Research Paper On Animal Testing

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Title: Mastering Your Thesis: Navigating the Challenges of Research Paper on Animal Testing

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis, especially on a complex and sensitive topic like animal
testing, is akin to venturing into uncharted waters. It's a task that demands meticulous research,
critical analysis, and ethical considerations. However, the path to completing a thesis on animal
testing is fraught with challenges that can easily overwhelm even the most seasoned scholars.

One of the primary difficulties lies in navigating the vast sea of literature surrounding the topic.
Animal testing encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including biology, medicine, ethics, and law,
making it imperative for researchers to sift through an extensive array of scholarly articles, books,
and reports to gather relevant information and insights.

Moreover, synthesizing diverse perspectives and data sets while maintaining academic rigor poses
another formidable obstacle. Crafting a coherent argument that balances scientific evidence with
ethical considerations requires a keen analytical mind and exceptional writing skills.

Furthermore, the emotional toll of delving into the ethical implications of animal testing cannot be
overstated. Wrestling with moral dilemmas and confronting the ethical complexities inherent in the
practice can take a toll on researchers, leading to feelings of doubt, guilt, and moral ambiguity.

In light of these challenges, seeking professional assistance becomes not only advisable but often
necessary to ensure the successful completion of a thesis on animal testing. ⇒ ⇔
offers a lifeline to students and scholars grappling with the complexities of their research.

With a team of experienced academic writers and subject matter experts, ⇒ ⇔
provides comprehensive support tailored to the unique needs of each client. From formulating a
research question to conducting literature reviews, analyzing data, and crafting compelling
arguments, their services cover every aspect of the thesis writing process.

By entrusting your thesis to ⇒ ⇔, you can rest assured that your project will be in
capable hands. Their commitment to excellence, integrity, and client satisfaction ensures that you
receive a meticulously researched and impeccably written thesis that meets the highest academic

Don't let the challenges of writing a thesis on animal testing overwhelm you. Take advantage of the
expertise and support offered by ⇒ ⇔, and embark on your academic journey with
Pig would be considered one of the more reliable models due to their physiology and immune system
being similar to that of a human. Opponents of animal experimentation consider it is unethical due to
reasons such as it is cruel and inhuman, and it violates animals’ rights. Even if it were possible, it
would also take much longer to see potential effects, because of the length of time we live compared
to laboratory animals such as rats or rabbits. A more effective method would be to introduce
counterpoints to each of the pros of using animal testing, which would show a strong understanding
of both sides of the argument and make their point-of-view more convincing. Ever since that people
realized animals had feelings and could feel pain, people have started debating over the issue of
animal testing, and it soon became... The Cruelty in Animal Testing Every year in the United States,
it is estimated that tens of millions of animals are used for research and testing purposes ( Animal
Experimentation 50).These animals are usually mice, rats, rabbits, fish, guinea pigs, non-human
primates, and other farm animals. Although many push towards becoming more eco friendly and
want equal rights with animals they can not be entirely at fault for those who suffer from not having
the benefits from animal testing. Animals have no choice but to endure the pain and slow death.
Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. In present times, animal
research has brought people to a disagreement. The usefulness and contributions of animals in
biomedical research are equally highlighted with some historical perspectives. Although researchers
claim that they depend on animal test data to achieve medical advances, we should demand other
means of research and there should be laws assuring a minimum level of animal protection because
testing on animals is cruel, inhumane, and often unnecessary. There are many companies that have
dropped the process of animal testing due to customer demands. Before implementing it on humans,
animal testing is testing newly developed products and drugs on animals for the test. When people
buy pets on impulse, one day they want one, and then they get sick of caring for it, and it gets
neglected, which is abuse of the emotional kind. A large sum of funds goes to animal experiments,
which are deemed to be quite useful. And be the roads heavy and muddy, or dry and good; be they
stony or smooth, up-hill or downhill, it is all the same-on, on, one must go at the same pace, with no
relief and no consideration. You would want to tell the other side of the story and then describe a
specific fact that refutes that belief. By gathering information from college students I will show the
students education to animals rights as well be able to provide some insight to their views. Animal
behaviour and research into attitudes on animal testing. Humans tend to regard themselves as the
most important and valuable species on earth. Such as a guinea pig model can be used to identify
antituberculosis chemotherapy while others models such as rabbits have lung issues that have been a
vital part of the research process for tuberculosis vaccines since the beginning of the 20th century
(acosta, 8). An example of this to them is that no new drug would first be tested on a human so
because they see them as equals animals should not have drugs tested on them either. This shows the
student has a good understanding of the subject. However, as far as animal testing is concerned we
are confronted with a choice between the welfare of humans and the welfare of animals. Can we
deprive the rights of those humans who lack these abilities. It shows that humans believe animals to
be equipment, machines that they can work into the ground, after all, they have no non-tradable
properties, they are only here to serve us, if they weren't used, then what would be the use of them.
With creating a working vaccine, chemists must conduct tests on complex antigens that other
alternatives could not sustain leading different results compared to those conducted on animals
(Acosta, 5). On the other hand, animal testing also causes pain and kills a lot of animals used during
the researches that many people oppose this practice. Use of Transgenic Animals to Improve uman
ealth and Animal Production. They discourage the practice of animal testing and animal cruelty.
People can use these effective alternatives instead. Some dogs, cats and a variety of goats, monkeys
and rabbits have also been used. Make a Difference Each year in the United States, an estimated 70
million animals are maimed, blinded, scalded, force-fed chemicals, genetically manipulated, and
otherwise hurt and killed. I just don’t think it is fair to say “let’s just take an animal to test on”
because to me animals matter as much as (or even more.) humans. In this essay I will first show the
pro’s and after these will follow the con’s of animal testing. If we cannot accept humans in testing
labs getting their intestines opened, why do we allow the same to happen for animals. This article
highlighted and discussed about various aspects of this burning issue along with several pros and
cons. At the second station in the kill shed, the headless animal is dropped to the floor. Animal
testing gives researchers the opportunity to control in vivo the genetic and environmental factors that
may influence the development of disease and establishment of its complications, and thus gain new
information about its handling and treatment in humans. It’s a Dog’s Life. (2005). Small World
Productions, pp. 54, 56. Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group. (1984). History of nonhuman animal
Research. Before granting a licence to carry out research using animals, the has to be satisfied that
the harm caused to the animals is outweighed by the potential benefits of the project. Opponents of
animal experimentation consider it is unethical due to reasons such as it is cruel and inhuman, and it
violates animals’ rights. A more effective method would be to introduce counterpoints to each of the
pros of using animal testing, which would show a strong understanding of both sides of the argument
and make their point-of-view more convincing. The use of animal for research is an old concept that
continued to be debated. History of animal research - Understanding Animal Research. Besides, in
the twelfth century, the Arab physician Avanzoar used animals to test his new surgery techniques
before performing them on humans. Today. This shows the way in which humans think of animals.
Even though, the Animal Welfare Act states laboratories must report the number of animals used in
experiments; mice, birds, and rats are not included in this number over all. They were only given
food and water for two hours a day so that researchers can better observe their reactions in different
situations (Sandra, 2005). A model essay for students to use as a resource to help organize essays
Using animals in research and to test the safety of products has been a topic of. Animal Research
Essay Resources - Understanding Animal Research. Also why not to use animals for testing is it is a
less accurate way because the animals are different to us human beings, so it should have different
affects on animals than us so animal testing isn’t accurate. Animal rights groups are increasing, and
they demand a stop to such cruel tests on innocent animals. The drug was used to help females with
morning sickness during there pregnancies. You may choose a topic that considers the historical
context, as methods of testing and other aspects that don't require your personal point of view.
Humans have, and continue to, treat animals as if they are property, as if we can own and therefore
control their lives and what happens to them. It asserts humans and animals equally belong in the
natural world, so animal testing should be banned given alternatives exist. The content of the essay is
all relevant to the question scientifically, with the structure being in a very easy-to-follow and logical
order. The main area for improvement is that there needs to be a better balance of pros and cons. For
example, Pharmagene Laboratories is the first company to use only human tissues and sophisticated
computer technology for the purpose of drug development and testing. An other argument from a
person who believes that animal testing is morally is that few animals every really receive any pain as
they are killed before they have a chance to suffer, but of course the feeling given out by animal
rights protester are that it is morally wrong just to kill the animal for what they see as no fit reason.
Beauty brands that are still able to test on animals have been pushed and supported outside of both
the UK and Europe where it is currently banned. I just don’t think it is fair to say “let’s just take an
animal to test on” because to me animals matter as much as (or even more.) humans. In this essay I
will first show the pro’s and after these will follow the con’s of animal testing. Do we say disabled
humans have no inherent value and rights. The cow is then hoisted by that one leg to a hanging
position. When our lovely puppy is not feeling good, we go straight to the vet clinic and want them
to do everything as possible to make him healthy. Animal testing does not only support the medical
side of research but little to no in the cosmetic field. The acts of animal testing are extremely cruel
and unethical and no living creature should have to endure the variety of pain that test subjects go
through without their own consent. Many take this argument and push ethical views instead of
understanding the bigger picture. I believe humans can benefit more from non-animal
experimentations. Also why not to use animals for testing is it is a less accurate way because the
animals are different to us human beings, so it should have different affects on animals than us so
animal testing isn’t accurate. The process that makes animal testing all the more important in the
world of cosmetic is that more cosmetic brands are being created and making mass amounts of
products that go untested (Murnaghan, 2). Save the Animals: Stop Animal Testing - Lone Star
College. Statistics Make data-driven decisions to drive reader engagement, subscriptions, and
campaigns. We should also look into the matter deeply and compassionately. With creating a
working vaccine, chemists must conduct tests on complex antigens that other alternatives could not
sustain leading different results compared to those conducted on animals (Acosta, 5). It outlines
arguments both in favor of and against the practice. Animals need to stop being the center of
laboratory and farm experiments, or at least given more rights to protect their general welfare and
life. Rebuttal to this argument: The facts of efficient non-animal methods and relevant benefits. Use
of Transgenic Animals to Improve uman ealth and Animal Production. Hundred of years ago, people
were dying even from the regular cold or small finger cut, and nowadays it is a simple thing that
could be treated by antibiotics. Every year, cosmetics companies kill millions of animals to test their
products. Animal rights activists have gathered large amounts of information that has resulted in the
closing down of many laboratories that violate anti-cruelty statutes. Adobe Express Go from Adobe
Express creation to Issuu publication. Rightness or wrongness injuries to animals not necessarily.
With the continuing development of to research, the claim that animal experiments 'are essential' for
particular purposes must be constantly scrutinised and reassessed. A yoke is then hooked to the
stumps of the hind legs, the body is lifted upwards, and the rest of the hide is pulled past a roller
secured to the floor and peeled off. Small animals, such as rats, are used to determine the side
effects of new drugs. Scientists claim that if they stop testing an animals reaction to the treatment or
experiment, then it would corrupt the search to find cures for diseases like, rabies, polio, measles,
mumps, rubella and TB. They were only given food and water for two hours a day so that researchers
can better observe their reactions in different situations (Sandra, 2005). After I have done this I will
again give my opinion on the subject.
On the contrary, non-animal methods often take less time and cost less to conduct. Breast Cancer
Research, 11, p.3. Festing, S. (2008). Animal Research—a Defense. During the 1820's and 1830's,
Francois Magendie conducted extensive animal experiments that led to notable advance in neuro-
physiology Animal Pp. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. They argue that
they way one species reacts to a given drug or chemical in a particular way does not necessarily
entail other species will react in the same way. After the animal has collapsed (but still conscious), the
side of the killing stall is raised, and a chain is secured to the right hind leg. The power of the purse
has oftentimes been much more persuasive than advertising by activists or even government
regulation. Another statistic that disproves the torture of testing on animals is that a number of
animals put into testing do not make any fraction of the number of animals put into a consumption
wards. I understand people are in favor of it when it can save humans (although I am not so sure of
this), but I think cosmetics should surely not be tested on animals because these is not life-saving and
as important as medicines. The most common arguments supporting animal experimentation can be
refuted and shown to be unnecessary harm to animals. Against Animal Testing Animal testing is a
developing issue in the present society, and it should be ceased as quickly as time permits. Arsenic, a
poison for humans but it is not harmful to sheep. Meaning it created a more diverse result in the way
it seems to meet everyone’s needs without the over abuntage number of animals in one facility.
Lanham, MD: Rowman. Coghlan, A, (1996). Pioneers Cut Out Animal Testing. Would you then
think differently about the products you 're buying. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll
connect you with the best. Their attitude towards their horses is as if the horses have no interest of
their own, they only live to work for humans. The gun is designed so that the nail never completely
leaves the gun, but simply is blown into the animal's head and then pulled out by the butcher as the
animal collapses. It is everyone’s responsibility to act against cruelty and inhumanity. Thanks to
modern technology, more and more non-animal research is being used now all over the world. This
caused a reliance on animals Animal Testing: Helpful Experiment or Animal Killer. They were only
given food and water for two hours a day so that researchers can better observe their reactions in
different situations (Sandra, 2005). Besides, the scientists in Pharmagene believe that the study
process would be much more efficient with human tissues instead of animals’. New Scientist, 9, 31-
33. Deborah, L. (2009). Novel Multicellular Organotypic Models of Normal and Malignant Breast:
Tools for Dissecting the Role of Microenvironmen in Breast Cancer Progression. The American
Medical Association has stated that it believes that research involving animals is essential to
maintaining and improving the health of human beings. We should not forget that we are a part of
the living organism and so are animals. For many centuries scientists and testers in research have
used animals of all kinds. How many APS are currently published? NAS. Millions 2. What options
are available for improving an APS visibility? NAS. Even though animals has feelings and suffer I
think that a human life is more significant in life than an animal so therefore we should find a way to
survive and live of the expense of an animal’s suffering. Each year, more than one hundred million
animals are killed Peta.

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