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Struggling to Write Your Thesis on Research Papers About Nike Sweatshops?

Undertaking a thesis on the topic of Nike sweatshops can be an intellectually challenging and
emotionally taxing endeavor. Delving into the complexities of labor practices, corporate
responsibility, globalization, and human rights issues requires meticulous research, critical analysis,
and a deep understanding of various disciplines such as economics, sociology, ethics, and business
studies. Crafting a coherent and compelling thesis that contributes meaningfully to the existing body
of knowledge on this subject demands time, dedication, and expertise.

Navigating through vast amounts of data, scholarly articles, case studies, and firsthand accounts
while maintaining objectivity and academic rigor can be overwhelming. Moreover, the sensitive
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difficulty to the writing process. Balancing the exploration of controversial issues with scholarly
integrity and empathy requires careful deliberation and ethical considerations.

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But the company set an example by meeting the challenges successfully through major changes in
their ethical management and auditing processes. Deontology or deontological ethics is concerned
with the normative ethical position that seeks to judge the morality of any action based on the
adherence to rules of that action. This should be followed by the issue of eliminating completely
child labor as this is morally wrong. Analyzing different theories he concluded that not all sweatshops
are inhumane and there is more than one manner of correcting the problem. Buchholtz, A. and
Carroll, A. (2014). Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management. The
company was accused of such charges since the year 1970 when it was considered to manufacture
goods in Taiwan and South Korea. Welling: compromise between the moral and economic aspects of
sweatshops will go nowhere. A simple way to visualize ethics in the corporate world is through the
stakeholder perspective. There were also other issues such as poor air quality, exposure to chemicals
considered as dangerous and physical abuse from the overseers of factory. Sports media begin
challenging spokespeople like Michael Jordan. It can be said in this regard that the company
experienced huge growth after it shifted its primary manufacturing branches overseas. They were
also considered to be forced to work overtime which limited the amount of time they could actually
take off. Introduction. Nike, established in 1972 by Philip Knight. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Michael Porter that focuses on
creating economic value while also addressing social and environmental needs. He published an
article which stated that an Indonesian worker was considered to work for the company’s
subcontractor for only 14 cents an hour which was considered to be less than the minimum wages
that was prescribed in Indonesia. Such acts by the company were considered as unethical and could
be termed as wrong doing by the organization Nike, Inc. Term for a working environment which is
dangerous or unacceptably difficult. The hourly wage was considered to be ranging between 13 to
20 cents per hour which could be considered as an outflow of 20 dollars per day for the
organization. Directly intervening to protect workers’ rights: When workers’ rights are not adequately
protected by others and Nike believes it can influence the outcome, it may directly intervene, often
seeking advice from external stakeholders with expertise on a topic. The public outcry was enough to
force them to adjust their manner of doing business. ?? the author examines the subject of
sweatshops and the treatment. Nearly every high-end apparel brand operates its sweatshops in
various countries around the world, especially in places where labor costs are low. Introduction.
Nike, established in 1972 by Philip Knight. By: Stefani Lawless, Alexsa Woodward, Katelynn Spaid,
Katie Pfister, Taylor Nelson. Intro. American company. The sweatshops were found in South Korea,
Vietnam, Taiwan and the People's Republic of China. The company is considered to deny such
claims numerous times by saying that it has got no control over sub-contracted factories. He is from
Hawaii. Barak Obama is the first black president. Nike regularly audits contract factories, with
assessments taking the form of audit visits, both announced and unannounced, by internal and
external parties, and works with accredited third parties, such as the Fair Labor Association (FLA),
to carry out independent monitoring. The business also faced severe allegations due to the
environmental damages including air and water pollution and ecological hazards caused by its
production processes. SUB SAHARAN AFRICA GEOGRAPHY REVIEW Competency Goal 1.
Began between 1830 and 1850 Caused by industrial revolution. In the year 1991, an activist named
Jeff Ballinger published a report which highlighted the poor working conditions and low wages in
the country of Indonesia (Esbenshade, 2004). After three years on Nike wages, they could afford
bicycles. Factory where workers do piecework for poor pay and are prevented from forming unions;
common in the clothing industry. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. A factory or other place of
employment (e.g. agriculture) where workers are forced to work with low wages, no benefits, long
hours, unsanitary and cramped conditions. Working Conditions: Many of the factories lack fire
escapes, windows or emergency exits. Government intervention in this regard was considered to be
quite low as factory supervisors were considered to pay huge amounts to political leaders in this
regard. Began between 1830 and 1850 Caused by industrial revolution. Hapke, L. (2004).
Sweatshop: The History of an American Idea. Countries such as Vietnam, China, and Indonesia
were considered to have on their books laws relating to minimum wage rates but Nike, Inc. It seems
that Nike has overturned many of its sweatshop allegations against their company, however it is still
unclear whether they have been solved. Nobody in my country thinks about companies exploiting
them. The most important factor is the costs they are willing to pay for the products from the
sweatshops. Harrison Jason Scorse Economics 2003 In an effort to shed some light on the larger
question of labor standardsvand globalization, we seek to examine compliance with minimum wage
legislation in Indonesia. All this should have followed the resolutions they finally undertook of
abolishing child labor, increasing the wages, substituting the toxin for non-toxic chemicals as well as
regulating working hours. In countries like China, Indonesia and Vietnam, the company faced the
issue of paying low wages and exploiting the labors into working overtime under the agreements in
the subcontracts. This helps companies to save up on sweatshops are mainly concentrated around
regions like South Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and so on. The global business of Nike has
faced with critical ethical challenges mainly the sweatshop issue. But when the workers of these
countries demanded additional benefits and rights, the company closed all its factories in such
countries and moved to other countries to continue its operations at a lower cost. Please check your
shoes to see if they were manufactured in Vietnam, China, or Indonesia If they were, they were
produced in a sweatshop!. Sweatshops. Definition. Jobs were considered to be very scarce and work
in factories was considered as the only way to earn their living for these young women. These
strategies would also include commitment to human rights, development of ethics, good working
conditions for the labors, involvement of the communities, customer satisfaction and respect for
diverse cultures and backgrounds. Keynes said that there would be no automatic self-adjustment; the
economy could stagnate in persistent unemployment or have continuing inflation. The government
rules and regulations vary in different countries and Nike faced a major problem regarding the
ethical compliance to the laws in its international manufacturing operations. Term for a working
environment which is dangerous or unacceptably difficult. Changes in the organisation of the fashion
industry. This framework is basically used by human rights activists as it makes the most sense in
terms of employee-employer relationship as will be examined below. This resource hasn't been
reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can
review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Helping contract
factories protect workers’ health and safety: Nike helps its contract factories put in place
comprehensive HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) management systems which focus on the
prevention, identification and elimination of hazards and risks to workers, expecting its contract
factories to perform better than industry averages in injuries and lost-time accidents.
Utilitarianism aims at identifying the suffering and the negatives present in such an organization.
Nike got into deep waters with the general public due to the fact that the company did not realize
that sweatshops were being financed with Nike's money. Strengths (Internal to the Firm) Access to
financial resources. Kids are being forced to work long, hard hours in hot, crouded factories. Not
only do the poorly treated employees typically produce poor-quality goods, but also the companies
that are no care about the sweatshops can face a costly job on reputation repair. Cameron Economics
2003 Unlike the well-developed literature on the employment impact of the minimum wage in
industrial nations, very little is known about minimum wage effects in low income countries. This
resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and
conditions. It also set up an independent monitoring initiative with both international organizations
and the US (Buchholtz and Carroll, 2014). Nike, Inc. was also considered to issue a company Code
of Conduct for all its factories which was mainly concerned with regulation of working conditions
and safety requirements. As a result, workers were considered to move to higher paying jobs. Jones,
G. and Hill, C. (2012). Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach. References: This article was
compiled using an article from the links below. Such acts by the company were considered as
unethical and could be termed as wrong doing by the organization Nike, Inc. Sweatshops often have
poor working conditions, unfair wages, unreasonable hours, child labour, and a lack of benefits for
workers. Sweatshops Around the World, 2008 Sweatshops Across the World, 2008. Featherstone, L.
(2002). Students Against Sweatshops. The governments in these countries where Nike was running
its operations turned a blind eye towards the low wages and the poor working conditions of the
laborers in the factories of Nike. These strategies would also include commitment to human rights,
development of ethics, good working conditions for the labors, involvement of the communities,
customer satisfaction and respect for diverse cultures and backgrounds. Safety: More than 2000
people have died in Bangladesh since 2006, according to the Clean Clothes Campaign. See other
similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were
looking for. Grenier Economics Journal of Political Economy 1982 Economic analyses of the effects
of minimum wage laws usually assume implicitly that employers fully comply with such laws. The
wages were insufficient compared to the minimum requirement for a living standard. Bullfights
Cockfights Rubrics Conclusion Resources 11. Standards. Table of Contents. Why. The organization
was considered to have sweatshops in such countries where the child labor laws were considered to
be very lenient. The Nike job comes with a regular wage, with free or subsidised meals, free medical
services and training and education. Term for a working environment which is dangerous or
unacceptably difficult. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Bell Economics Journal of Labor Economics 1997 Divergent trends in the real value of the
minimum wage in Mexico and Colombia in the 1980s provide an opportunity for evaluating the
impact of minimum wages on developing economies. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. How to guide by co-constructor GRI
Standards. 1 day. This article “ sweatshops in the Global Economy” defines a sweatshop as a term
that describes a workplace, especially in the clothing industry that has working conditions that are
not acceptable socially.
The hourly wage was considered to be ranging between 13 to 20 cents per hour which could be
considered as an outflow of 20 dollars per day for the organization. The Responsibility Report that
was considered to be issued by the organization in the year of 2004 established its efforts to improve
labor and health standards and also described increased monitoring plans of the organization.
Maskus Economics, Law 1997 Numerous proposals have surfaced recently to incorporate a clause
about labor standards in the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Benchmarking
methodology to set you on a path of continuous improvement See upcoming training dates.
Seamstresses were familiar figures in early 19th-century American cities, filling the needs of an
expanding garment industry. I'm a victim and former employee of this game company. The human
rights groups and the general public began to mount an increasing pressure on the company to
improve its working conditions. As previously stated, the moral minimum proposed by Donaldson
and complying with his test would vary from individual to individual and as Maitland said will
confuse implementing managers in the international sweatshops. It is considered as an international
coalition of workers, investors, and consumers to put an end to the injustices that were considered to
be in the sweatshops of the organization Nike, Inc. Please check your shoes to see if they were
manufactured in Vietnam, China, or Indonesia If they were, they were produced in a sweatshop!.
Sweatshops. Definition. It can be said in this regard that the company experienced huge growth after
it shifted its primary manufacturing branches overseas. They were considered to approximately form
80% of total factory workers. Such acts by the company were considered as unethical and could be
termed as wrong doing by the organization Nike, Inc. Also, the governments did not have proper
laws against the child labor and sweatshop issues. The main purpose of such a program is to provide
assistance to unemployed women to run small businesses that have the potential to contribute to their
families well being as well as to the development of the community as a whole (Jones and Hill,
2012). Mexicali, Mexico The Malinche Muebleria Garment Factory. Their subcontracted workers are
working below U.S. working condition standards. All these should have been followed by
formulating tougher labor laws on industries as well as allow the formation of labor unions in those
countries that lacked them. There were also 1300 workers from Vietnam who went on strike in an
attempt to get a raise of 1 cent per hour. The government rules and regulations vary in different
countries and Nike faced a major problem regarding the ethical compliance to the laws in its
international manufacturing operations. In the 20th century managers locked doors during working
hours to prevent theft and this is still happening to the sweatshops today. The accusations that the
company has been accused of include: deficiencies in health and safety conditions, extremely low
wages, and indiscriminate hiring and firing practices. Discern how a more effective ethics programs
and a more viable code of conduct could have mitigated the ethical issues faced by Nike. What
factories have these companies been found to be involved in. Term for a working environment which
is dangerous or unacceptably difficult. This helps companies to save up on sweatshops are mainly
concentrated around regions like South Asia, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and so on. Countries
such as Vietnam, China, and Indonesia were considered to have on their books laws relating to
minimum wage rates but Nike, Inc. In the year 1991, an activist named Jeff Ballinger published a
report which highlighted the poor working conditions and low wages in the country of Indonesia
(Esbenshade, 2004). Which Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been addressed.
The laws with regard to protection of workers were considered to be ignored in an attempt to lower
health standards and cut costs. Standard Ethical Frameworks to Resolve Such Controversy.
Government intervention in this regard was considered to be quite low as factory supervisors were
considered to pay huge amounts to political leaders in this regard. Introduction. Nike, established in
1972 by Philip Knight. This framework will work with the business case on Nike Inc. Additionally,
Nike’s internal team of more than 150 trained experts monitors, amends and provides improvement
tools to the factories. Analyzing different theories he concluded that not all sweatshops are inhumane
and there is more than one manner of correcting the problem. Such acts by the company were
considered as unethical and could be termed as wrong doing by the organization Nike, Inc. It could
also be said in this regard that supervisor went beyond their duties numerous times (Featherstone,
2002). A factory or other place of employment (e.g. agriculture) where workers are forced to work
with low wages, no benefits, long hours, unsanitary and cramped conditions. In countries like China,
Indonesia and Vietnam, the company faced the issue of paying low wages and exploiting the labors
into working overtime under the agreements in the subcontracts. Introduction. Nike, established in
1972 by Philip Knight. It can be said that more than 10000 workers of the Indonesian factory of
Nike went on strike in an attempt to protest against unpaid and low wages in the year 1997. It is
considered as an international coalition of workers, investors, and consumers to put an end to the
injustices that were considered to be in the sweatshops of the organization Nike, Inc. This
framework is basically used by human rights activists as it makes the most sense in terms of
employee-employer relationship as will be examined below. Through these words, Ravisankar
conveys the message that despite our formal education, we fail to understand the relation between
our tendency of low-cost consumerism and the poor wages the employees get in those sweatshops.
The public outcry was enough to force them to adjust their manner of doing business. ?? the author
examines the subject of sweatshops and the treatment. In addition, Nike’s Code Leadership
Standards include specific requirements on how suppliers should verify workers’ age prior to starting
employment and actions a facility must take if a supplier violates Nike’s standards. The accusations
that the company has been accused of include: deficiencies in health and safety conditions,
extremely low wages, and indiscriminate hiring and firing practices. Their products are sports
equipment, such as footwear, equipments and apparels. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To
ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can review it
Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. Wars (combat-related
death) comprehensive collective security (war - reduced life chances). The company agreed in this
regard to allow random factory visits by the Fair Labor Association in an attempt to raise the
standards of working conditions. It was said that the organization had exploited workers from Asia
for its financial gain. In the end, the workers will be happy working for the organization which will
in turn increase their productivity as well as save the company from having to use large sums of
money paying off the politicians and other health officials to avoid being exposed or inspection of
the factories. Grenier Economics Journal of Political Economy 1982 Economic analyses of the effects
of minimum wage laws usually assume implicitly that employers fully comply with such laws. The
early adoption of effective ethics training and communication programs would have negated the
problematic behavior of the employees by creating transparency between the management and the
employees. Back in the late 1990's the company faced heavy criticism from the media and the
general public due to the revelation of the sweetshop scandal. The ethical framework approach
ensures a reduction of the suffering mentioned above and increases the benefits that the workers can
accrue by working in Nike Inc. The FBRH mock exam was specially created to help reinforce the
knowledge participants gain during the GRI, IEMA and CPD Certified courses.
Sweatshops Around the World, 2008 Sweatshops Across the World, 2008. Our busy and
complicated world will continually face many challenges on many fronts. The suffering was based
on working long hours some up to 13 hours in a day, the overtime was forced upon the employees
and not compensated, and there were higher case of child labor encompassing children of even 8
years working for around 9 hours in a day. Analyzing different theories he concluded that not all
sweatshops are inhumane and there is more than one manner of correcting the problem. Esbenshade,
J. (2004). Monitoring Sweatshops: Workers, Consumers, and the Global Apparel Industry. The
company agreed in this regard to allow random factory visits by the Fair Labor Association in an
attempt to raise the standards of working conditions. USAS and other human rights group, labor
rights activists and student protests can have impact on the poor working conditions in foreign
companies by approaching supply chain distributors such as nike, Adidas, Champion and Gap that
buy clothes from oppressive companies (Ravisanker Rajeev 87). As the economy of such countries
developed, workers were considered to become more productive and as a consequence wages rose
to a significant extent. The wages were insufficient compared to the minimum requirement for a
living standard. Strengths (Internal to the Firm) Access to financial resources. Strengths (Internal to
the Firm) Access to financial resources. The human rights groups and the general public began to
mount an increasing pressure on the company to improve its working conditions. The company was
accused of such charges since the year 1970 when it was considered to manufacture goods in Taiwan
and South Korea. Do you know why? Homework in the folder. How did U.S. markets respond to
the possibility of a federal government shutdown. Introduction. Nike, established in 1972 by Philip
Knight. But when the workers of these countries demanded additional benefits and rights, the
company closed all its factories in such countries and moved to other countries to continue its
operations at a lower cost (Hapke, 2004). Gifford’s apology and activism goes national, causing a
public scandal. Nearly every high-end apparel brand operates its sweatshops in various countries
around the world, especially in places where labor costs are low. Grenier Economics Journal of
Political Economy 1982 Economic analyses of the effects of minimum wage laws usually assume
implicitly that employers fully comply with such laws. Describe an ethics training and
communications program that may have kept Nike from encountering the ethical issues it did in this
scenario. Forbidding the use of child labour: Nike specifically and directly forbids the use of child
labour in facilities contracted to manufacture its products. The sweatshops of Nike were considered
to use child labor in a significant manner. The work in factories required these young women to put
in long hours ranging from 10 to 13 hours per day on a consistent basis for 6 days a week. But the
company set an example by meeting the challenges successfully through major changes in their
ethical management and auditing processes. It has to lay off workers, and begins to realize it needs
to change. These would effectively make the employees more professional and help to maintain the
ethical standard of the company throughout its international operations. The reason that this can
occur is that ethics is relative to the person or group that analyzes an act. Began between 1830 and
1850 Caused by industrial revolution. Term for a working environment which is dangerous or
unacceptably difficult. Multinationals and the Pollution Haven Hypothesis G. Eskeland A. Harrison
Economics, Environmental Science 1997 This paper discusses program evaluation for ProJoven, the
Peruvian youth labor training program.
Deontological ethics is concerned about doing the right things and avoid any act of wrong doing
(Rachels, 2003). Featherstone, L. (2002). Students Against Sweatshops. The hourly wage was
considered to be ranging between 13 to 20 cents per hour which could be considered as an outflow
of 20 dollars per day for the organization. Critics object to the fact that he didn't address low wages,
used Nike interpreters to translate, and was accompanied by Nike officials on factory visits.
Promoting worker-management dialogue: Nike took action to facilitate worker-management
dialogue in contract factories through permanent ESH (Environment, Safety and Health )
committees, training both workers and management to engage in constructive dialogue. He says it's
important to remember that it takes less money to have an adequate life in developing countries.
Sociology, Business 2011 15 Save HUMAN RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT: TOWARDS
MUTUAL REINFORCEMENT 2005 18 References Citation Type Has PDF Author More Filters
More Filters Filters Sort by Relevance Sort by Most Influenced Papers Sort by Citation Count Sort
by Recency Moving to Greener Pastures. The issue of working hours and overtime should be
addressed according to the international labor laws. This article “ sweatshops in the Global
Economy” defines a sweatshop as a term that describes a workplace, especially in the clothing
industry that has working conditions that are not acceptable socially. The work in factories required
these young women to put in long hours ranging from 10 to 13 hours per day on a consistent basis
for 6 days a week. The major issues were considered to be forced overtime, child labor, and low
wages which were considered to be well below the poverty line. Multinationals and the Pollution
Haven Hypothesis G. Eskeland A. Harrison Economics, Environmental Science 1997 This paper
discusses program evaluation for ProJoven, the Peruvian youth labor training program. SUB
SAHARAN AFRICA GEOGRAPHY REVIEW Competency Goal 1. Nike first formally responds
to complaints with a factory code of conduct. Strengths (Internal to the Firm) Access to financial
resources. As the economy of such countries developed, workers were considered to become more
productive and as a consequence wages rose to a significant extent. What different reactions did the
public have to the shooting. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. It is faded so begin
outlining Africa so that you can see it. Sports media begin challenging spokespeople like Michael
Jordan. Countries such as Vietnam, China, and Indonesia were considered to offer cheaper labor to
the company Nike, Inc. Also, the governments did not have proper laws against the child labor and
sweatshop issues. It has to lay off workers, and begins to realize it needs to change. He is from
Hawaii. Barak Obama is the first black president. How this case should have been resolvedNike
should have first paid the employees for the pain they have caused them all this long. Countries such
as Vietnam, China, and Indonesia were considered to offer cheaper labor to the company Nike, Inc.
They were considered to approximately form 80% of total factory workers. Through these words,
Ravisankar conveys the message that despite our formal education, we fail to understand the relation
between our tendency of low-cost consumerism and the poor wages the employees get in those
sweatshops. The Nike job comes with a regular wage, with free or subsidised meals, free medical
services and training and education. Sweatshops Around the World, 2008 Sweatshops Across the
World, 2008.

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