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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

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Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 43LT03 (7pp)


Mixing of multiple metal vapours into an

arc plasma in gas tungsten arc welding
of stainless steel
Hunkwan Park1 , Marcus Trautmann1,2, Keigo Tanaka3, Manabu Tanaka3
and Anthony B Murphy1
CSIRO Manufacturing, PO Box 218, Lindfield, New South Wales 2070, Australia
Institute of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Dresden University of Technology,
George-Bahr-Str. 3c, D-01069 Dresden, Germany
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, 11-1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-0047,

E-mail: and

Received 22 July 2017, revised 4 September 2017

Accepted for publication 7 September 2017
Published 3 October 2017

A computational model of the mixing of multiple metal vapours, formed by vaporization of
the surface of an alloy workpiece, into the thermal arc plasma in gas tungsten arc welding
(GTAW) is presented. The model incorporates the combined diffusion coefficient method
extended to allow treatment of three gases, and is applied to treat the transport of both
chromium and iron vapour in the helium arc plasma. In contrast to previous models of
GTAW, which predict that metal vapours are swept away to the edge of the arc by the plasma
flow, it is found that the metal vapours penetrate strongly into the arc plasma, reaching the
cathode region. The predicted results are consistent with published measurements of the
intensity of atomic line radiation from the metal vapours. The concentration of chromium
vapour is predicted to be higher than that of iron vapour due to its larger vaporization rate.
An accumulation of chromium vapour is predicted to occur on the cathode at about 1.5 mm
from the cathode tip, in agreement with published measurements. The arc temperature is
predicted to be strongly reduced due to the strong radiative emission from the metal vapours.
The driving forces causing the diffusion of metal vapours into the helium arc are examined,
and it is found that diffusion due to the applied electric field (cataphoresis) is dominant. This
is explained in terms of large ionization energies and the small mass of helium compared to
those of the metal vapours.

Keywords: gas tungsten arc welding, computational modelling, multiple metal vapours,
combined diffusion coefficient method, cataphoresis

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction During the GTAW process, an arc is formed between a tung-

sten cathode and an anode workpiece in a shielding gas at
Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) is an important thermal atmospheric pressure, usually argon, helium or a helium–
plasma application and is widely used in industry, particularly argon mixture, transferring a strong heat flux to the workpiece.
for welding of stainless steel, aluminium alloys and titanium. Metal vapour is produced by evaporation from the molten pool

1361-6463/17/43LT03+7$33.00 1 © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the UK

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 43LT03

formed on the workpiece, and its influence has been found to

be important in GTAW and other types of arc welding such
as gas metal arc welding (GMAW) [1, 2]. Mixing of metal
vapour into an arc plasma has two main effects: a decreased
temperature throughout the arc due to increased radiative
emission, and a lower current density near the workpiece due
to broadening of the conducting region because of the lower
ionization energy of metal atoms [2].
Several modelling and experimental studies have been per-
formed to understand mixing and demixing of metal vapour
and shielding gases [3–10]. To model diffusion of metal
vapour, several approaches have been used [2, 11]. The effec-
tive approach is the combined diffusion coefficient method,
which is equivalent to a full multicomponent diffusion treat-
ment for mixtures of homonuclear non-reacting gases, such as
a metal vapour and argon or helium, if local chemical equi-
librium can be assumed. Further, the method allows diffusion
due to different driving forces, such as gradients in composi-
tion, temperature and pressure, and applied electric fields, to
be taken into account [12, 13]. It has been successfully applied
to modelling diffusion of iron [3–5] and aluminium [6]
vapours in argon GMAW arcs. However, only less accurate
approximations, which do not allow all the driving forces for Figure 1. Schematic of the computational domain of stationary gas
diffusion to be considered, have been applied to GTAW arcs. tungsten arc welding.
For example, the binary diffusion coefficient approx­imation
Tanaka and Tsujimura [19] provided strong experimental
was used to model metal vapour in GTAW arcs by Zhao et al
evidence that the different metal vapours produced in weld-
[7] and Gonzalez et al [8]. This approximation is very sim-
ing of stainless steel have different distributions in the arc.
ple, but is not accurate at higher temperatures because it the
They investigated the transport of metal vapours in a station-
neglects the influences of dissociation and ionization. The vis-
ary helium GTAW arc by measuring the intensity of atomic
cosity approximation, which is more accurate, but does not
line emission from helium, chromium, manganese and iron.
allow diffusion driven by applied electric fields to be treated,
They found chromium and manganese vapours were carried
has been applied by several authors; for example by Lago et al
upwards from the workpiece through the arc column to the
[9] and Tanaka et al [10] in modelling the transport of metal
tungsten cathode surface. However, the results suggested that
vapour in GTAW arcs.
iron vapour was mainly carried away radially towards the edge
A further problem is that previous models have only
of the arc. They tentatively explained this by postulating that a
treated a mixture of two different gases, such as mixing of a
recirculating flow in the arc led to the upward transport of the
single metal vapour into a shielding gas, or demixing of two
chromium and manganese vapours. However, such recirculat-
gases in the shielding gas in the arc plasma. However, alloys
ing flows have not been predicted in arc models.
such as stainless steels, which are widely used in arc weld-
In this letter, we apply the combined diffusion coefficient
ing, contain several chemical elements, and multiple metal
method, extended to a mixture of three gases, to the diffu-
vapours are formed from their surface during the welding
sion of iron and chromium vapour formed by vaporization of
process. Ideally, the transport of multiple metal vapours
stainless steel in a stationary GTAW arc in helium. We com-
should be treated because this influences the thermophysi-
pare the predictions with the experimental results of Tanaka
cal properties of the plasma and therefore the distribution
and Tsujimura [19], and show that the measured differences
of temperature, current density, and flow velocity of the arc,
in transport of chromium and iron vapours are in fact due to
and the transfer of heat to the workpiece. Yamamoto et al
differences in the diffusive transport of the vapours, rather
[14] investigated the production and diffusion of differ-
than recirculation. We investigate the relative importance of
ent metal vapours from stainless steel in GTAW, but only
the different diffusive driving forces, and show that the strong
a single metal was considered in each calculation. In other
penetration of metal vapour in the arc column has a major
cases in which mixtures of three gases were modelled, it was
influence on the arc temperature.
assumed that two of the three gases were uniformly mixed
[15, 16]. However, this approach is not accurate in a plasma,
because demixing of the different gases takes place due to 2. Model description
the occurrence of dissociation and ionization [17]. Recently,
Zhang et al [18] extended the combined diffusion coefficient A schematic of the computational model is shown in figure 1.
method to a mixture of three ionized gases, making it possi- The geometry is 2D axisymmetric, and the computational
ble to treat the simultaneous diffusion of two metal vapours domain includes the arc plasma, tungsten cathode and anode
in an arc self-consistently. workpiece, using the methods presented by Tanaka et al [20].

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 43LT03

Table 1. Composition of SUS 304 used in calculation, and iron and chromium were obtained using the composition of
properties of the component elements. SUS 304 given in [19], and the boiling temperatures and latent
Fe Cr heats of vaporization given in [21]. These data are given in
table 1. The presence of minority elements in SUS 304, in
Composition (mol %) 79.0 21.0 particular nickel and manganese, is neglected.
Boiling temperature (K) 3135 2755
The model assumes the plasma is in local thermodynamic
Enthalpy of vaporization (kJ mol−1) 349.6 344.3
equilibrium (LTE), and thermodynamic and transport proper-
ties were calculated using the methods presented by Murphy
The steady-state model solves the equations of mass conserva- [2]. The net radiative emission coefficients of iron vapour
tion, momentum conservation, energy conservation, and cur­ were taken from Menart and Malik [22], and those of helium
rent continuity. The transport of metal vapours by diffusion is were obtained from the work of Cressault et al [23], and those
treated using the combined diffusion coefficient method [11, of chromium vapour were obtained using the method of Cram
13], including the recent extension to three gases by Zhang [24]; a 1 mm absorption length was used, and the values for
et al [18], so that mixing of both iron and chromium vapours the gas mixtures were calculated using a mole-fraction aver-
with helium shielding gas can be considered. Two additional age, as recommended by Gleizes et al [25].
equations for the conservation of mass fraction of the iron and The heat transfer between the arc plasma and the tung-
chromium vapours are required: sten cathode and anode workpiece was calculated, taking
  into account thermionic emission from the cathode, using the
 ∇ · ρvYFe = −∇ · JFe + SFe (1) method of Tanaka et al [20]. It was assumed that the weld-
  pool surface remained flat, but flow in the weld pool was cal-
 ∇ · ρvYCr = −∇ · JCr + SCr (2) culated. A negative value of ∂γ/∂T , where γ is the surface
tension, was chosen, as is appropriate for low-sulfur stainless
where ρ is the mass density, v is the mass-average velocity, YI steel, in treating the surface tension gradient (Marangoni)
is the mass fraction, JI is the mass flux relative to the mass- force [10]. The thermophysical properties of tungsten were
average velocity and SI is the source term related to vaporiza- taken from [20], and those of stainless steel (SUS 304) proper-
tion of metal at the surface of the workpiece; subscripts Fe ties were obtained from [26, 27].
and Cr represent all species (neutral and singly- and multiply- For simplification of the sheath region, the mesh size for
ionized atoms) in the iron and chromium vapour respectively. the anode region is chosen as 0.1 mm and the mesh size for
The mass fraction of helium is determined after solving the the cathode region is chosen as 0.05 mm [28, 29]. The temper­
two equations for the mass fraction for iron and chromium ature of all external boundaries is set to 300 K, including the
vapour using YHe = 1 − YFe + YCr . The mass flux of iron or workpiece due to the water cooling. The inflow rate of helium
chromium vapour is calculated using the combined diffusion shielding gas is 30 l min−1. Also, the metal vapours are not
coefficient method, and is given by allowed to enter through the computational domain. The max-
imum surface temperature of the workpiece is set to 2500 K;
this is slightly lower than the results of a time-dependent
JFe = mFe mCr mHe DxFeCr ∇xCr + DxFeHe ∇xHe
ρ model [30], but was chosen to give comparable metal vapour

+ DPFe ∇ ln P + DEFe E − DTFe ∇ ln T (3) concentrations between the steady-state model and the meas-
 urements [19] with which the results are compared.

3. Results and discussion
JCr = mFe mCr mHe DxCrFe ∇xFe + DxCrHe ∇xHe

+ DPCr ∇ ln P + DECr E − DTCr ∇ ln T (4) We compare the predictions of our computational model with
 experimental results presented by Tanaka and Tsujimura [19].
Both calculations and measurements used an arc current of
where n is the number density, mI is the average masses of
150 A, a lanthanated tungsten cathode of diameter 3.2 mm
the heavy species, xI is the sum of the mole fractions of the
with 60° angle tip, a SUS 304 stainless steel workpiece and
species, P is the arc pressure, E is the applied electric field,
an initial arc length of 3 mm. Note that in the experiment
T is the arc temperature, DxIJ is the combined ordinary dif-
there is some thermal expansion of the electrodes leading to a
fusion coefficient, describing diffusion due to mole fraction
decrease in arc length; this is neglected in the model.
gradients, DPI is the combined pressure diffusion coefficient, Figure 2 shows images of Cr I, Fe I and He I line radiation
describing diffusion due to pressure gradients, DEI is the com- 15 s after ignition of the arc, and predicted mole fraction dis-
bined electric field diffusion coefficient, describing diffusion tributions of chromium and iron vapours and helium shielding
due to externally-applied electric fields and DTI is the com- gas. In interpreting the images of the line radiation, it should
bined temperature diffusion coefficient, describing diffusion be noted that (a) the lines that are measured (Cr I: 520.8 nm,
due to temperature gradients. The source terms in (1) and Fe I: 538.3 nm; He I: 587.6 nm) are of different strengths, with
(2) are calculated using the Hertz–Knudsen–Langmuir equa- the Fe I line weaker than the other two, (b) the metal vapours
tion to take into account evaporation and condensation of iron ionize at much lower temperatures than helium, so that the
and chromium vapours [5]. The required vapour pressures of radiant intensities of the metal lines are peaked at much lower
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 43LT03

scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) [19]. A large

amount of chromium was observed on the cathode surface at
distances 1.8 mm and greater from the tungsten tip; however,
iron was not detected anywhere on the cathode. Note that
the temper­ature of the tungsten tip is greater than the boiling
point of iron and chromium, so it is not expected that metals
will remain on the cathode surface at distances within about
1.8 mm from the tip.
The predictions of the model show similar features. Close
to the anode, the concentration of chromium vapour is higher
than that of iron vapour, and the radial extent at any given
mole fraction is larger. This is a consequence of the higher
vaporization rate of chromium (2.63 mg s−1 compared to
1.26 mg s−1 for iron), which is due to the lower boiling point
and latent heat of vaporization of chromium, which lead to a
higher vapour pressure above the molten pool.
Near the cathode, a high concentration of chromium vapour
occurs about 1.5 mm above the cathode tip, and a region of
high concentration extends radially to about 2 mm. In con-
trast, the iron vapour is strongly concentrated directly below
the cathode tip. This is consistent with the measured Cr I and
Fe I radiation intensities show in figures 2(a) and (b), and also
the FE-SEM measurements discussed above.
Figure 2(c) shows a comparison of the intensity of He I line
radiation and the calculated mole fraction distribution. The
helium mole fraction is predicted to decrease in regions of
high metal vapour concentration, but remains above 0.9 eve-
rywhere. However, the intensity of the He I emission is very
weak. This can be explained by the high excitation energy of
He I, in combination with the relatively low temperature in
the arc. As noted above, the radiant intensity of the He I line
peaks at about 23 000 K. Figure 3(a) shows that the maximum
temper­ature is predicted to be only 13 300 K; at this temper­
ature, the He I emission is very weak.
The predicted maximum arc temperature is inconsistent
with published modelling results for GTAW arcs in helium
or Arcal.37 (70% helium and 30% argon) that consider the
influence of metal vapour. These papers predicted maximum
Figure 2. Comparison of the of distribution of atomic line radiation
temperatures between 19 000 K and 22 000 K. In these models,
(left) [19] and predicted mole fraction (right) for (a) chromium,
(b) iron and (c) helium. the metal vapour is predicted to be swept away radially by the
strong convective flow in the arc, which is axially downwards
temperatures (around 7000 K for Cr I, 8000 K for Fe I and 23 near the cathode and then radially outwards close to the work-
000 K for He I) [19], and (c) the radiative emission is imaged piece, as shown by the streamlines in figure 3. This means the
along lines through the plasma, and no Abel inversion has metal vapour is predicted to remain close to the workpiece,
been performed. For these reasons, the intensity of radiation with no penetration into the main arc column [10, 31–33]. In
cannot be directly compared with the calculated metal vapour contrast, our calculations and the experimental measurements
distributions. It is nevertheless instructive, after taking into presented in figure 2 demonstrate that iron and chromium
account these factors, to consider the correlations between the vapour are transported upwards into the arc column, as well
measured and calculated results. as radially outwards. This penetration of the metal vapour into
The measured intensity of Cr I radiation is strongest adja- the arc column leads to a strong decrease in arc temperature
cent to the anode and the cathode (figure 2(a)). A particular due to the cooling associated with the strong radiative emis-
feature is that the intensity remains strong in a region extend- sion from metal vapours.
ing radially from the cathode, about 1 to 2 mm above the cath- To understand the reasons for the transport of metal vapour
ode tip. In contrast, the measured intensity of Fe I radiation into the arc column, we investigated the relative importance
is only high near the centre of the anode and near the cath- of the different combined diffusion coefficients in determin-
ode tip (figure 2(b)). The different distributions of Cr and Fe ing the diffusive mixing of metal vapours with the helium
close to the cathode were confirmed by elemental mapping arcs. Figures 3(a)–(c) respectively show the temperature and
of the tungsten electrode after welding using field-emission mole fraction of iron vapour calculated taking into account

J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 43LT03

Figure 4. Combined electric field diffusion coefficients in a

mixture of 10% iron, 10% chromium and 80% helium by mass at
atmospheric pressure.
pressure gradients [2, 3]. The temperatures obtained includ-
ing all diffusion effects and excluding DTI are very similar.
The iron vapour mole fraction near the cathode tip is slightly
decreased, by about 0.01, when DTI is neglected. When, how-
ever, both DEI and DTI are neglected, the iron vapour produced
from the centre of the anode is swept away radially and does
not penetrate upwards, consistent with previously-published
results. The iron vapour in this case does not influence the
temperature of the arc column, which reaches approximately
21 800 K, also consistent with previously-published results.
Including the combined electric field diffusion coefficient
DI , and to a lesser extent the combined temperature diffusion
coefficient DTI , significantly influences the metal vapour dif-
fusion. Even though, the direction of the flow streamlines is
downward and outward, the metal vapours are able to reach the
cathode region by diffusion. Diffusion due to the applied elec-
tric field, known as cataphoresis, occurs when different atomic
species present have different ionization energies, and can be
stronger when there is a large atomic mass difference between
the species [34]. It has been shown to influence the diffusion
in argon–helium and argon–hydrogen GTAW arcs [34] and
of iron vapour in argon GMAW arcs. Because of the large
differences in ionization energy and atomic mass of helium
and metals such as iron and chromium, the strong influence
of cataphoresis is expected. Figure 4 shows combined elec-
tric field diffusion coefficients for helium, iron and chromium.
They are greatest in the temperature range for which only the
metal vapours are ionized, being zero or close to zero up to
about 4000 K, at which the metals begin to ionize, and then
Figure 3. Distribution of temperature (left) and iron vapour mole large up to about 17 000 K, at which helium begins to ionize.
fraction, streamlines and weld pool shape (right) for calculation
(a) including all combined diffusion coefficients, (b) excluding
The differences between the distributions of chromium
diffusion due to temperature gradient and (c) excluding diffusion and iron vapours in the arc are not fully understood. Possible
due to temperature gradient and applied electric field. reasons include their different distributions near the work-
piece, due to the higher vapour pressure of chromium at lower
all combined diffusion coefficient terms ( DxIJ , DPI , DEI , DTI ), temper­atures, and also the different combined electric field
excluding the temperature gradient diffusion term ( DTI ), and diffusion coefficients at low temperature (figure 4), due to
excluding both electric field and temperature gradient diffusion the lower ionization energy of chromium. Our initial invest­
terms ( DEI and DTI ). Note that the pressure gradient diffusion igations suggest that the higher vapour pressure of chromium
term ( DPI ) is negligible in welding arcs due to the very small is not the dominant factor.
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 50 (2017) 43LT03

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