Occupancy Rules

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UniGardens Occupancy Agreement — Attachment A House and Common Area Rules HOUSE AND COMMON AREA RULES. ELIGIBILITY oF OCCUPANTS Residents shall bea student enrolled in recognised educational establishment. Al Residents must sign an Occupancy agreement. Residents must not sub-let the apartment. All Residents must pay their occupancy fees including @ utility levy, in advance by the agreed ‘method. BEHAVIOUR Acceptable behaviour includes not interfering with another person’s living conditions oF Personal security, Unacceptable behavior will be dealt with appropriately. Repeated offences PY a Resident may constitute grounds for early termination of their Occupancy Agreement, however, they wil stil be held responsible for Occupancy Fees until the apartment Is relet, and/or repaired. To clarify the term “repeated offences", any more than one offence Constitutes a repeat offence, BUILDING SECURITY AAS @ Resident you agree to be bound by the securty regulations or to follow any instructions 'ssued by UniGardens Management (verbally or in writing). Under no circumstances are Occupants to provide non-occupants use of access cards or {opies of common area or apartment keys. Lost cards must be immediately reported to UniGardens staff. Occupants are responsible or the behaviour of vistors and must understand that visitors are also bound by all the Rules of the Occupancy Agreement whilst in the facilty. Residents ‘gree to pay for any damage to property that thelr visitors cause. NOISE LEVELS ‘Al Occupants and visitors must show consideration for neighbours. No excessive noise is Permitted between 10:00pm to 7:00am, as In accordance with Law. Noise disturbances con Potentially ead to eviction and or legal action. REQUESTS FROM STAFF Qccupants and visitors must comply with all reasonable requests from UniGardens Management. SMOKING, ALCOHOL, DRUGS / ILLEGAL SUBSTANCES ‘Smoking ts NOT PERMITTED in any room, apartment or studio, or indoor area of the building, Smoking is only permitted on an outdoor balcony or in desighatedsteos of te oe ae ‘utdoor courtyard leading out from the conman room area Respone veers or alcoho fs encouraged win apartments and only pemited in comenon areas othe og until 11pm each night. ‘The use of / or belng under the Influence of In possession of any ileal substance in the balding is stcty forbidden. Faure to comply with this rule may reson he Rance termination of tis occupancy agreement and wil esut inte invent being reterey ake relevant authorities. Gambling Is also not permitted on the premises. have read and understand this page: oeeece \ND EQUIPMENT Se ene eeie ned in your apartment are to be used for the purposes ee ee ee ee ee property. You are not te mitted ‘to make alterations or additions to the apartment or the furniture and equipment within the apartment, unless 2 request has. been made in wting and. spervca by UniGardens Management. The installation of other furniture into a Resident's apartment is not permitted unless a written application is submitted to, and approved by UniGardens Management. Every request will be considered separately and is dependent on the size of the apartment and furniture required. PETS Occupants are NOT permitted to bring onto the premises or house any pets and animals in UniGardens, with the exception of fish. CLEANING AND INSPECTION Occupants are responsible for the day to day cleaning of their apartment, 1h addition, UniGardens apartments will be randomly inspected for faults or damage after Sufficient notice has been given. A vacuum ble (on loan to Occupants) during ception hours and a UniGardens identification card isto be let with Reception’ "there cg 1 hour limit, and late retums will attract a non-refundable charge. APARTMENT REPAIRS, Contracted maintenance staff and other contractors attend to any damages or problems that Touide arcs Bremises. Replacement of consumables, such as light globes erg washing liquids, are at the cost of the Resi lable for all dama negligence or misuse, 19€S or loss caused by labour costs. It is understood that although reasonabl maintenance and repairs may be carried out at any ‘occupant. COMMON PROPERTY Sho ianding Ce ltt on Unigardens grounds. Clothes or other artides macros nop trolleys Erna, staiway or any other part ofthe common property (that eos OF on any part ofthe exterior ofthe buliing. Bloycles are not permitted into the building except stored on any part of the common property within 'No signs in relation to sale or lease of an a Secured carpark area and fecaae are not to be partment or advertising material are allowed ‘splayed without prior approval of the UniGardens Managemeat a ‘STUDENT VACATION Occupants must an Recnanagement of they wil be away from thelr unit for more than one ‘week. Please notify Reception if you will be giving anyone access to your room / apartment while you are away. You are stil lable to pay rent during this tine, Qnbe "have read and understand this page: Signe FIRE SAFETY Occupants must never cover or tamper with smoke/heat detectors in apartments or common areas. Occupants must evacuate the building if the Fire alarm is sounded and gather in the assembly areas as outlined in the Site Fire Evacuation Management Plan. Apartment False alarm fees are the responsibilty of the tenant and must be paid immediately ‘upon receiving an invoice from management. Currently the fee charged by ACT Fire and Rescue and Romteck is $1549, It is also the understanding ifthe current fee is to rise due to CPI or increase by the government authority then this monetary figure will be passed onto the tenant. Unigardens receives 1 free false alarm every 60 days. If upon the completion of the 60 day period no further alarm is activated then the tenant will receive the full amount paid. If there are multiple alarms within the 60 day alarm period or in an alarm mode then the fee charged by the ACT Fire and Rescue and Romteck will be divided and paid by tenants activating the false alarms. Costs relating to tampering with smoke detectors will be treated as a case by case basis, No naked flames from Gas BBQ or cook tops on balconies or within apartments will not be tolerated. Lighting of candles, scented or scented sticks is totally prohibited OVERNIGHT GUESTS Occupants may have visitors stay overnight with a maximum stay of 3 nights per Calendar month, Occupants must notify Reception of guest's full names and dates of stay. Only Persons on the lease are not considered overnight guests. If Occupants are living in a Shared Apartment (Two Bedroom or Multishare), ‘guests must stay within the Resident's room and not common lounge areas. ‘At all times, the decision of a guest staying overnight is at the discretion of the UniGardens Management. CHILDREN Children can stay in UniGardens with their parents only with express written authorization from UniGardens management. It is clearly understood that excessive noise or any other disruption caused by children is considered a breach of this agreement and management will have discretion to terminate the agreement with 2 weeks notice. Behaviour 1. Violence of any kind will not be tolerated. 2. Physical or verbal harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes abusive or offensive language, violence, intimidation, any form of recognised discrimination under ACT Law, and any excessive disturbances to other Occupants. 3. Occupants are to take reasonable care of all UniGardens equipment and property, ‘and must respect the privacy and personal property of other occupants, staff, and visitors. ‘4, Firearms, weapons, and items considered dangerous or containing toxic or explosive. ‘substances are not permitted on the grounds of Unigardens.. ‘5. Occupants are not to make excessive noise In the premises or unit at any time. Noise Is to be kept to a minimum between the hours of 10pm and 7am. Qn Ihave read and understand this page: Signed: 3 Occupants are not to interfere with smoke detectors in any way and must report any faults to Unigardens property management. Cccupants are bound by law to respond to all fire alarms, fire drils, evacuations and ‘irections of Unigardens Fire Wardens andjor ACT emergency services personnel. Inappropriate behaviour of a sexual nature towards other Occupants or visitors is not 2 Permitted at any time, Any forms of indecent exposure will also not be accepted by UniGardens Management. 2 Occupants are not permitted to keep pets or animals in their apartments without ‘written consent of management. 410. The consumption or dealing of ilcit drugs (including prescription medications or otherwise), will not be tolerated and any incidences that are deemed to be ilegal will be referred to the relevant authorities, 44. Occupants over 18 years of age are permitted to consume alcohol in a responsible ‘manner within thelr own apartments, Drinking alcohol in common areas is not to ‘occur past 11pm, Guests 1 No squatters will be tolerated. Stay-over guests shall abide by al UniGardens rules. 2. Management must always be informed of guests. 3 A resident is permitted to have one guest to stay for three consecutive nights in their room, Providing that the guest is aged over 18 years and must not be a person Subject to either a site-ban or eviction, Occupants have priority use over guests in all areas and over all facities of UniGardens, 5. Occupants are responsible for the behaviour of their guests. Guests also adhere to the UniGardens House and Common Area Rules. Responsibilities/Upkeep: Occupants shall: 1. Occupants shal share responsibilty for clearing the unit maiibox and to personally deliver mailto other household members, 2. Occupants shall draw up a roster so that an equal share of cleaning each week of all ‘communal areas (kitchen, lounge, bathroom and tollets) occurs to ensure they ‘remain hygienically clean. ‘3. Occupants are to ensure that the rubbish bins in the common areas are emptied dally. 4. Occupants are to keep the kitchen area hygienically clean and tidy and clean up any ‘plls/breakages immediately. '5. Occupants must leave the bathroom/tollet area clean and tidy after use and not use ‘excessive amounts of hot water. Rak ae Vhave read and understand this page: Signed: “ 4 6. Ifa dispute arises, Occupants are to resolve the matter themselves in a timely, ‘mature, and non-violent way. Where a matter cannot be resolved, Occupants should alert UniGardens management for assistance. 7. Occupants agree to participate in decision making, and attend any relevant meetings that affect their residency at UniGardens. 8. Occupants are to allow for equal access to communal areas of the building to all other Occupants. Occupancy Agreement — Attachment B ‘The Grantor and Occupant’s Obligations and Schedule of Resident's Fees ‘Lhe Grantor's Obligations “The Grantor shall allow, subject to the performance ofthe Occupants obligations as set out in Cause 2, the Occupant to: 8) occupy the Apartment listed on the front page of this Occupancy Agreement by have the use of the fixtures fittings and furnishings in the Apartment; and ‘)_have access to the services provided under the terms of this Occupancy Agreement by the Grantor (the Services). 2.The Occupant’s Obligations 24 General 2.4.1 The Occupant shall 2) the Occupancy Fee from the Commencement Date and on every agreed installment date thereafter, always two (2) weeks in advance; and b) agrees to pay the Occupancy Fee by Direct Debit from their nominated bank or credit ‘union account or via Centrepay from thelr Centrelink entiement into a nominated ‘bank or credit union account ofthe Grantor; and ©) all sundry charges, cleaning or other services (which shall be charged separately to ‘the Occupant and payatle in full on the date coinciding with the next Occupancy Fee installment date after the date on which they are accrued. Telephone and Data ‘services are payable in advance). 2.1.2 The Occupant hereby agrees that any rights which the Occupant may be granted pursuant to this Occupancy Agreement, are always and shal remain always subject to the exclusive right of the Grantor to have possession and control over the Apartment. The Occupant hereby ‘agrees that, subject to the Occupant’ rights in Cause 4, the Grantor may exercise unrestricted Control over, access to and use ofthe Apartment at all times during the term of the Occupant’s ‘Occupant Agreement. 2.1.3 Subject to Clause 9, thé Occupant also understands that he/she is not alowed to arrange ‘substitute Occupants. The Occupant isnot allowed to pass on their Occupancy Agreement to a friend or other person. In addition to the Occupant’ obligations as set out inthis Occupancy Agreement, the Occupant covenants 2s follows: (2) to use the Apartment (or share the Apartment asthe case may be) as the Occupant’s private residence only and not do anything unlawful or allow anything to happen inthe ‘Apartment or in the building to the annoyance or nuisance of the Grantor or any other ‘Occupant or person occupying an Apartment or part of the bulding and shall not do anything ‘or alow anything to happen which may invadate or lead to the increase In the premium of ‘any ingurance policy in relation to the Apartment or the building. (©) not, without prior wrten consent ofthe Grantor, to make any alterations or addons to Qest— wee Ihave read and understand this page: Signed:_PO—" 22 the Apartment or improvements thereto nor to remove any fixture, fitting or piece of equipment of any nature whatsoever. () not to assign, subrlet, transfer, convey or in any way deal with the rights created under the ‘terms of this Occupancy Agreement and at al times retain control and occupation ofthe Apartment and the improvements thereon. (2) to use the building's services including the mechanical services ofthe Apartment or building only for the purposes for which they are constructed and shall not do, permit or suffer to be done any act or thing which might affect or damage same and any damage thereto ‘used by misuse shall be made good by the Occupant or at the Occupants cost. (@) shal not obstruct any of the public areas of the bulding or any part thereof. (9 shal not use any equipment which wil or is reasonably likely to overload the cables, ‘Switchboards or sub-boards through which electricity is conveyed to the Apartment or Contained in the building. (2) shall comply in every respect with al lawful notices and crections given to the Occupant by the Grantor or its authorized representative. (H) give immediate notice to the Grantor of any infectious illness occurring in the ‘Apartment and shal, if required by the Grantor, thoroughly fumigate and disinfect the ‘Apartment to the satisfaction of the Grantor and any health authorities having jurisdiction with respect to same, () t2 comply with the rules and regulations made by the Grantor in accordance with the UniGardens House and Common Area Rules. (K) Connect the electra ty in their own name as soon as they arrive and disconnect it after Departure. Geanliness and damage to the Premises @) From time to time the Occupant wil substantially dean the Apartment and the Occupant wil at ll ines keep the Apartment in good order and condition as at the Commencement Date (©) The Occupant must take reasonable care to avoid damaging the Apartment and ‘any common areas. (©The Occupant must give notice to the Grantor of any damage tothe Apartment as soon practicable, Behaviour (2) The Occupant agrees not to engage in unacceptable behaviour that includes, but isnot limited to: @) Intentionally causing injury or harm to another person; ‘real or perceived violence or threat of violence; (©) causing damage to the property of the Grantor or personal property Contained in the building; © producing excessive or loud noise; (2) not respecting the rights, attitudes and beliefs of other persons; (9) behaving in an offensive or threatening manner; ot (G) threatening the safety or wel-being or harassing anther person, (h) Use the apartment as sex worker or for any ilegally activites. (b) IF the Occupant’s behaviour is deemed unacceptable by the Grantor, or Staff ‘Member of UniGardens on-site management, they may take such action 2s. oa Qa ‘have read and understand this page: Signed: Wg deemed necessary, induding: (2) termination of this Occupancy Agreement in accordance with clause 7; (b) removal from the building; © Probation; @) te; © community service; and () apology 24__House and Common Area Rules The Occupant acknowledges they have read the House and Common Area Rules for UniGardens provided as a part of this Occupancy Agreement, and agrees to comply with the regulations set out in it as approved or amended by the management of UniGardens. Changes may be made from time to time and notified to the: Occupant in writing. ‘The Occupant acknowledges they have reviewed and agreed to comply with and uphold such House and Common Area Rules. ‘The Occupant agrees to abide by the directions given by any employee of UniGardens cr the Grantor. -3.__Termination by Resident ® () © ‘The Occupant agrees to give the Grantor 4 weeks written notice if they Intend to break their Occupancy Agreement before the Termination Date ‘and pay up to a $500 early termination fee , unless otherwise agreed with the Grantor this money is to be used for advertising, website updates. ‘The Occupant acknowledges that if this Occupancy Agreement is terminated by him/her prior to the completion of the Period, he/she will ‘remain liable to pay the full Occupancy Fee for the remainder of the fixed contract Period until another Occupant is found to occupy the Apartment_and_commences_his/her residency. The Occupant agrees to make all reasonable endeavours to locate another Occupant, with or without assistance from the Grantor, acceptable to the Grantor. ‘The Occupant agrees that: (@) If the Occupancy Fee ts not paid, then the Grantor will undertake all necessary legal efforts to recover such a Fee; and (b) If there is a requirement to apply to have funds released from the Security ‘deposit and there are nsuffident funds to cover any costs, the Occupant will be lable to pay the difference, (€)__ The Occupant agrees that the Early Termination Fee will be pald prior to departure, 4___Departure (@) The occupant will ensure that the unit is professionally cleaned and prepared for another occupant and provide tax invoice receipts upon request from management. (b) _In.addition, the occupant wil arrange a carpet shampoo upon x bes have read and understand this page: ‘Signed:_ departure. The occupant may nominate UniGardens management to deduct $120(GST Inc) from the occupant’s security deposit as Payment for the carpet shampoo. If the Occupant vacates and does ‘not notify management then management will take it as it needs to ‘be cleaned and charges will follow automatically. (©) Inthe event that the apartment is not sufficiently cleaned, the occupant agrees to allow management to deduct a cleaning fee (min '$100(GST Inc) from the security deposit. (d) Departure is 10am in the morning on the day of Departure . ‘S.The Grantor's Rights Without limiting in any way Clause 2.1 (a) (b) (©) @ @ ‘An employee of UniGardens may enter the Apartment without notice if that Person reasonably believes that there is a valid need for them to do so Examples of valid reasons (though not exhaustive) are to deliver parcels and mail, to camry out repairs and maintenance, to investigate possible illegal activities. Otherwise, the Grantor shall have the right to enter and view the Apartment at all reasonable times with reasonable notice. The Grantor shall at all reasonable times during the day have the right to enter with workmen and without reasonable notice for the purposes of carrying out any work which the Grantor may be bound to carry out of otherwise may deem desirable provided that in so doing, the Grantor shall endeavour to cause as lite inconvenience to the Occupant as is practicable, ‘The common areas and facilities of the building (which shall be all parts of the building other than any apartment) shall at all times be subject to the Control of the Grantor who shall have the right from time to time to establish, modify and enforce rules and regulations with regard thereto, ‘The Grantor shall be absolutely entitled to make whatever rules and Fegulations (permitted by law) it thinks fit with respect to the limitation, prohibition, use or transportation of any form of medication, drugs ‘or alcohol or the consumption thereof within the Apartment or the building, ‘The Grantor may have the right to enter without notice in case of ‘emergency and to exercise any rights it has upon default by the Occupant. Resident's Riahts Subject to the compliance by the Occupant with the obligations imposed by this Occupancy Agreement, the Occupant shall have the right to quiet enjoyment of the Apartment (subject to rights of other Occupants that may share the Apartment), to occupy or share the Apartment and to use the Services from the Commencement Date until the Termination Date referred to In this Occupancy Agreement. ‘Security Deposit @) The Occupant shall pay a security deposit to the Grantor to be held for ‘and on behalf of the Occupant during the term of this Occupancy ‘Agreement or any further period In which the Occupant may occupy the Apartment. At the time that the Occupant ceases to occupy the ‘Apartment and provided the Apartment is in a clean and habitable condition and no damage has been caused to any part of the Apartment or its fumiture, fittings or equipment, application shall be made to release the wx Oe Ihave read and understand this page: Signed: (b) Security Deposit to the Occupant, without deduction, within fourteen (14) days of the Occupant vacating the Apartment subject to paragraph (c). If in the opinion of the Grantor the Apartment is left by the Occupant otherwise than in a clean, habitable and undamaged condition, the Grantor may at its discretion apply such amount or amounts as may be necessary from the security deposit to restore the Apartment to a clean, habitable and undamaged condition. If the security deposit is insufficient to meet the cost of such restoration, the Occupant shall pay the Grantor on demand the amount by which the cost of such restoration exceeds the Security deposit. If the cost of such restoration Is less than the security deposit, the amount by which the security deposit exceeds the cost of Such restoration shall be repaid to the Occupant. (c) The Occupant shail also be entitled to apply to the relevant authority to G © Ceduct from the security deposit any arrears of the Occupancy Fee or other outstanding charges which may be owing atthe time. !) Within 7 days of the Commencement Date the parties shall each ‘complete and sign a condition report and a copy shall be retained by each party. Ifthe tenant does not return the copy ofthe condition report within the ‘allocated time then the pre inspection report will be deemed acceptable. ?) The Occupant acknowledges and agrees that any Interest earned on the security deposit shall not form part of the security deposit and shall not be payable by the relevant authority holding the security deposit to the ‘Occupant in any circumstances, (f) The Occupant acknowledges and agrees that If he/she has breached the Occupancy Agreement: (2) The Occupancy Fee must be paid until another Occupant is found ‘and commences his/her Occupancy, or until the Occupancy ‘Agreement ends, whichever occurs first. (b) If the Occupancy Fee is not paid, then an application to the relevant authority will be made to have it deducted from the security deposit. (©) Should the amount of the security deposit be Insufficient to cover the Occupancy Fee the Occupant will be liable to pay the difference. (d) Management have the right to offer to rent any apartment to.a ‘new prospective tenant if an Occupancy Agreement has expired ‘or not renewed within 30 days of its expiry date. If a tenant defaults they will be given 14 days to remedy prior to the existing tenant receiving a 7 days notice to vacate. (©) Management have the right to refuse renewals if they are not renewed for a minimum of 6 month leases or If breaches of the agreement have occurred. ‘6, Default by an Occupant (2) Each of the following constitutes an Event of Default by the Occupant: (the Occupant falls to pay an amount due under clause 2.1 on its {due date and such amount remains unpaid for seven days (whether (F not any formal or legal demand shal have been made); or a KS Uhave read and understand this page: Signed: Rat Que — 9 ® © @® © (il) the Occupant, breaches or permits or allows to occur any breach or default in performance and observance of any of the provisions of this Occupancy Agreement or the rules and regulations set out in the UniGardens House and Common Rules and such breach or default continues for fourteen (14) days after the service of a notice on the Occupant requiring the Occupant to remedy the same subject to paragraph (Ww); or (ii) the Occupant resorts to or takes advantage of any law for the Protection of insolvent people, becomes bankrupt or commits an act of bankrupty; oF (v) the Occupant commits an act which justifies immediate eviction ‘which is outined Inthe UniGardens House and Common Area Rules If any one or more Events of Default set out in Clauses 7(2X!) to (iv) indusive Occurs, it shall constitute and be deemed to be a repudiation of this Occupancy ‘Agreement by the Occupant giving rise to the right of the Grantor to seek to have the Occupancy Agreement terminated and withdraw the Services and on Feasonable notice shall have the right to accept such repudiation and re-enter ‘the Apartment whereupon any rights created under this Occupancy Agreement In favour of the Occupant shall be determined. ‘The Grantor may expel and remove the Occupant without being guilty of any ‘manner of trespass and without prejudice to any action o other remedy which the Grantor has or might or otherwise could have had for arrears of the Occupancy Fee or Sundry Charges or breach of covenant of for damages of or flowing from such repudiation and its acceptance thereof any determination and forfeiture of this Occupancy Agreement. ‘The Grantor shall be entited to recover any loss arising from the defaut of the Occupant including any loss or damage the Grantor may suffer as a result of the termination of the Occupancy Agreement prior to the date of termination referred in the Agreement, the Grantor shall be freed and discharged trom action, sult, claim or demand by or obligations to the Occupant under of virtue of this Occupancy Agreement. ‘The Grantor may upon re-entry remove from the Apartment any fixtures and ftings of the Occupant or personal property of the Occupant and store such Property at the cost and for the account of the Occupant without being deemed uly of conversion or become lable for any loss or damage occasioned thereby Drovided however that the Grantor shall not be under an obligation (other than to {adhere to the Uncolected Goods Act 1996 (ACT))to store any such fixtures, ftings ©" personal property for a period In excess of three months from the date of re entry and at the expiration of such period such fixtures and fittings or personal ‘Property may be sold by the Grantor and the Grantor may deduct from the Proceeds the costs of removal, storage, preservation, and insurance (It any) of such fixtures and fittings and arrears of Occupancy Fee and any ‘other monies owing by the Occupant to the Grantor pursuant to the terms of this Occupancy Agreement. ‘Any notice required to be served under this Occupancy Agreement shall be sufficiently served on the Occupant if served personally or if delivered to or left at the Apartment or forwarded by Express Post to the last known place of abode of the Occupant and shall be sufficiently served on the Grantor if addressed to the Grantor and left or sent to its registered office set out in this Occupancy Agreement. Quar— 4K ‘have read and understand this page: so Wg ‘Z.Academic Progress ‘The Occupant agrees that: the Occupant is required to notify, in writing within 2 working days, the ‘management of UniGardens or the Grantor of the completion, termination or Suspension of the Occupant's course of study. (2) if the Occupant’s course of study is completed, terminated or suspended, the Grantor may seek to terminate this Occupancy Agreement. (b) the management of UniGardens, and other Staff Members may seek to access the Occupant’s enrolment details and academic progress for the purposes of determining the Occupant’s status as a student of any recognised educational establishment. 8. Privacy 8.1 Information collected ‘The information about the Occupant which the Grantor may collect through this Occupancy Agreement will include any information provided in accordance with this Occupancy Agreement or that is provided during the course of the Occupancy Agreement. If the Occupant does not provide this information the Grantor may not be able to grant the Occupant an Agreement or continue to provide services to the Occupant under this Occupancy Agreement. 8.2 Use and disclosure of information ‘The Grantor may share personal information with the relevant educational establishments that the Occupant may attend for the purposes of completing recognised tertiary studies and other affiliated entities and with third parties Including any related entity of the Grantor. The Grantor may also share personal information with other service providers including organisations that assist us by providing archival, auditing, consulting, mallhouse, delvery, technology ‘and security services. 8.3 Access to information ‘An Occupant can request access to any personal information which the Grantor holds about the Occupant as a result of the Grantor information collection, practices outlined in this Occupancy Agreement. An Occupant must provide as ‘much detail as possible about the particular Information sought, In order to help with retrieval. An access fee may be charged to cover the Grantor's costs of Providing the information to the Occupant. 18.4 Use of personal information The Occupant acknowledges that the Grantor may use the Occupant's ‘personal information for the purposes of providing accommodation and services to the Occupant under this Occupancy Agreement and for any purposes set out {In the UniGardens House and Common Area Rules. ‘2uIndemnity ‘The Occupant indemnifes the Grantor: (@) against any loss, lability, costs or expenses incurred or suffered by the ‘Grantor arising trom or in connection with any damage to the Apartment, ‘other areas of the building, goods or chattels of another person or the phe sh Ke Be ac ‘have read and understand this page: Signed: a ry © Grantor caused or contributed by the Occupant’s act, negligence or default; and in respect of any liability or loss arising from, and any costs, charges end expenses incurred in connection with, any of breach of default of the terms and conditions ofthis Occupancy Agreement by the Occupant and any termination of this Occupancy Agreement bythe Grantor. ‘10. Exclusion of Company Liability ‘The Occupant agrees that the Grantor Is not lable to the Occupant for any liabilty or loss resting from: ® © ‘any act or omission of any other resident or person inthe bulding; or ‘any malfunction, breakdown, Interuption of fallure in telaton tothe supply of services to the bulding or Apartment. 24, Acknowledament ® © © @ © ‘The Occupant acknowledges that he or she has received a copy of the Occupancy ‘Agreement and its Atachments, and has been given an opportunity to read them both and seek independent advice prior to signing ths Agreement. ‘The Occupant acknowledges that he or she is aware of the terms and conditions Contained inthe UniGardens House or Common Area Rules, and acknowedges that -they are incorporated ito this Occupancy Agreement, ‘The Occupant acknowledges and deciares that no promise, representation, ‘warranty or undertaking elther express or implied has been given by or on bbchaif of the Grantor as to sultablty ofthe Apartment or the Services forthe ‘needs ofa particular Occupant. ‘The Occupant acknowledges that the rights created by this Occupancy ‘Agreement are rights personal to the Occupant and do not create any estate fr interest In the Apartment (whether leasehold or otherwise) in favour of the Occupant other than the Occupancy Agreement as specified herein. ‘The Occupant acknowledges that all the atures, fitings and furnishings in the Apartment remain the absolute property ofthe Grantor.

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