglected. Ans. => 1= log! Given, 1= f(r+Dy2x=1 dx Let 2x-1=, then 2d = 21 dt 2 => de=tdrand x= 224 Scanned by CamScanner Thus, : [Stay a ea FJe saa -Afitae2 fea 1 1 eof tox te 0 2 3 3 =-Le@x-p?+tex-n? = ig @x-? +7 @x-D? +e. Ans. f 2x4] 40. Given, 7= dx SG Let 3x+2=A, then Bebe = 21 dt > ar= 2dr and x= 2 2) 4 3 2 80, p= [24 —x*rdt f 1 Sue aS 1-443 3 3 Applied Mathemati 4 72 > Cee a ‘3x+2 +c Ans, 2 41. Given, 7 -f +1 Let x+1=8, then de =2tdtandx=P-1 2 yp Thus, 1 [OP aa =2ft-2° +)de =2frtar—af Pars 2far =25-4P saree 5 3 3 =F1n3-4oerp? +2Vx+1 +e. — Scanned by CamScanner EXERCISE 1B Evaluate : i [554 2 =f re « 9, I= fxPsin2x de 10. I= Sle +sinx)cosx de forsec? xa 12, 1 fxo0s! xa 1B. 1 flog. ar M4 1= fsec? xdr Indefinite Integration «57 18, I= freer 16. 1 fsitog nde 17.) 1 flog +x) de 18, 19, 20. 2. 2. 23. 24, 25. (ii) 1 J stogtt nde i) 1 Jatoe de (i) I+ jetta in fe log.x de (i) T= fe logx de 1 = fcos2:rlogsin adx t= fxetae T= fet tan" eae Scanned by CamScanner a7, p= fxn! I= ofan an ft era 28. = fet sin e! (1+ sin.xcosx 8. 1 = fet sinx dx arf desing, 29, 1= fe cosax dx 1 1 33. Jf - = ae cosx (log x) 30, po fe 8 Hint & Solutions 1. Given, 1 I= SFr si cos? {@ +b sec? x a a? +6? tan? x Let tanx =, then sec dr = dt 1 1-(— = Sat 1 a 11 a: =, where x=5 =—x—tan} 2] 4 plas ve De ke RSS tao"'(uans} +0 af® tan“! tanx|+c Ans, a cosx 2. Given, 1-[/—“* —a« sin? x+sinx+1 Let sinx = 1, then cosx dx = dt Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration © $9 1 tf d oS I=] — dt frodfocd ros}. ol iy one (14) +3) haw 3. Given, : 1 rere S 1 y > “Tossa * oles nth = sin-'(Qx-3) +c. Ans. Scanned by CamScanner Api 1-ffeea 2 [ana eee sya I 5 Given eee Let x+2=/, the de =U drandx =P -2 de = = (-241Dx0 jx+2-1 =2x-44 =i ee “Txd fle xe 24i|* = top tte = log} tS Ans. Given, 1 1 | a l= Vat Scanned by CamScanner Exc T———&x& ©. © Indefinite Integration «61 logl2a? +24 i]+ 2J—1 ax (3) -G) logl2a? +2reif+2x tian 72 |e 2 2 1 Fs plo? +2x41)+4tan "(2x41 +e. Ans. 9. Given, I= fx?sindx ae With the help of integration by parts. 1=3 fsin2x ds “(2 Jina «he 2 = 1=—eos2at f21" 2 cos2x 2 de de xsindx_plxsin2x 2 -f pt cos2x-+ 7 . “je cosdu + fxsinds—tem2ee Ans. 10. Given, 1= fe +sins}cosx dx Scanned by CamScanner Applied Mathematics = acon acrfann one a frcona ade fants te 1 ws — frxsinn dea axxsinx 1 a xsinx-+00sx—{Ons2e +6, Ans p= free? ede = rxtanx— fixtanx dr =x + tanx + log cosx + ¢. Ans. 12, 1 J xc0s? xd = J Geos: +6083) de 23] reosa def xeos3e ae > 1a fina esi de] ESE fon Se 3 7 li 1

[=xlogr-x => 1=x(logr-1) => 1=x(logx -loge) u I= xlog| *|+ (2) © Ans. 14. J see? x de i) Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration « 63 = fc x see? x de >see tane free xtan cy tan x de msec tan x~ free xtan? x de =see tan f sec (see? x= de certanx [see? nde fsecx ae Fe seextans—1+ fee de By eqn. (i) under the cube of transposition. = 2 =secxtanx+loghsecx+tanx|+e sec.xtanx-+ loglsec.x+tan.|+c] Ans. Jeera 32x 3 2 ae whe’ x72 aac 26 +6. Ans. 16. Given, 1 fsindog.x) dx Ai) In this case, first function is sin(logr) and second functionis 1 So, 1 = sin(logx)xx- feos(logs)+—xx dr 1 => I= xsin(logx)=(coslogx) x x~ J-sindog xtc ‘Scanned by CamScanner = /=xsin(logx) - xcos(logx) ~ / from eqn. (i) => 2/=xsin(logr) - xe0s(logx) log.x) ~cos(log x))]+¢ Ans. ote 17 Given, I= fede 1 Let, Jx =r, then ae =dt = de=2Vxdi=2dr s0, 1=2fre'ar =2fte!— fixe! a= =2e"¢=1)=2(vie—t)e%* +e. ans. 18. (i) 1 fiogi+x dx = log(l +x) xx. 1 = rlog+2)- fde+ fL, a+) f fea = rlog(l +x)—x-+logll +x]+c. Ans. (ii) Given, 1 J xlog +x?) de Fk2exxdr +x 2 = log( +x?) x all +t) x iF Zz de +x? J *Nogtl +x?) 2f oni ieee aici aaa is Scanned by CamScanner 2 Vogl +27)~2f ae+2 3 log + 47)—2x42tan lsc. Ans. (ili) Given, Jrtozx ax Let loge= 1, then Lar = dr x Jos x(lostogx)—1)+¢ Ans. so, 20. (i) Given, 3 3 _ => [=logxx2--[txLax 73 i 3 Indefinite Integration» 65 Scanned by CamScanner 21. Given, I= Joos2sloe sinx de 1 sin2x i —— *cos.xx dx sinx = [= logsina x= 2sin xcos.x x cos x sin 2xlogsin. x= | ——————— 2sinx sin 2xlogsin.x~ f cos? x dx sin2xogsins ~ J *502% gy 2 2 = sin2stogsins + fax feos2s a sin 2x > 1 sin2x logsin x-+ +c. AN a = an 2 B 4 ns. 22. Given, 1 = f xe* = Iaxe'—fixetar =e +e => I=(@-l)e+c. Ams. sin”! x t= | ——. 22. Given, J 7 a-) sin7! x erase Peer Scanned by CamScanner Indefinite Integration «67 1 Let sin'x = 4, then === ds = dr Vie? $0, es Jocetea u Fenian fictane ar = tant + log cost + ¢ sint =x = [= xcosec™x +logl lr+vix?=i]+c. ns, 24. Given, ‘Scanned by CamScanner : 1p_x? ope sin m 1 mt ee = [=e cost+—e™ sint dt m m > 2 Uornen( meets) = [+f ent{ Meosttsint m Indefinite Integration © 69 Scanned by CamScanner Mathematics "#(meost + sin!) + x(meosttan“! x)+sin(an”! x) +e) Ans. i) = Iasinxxe™~foosx xe’ de = B= et sina =[cosxxe* — J-sinxxe* ar = [se'sinx-e' cosx— fet sinx de => [=e (sinx—cosx) -1, From eqnation. (i) => 21 = et (sinx—cosx) > I= Ze"(sins—coss) +e Ans. 29. Given, 1= Je? cos3x ax 2x J sin 3x de => [=cos3xx Scanned by CamScanner 1 3 = se cos3x4— fe sindx : =I sin3x dr 2 2 sin3x—2 1 From eqn. (i) (Jeose+ sn] 4 => l=se™ ($eos3x sen > 1=te(2o0s3x+3sn3x) +6 ‘Ans, 30. Given, e T= |—(1+ xk as Sl xlogx)dr 1 T= |e" +—dr+] e* logx dx 2 tefetsarsfettgs Now, with the help of integration by parts and by cancellation law, Ize logs fe* log x a+ fet togs ax T= logr +c. Ans. 31. Given, I= J oie + }: = I=fe'sin ade fet ar Now, through integration by parts and by cancellation law, Indefinite Integration » 71 Scanned by CamScanner 72 = Applied Mathematics => /=e'sin'x+ 32° Given, = ie fe (sec? x + tan.x)dr = I fetsec?xde+ fet uns dy Through integration by parts and by cancellation, Fe" tanx— fet tanx acs fer tan x dx => /=e'tanr+c. Ans. 33° Given, [a xy Je > Sele With the help of integration by parts and by way of cancellation. i logxx0-1%2 j 1 (log. x)? (log x)? 1 1 1 T=x——+ |[—ar- ] — ar om logx pee, laa x l= +c. Ans. => logx ae Scanned by CamScanner 2.1 Definite Integrals Definition: Ifa bea function be.x and g be another function such that f(x) is defined in the closed interval (a, 6], then » (6) =), forall xis the domain off then f f(x) is called definite integrals over (a, 6), where a and b are limits of integration, where a is known as inferior limit or lower limit while fis called superior limit or upper limit, . That [sess = [eto], = )-s(a) + Cor-(I) If f S(x)dx = 0, then the equation f(x) = 0 has at least one root is open interval (a, b) provided _fis.a continuous function in open interval (a, b) Cor-IL. Ifthe function /{x) is not defined at x = a and x = b but itis defined in open interval (a, b), then fi (ade ’ exists and f S()de can be evaluated. Scanned by CamScanner 2.2 Geometrical Meaning of Definite Integral The definite integral of [reve is numerically equal to the area of curve linear trapezoid bound, by the given curve and by the straight lines or ordinates x = a and x = 6 and x-axis. + . J se0de represents an algebric sum of areas of the region bounded by the curve y =f, te, axis and the ordinates x = a and.x = 6. The areas ave the s-axisis expressed in positive sign, while the below ofthe 2-285 ay negative sign. by then." fl)=S(@) and Remarks: (i) If f(x) is continuous at x = a and x = 2 S(x)= f(b), then Jocoae = f()- fla) (ii) If) is continuous at x = a but discontinuous at x = 6, then . Fla)= (0), then | flayar= im, (iii) 1£x) is discontinuous at x = a but continuous at x = b, then" f(x) = g(b) . thus, f eoode = f0)- fla) If£f{x) is discontinuous at x = C such that a < ¢ < b, therefore, x) has different valuesip (a, b) and (c, 6) Thus, fr (de = if S(x)de + free (iy) 2.3 Fundamental Theorem of Integral calculus : ‘Statement : If f(x) be a single valued function and continuous in closed interval (a, 6] such that a and b are finite and definitely 5 > a, then 00 Fone where g(x) =/(x) such that a a 2 =2(2-0]+ I=". ans. n 2 #0 aden? f 2 2 sin=cos—d0 aeoan 2nd) = cos= "3 Scanned by CamScanner ee Define Integration = 83 x(2Sn.xeos x}dr Scanned by CamScanner 84 = Applied Mathematics 6 Given, 1 fain? as ° -I(e22)« > 1p fac-tfoweeae Scanned by CamScanner Given, 1 = J sin? Ocos? 0 do 0 =] 1 Jsin? 0 cos* 0 cos0 40 > Let, in0=1, then cos® a = dr when @=0, then r= sin0 =0 Define Integration «85 Scanned by CamScanner [eeet 2 lo Let when x=0, then sin@= => sin = sind when x=a, then sin0="=1 a 7 _ => sin@=sin— 2 Scanned by CamScanner a a 13 x 2 oo (sin sino) = Ans. 11. Given, eli) = 1=(seextanx)} ~ J(eextan tan x)er > 1=(ceextanx)§ - Jseextan? x de = (see xtanx)3 = fseox(sec? x1) ae = (seextanx)} ~ free? x dr+ freer de o otal > 1=(seextanx)s -1+(seex+tanx)é byeqn. (i) a -(<-Fn3 -sso1n0] +HHoghee t+ tnd «glo + und 1 = 3 (21-0) +1o9(s2 +1)]-0 1347 +1082 +1] Ans. Define Integration » 87 Scanned by CamScanner 12, Given, 7 (tay a eg tert Gt ez Fo ing both sides wr-t. oe Ai) Now, inte dea n+l = 1=(tanx)2 -(seex)2 1=/tan2-tan0|-| sec™— = 1-(omt- tnt) oot ee = (@-0) — («0 ~ 1)= © — in determinant form other wise. Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration = 89 Scanned by CamScanner oe shear () wd) #1 eee be tomer tin Oost Sa mie a28 ar) when x = 0, then f= 1 + tan0=1 when x=, then 14, Given, 1= Joos? + sin? 42sin* xcos~ |ae ; 2 22 g 3 i eh = [cos dx+| sin2 ax 2 Jan} 0 0 sin )* (cos)? =|—2| T I 2c) Scanned by CamScanner STO $ Ol Define Integration «91 sin sox iF +sin® } ae Daal | eer Beat cos + sin® 2 2 Scanned by CamScanner 92 = Applied Mathematics 16. Given, j 1 ae S4acos x > z = If 2 = I J—2_« 054+5tan? +4— tan? 2 09+ tan? = Let tan Sr, then seo? Sa har= dt = wc? Zde= 2d 2 when x=0, then /=tan0=0 when x= then, ¢=tan=—1 4 4 Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration «93 17, Given, sin(tan“t x) I= oe dx 1 Let tanr the pdx = dt and x= tant lex when x= 0, then ¢= tan Ans. Let de=dt and x= sint 80, t= fsa 0 Scanned by CamScanner roost) —fx—cost ar (rcoss)é + (sina) ~-( Jeo -couo} (sin sino) 6 6 6 > 4 19. Given, t= fae J 1+cos2x vie 4 ran? xsec? x de ° Let — tanx = /, then sec’x dx = dt when x= 0, then = tan0= 1 x when x=, then =tan= 4 4 therefore, Scanned by CamScanner then see? Shae =a > sec? Sd = 2dr when x00, then 1 tan0 = 0 when x=, then ¢= tan Define Integration #95 Scanned by CamScanner fog? 23. Given, 1= J a 1 = e*. Ans. cos x. 27. Given, 1 = {——°S* __ (1+sin)(2 +sinx) ois Let sinx = 4, then cost dr = di when x=0, then /=sind=0 when x=3, then ¢= sin 1 1 50, = Teper Q+)-0+0 4 (+0240 — ‘Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration « to a ‘ > : Sin Deca (logit 4-0), ~ (log? +n) WORD) (log? ~ log) ~ (lox3 ~ 1og2y log? ~ log3 + log? = 2log2~log3 = og4—log3 = lop. Ans, 28. Given, 1 4 Sin. cos.x sinx Let ———— = A(sin.x +c08.x) + B(cos x - sin.x) sinx-+cos.x where 4 and B are constant sinx + cosr Now, equating the coefficients of sinx and cosx, we have 1=A-B and +B By equations (i) and (ii) igos0 sin) Scanned by CamScanner 100 © Applied Mathematics = I= 4-7 (loB:-108)) x ink = = Ans. 2 29. Given, y= {—1_ low 1 Now, by partial fraction, 1 A B a ac x(x+ly ox x4] (x41)? LAA + IP + Bee +1) + Ce > LSAGE +e +1) + BQ +x) + Ce Equating the coefficients of x, x and 2°, O=4+B > AaB O=24+B+C => 0=24-4+C,by(i) => A+C=0 = A=-C and 1=A so, by (ii) and (i) =-1 ac (x41? «| 1 = (logla)? —(logex +1)? (ts) = (log, log, )- (log 3 -log2) + Ai) Ai) —yik (x41? 2 1 ( 1 2+1 2 ) Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration © 101 30. Given, I= xa?) lex 2 1 = ACL +22) + (Bx + Che = 1A +2) + B+ Ce Equating the coefficients of x, x and x’. O=A-B Tha 272. = f-ar-+f/—* I inet S = ay? = (los(x)); = 3 (0 haa ), ~ (loe:—og!)F10p5 log? =log2-Llog5++log2 82-5 logs + Flog: =+(210g2-1og5 + log?) 7 (21082 — logs + log: =4(s10g2-I085) = Hoe’. Ans, Scanned by CamScanner 102 @ Applied Mathematics 31. Given, 1 a e I= a Ip 7 0 _ fdtx—Det 5 (tx)? 1 L > ds etde— fe Sie le 1 1 r 1 ex] — J lowe CF lek oe 2 ‘) i =|—e + * dy (4 0 lawr'® Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration « 103 EXERCISE 2B 1 Ife) = * sine, |x| <2 3 2, otherwise then find fro 2. Iffx)= [x], for every real x where [x] is the integral, part of x. Then find f fo dx 3. Find the value of J minox—[xJ.r—[-xJur where [ ] denotes the greatest integer function, Where, / represents the greatest integer function, then find / 1 5. Find the value of fmax(2~x,2,1+x) dx 6. If f(x)=cosx -fie 1) dt, then find /"(x) + fx). te 7. Assuming that fis everywhere continuous, the find the value of ai {2} i les (Cee) 8 Find the value of "8 7 fer kinx+sin2x+sin3x sin2x sin3x| 9. IE f(a)=| 34+4sinx 3 dsinx L+sinx sinx 1 ‘Scanned by CamScanner 104» Applied Mathematics ind the value of [? fas f 1 tin [1 |" 10, Find the value of MW, | da " 19942”. 7 a H1, Find the value of , 2 12. Find the value of (£0689) /"(atoddatorde where g(1) = (2) dx = g(k)~ g(l) then find the value of k, 13. dith ee nd the valli of teens he estimated value of [55+ 755“ Fo09 15. If a, =f? dx, then determine the sequence a, ~ a, dy ~ yy y~ yy ene. AF in, lo sin 16, Find the value of « is the interval (7, 0] satisfying sina [ cos2x dr af 44 l= [a jog” then find J sin 2af(sin.x+cos? x)dx 1% 18. Ifa) > 0, and x) be a non decreasing continuous function in [a, 6), then find + fatb-x) 19. uf Le 1-2) — te =4, then find the value of@ and b. a f(x) + flab x) 20. Find the possible value of a which satisfy [Gx 442-5) -2. 4 -1 2. ir f' sonar 4 and J3-seod, theb find the value of ff f(x) de. N+c087 F 22, For any/ ¢ Rand /be a continuous function and J, -[ 1» Sx(2=x))de, then find J, fy Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration © 105 | . Find the value of A =Klog2 then find the value of ron Find the value of [ sin Vi deaf cos"! Yr a 36. lifts) bea function satisfying f(x (x) with (0) = 1 and g be a function satisfying flx) + g(x) =, then 1 find the value of the integral I, Saga aK 21, If fx) bea continuous function in the interval iE | then find the value of 2, (sca) flennde 28, ne N,then find J -0fx]de, r : 29. If b bea positive function and I, = i x f(x(=x))de and fy = f Plats), where 1>0, then find 41, 1 30. If 0x) = (+ tan. ott ) and g(x) is a function of domain R, then find [esr dx. 31. Find the value of fen 2efedae, . tan! 2. If h =f * de and I, 3 7a, then find the relation between J, and J, x sin 1 | 33 Find the value ofthe integral [? (bsrtoet=}a 4 = | 34, Find the value of fPlans-jar. | 38 Find the integral pe ty ” fay Ag ;] Scanned by CamScanner 106» Applied Mathematics 46. IP fof dt, then find the real roots of the equation «? ~/'(x) = 0 47. For any integer n, find the value of integral j a+ Dx de. y 38, 9 40. Find the value of de. o Vetan? x 2 tan“ tana] -fsi 41, Find the value of [2] ————E 1. I fan" anaf 42. Iff(x) be a real valued function f(x) +(x + 4) = fl +2) +flx + 6)and g(x) = [ro ad, then find 43. 44. t= b=1 45. If | logsin x dx=k, then find the value of {# log(1 + tanx) dx 0 0 at ‘ fi 1 46, Find the value of |e Sy omg 47. If =f ‘f(cos? x)dx he= f ‘Jf(cos* x)dx, then find the relation between J, and J, Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration « 107 find the value of J Pri & Sotetions $$ sates m sing, ii <2 fa 2, otherwise Therefore fiz) is an odd function in (-2, 2) Therefore, [ Slr thus. C flride=0 and fix)=2 in (2,3) 3 3 therefore [soe Ja (x) =2 So, 1=0+2=0. 2. Given that flr) = x- [x] ta I= ff slnde = [| e-bohe and So, =-Hx)!, +0=-0+1)=-1 Scanned by CamScanner odd function. Scanned by CamScanner then di = Ide Therefore, J, = So, Keeth. 4 h 5. Given that ~x)dr +f 2dr 0 =2(x)2, -(§] +2(x)) Mt =20+1)-F0-+20-0)=244+2 I whe 6 Given that Sla)=coss~ [can fo at > f@= cosa 'stodr [veo a = Pl=cosx- [pedis fo+fo) re Define Inte Scanned by CamScanner fix) = cos — Ax) P's) + Av) = cost 7. Given that Lp fx ar le) Putting then de= Cdr when then 1= a et=W xe" 5 tw I Peek B41) La 9. Given fix)=| 3+4sinx 3 4sin lsinx-+sin2x+sin3x sin2x sin3x/ I+sinx sax 1 ByC,-C,-C, then —<$— ‘Scanned by CamScanner Define Imegration «IIT lin sin2x sin3x f@)=]0 3 sing! 0 sine 4 f(x) = sins => A)=SinG ~dsin'xy > fix) =3sinv~ Asin’ > fx)=sin3x Therefore, I 10. Given that, ost, Hog! + tog? +tog3+...rlog” log P= He =| 0B + 10g +10 en = log P =the Yioe“] nen 1 > logP = fees dx, Scanned by CamScanner 412 © Applied Mathematics by first principle. by property of int > log P= (logs 0) =f = logP = (xlogr),' ~(),! = bogP=0-1=-1 P=e! So, required result = IL. Given that 1 00" P= xae={2_| - oO 100 ly 100 1 r= PV ert fceeadaterds where (1) = @(2) Let g(x) =4, then aes | . = ie Fin f 4 = Cog F048) Thus, = log flg(2)) — logig(!)) g()=60) 1=0. 13. Given Zire) = = 120-9 and Let w= 4, then 2x de = dt when =I, then/=1 when x =4, then = 16 So, 16 | eee if gq LOd = (On = 8(16)~(g(1) Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration « 113 Given So that T= g)- x) so R= 16. 14, According as the given problem By property of integration S P=(log(1+.x))-" = P=log(! + a—1)—log(1 +0) > P=loga Again, putting n= 1000 and a = 2 when have, P= log2. 18, Given that P sin? ny=sin?(x—I)x lb then : dx sinx -} 6082(n—I)x = cos2nx = |e de 0 sin Dxsinx > Fann DSO sinx > Therefore, -a= 4 3 Thus, @,-a,,a,- a a, rein A.P, because of 3, 5, 7,9, ‘Scanned by CamScanner 114% Applied Mathematics 16. Given that under the in Lis [-, 0] Is. dy such that y= sine [ According as interval y = 0, So, sina +4 (sindar=sin2u) =0 > Now, in a= n+ (10 = aan or, cosa = rk a=-= 3 -n< and 5 17. Given that 1 f dx 8 3ylogx x when x>0,then I3/£ 3ylogx = So, 1> 1 af .2 T= [ide f dx >= ds Therefore, 1 fi > dier “bar ce : i > 1> 1p Ve 2063-93) According as the logarithm table, the appoximate value of 1 -93)=9? w3. 3s? Scanned by CamScanner | Thus, Lf pias made So, Ax) is monotonically increasing, So, fla) Hes [pends s 0. Lp ies Fgh Serato. 0), 49. Given that flat f-2) - oetes Foy fe-b-** [let tcanie Ia flat b—x)+ fla+b—a-f+x) [roe = [rero-0 a By adding (i) and (ii), we have Define Integration © 11S 18, Given fla) > 0 and flx) is non decreasing continuous function in (a, ) -lii) Scanned by CamScanner 116 = Applied Mathematics a+ 2a? Sa-a?+2=0 2a -Sa+2=0 2a -da-a+2=0 2a(a-2)-(a-2)=0 VuuY 2 21, Given that f f(x)de=4 and ['G-fls))dr=7 then, f(0-seenax=-f fone ‘ = 1=6-[ fedde > [iperds=6-7=-1 Al) Now, by problem. 4 1 [fond = [reode+ [sora > — = (-1)- (4) =-5 by problem and equation. (i). 22. Given that “l+cos? = fis, Fe@-xde +008? 1 => ie 2fge =xnde sca -[xUe-nede > 1,=21,-1,-1, > 2, = 2, > 23, Given that z 1 f= fi costo 2 F I-x Scanned by CamScanner wu 1 C08(x) log. then f-X) = seay=-f? 2 fx) = fix) = fAdtfey=0 Therefore, fix) is an odd function so, x)=0. Given that css 2 J? toaan x+cotx{dx = xlog2 5 5 |sin? x + cos? x =f? log| Oe cincons > I= f?(logtoiogsinsx+1ogeos))dr = =~ fPlogsins de~ [?togcosx de Sane 2 = [2 toxtsinsyax [Prsco( +} [Feesins dc— [Ftogsins de > 1=-2[? togsins dx 6 = I=-2x ae tn2} by reduction formulae. S T= nlog2 and given, /= k log? So, K log2 = nlog2 > ken. Scanned by CamScanner u Applied Mathematics 28, Given that 12 [swt Vi dre fos Yea in? win sin” Vr putting = and 1=cos? Bin cos Vr then, asin? ada +f. —sin 2pdB 2a da +f? psin2p ap By property of definite integration. t= [lasin2a da [Pasina da t= Pasin2ada ~cos2a)? pF cos2a =| af —“OS2a }? _ (2 costar, 4 2 } ik 2 7 U(x i - 3[ Foor 0cos0}+ 1 in20) = ~H{-Z) te x-sin0)= x 26. Given that LS) = fx) AO)= 1, fF) =1 7) By integration w.rt.x, We have log fix) =x + when x=0, then logf0) =0 +¢ given f0)= 1 So, 1 Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration « 119 ‘Thus, again, given fix) + g(x) = = ga —fr) 2 alt) =P -e Now, ju x)g(xjde = [sear flevac =(ee- fares ) =e afer fra] (=) = (ve) afc} s2{et Ler we-2429-4e-1) (e) 1 0 =f lee-e? + 27. On the basis of given problem fix) is a continuous function in the interval 4] Given that 2) = f?, (1° FG))- F-)ae 7 Tren, a(-0)= f?,(-a)"(s-)-F00)}te 3 = a-y=- [2,7 (f0)- fooler + Scanned by CamScanner 120 © Applied Mathem Therefore, x(x) is an odd function Thus, f. P(f)-feair=0. 28, Given that nico» fron F la gi) Idx “ => sears f° (1a Ss sead= fen las > 8x) = =g(0), by (1) Therefore, e(x) Therefore, f° (-1)"as=0., 30. Given that Saya (+ tnt + ww( -. 4) and g(x) isa function in domain R, then Ss) = (V+ tan fr | Trane Kee 31. Given that, 1=Jac-2+[sJas = fibe-arafapar+ f'be-2hafs]ac fie 2tefelace fie =20efale 1 Scanned by CamScanner 3B. 2 asin ede Let tay 0, then and Thus, Putting therefore, 7 Given that 1=fi(lons;*2) 1 Tox, 2 Here, tog i** is an odd function, therefore Scanned by CamScanner Applied Mathematics Se Thus, = Pula fits =f) dae+0 =)", = {0 34. Given that ' T= PPjanx-ijde = = [2(-tans)are Scans ds = 1=(6) ~(loesee2)f +(logsees)! (0)! By property of definite integration. Scanned by CamScanner therefore, f(x) = Now, by given problem F-se=0 So. re 0 > el = xtex. By integration method z= 12 37. Given that rf 8 cos'(2x41)x dr i) Then, 1= [eM xcosansNfa—a)de fro-fy0-0 =f" xc0s'(2n4I)x de = Tet by(I) > w=0 Scanned by CamScanner 240 «@ Applied Mathematics => /=0. 38. Given that 4 sio= f cos 1 dt 0 wen g Therefore, cos” t dt +1 - x / =| cos*r dr+ f cos’ t dt 0 in Putting, /=1+0 then, df=d0and0=0,0=x _ Te 4 xe 4 So, stx+n)= ff cos 1 dt+ [cos 8 dé = g(x + 1) = g(7) + g(x) Scanned by CamScanner 125 Define Integration t 28 xsin? 1. Find the value of 3 £ 0 sin?" x +08" x x(n"! Vi) a then find the value of (1 ~ 3°) (f"(x°)) ~ 2f(x) at © 2 i fle oT 3. If lx) be a continuous periodic function with period 7, then find the integral 7= [| f(x) de 4. If") = kin (0, a], then find the value of 5, Find the relation between a, 6, c in the equation | K alsinx|+— +fiicd I re ls 6, Find the value of 1. If lx) be a contineous function such that = fla~x) + flx) = a for x € (0, a}, then find the value of edt | jt i | | | 14. Find the value of if F(@dt, then find |. 18. If f(x) be a real valued function and fx) + flx + 4) flx + 2) + fix + 6), and g(x) atx). | wef mest) ann k. L Scanned by CamScanner L 126 = Applied Mathematics Iffbe tegrable function over [0, a] for any rea IF 1, = [? cos f(sinx +cos? x) dx 1 FI and /, = [Pin2sp{sinx+ cos? x) be defined, then find the relation between 5.4 4 lo 18. If 7= 19. Find the value of the integral oon dx, find 1. fee : ovr = 20. f [iogsin. d= k, then find the value of fea stan) ax 21. 1 froma e+ fief dt then find the value of f(1). 28 0 sin™* x+cos** x By property of definite integration. =f" c > re xsin? x de Hint & Solutions (2n~x)sin? x(2x~x) sin” x+cos?* x By addition of i) and (ii), we have, sin?" x sin?"(2n-+x)sin®* x(2n—x) de fii) Scanned by CamScanner Define triegrasion «127 ‘Again, by addition of (ii) and (iv), we have aya daft Osseo W sin?” xs cos” = 1 <2nfx]2 stnxdan? (sin! Vr) 2 sin f yo inp? | ten, s(y= SP x24 : By lebnitz z rule. = Sa) = Asin'xyP wi) = fe) =2x2sin xx no) _ 48in“ tx os . 16(sin“! x) 7 = (f@)? ae ii) By combinations of equation (i) and (iv), we have = 2) FWP - 2) = {res 31 Foae Putting x =a +y then dr = dy andy = Oandy = T 8 1=[fa+yidy Sis peridic. Scanned by CamScanner Applied Mathematics fa + »)= fo) Therefore, ["/(a+ yay = "F004 erefore, [fla yidy= f's(y) dy 7 = frends, by property which is independent of a 4 Given that 1 = f"7(2) ae = se) [ae-|(ayenf ax) = (SoG (85 - [7 ox ae stor [[rang | fron Za] > 1 (soos -F(reo), +3 [ Petar 2 2 a = (0) -B Pon +i ferooa -[we-3 Sroka) phe fwd According given as the problem, aye 1-[409-F rere roo] (5) Thus, [rertfes09-5 Lary sre} 5. Given that 1+cosx (a)sinx|cx+ f= r+ [fea a. |sinx| is an even function. Jalsins|ae=2[ asinads = 2a sinx dx a Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration «129 Fe Bu [ygaay i8an odd function, Therefore, le J ren de=b So. uf sinus +04.€ = -2a{ cos™—coso) +, (ont-ont} {| = 1= flae= (ff =B-a 7. Given that =[—a By property. fix) +fla-x)=0 fla-x)= fx) aod Liew By addition of (i) and (ii), we have. t Leef) 1+ ef) a x ng by property of inverse circular function, Ai) Scanned by CamScanner 10. Give that pace asingt yy - lo 1 Differentiating both sides, we have frcos4x —-acos4x x By equating the coeff of sin4x and cos4x. We get (= 4a and b= 1 then, ie, Given that, / which lies in the interval [0, 1] therefore, -of 7 Jf ae li xel dx= fie” dx Scanned by CamScanner c Define Integration » 131 Putting then and So, Therefore, thus + By property jo (x)de + = [rarb-ndr= fjlays sco Scanned by CamScanner 132 © Applied Mathematics (ii) a= fde=(2)F, 2 7 > w=24 non 2°2 > 1=2, 2 Le 13. Given that a= ['—* dr ni) ortd then Putting = 1 =b—y, d¢=-dyands=O and = 1 e 6 th a = eer . af ee A =-e' ae alii) wet [ifaw bri 14, Given that 25 tan“ tan x -|sin (sin x] tee foocane|-fin nad Jaan] fata FES Tefal “EF ami Tan Scanned by CamScanner Define integration » 133 then given integral is continuous at then, fP0des 2 x while, on 0 st&)=0 by eq. (iii). 16. Given that Putting =x thus Scanned by CamScanner 134 © Applied Mathematics . eee wi soif 1 = fiteoser (t i 4 ~k =k, by equation. (i) k > 2k > k=0. 17. Itis given that, [Boose s0sinx-+ 00s? x) de and bh=fPsinax Ssinx-+c0s*)ax then = )-= Fone sin eons) Sin2x f(sin x+-c0s? x), Putting sinx + cos*x — 4, then (cosx — 2c08 sinx) dx = dt > (Pose -sin2x) de = a and for #70." 1 and for x= % : Toes, h-Ly= [pod =0 because oa = 5, 18. Given that x - ° (vi~cos2x) 50 7 rf WPlsinstde = 3 (* |sin.x| de Isinx| is a periodic function, T= V5 x50/ sin x| a by property J FO ae= nfs a =50V2 | ain) dc =-S0V2| (cosx)* Scanned by CamScanner 502 (cos ~coso) 50V2(-1-1) = 100/7 19, Given that Putting x=-, then when x= 0, then 7=1 and = x=, then r= Thus, Putting and 2sin? 0x cos® dO ‘cos sams o = 1 Fcos200-( A in -sin0) I=0 ‘Area Given that, ef “Sint Vr d+ (“cos Vi at Differentiating wastx, we get dl ; a = sin“! Ysin? x (sin 2x)+ cos" Yeos? x x-sin? x Define Integration #135 Scanned by CamScanner 136 «© Applied Mathematics SS fe xsin2x- xsin2x=0 a = S fazfoa = /=constant = C Putting ay in equation 0, we get ). Given that foesinx ax=&, then k=2 J ? logsinx dx, because sinx is a periodic function, by property. => x= log? Again, fired +tan x) dr = Flog2 By eq. (i) and (ii). k 4 = i log(l + tan x) dx =—F. 21. Given that [roa =x +fi f(t) at Diff. x, we have fis) =1+0-x fix) Ax) = 1-xfx) fle) +xfz)=1 fa) +x)=1 vuy 1 > 1 Tous, f= =5, wi) (by standard formulae) (ii) Scanned by CamScanner Integration © 137 Definition Ifthe number of terms in the definite int c : 7 init ‘cgration be increased indefinitely, then a process is applied to | solve the problems easily is known as the definite integral as the limit of the sum. i" [Theorem : If(x) be a continuous function of x defined in the interval [a, 6), where a and b are fixed | finite numbers then Jfoode=gaysc and so, Mol[f(a)+ Sath)+ fas 2hys.... +fla+(n-1] ‘ =8)~sla)= Ppeayae where mh = b—a, Integration from the first principle: According as the equation 6 J Ladd = A Ha) + fla) + fa+2h)...n terms] isthe integral of any funtion fx) can be found out from the first principle | Problems on the definite integrals as the limit of a sum = If fx) be a continuous funetion of x and the function fis defined in the interval a and 6 such that a and b are finite and numbers, then | fieoae=89, 5 pany = where nh =f—a Now, — putting a= | and b= 1 in equation (i) then nh=b-a=1-0=1 1 n when +0, then n> co, Now, — by eq. (i), we have S on) =f yore @) || Note: @ If h f(a) and h f(b) approaching to zer0 ash —> 0, then any term cannot be changed. ie he r 7) 5) denotes the facts that fs a function of = Scanned by CamScanner 138 Applied Mathematics 4. Working rule: (i) 7, + 1 has to be found out. tjr (ii) The term i, or 1, + 1 is changed into the term +2) (ii) = is replaced by x. (iv) The limits are changed as a= 0 and b= 1. 2 | ong eee ee nP +1 : Sol. The given problem can be written as W427 43? 4. cha? ee? nP +] Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration a Let then, pou le > log P=,4. ~Zlog{ =}. an k pe fi > log = [ log x dx loge =f a > log P= | 0B = logP =(logxxx),— [Axx de * = log P = (xlogx), ~(x), > logP=-1 > P=et 4. Evaluate the series Scanned by CamScanner 140 Applied Mathematics Sol. then, vuudui y u log 2 fins) stg +2) se{e2}.. (102) n n a n n ul 7 log P=,4., ~Elog{1+2 n n 1 logP = f log(1 +x) de ol “tf logP = (log +2) xx)p~ [ex de 1 ptt log? =(xlogx+1),~ [ “ dx log P=(xlog(x+1)), ~ far faa logP = (x log(x + 1))p!~ (2),! + (log («+ 1)),! logP = 2log2 - 1 logP = log4 — loge logP = wo(4) epee e e Scanned by CamScanner =tan"1= tan“*0+(log2 10!) nil pt zlos2 6, Evaluate the series ,,4., Define Integration » 141 ‘Scanned by CamScanner 142 = Applied Mathematics Aa : dx = sf = see wl at s=+{log2— log!) > s=Ffroea+s?)], = 3llo82-loet] s=+tog2 = 3 6. Evaluate the series cat n pied) Soln. t,41 Scanned by CamScanner Define Integration « 143 > Sola. tat = Ee 4 Scanned by CamScanner 144 © Applied Matbematics e REDUCTION FORMULAE useful reduction formulse which are applied du Important and during area of the curves are— ring solution of definite integ, SBraly cos" n dx “Therefore, the reduction formulae for sin‘x is applicable for [cost ae also. Scanned by CamScanner | — ee ae ee | Define Integration « 145 Evaluate the following fi log x|dx 1 fftoeuns ae so x t= 3. Las 2° the value of x. 4. The values of a which satisfy Jx‘i9.x dx = sin2a Shy Fa 2xcosa4i i < 0 1+sinx » {flea 1 tie : fi sinx+cosx Jo 3+sin2x = 1 a (ee Scanned by CamScanner 146 = Applied Mathemati 13. 1+ tan 3 14. Given that [° find the value ofa. oat 15. [Vax = auf sin? x ds then find the value of [= 16, ? Veosx sin? x de. P ” 17. i siates. 18. & logtan x dr. nd 1. [? ere ao i 1+ cos2x a. r= S22 Gy, lies in the interval for x> 0, then find relation between J, and J. 23. Evaluate fleets] dx, where [x] denotes the greatest integer function. 24, Ifa function is of the form f(x) = ax’ + br + ¢ which satisfies the condition (1) = 8. 2) + f(2) = 33 and [free = 3" the value of a b, ¢ 1 25. If) = a+ bx + 07, then the value of ff fx)de, oS Scanned by CamScanner

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