Fee Structure 22 23

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Prospectus Fees = Rs, 300- which isto be recovered fom each olive fine adissons [Agroement for confirmation and abide to pay fos by due dates of payments 2s per declared fees structure to be executed by parents at ‘he time of amssion. . Recovery of Schoo! Fees: 1 Fees apoliate to admiesons done i 20% September of Academic session & ful fees as aplicsle shal be charged & recovered rom students 1) Incase of admissions fom 30th September to Sst December of Acacemic Session, schoo fes es applicable shall bs reduced as below = red bial w= Tale ean Fe os Fess tobe charged & to recover rom New Admited Stunts = Total Fees as above including Admission Fees (-) Fees as above (A) ip Incase of emissions ater tet Devemser of academic eosion, case tobe debusted with Competent Autionty and accordingly fee fo be charge, 1. Parents can avai Easy Fes EMI while taking Admissons. . Rebate fr fl foes payment: = 4) Applicability -An amount of Rs, 2000 shall be allowed os rebete in fees emount if parents intends to pay ful fees amount forthe academic session before he due date of fst instalment Rebate shall nt be applicable in case of Parents opts or Easy fees EMI Scheme 2) Rebote amount shal be shown as abaa rom Tulon Fee Amount ely. F. Siblings (Admission) Discount:- 1) Incate of Sibling Admission to Sta st, Siblings admissions Discounts applleabe fr one year Le year of admission only ') Sting Discount eappicaba to ees chargeable fo younger ward ony. i) Sibing Discounts alowed @ 10% of school fees plus asmission ees 1 Sibir Discourt amount o be adsted om tet stalment onl. 6G. Incentives / concession policy :-As per Fees Concession Crcularssved and applicable fom tie to tine H. Due dat of nstatrments:= ‘Due Date of ist instalment-n case of new admission, 1s instalment to be pad one dae of acmssion onerwse latest by Sst May of respective Academe Soseon é ‘Dat of 2nd instalment - 31st August of esepcive Academic Session. Dato of 3d Intalment Sch November of spective Academic Session. Dat of ah instalment - 26h February of respective Academic Sesion, 1 Late Payment fe - Schoo stat charge etayee payment feo ae payment ee, with penal toes atthe rate fied by the Government 4. Fees Refund Policy 8) Admission Fees snot refundable in any cate. b) incase of agmssion cancalaton before the begining of academic yor Ie. upto June of respactve academic session, ful fes excluding admission fess refundebe, 6) Incase of admission cancabaton aftr the bgiring of academic ea Le. ater June of resepcive academic session hen fees orefund as par flowing frmula:~ Fees to deduct (A) “Tot Fees excluding Adm Fees x No.of mants complete or party completed af June Fees rotundable = Fes received (admission fees () amount as per (A) above, Inter MGS student ranefer- 'DMGS school fom where aémision is carci - To be treated as admission carealiaton and ees to be refunded as pe applicable res. 1) Sehac where tis taking admission - Tobe Weated 3s new admission ar fl es o be recovered a per applicable res. LL Rules for Fees collection and receipts issuance 4 Re, 60/-to be collected in cash for stung orginal T.C./C. Rs 100 /to be collected in cash for issuing duplicate T.C./L.C. 2 Plnc/ Evens / Qui / Compeiton or Other charges 2 per actuals & approved note shee to be recoverd fom students, 8 All Outside Examination Charges 25 per actuals & approved note sheot be recover rom students 4 Annual Day Gathering & Cultural Funston Costume charges fo be recovered as per actuals and approved role shee fom studets 5 Recsps 1o be lesued to each and every students againat any calecion as par Conaized Accounting SOP. 6 Schoo! Fees or Bus Fees to be accepted twough Bank Courter Ofine System /Onine System. Other Recs /Fees can be accartd in Cash ony SCHOOL OF SCHOLARS, NIMBHORA KHURD, AMRAVATI Foes Structure for Academic Session 2022-23 Berney Eine) + ac ew A STS TT TBE VN OT TORE OO ATE Fate ou afer pp wa 82339 pants Bn roots 8 6H WAY AER alesis wt aaa cw arn 324 an one 0 9d

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