TVP 2023 v2 New Logo

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ANUSA Transport Voucher Program

The ANUSA Transport Voucher Program is designed to provide ANU students

facing financial hardship access to Transport Canberra public transportation (bus/
light rail).

A maximum total of 20 of Transport Canberra vouchers can be granted per student

per semester at the discretion of ANUSA.


• To provide access to public transportation to students who are struggling to

afford the cost of travel.

Further information about vouchers:

• Each booklet contains 10 vouchers. Students can receive up to two booklets per
• To use the vouchers, students will need to bring along their Student Card on all
trips as these vouchers are concession vouchers.
• Each voucher allows students to a 90 minute transfer ticket (if taking multiple
buses per trip).

Eligibility criteria

• Enrolled student at the ANU;

• Struggling to afford utilising public transportation.
• Have not accessed 20 Transport Canberra vouchers in a semester.

Application process

To apply for Transport Vouchers, the following must be met:

1. The completed application form;

2. Evidence of current enrolment, (instructions can be found here)
3. Send the completed form and enrolment confirmation letter to
4. If successful, students will need to come to the ANUSA office to receive Transport
Vouchers (Level 2, Di Riddell Building, Kambri).
Student Information
Name: Student ID:
Riik Basu u7821642
Current program of study: Contact #:
PhD 0426938619
International/ domestic: Email ID:

Reason for Application

Please describe why you are currently in need of a Transport Voucher?
I am supposed to receive a PhD stipend but would get the first amount by 28th March. As I paid upfront for the OSHC along with all costs related to relocation like visa, flights, housing etc. I was a bit dependent on my stipend initially. I would be alright once I start receiving the stipend.

What steps have you taken/ agree to take in regards to your current situation (if any)?:

I would be fine once I start receiving my scholarship stipend. I will also start tutoring courses and some other research assistant positions meanwhile from April/May.


Agreement and declaration

I agree that the information provided above is correct. If application, I agree to undertake the steps outlined
above. I agree that these vouchers will be for personal use only, if I misuse the vouchers, I understand that I may
be required to pay back the amount or be ineligible for further financial assistance.

Student Initial:_________________ Riik 3/16/24


Office use only

Date of meeting with student:
Grocery or Transport Voucher Number: TVP___-___
Evidence of current enrolment sighted:
Voucher identification number: TVP:
Value of voucher provided: TVP:
Approved by (Name): Signature:

Co-signed by (Name): Signature

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