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Template - Lauren Currie domestika.


Visibility Prompts
If you share the answer to one of these questions
each week, the following list will last you 6 months.

Do you have to share your answers publicly? Of

course not but I’d love you to try. We know that
being professionally visible will increase your
network, your reputation and help you progress.

You have valuable experiences, knowledge, insight,

and stories. The world is waiting to hear from you.
Use this list as inspiration and motivation to talk
about yourself and your work.

It doesn’t matter if you are an introvert or extrovert

and it doesn’t matter if you are a student or a CEO,
or if you are ambitious or not - what we’re doing
together is opening the door - opening the door for
everyone who wants to stand taller. We’re here to
break modesty norms.

Love your eternal cheerleader,

Template - Lauren Currie

Your learning. For your past self.

● What has been your biggest learning this week? ● What is the one thing you wish you’d known about the field
you work in?

● What has been your biggest learning this month? ● What’s the one piece of advice you’d give to a new graduate?

● For someone who wants to work in your field - where should

● What has been your biggest learning this year? they start?

● Who or what influenced you to choose the career path you

● What book changed how you think about your work? did?

● What do you think schools should teach about the world of

● Is there a quote you come back to time and time again? work?

● What advice do you have for your younger self?

● Who do you look to for inspiration?

● What would your past self be surprised by about how you

● What’s the best work advice you’ve ever been given?

● How do you hope the way we work changes for the next
● What’s the worst work advice you’ve ever been given?
Template - Lauren Currie

Your work MISC.

● How do you people misunderstand your work?
● What did you learn the hard way?

● What’s one thing nobody would know about your work by

looking at your CV? ● What do you wish someone would say to you right now?

● When was the last time your work surprised you?

● When was the last time you changed your mind?

● Who opened a door for you and how did they do it?
● Who taught you to think critically about your work?

● Why do you do the work you do?

● What do you need help with?

● What are your biggest challenges at work right now?

● When was the last time you changed your mind at work?

● What does leadership mean to you?

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