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LAMOST telescope reveals that Neptunian cousins of

hot Jupiters are mostly single offspring of stars that

are rich in heavy elements
Subo Donga,1,2 , Ji-Wei Xieb,c,1,2 , Ji-Lin Zhoub,c , Zheng Zhengd , and Ali Luoe
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; b School of Astronomy and Space Science, Nanjing University,
Nanjing 210093, China; c Key Laboratory of Modern Astronomy and Astrophysics in Ministry of Education, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China;
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112; and e National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Beijing 100012, China

Edited by Neta A. Bahcall, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, and approved November 28, 2017 (received for review June 25, 2017)

We discover a population of short-period, Neptune-size planets 17). However, making any reliable statistical inference with a
sharing key similarities with hot Jupiters: both populations are large Kepler sample is seriously limited by the lack of accurate
preferentially hosted by metal-rich stars, and both are prefer- stellar parameters for the majority of the targets. For most of
entially found in Kepler systems with single-transiting planets. the Kepler targets, stellar parameters are available only via the
We use accurate Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Kepler Input Catalog (KIC) (18), whose [Fe/H] and log g mea-
Telescope (LAMOST) Data Release 4 (DR4) stellar parameters for surements are known to have large uncertainties and serious
main-sequence stars to study the distributions of short-period systematic errors (19–22). Significant efforts have been put into
(1 d < P < 10 d) Kepler planets as a function of host star metal- characterizing planet hosts by using high-resolution spectroscopy
licity. The radius distribution of planets around metal-rich stars is (22–24) or extracting asteroseismic parameters (25). But the
more “puffed up” compared with that around metal-poor hosts. accurate parameters of the underlying parent sample (with and
In two period–radius regimes, planets preferentially reside around without detected planets) are poorly known, which presents a
metal-rich stars, while there are hardly any planets around metal- major uncertainty in Kepler planet statistics (relevant discussions
poor stars. One is the well-known hot Jupiters, and the other in refs. 12 and 15) and also makes it difficult to reliably derive
one is a population of Neptune-size planets (2R⊕ ≲ Rp ≲ 6R⊕ ), planet distributions as a function of stellar parameters.
dubbed “Hoptunes.” Also like hot Jupiters, Hoptunes occur more With 4,000 fibers and a 5◦ diameter field of view, the 4-m
frequently in systems with single-transiting planets although the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope
fraction of Hoptunes occurring in multiples is larger than that of (LAMOST) (a.k.a. Goushoujing Telescope) (26–29) is uniquely
hot Jupiters. About 1% of solar-type stars host Hoptunes, and the positioned to perform a systematic spectroscopic survey of Kepler
frequencies of Hoptunes and hot Jupiters increase with consis- target stars. The “LAMOST–Kepler project” (30, 31) attempts
tent trends as a function of [Fe/H]. In the planet radius distri- to observe all Kepler target stars with no preference for known
bution, hot Jupiters and Hoptunes are separated by a “valley” planet hosts. It forms a large and unbiased sample to per-
at approximately Saturn size (in the range of 6R⊕ ≲ Rp ≲ 10R⊕ ), form statistical inference on planet distributions and correla-
and this “hot-Saturn valley” represents approximately an order- tions with host properties (19). For main-sequence stars, the
of-magnitude decrease in planet frequency compared with hot
Jupiters and Hoptunes. The empirical “kinship” between Hop- Significance
tunes and hot Jupiters suggests likely common processes (migra-
tion and/or formation) responsible for their existence. Hot Jupiters are Jupiter-size planets at ≲1/10 of the Sun–
Earth distance, and even though they were the first exoplanet
exoplanets | transit | metallicity population discovered around sun-like stars, their origins still
remain elusive. Using data from NASA’s Kepler satellite and
China’s Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Tele-

M ore than two decades after the first surprising discovery

(1), hot Jupiters still remain one of the most hotly studied
exoplanet populations. Observationally, they never seem to fail
scope, we discover a population of close-in Neptune-size plan-
ets (called “Hoptunes”) that share key similarities with hot
Jupiters. Like hot Jupiters, Hoptunes prefer to reside around
to yield new surprises. It was realized early on that their host stars stars with higher metal abundance than the Sun. Nearly half
were predominantly more metal rich than the Sun (2), and their of the Kepler planets are discovered in systems with multi-
frequency was later found to strongly correlate with host [Fe/H] ple transiting planets, but both hot Jupiters and Hoptunes are
(3, 4). Lately, Kepler data show that they stand out as a distinctly preferentially found in single-transiting planet systems. The
“lonely” population for the dearth of other planets on nearby “kinship” between hot Jupiters and Hoptunes suggests likely
orbits in their systems (5–7). Despite the plethora of observa- common origins and offers fresh clues into the formation of
tional findings, we still do not know their origins with certainty— these exotic close-in planets.
we do not know how they migrate to their present close-in orbits
(P . 10 d) (review in ref. 8) or whether they have migrated at all Author contributions: S.D. and J.-W.X. designed research; S.D. and J.-W.X. performed
(9, 10). research; S.D., J.-W.X., Z.Z., and A.L. analyzed data; and S.D., J.-W.X., J.-L.Z., and Z.Z.
More clues about their origins may come from examining them wrote the paper.

in the context of planet distributions and the dependence of such The authors declare no conflict of interest.
distributions on host environment: How unique are the conditions This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
forming hot Jupiters? And do hot Jupiters have “relatives,” which Published under the PNAS license.
share similarities in their planetary and host-star properties? 1
S.D. and J.-W.X. contributed equally to this work.
With thousands of planets discovered from monitoring 2
To whom correspondence may be addressed. Email: or jwxie@
∼200,000 target stars, the Kepler mission has unprecedented
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potential to study planet distributions over a wide range of This article contains supporting information online at
parameter space and their possible links to stellar properties (11– 1073/pnas.1711406115/-/DCSupplemental.

266–271 | PNAS | January 9, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 2

stellar parameters inferred from the official LAMOST Stellar
Parameter Pipeline (LASP) (32) are demonstrated to be accurate
[typical uncertainties: σTeff = 100 K, σ log g = 0.1−0.15 decimal
exponent (dex, referring to a factor of ten), σ[Fe/H] = 0.1 dex]
from comparisons with high-resolution spectroscopic and astero-
seismic parameters (section 1 of supporting information in ref. 21
and also refs. 19 and 33). The accurate LASP stellar parameters
make possible the study of the metallicity distribution of Kepler
targets (19) and the eccentricity distribution of Kepler planets (21).
Stellar parameters have also been extracted from LAMOST spec-
tra using pipelines other than the official LASP, such as LSP3 (34)
and ROTFIT (35). Using ROTFIT parameters, ref. 36 found that
on average the hosts for hot Earth-size planets have supersolar
We study host metallicity distribution for Kepler planets in the
period range of 1 d < P < 10 d, using the LAMOST/LASP stel-
lar parameters (32) from Data Release 4 (DR4) (,
which contains data for ∼60, 000 main-sequence stars with spec-
troscopic types AFGK Kepler stars (∼30% of all Kepler targets).
Previous studies (37, 38) identified a “desert” of short-period
Neptunes (P = 2−4 d and it may extend to 5−10 d) by study-
ing samples from radial-velocity (RV) surveys and mixed ground-
based and Kepler transit searches. We benefit from the homogene- Fig. 1. Period–radius distribution for short-period Kepler planet candidates
ity of the Kepler sample with well-quantified detection efficiencies hosted by metal-rich (Top) and metal-poor (Bottom) stars. Planets in single-
as well as accurate stellar and planetary parameters due to LAM- and multiple-transiting planetary systems are plotted in blue and red circles,
OST, and this work is focused on the effects of metallicity. respectively. The numbers of planets and stars (including nontransiting tar-
We discover a “cousin” population of hot Jupiters: Like hot gets) are shown on the top of each panel. The dark green horizontal line
(Rp = 10R⊕ ) denotes the empirical lower boundary of hot Jupiter, and the
Jupiters, these short-period Neptune-size planets (2R⊕ . Rp .
magenta lines denote the empirical boundaries of Hoptunes (Analysis and
6R⊕ ), dubbed “Hoptunes,” are predominantly hosted by metal- Results, iii) Hoptunes and Hot Jupiters Are Separated by a Hot-Saturn Val-
rich stars, and they also reside more often in single-transiting ley). Note that the typical uncertainty in Rp is about 15%.
than in multiple-transiting planetary systems. In the radius dis-
tribution the populations of hot Jupiters and Hoptunes frame

a “valley” at approximately Saturn size (in the range of 6R⊕ .
Rp . 10R⊕ ), and in this “hot-Saturn valley” there is a significant the distributions of period and planet radius for the planets that
deficit in planet frequency. belong to the two subsamples, respectively.
In the metal-poor subsample, except for a handful of objects,
Sample Selection almost all of the planets lie in the bottom part of the period–
radius plane: For those with 1 d < P < 3 d, their radii are smaller
We select our stellar sample using the official LASP (32) param- than ≈2 R⊕ , and for those with 3 d < P < 10 d, the upper bound-
eters from the LAMOST DR4 AFGK stellar catalog. The stars ary in radius grows from ≈2R⊕ to ≈4 R⊕ with increasing period.
satisfy 4,700 K < Teff < 6,500 K and log g > 4.0 so that our sam- This boundary is approximately illustrated as a magenta poly-
ple consists primarily of solar-type main-sequence stars. They line connecting (P , Rp ) = (1, 2) with (3, 2) with (10, 4) on the
also cover a range of stellar parameters for which we have com- period–radius plane. At P > 3 d, this boundary is similar to
parison stars available with accurate high-resolution spectro- the lower boundary of the desert described in ref. 38 (Fig. S4).
scopic parameters (19, 21). Our stellar sample consists of 30,727 In the metal-rich subsample, about three-quarters of the plan-
stars in total. Stellar masses and radii are derived by isochrone fit- ets are concentrated below the magenta polyline. The remain-
ting as described in ref. 21. We then cross-match with the catalog ing approximately one-quarter of all planets in the metal-rich
of Kepler planet candidates and remove the known false positives subsample reside in the parameter space that is sparsely pop-
and those with large false-positive probabilities (FPPs). Stellar ulated with planets for the metal-poor subsample. One pop-
parameters derived from LAMOST/LASP are applied to derive ulation of planets hosted by these metal-rich stars has radii
the planet properties such as planet radius Rp , which has a typ- larger than ∼10 R⊕ (dark green solid line in Fig. 1), and they
ical error of about 15%. We focus on those with orbital period are the hot Jupiters. The other population hosted by metal-
1 d < P < 10 d and planet radius 1R⊕ < Rp < 20R⊕ . The sam- rich stars has radii smaller than ∼6 R⊕ while larger than those
ple has 295 planets in 256 systems. A total of 151 planets are indicated by the bottom magenta polyline in Fig. 1. Their sizes
in systems that contain single Kepler transiting planets, and 144 (2−6 R⊕ ) are close to that of Neptune at about 4 R⊕ , but we
planets are in multiple-transiting planet systems where the other do not know whether all of them are physically Neptune-like
transiting planets in the systems are not necessarily in the above- planets. Given the uncertainties in their physical states (Nep-
mentioned period and radius ranges. In Supporting Information, tunes, Super-Earths, mini-Neptunes, or other possibilities), we
Selection of Stellar and Planet Samples, we provide more details choose to dub this population Hoptunes in the text. This name
on sample selection, and we also show that the main results dis- reflects our current level of understanding of this population—
cussed below are not sensitive to the exact choices of sample without mass measurements, we do not know whether they
selection. The LAMOST stellar and planet parameters of our are physically Neptunes, and so far, they can be isolated only
sample are given in Table S1 and the LAMOST DR3 stellar in a specific regime in the period–radius plane as found in
parameters for the Kepler field are given in Table S2. this study.
Next we discuss three main features in the distributions,
Analysis and Results including two striking similarities between Hoptunes and hot
We divide the stellar sample into two metallicity subsamples: Jupiters and a significant valley separating them in the radius
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metal rich ([Fe/H] ≥ 0) and metal poor ([Fe/H] < 0). Fig. 1 shows distribution.

Dong et al. PNAS | January 9, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 2 | 267

1 planets in close-by orbits (5–7). All of the hot Jupiters in our
sample are single-transiting planet systems, and the majority of
the Hoptunes are in Kepler singles (73 ± 9% with the uncer-
hot Jupiters
0.8 tainty estimated from binomial distribution). In contrast, in the
other hot planets
Cumulative Fraction

regimes under the broken polyline of Fig. 1, slightly less than half
stellar sample of planets (45 ± 3%) are in single-transiting planetary systems—
0.6 note that the single fractions are similar for both metal-poor and
metal-rich subsamples, ∼46 ± 4% for metal poor and 43 ± 5%
for metal rich. Therefore, like hot Jupiters, Hoptunes are also
0.4 preferentially in singles compared with other hot planets. The
single fraction of Hoptunes is smaller than that of hot Jupiters
in our sample. We use a likelihood analysis based on binomial
0.2 distribution to test the statistical significance of this difference,
and the null hypothesis that they have the same single fraction is
ruled out at 2.9 σ significance (Supporting Information, Statistical
0 Significance of a Larger Single-Planet Fraction of Hot Jupiters than
-0.5 0 0.5 That of Hoptunes for details).
iii) Hoptunes and Hot Jupiters Are Separated by a Hot-Saturn Valley.
Fig. 2. Cumulative fractions as a function of host [Fe/H]. Hoptunes
As can be seen in Fig. 1, there is a deficit of planets near Saturn
(magenta) and hot Jupiters (green) have similar distributions, and using the
two-sample K-S test, the two samples are drawn from the same underly-
size (about 6–10 R⊕ ) in the planet-radius distributions between
ing distribution with a probability of 45%. In contrast, the distributions for the Hoptunes and hot Jupiters, and we refer to this deficit as
both Hoptunes and hot Jupiters are different from those of the stellar sam- the hot-Saturn valley. The hot-Saturn valley can be clearly seen
ple (blue) and other planets (black) at high statistical significance. in the cumulative distribution of planet radius for planets with
Rp > 4 R⊕ from our sample (Fig. 3, Top). The cumulative distri-
bution has two clear breaks occurring at ∼6.5 R⊕ and ∼10 R⊕ ,
i) Hoptunes and Hot Jupiters Are Both Preferentially Hosted by Metal- and between these breaks, planets occur significantly less fre-
Rich Stars, and for Both Populations the Planet Frequencies Corre- quently compared with other ranges of radii. In Fig. 3, Middle,
late with the Host [Fe/H]. The contrast between metal-rich and we show a histogram of observed radius distribution with 12 uni-
metal-poor stars in hosting hot Jupiters and Hoptunes is statis- formly spaced bins in logarithm. The four bins closest to 8 R⊕
tically significant. In the metal-rich subsample, there are 17 hot have 1 planet where the four bins on the left (Hoptunes) have
Jupiters and 24 Hoptunes, which are 9.1+2.8 +3.2
−2.2 % and 12.9−2.6 % 10 planets and the four bins on the right (hot Jupiters) have 16
of all planets in that subsample, respectively, with the uncertain-
ties inferred from the Poisson distribution. If the metal-poor sub-
sample had similar relative fractions of these two populations, we
would expect to see 10.0+3.0 +3.5
−2.4 hot Jupiters and 14.1−2.9 Hoptunes,
but there are only one hot Jupiter and two Hoptunes detected.
Fig. 2 shows the cumulative fraction of various planet hosts and
the stellar sample as a function of [Fe/H]. The strong dependence
of hot Jupiters’ occurrence on host-star metallicity is well known,
and such a dependence is clearly seen from our sample. Com-
pared with the stellar sample as well as “other hot planets” (i.e.,
not hot Jupiters or Hoptunes), the hot Jupiters are preferentially
hosted by metal-rich stars. Using the two-sample Kolmogorov–
Smirnov (K-S) tests, the [Fe/H] distributions of hot Jupiters are
inconsistent with drawing from the same sample for the stel-
lar sample and other hot planets (at P values of 3 × 10−5 and
3 × 10−4 , respectively). Hoptunes have similarly strong prefer-
ence for metal-rich hosts, and their distributions are inconsistent
with the stellar sample and other hot planets with even higher
statistical significance (at P-values of 4 × 10−4 and 3 × 10−4 ,
respectively). The two-sample K-S test on the cumulative distri-
butions of hot Jupiters and Hoptunes results a P value of 45%
so we cannot reject the null hypothesis that the host metallicities
of hot Jupiters and Hoptunes are drawn from the same distribu-
tion. The distribution of other hot planets, dominated by Earth-
size planets (1R⊕ < Rp < 2R⊕ ), is also more skewed (although
in a degree significantly less than hot Jupiters and Hoptunes)
toward higher metallicities compared with the stellar sample (the
K-S test P value = 0.002), which is qualitatively consistent with
the conclusion by ref. 36 that there is a preference of metal-
rich hosts for hot Earths. Later in this section we derive the
intrinsic frequencies by taking into account the incompleteness
of Kepler. Fig. 3. The hot-Saturn valley revealed from the radius distribution of plan-
ets in our sample. (Top) Cumulative distribution of planets with radii larger
ii) Hoptunes and Hot Jupiters Both Tend to Preferentially Exist in than 4 R⊕ . (Middle) Number of detected planets in radius bins with equal
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Kepler’s Single-Transiting Planetary Systems. A distinguishing fea- size in logarithm. (Bottom) Intrinsic planet frequencies as a function of plan-
ture of hot Jupiters is that they tend not to have neighboring etary radius.

268 | Dong et al.

planets. If the significance of the valley is assessed by the differ- Hoptunes and hot Jupiters increase dramatically (by a factor
ence between adjacent sets of bins, we can adopt the Skellam of ∼10 from subsolar to supersolar) with [Fe/H]. Such a trend
distribution to calculate the probability assuming a null hypoth- for hot Jupiter hosts is well known (e.g., ref. 40 and references
esis of all bins having the same expected numbers of planets. therein), and the trend for Hoptune hosts is remarkably sim-
Comparing 10 or 16 planets in the neighboring sets of bins with ilar. The frequencies of Hoptunes are similar (within a factor
1 planet in the central bins, we find that the probability of the of ∼2) to those of hot Jupiters for all subsamples. Hosts of
valley due to random fluctuations is about 1%. The existence of Hoptunes and hot Jupiters have similarly strong preferences
such a valley with relatively sharp boundaries also suggests that for host metallicities higher than those of the Sun (supersolar
the (unknown) effects of blending due to unresolved background vs. solar).
binaries are unlikely to be significant in blurring the planet-radius Fig. 3, Bottom shows the intrinsic frequencies of planets within
distribution. the log(Rp ) bins spanning 0.2 dex around ∼5 R⊕ , ∼8 R⊕ , and
Finally we consider the incompleteness of the Kepler survey ∼12 R⊕ in our sample. The averaged frequencies of the planets
and calculate the intrinsic planet frequency for our sample. We in these subsamples are 0.23+0.10 +0.05 +0.10
−0.07 %, 0.02−0.02 %, and 0.36−0.09 %
take the survey selection, which is the incompleteness due to the at approximately Neptune size, Saturn size, and Jupiter size,
survey detection thresholds, and the transit geometric bias into respectively. Thus, the hot-Saturn valley represents an approx-
account. To calculate the incompleteness, we use the code sup- imately one order-of-magnitude depression in planet frequency
plied by ref. 15 based on the detection efficiency characterization as a function of planet radius. The averaged planet frequencies
method of ref. 39 to calculate the correction factor per bin in the dNp /d log(Rp )d log(P ) for hot Jupiters and Hoptunes in these
parameter space, and we apply the LAMOST stellar parameters subsamples are consistent within the uncertainties.
in the calculations.
To better examine the dependence of the planet frequency Discussion and Conclusion
on metallicity, we divide the sample according to [Fe/H] into Our findings benefit from the homogeneity of the Kepler sample
three subsamples—“supersolar” ([Fe/H] ≥ 0.1), “solar” (−0.1 < as well as accurate planet radii and host metallicities due to the
[Fe/H] < 0.1), and subsolar ([Fe/H] ≤ −0.1). The planet period– high accuracy of LAMOST stellar parameters. Refs. 37 and 38
radius distributions for three metallicity subsamples are shown found a desert of short-period Neptunian planets, using mixed
in Fig. 4, Left. In the subsolar subsample (Fig. 4, Bottom Left), samples of planets discovered from various surveys. The upper
there are only a handful of hot Jupiters and Hoptunes. Then boundary of the desert defined by ref. 38 is similar to that of the
in the solar subsample (Fig. 4, Middle Left), there are several hot-Saturn valley we identify in this work (Fig. S4). While this
hot Jupiters, and a few Hoptunes start to emerge close to the upper boundary from ref. 38 is a diagonal line (Fig. S4) on the
lower boundary (the magenta polyline). Finally, in the super- period–radius plane based on a large number of planets mostly
solar subsample (Fig. 4, Top Left), there is a dramatic increase contributed from ground-based transits, our sample is too small
in numbers for both hot Jupiters and Hoptunes. A noticeable to clearly determine a slope. Their lower boundary resembles

trend is that the lower boundary of the planet valley evolves the lower boundary of Hoptunes, especially for P > 3 d. Accord-
from ≈6R⊕ (at around Saturn size) in the supersolar subsam- ing to our results, their desert appears to encompass both the
ple to lower values, close to ≈3−4R⊕ (at around Neptune size) hot-Saturn valley and the Hoptunes. Inside their desert, we find
in the solar subsample. Fig. 4, Right shows the intrinsic fre- that Hoptunes have a similar averaged frequency of ∼1% to
quencies of hot Jupiters and Hoptunes after correcting the sur- that of hot Jupiters. In comparison, the hot-Saturn valley has an
vey incompleteness and geometric biases. The frequencies of order-of-magnitude deficit in planet frequency. These features
appear to be largely “washed out” in ref. 38. This is mainly due
to the large uncertainties and systematics biases in log(g) mea-
surements of the KIC (e.g., figure S4 of ref. 21), and the result-
ing large errors in planet radii fill some objects in the valley
(Fig. S3, Right).
The similarities in host metallicity, intrinsic frequency, and
preference for single-transiting planetary systems suggest a close
link between hot Jupiters and Hoptunes in their migration and/or
formation processes.
The correlation between the intrinsic frequency of short-
period Jupiters and stellar metallicity has been well established
(3, 4). According to core-accretion models, the total masses of
building-block planetesimals and/or embryos are proportional to
those of the heavy elements in the host stars (41). One possi-
ble interpretation of the metallicity correlation for short-period
Jupiters is that the metal-rich environment provides more build-
ing blocks to form massive planetary cores (∼10 M⊕ ) before the
gas disk dissipates, which are crucial for gas accretion to form
giant planets like hot Jupiters (42). However, such an interpreta-
tion may not be well suited for the metallicity correlation of Hop-
tunes, since for most Hoptunes, especially those smaller ones
with radius less than 4R⊕ , they do not need massive cores to
accrete as much gas as needed for forming Jupiters. Another
possibility is that metallicity may play an important role to trig-
Fig. 4. The dependence of planet distribution (Left) and intrinsic frequency
ger/amplify certain migration mechanisms for hot Jupiters (43,
(Right) on stellar metallicity ([Fe/H]), using three metallicity subsamples. The
frequencies of hot Jupiters and Hoptunes have similar trends as a function
44). Such mechanisms should then similarly operate for Hop-
of metallicity—for both populations, they increase by a factor of ∼10 from tunes and also preferentially produce single-transiting planetary
the “subsolar” metallicity regime ([Fe/H]≤ −0.1) to the supersolar regime systems. Note that we find at 2.9σ significance that the fraction
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([Fe/H]≥ 0.1), and the frequencies of Hoptunes are similar (within a factor of single-transiting planet systems of hot Jupiters is higher than
of ∼2) to those of hot Jupiters for all subsamples. that of Hoptunes, indicating that whatever process removes the

Dong et al. PNAS | January 9, 2018 | vol. 115 | no. 2 | 269

“brothers” of hot Jupiters likely operates less efficiently for Hop- tribution can differ according to host [Fe/H] thus can potentially
tunes. The in situ formation mechanisms (45) are also subject to play a role in forming the [Fe/H]-dependent planet distribution
these constraints. found here. RV follow-ups of Hoptunes can provide the crucial
The radius range of the hot-Saturn valley (Rp ∼6−10R⊕ ) mass measurements to reveal their physical states and test such
roughly corresponds to the mass domain (between ∼10−30 and scenarios.
∼100−200 M⊕ ) of the “planet desert” expected from core accre- The “kinship” between hot Jupiters and Hoptunes as well as
tion simulations of planet formation (46, 47). However, these the hot-Saturn valley separating these two cousins offers unique
predictions apply to a = 0.2−3 astronomical units (AU) while clues and constraints for the formation and migration of short-
the planets in our sample have a < 0.1 AU. period planets. Future surveys and missions, particularly Tran-
When studying the radius distribution for short-period plan- siting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), are expected to detect
ets, it is important to consider the effects of planetary inflation many more short-period planets and explore these features in
(e.g., ref. 48 and references therein) and/or evaporation (49–51). greater detail.
Ref. 49 suggests that hot Neptunes may originate from evapo-
ration of hot Jupiters, and thus they may share common origins ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank A. Gould for stimulating discussions and
insights into statistics. We are grateful to D. Huber, J. Winn, Y. Wu, D. Lai,
and evolution history (although note that ref. 49 has been con- B. Katz, K. Stanek, S. Kozlowski, C. Mordasini, and D. Lin for helpful com-
tradicted by some follow-up theoretical studies such as ref. 52). ments. S.D. acknowledges Project 11573003 supported by National Nat-
This hypothesis is consistent with the similarities between hot ural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the LAMOST Fellowship,
Jupiters and Hoptunes found in this work. In addition, it may which is supported by Special Funding for Advanced Users, budgeted and
administrated by Center for Astronomical Mega-Science, Chinese Academy
be interesting to test whether mechanisms such as photoevapo- of Sciences (CAS). J.-W.X. and J.-L.Z. acknowledge support from NSFC
ration can be responsible in shaping features such as the sharp Grants 11333002 and 11661161014. J.-W.X. is also supported by NSFC Grant
lower boundary for Hoptunes (the magenta polyline in Fig. 1) in 11403012 and the Foundation for the Author of National Excellent Doctoral
the period–radius distribution and also explain how the sharp- Dissertation of People’s Republic of China. Guoshoujing Telescope (the Large
Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope; LAMOST) is a National
ness of this boundary varies with host metallicity. For instance, Major Scientific Project built by the CAS. Funding for the project has been
the consequence of photoevaporation may depend on planet provided by the National Development and Reform Commission. LAMOST is
core mass (50, 51), and one may speculate that core mass dis- operated and managed by the National Astronomical Observatories, CAS.

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