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hi we are Alessandro in Giovanni we are

the founders of sudo see Deanna a

practice in architecture design and

researcher we are from Italy and we live

in the working after them we moved to

the Netherlands during our studies I was

coming from a Milano's Polytechnical and

you from you are in Venice and we met a

to del Sur where we both studied

architecture and the since Adana will

remain during the Netherlands where we

started a studio sadhana and we like a

number office we work on different

projects mainly for our public space and

public art but we also work on

exhibitions research projects and

teaching and we became passionate about

the idea of architecture as the craft of

design and encounter the encounter

between people but also between

different rituals different species

different materials and clients and at

various scales with our work we design

spaces that can foster interaction and

encounters and help us reflect about our

relation with other forms of life and

then allow new kinds of communion and

alliances to develop as well as a way to

discover new kinds of beauty that we

think can emerge in the everyday and we

are particularly interested in

researching and designing objects that

mediate the relation between humans and

other species in particular with birds

from cages to doctor towers purchase and

bird feeders and like in dosa like we

find in fact alike a fascinating

spectrum of relations from sentimental

to metaphorical caloric to territorial

and the like we think that all this is

the key to understand just how rich and

complex our relation with other animal

is and which new alliances can be

nurtured we also live and share our

space and time with a bird which is an

Amazon or attrex called Coco

and with him we also experiment in

edible and degradable materials on forms

of play and communication on objects

that can work as a sort of language

between us increasingly we actually see

our role as designers

too bad a gardener where we not only

determine at the form of space but we

are involved in its maintenance and in

its transformation and in November this

year we will be showing some of our work

in Istanbul at the design y annual and

later in the spring 2021 and the Venice

Biennale we hope to see you there bye

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