Research Paper On Classical Liberalism

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Research Paper on Classical Liberalism

Crafting a research paper on classical liberalism can be an arduous task, requiring a profound
understanding of political philosophy, historical context, and the ability to synthesize complex ideas.
As students delve into the intricacies of classical liberal thought, they often find themselves grappling
with the challenges associated with extensive research, critical analysis, and effective communication
of their findings.

One of the primary difficulties encountered is the need for an in-depth exploration of classical liberal
theories and their historical evolution. Navigating through the works of influential thinkers such as
John Locke, Adam Smith, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau demands meticulous attention to detail and a
comprehensive understanding of the intellectual landscape during the Enlightenment era.

Moreover, constructing a coherent and persuasive argument in favor of or against classical liberalism
requires an analytical mindset. Students must critically evaluate the philosophical foundations,
economic principles, and political implications of classical liberal ideas, while also considering
opposing viewpoints and counterarguments.

The exhaustive research process is further complicated by the vast array of primary and secondary
sources available. Sifting through an abundance of literature to find relevant and credible
information can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially for those new to the subject matter.

In addition to the academic challenges, students often face constraints on their time and resources.
Juggling coursework, part-time jobs, and other responsibilities can make it difficult to dedicate the
necessary time and energy to produce a high-quality thesis on classical liberalism.

For those seeking assistance in overcoming these challenges, ⇒ ⇔ stands as a

reliable solution. By leveraging the expertise of skilled writers with a deep understanding of classical
liberal philosophy, students can ensure the delivery of well-researched, well-structured, and articulate
papers that meet the rigorous standards of academic inquiry.

By entrusting their research paper to professionals at ⇒ ⇔, students can alleviate

the stress associated with the intricate process of crafting a thesis on classical liberalism. The
platform offers a dedicated team of writers committed to delivering high-quality, customized content
that reflects a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and meets the unique requirements
of each academic project.
In spite of this fundamental consensus, there is a still tension between classical and modern liberalists
over numerous topics, such as over the concept of the state, their views on equality of opportunity,
and also over their belied of freedom. Liberalism is disastrous to the vast majority because it limits
its application to the individuals (Thomas Hobbes, 87). To begin with, they believe in absolute value
for human personality and spiritual equality of the individual (Carl Schmitt, 13). A free market left
on its own can only lead to a downwards spiral, which Keynes saw as the cause of the Great
Depression. In the Letter Concerning Toleration, Locke denied that coercion should be used to bring
people to what the ruler believes is the true religion and also denied that churches should have any
coercive power over their members. This lead to liberals in the late 19 th century beginning to
question the ideas of early liberalism, particularly regarding the extent to which government should
interfere with the lives of its citizens, and thus some commentators believe that the main incoherence
between the two strands is the role of the state. The implications of this are that Modern liberal
economics advocates the state managing the economy and that logically the state has a role to play in
helping people achieve the self-fulfilment, that liberalism works towards. Industrialisation had
brought about massive wealth but created massive poverty, accompanied by ignorance and disease.
There are some parallel key concepts regarding this theory. Liberals argue that democracies have
shared values and norms thus identify with one another. Liberalists like Mill and Berlin do not see
that positive freedom can be a core value of liberalism because positive liberty believes that the
humans are imperfect and there should be a power to curb the ultimate freedom of the people to
make the society perfect for living. First of all, both branches stress upon the importance and
necessity of state to monitor and regularize affairs of a society. To what extent do the similarities
between classical and modern liberalism. CU’s recent rendition of Eric Bogosian’s Suburbia revealed
how. The separation of powers is a model for the governance of democratic states. The green theory,
which is part of the theory of international relations regarding the environment, affirms liberal
concepts regarding the value of cooperation, specifically with regard to international environmental
issues (Shiraev and Zubok 401). In other words, these economies were characterized by massive
tariffs and restrictions on trade. Furthermore, in protection of human freedom, this system eliminates
those factors that are likely to limit human freedoms, for instance poverty, disease, ignorance and
discrimination. Hence he developed the idea of positive freedom which would give people freedom
from the social evils which crippled people’s lives. Classical liberals subscribe to the idea of negative
freedom. By 1775, when the American Revolution began, 37 newspapers were being published. One
of Mill's major contributions to Utilitarianism is his argument for the qualitative separation of
pleasures. Moreover, after the tragedy of September 11th, Washington’s neoconservative quest to
spread democracy was anything but peaceful. Smith wanted minimal government interference, this
meant getting rid of such things as apprenticeship rules, monopolies, tariffs and duties. However,
separation of powers is criticized, and liberals are aware of the potential dangers. Thus, to neglect the
role of the state in the free-market society is not advisable for this sole reason. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. In lieu of this bipolar balance, no single state commands the
resources or capability to challenge the US, thus what is known as hegemonic stability obtains.
Modern liberals think that there should be less economic and social inequality which is why the
economy needs to be regulated and why the enabling state creates an equality of opportunity. Those
with the power to act can be persuaded by being shown the scope and severity of the environmental
issue on a national, regional and international scale (Shiraev and Zubok 345).
President Ronald Reagan in the U. S. and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in Great Britain were
influential in the advance of neo-conservative policies. Human rights are inalienable because human
beings are entitled to them by virtue of being human so therefore they cannot, in that sense be taken
away. How and to what extent, have modern liberals departed from the ideas of cla. Meritocracy
also meant that members of society should be judged for positions or before the law. It must
however be emphasized that there are those individuals, groups or organizations that take advantage
of liberalism to practice social injustices such as terrorism. To what extent do the similarities between
Classical Liberals and Modern Li. The working class is therefore held back by the disadvantages of
poverty, sickness, unemployment and ignorance. This paper 'The Benefits of Liberalism' tells that
Liberalism refers to political and moral philosophy that centres on two principles: individualism and
liberty. Modern liberals believe that the individual can flourish and can experience both higher and
lower pleasures. Some modern liberals agree with the socialist doctrine of wealth redistribution to
grant an equal financial footing, and many believe in affirmative action, or positive discrimination,
for those against whom society has traditionally discriminated by virtue of their birth, including
racial and religious minorities and women. Today, classical liberalism is viewed in contrast to the
more politically-progressive philosophy of social liberalism. The economy of liberalism is the
economic system that is based on free market capitalism. These concepts would be championed by
the anti-absolute monarchist Whigs in the United Kingdom throughout the eighteenth century. Along
with the goods being more efficient, and quality controlled as opposed to monopolies were one
provider is the sole provider of the particular good therefore it face no competition this means that
they don’t to raise or maintain standards, neither do they need to come up with new developments to
try and out-do there rivals as there are no rivals. Many neoliberals argued that the state was too big
and not to be trusted. He also believed that society was also capable of coercion. Classical liberals
believe that there needs to be a free market (laissez-faire) and low taxes in order to maintain people’s
negative freedom and prevent state interference. These differences are most clearly demonstrated by.
In their place, he proposed what he believed to be the more scientific and objective idea that
individuals are motivated by self-interest and that these interests can be defined as the desire for
pleasure, or happiness, and the wish to avoid pain. It is also the economic system that is supported by
the political philosophy of liberalism. A right is an entitlement to act or be treated in a particular way.
Over time, the word liberal would take on a more positive connotation in regular English. They
therefore argue for a limited state that exists only to defend the freedoms of one individual from
another, a “nightwatchman”, as John Locke, a 17 th Century English philosopher, put it. Although
there is rigorous competition between the two, bringing to light some clear differences, there is a
visible overlap when considering the basis of ideology of liberalism. Liberalism began to connect the
political values of choice, freedom and individualism with the perceived existence of those same
values in the capitalist free market. However, in the old forms of punishment, the aim was to
eradicate the past evil and crimes. Modern liberal ideas were related to the further development of
industrialisation and thus people associate it with the period between the mid-19 th century and the
mid-20 th century and with figures such as J. S. Mill, Green and Lloyd- George. Besides, there is no
moral impulse behind the liberal thinking. However, it is a fact that their nature is different. It has two
main strands, classical and modern, which can be distinguished historically with classical liberalism
coming first in the 18 th Century and modern liberalism building on it from the mid 19 th Century.
Conservative IPE is a resurgence of the classical liberalism of Smith and Ricardo, rejecting many of
the state roles that Mill, Keynes, and others had identified. Students will learn the core aspects of the
Democratic Peace Theory and how states have integrated and cooperated re: liberal goals. The
intervention of the state is not totally banned or unneeded, only it has its limitations when it comes
to the system an economy practiced. As is the nature of all political evolutions, which generally see
terms and political practices transform form over time. Economic liberalism is based on the idea of
laissez faire, which is the belief that the government should not intervene in the economy. The theory
of liberalism holds that sub-state actors are primary instigators of international relations issues.
Liberalism is at base an idealistic mould for political action, thus difficult to achieve. Law acts as a
way of shaping the politics of the liberal world (Webber Peter, 98).The interpretation enforcement
and possible amendment of the law are individual-based. However, it is a fact that their nature is
different. Meritocracy also meant that members of society should be judged for positions or before
the law. As according to liberalism human beings are self-seeking creatures, if they have power, and
the ability to influence the behavior of others, they will naturally use it for their own benefit and at
the expense of others. However the difference between classical and modern liberals concerning
liberty is that classical liberals consider negative liberty to be sufficient whereas modern liberals think
it is not as we also need positive liberty in order to prevent individuals from being exploited. The
modern liberals began to accept welfarism and social welfare; they defended it on the basis of
equality of opportunity. Classical Liberalism stresses on the natural rights, their absolute protection
and freedom of pursuing aims without any interference or disturbance. In particular, this essay
focuses on the Waltzian notion of global anarchy and asymmetrical global power distributions as
being primary driving agencies in international affairs. The multinational corporations involved in
polluting the air and deforesting lands are also bound to be impacted by the ensuing poor air quality.
In addition, he describes how power change has affected punishment. Paine thought that the best
way to build a strong democracy was to tax the wealthy to give the poor bootstraps by which they
could pull themselves up. Deeper rooted structural and socio-cultural influences may yet obtain. In
the liberal world, all are equal before the law and will be punished to the latter of this law (p.67). In
these, he refers to the festive pain of the target of punishment, as well as how the shape and function
of this discipline have changed, including the difference between the humans and the soul.
Multinational companies that own palm plantations in Indonesia are some of the greatest
masterminds of deforestation and the illegal slash-and-burn practices as they clear land for their
plantations. A right is an entitlement to act or be treated in a particular way. Liberalism values sub-
state actors such as multi-national corporations and individuals. Let us put it in an example, an
economy that is capitalist has a huge free-market system that is based on the “free price system” and
“private property”. Despite this, classical liberals see the state as a necessary evil. The four ideas
explain the importance of economic liberalism in achieving the free-market economy. Along with the
goods being more efficient, and quality controlled as opposed to monopolies were one provider is
the sole provider of the particular good therefore it face no competition this means that they don’t to
raise or maintain standards, neither do they need to come up with new developments to try and out-
do there rivals as there are no rivals. This coupled with Bentham’s theory of utilitarianism led
classical liberals to view the individual as atomistic and egotistical, working for their own self-
interest, specifically material. Therefore, the benefits that liberal forms of governments bring to
people are indisputable.

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