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BEED 2-C SY. 2022-2023 1st sem



1. Is your self – descriptions mostly positive or negative?

- More on possitive descriptions there a similiarities about what I wrote on the left side and both of my
partner first impression to me.

2. Are the descriptions of you given by your partner similar or

different from your own description of yourself?
- It has a little bit the same and a few bit different because all of she thinks to me have a simiralities
of what i am.
3. How do you feel about these positive and negative characteristic
traits you discovered about yourself?
- I feel that this characteristics help to know my self well and based on the observant of my partner
its more helpful cause she givr me an another information on what peoplr think and look at me in their
first impression

4. What do you plan to do after knowing your traits and characteristics?

- Maybe my bad or negative characteristic. I'd just want to clear it from my self because it can cause of
other problems such as lost of control, and in some of my positive characteristic maybe i can improve it
just to make my self happy but to others also.

5. What significant insights have you gathered from this activity.

-That we not just the only one who trully knows our own persobality but some peopke can know about
us by their first impression to us it can be both as what we are right know and maybe some differincies
but aside from that they build us to be the best version of our self and make us happily contented.
To deepen the process of looking into yourself, go over the
statement and carefully analyse which of them is most applicable to
you by checking the line provided before each statement.

_✔____ I am usually taken for granted.

_✔____ I do not think my outputs are really appreciated.
_____ I find it challenging to meet the standards of my teachers.
_✔____ I cannot say what I really think and feel or else others might
get hurt, or I get punished.
__✔___ I should keep my feelings to myself or else I may hurt other
people’s feelings so they won’t like me.
_____ I cannot say anything critical about my parents or family
members or else I will appear ungrateful or disloyal#
_✔____ I must not speak for myself or else will come across as pushy
and inconsiderate of others.
__✔___ I should always think of other people’s needs before my own or
else I will be self-centred.
__✔___ I must keep other people informed of all my accomplishments or
else they may not recognize my value.
_____ I must be perfectly competent, adequate, and successful in
everything I do or else I cannot think of myself as a worthwhile
___✔__ I have to please others and satisfy their expectations or else
I am a failure.

Watch and make a reflection on the YouTube song, Remind Me Who I
Am by Jason Gray.
- Jason Gray wants to make us find ourselves by Questioning others for who trully we are and also
reminds us to push our selves to overcome the darkness day thar we confused about who we are, that
sometimr we forgets. It also give realization that Gods love us unconditionally and God guide us, love us
so if we are confused lets praise and worship to God.





1. Are there overlapping values on your tree?

-yes, because of what i wanted to feel in the future to be much happier and find my confort zone.
2. Highlights values which you think are important to focus on at this
-Happiness - approachable -love
-Determination - sociable -care
-Focus - respectful - support
3. Which among those values are most needed for the tree (you) to
- Trust, Determination, happiness,blessef, love, care, support.

4. Do you think the values that you identified are evident in the way
you live your life now?
- yes, beacause as of now I started to be far from my family, i'd practicing to be independent and learn
to start my life alone. Facing the problem with my own i know it is hard to adjust but because of that
values and beliefs support of my family that i can do this with the determination and other values that i
needed right now i apply it on my self just to overcome this adjustment because i have a dream and plan
for my family. They are my strenght.

5. What realizations/learnings you have gained from this activity?

-That not all values we learn in our home, we learn it from school, friends, places and in the situation
That we faced and encountered and sonetimes a lesson that turn to values that help us to be the best of
our self.


Values for me is _ is the attitude or act that we adopt from our parents or lesson that we
face, we adopt from them a values that we always treassured and the values that can teach to

My most important role as future GMRC teacher is _ To teach and remind us of

values that we adopt not just in family but by friends, place and maybe in our situation, it help us to
know what the best for us.

What if I find most challenging in teaching values is __ For me the

efforts of teaching for remind us of the values that we need to adopt that other student forgoten and
to sociable to us especially that we have a different values in life.

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